Special Topics Joe Chang www.qdpma.com #SQLSatRiyadh About Joe • • • • • SQL Server consultant since 1999 Query Optimizer execution plan cost formulas (2002) True cost structure of SQL plan operations (2003?) Database with distribution statistics only, no data 2004 Decoding statblob/stats_stream – writing your own statistics • Disk IO cost structure • Tools for system monitoring, execution plan analysis See ExecStats on www.qdpma.com Overview • Why performance is still important today? – Brute force? • Yes, but … • Special Topics • Automating data collections • SQL Server Engine – What developers/DBA need to know? CPU & Memory 2001 and 2012 PCI-E PCI-E PCI-E PCI-E PCI-E PCI-E PCI-E PCI-E PCI-E P QPI C3 C2 C1 C0 MCH 2001 – 4 sockets, 4 cores Pentium III Xeon, 900MHz 4-8GB memory? LLC MI MI QPI PCI-E C3 C2 C1 C0 LLC MI C3 C2 C1 C0 PCI-E LLC MI C4 C5 C6 C7 C4 C5 C6 C7 MI QPI QPI C3 C2 C1 C0 PCI-E LLC MI C4 C5 C6 C7 MI PCI-E PCI-E PCI-E PCI-E PCI-E PCI-E DMI 2 PCI-E PCI-E 16GB $191 32GB $794 QPI MI PCI-E Each core today is more than 10x over PIII PCI-E PCI-E Xeon MP 2002-4 C4 C5 C6 C7 QPI QPI FSB PCI-E QPI P PCI-E P PCI-E PCI-E P L2 2012 – 4 sockets, 8 cores each 4 x 8 = 32 cores total 768GB (48 x 16GB), Westmere-EX 1TB 15 cores in next generation? Storage 2001 versus 2012/13 QPI 192 GB 10GbE RAID RAID RAID RAID SSD SSD SSD SSD HDD HDD HDD HDD PCIe x8 PCIe x8 PCIe x8 PCIe x8 PCIe x8 PCIe x4 2001 100 x 10K HDD 125 IOPS each = 12.5K IOPS IO Bandwidth limited: 1.3GB/s (1/3 memory bandwidth) 192 GB QPI 2013 64 SSDs, >10K+ IOPS each, 1M IOPS possible IO Bandwidth 10GB/s easy SAN vendors – questionable BW IB Performance Past, Present, Future • When will servers be so powerful that … – Been saying this for a long time • Today – 10 to 100X overkill – 32-cores, 60-cores later in 2013? – Enough memory that IO is only sporadic – Unlimited IOPS with SSD • What can go wrong? Today’s topic Special Topics • Data type mistmatch • Multiple Optional Search Arguments (SARG) – Function on SARG • • • • • Parameter Sniffing versus Variables Statistics related (big topic) first OR, then AND/OR combinations Complex Query with sub-expressions Parallel Execution Not in order of priority 1a. Data type mismatch DECLARE @name nvarchar(25) = N'Customer#000002760' SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE C_NAME = @name SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE C_NAME = CONVERT(varchar, @name) .NET auto-parameter discovery? Unable to use index seek 1b. Type Mismatch – Row Estimate SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE C_NAME LIKE N'Customer#00000276%' SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE C_NAME LIKE 'Customer#00000276%' Row estimate error could have severe consequences in a complex query SELECT TOP plus Row Estimate Error SELECT TOP 1000 [Document].[ArtifactID] FROM [Document] (NOLOCK) WHERE [Document].[AccessControlListID_D] IN (1,1000064,1000269) AND EXISTS ( SELECT [DocumentBatch].[BatchArtifactID] FROM [DocumentBatch] (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN [Batch] (NOLOCK) ON [Batch].ArtifactID = [DocumentBatch].[BatchArtifactID] WHERE [DocumentBatch].[DocumentArtifactID] = [Document].[ArtifactID] AND [Batch].[Name] LIKE N'%Value%' ) ORDER BY [Document].[ArtifactID] Data type mismatch – results in estimate rows high Top clause – easy to find first 1000 rows In fact, there are few rows that match SARG Wrong plan for evaluating large number of rows http://www.qdpma.com/CBO/Relativity.html 2. Multiple Optional SARG DECLARE @Orderkey int, @Partkey int = 1 SELECT * FROM LINEITEM WHERE (@Orderkey IS NULL OR L_ORDERKEY = @Orderkey) AND (@Partkey IS NULL OR L_PARTKEY = @Partkey) AND (@Partkey IS NOT NULL OR @Orderkey IS NOT NULL) Dynamically Built Parameterized SQL DECLARE @Orderkey int, @Partkey int = 1 , @SQL nvarchar(500), @Param nvarchar(100) SELECT @SQL = N‘/* Comment */ SELECT * FROM LINEITEM WHERE 1=1‘ , @Param = N'@Orderkey int, @Partkey int' IF (@Orderkey IS NOT NULL) SELECT @SQL = @SQL + N' AND L_ORDERKEY = @Orderkey' IF (@Partkey IS NOT NULL) SELECT @SQL = @SQL + N' AND L_PARTKEY = @Partkey' PRINT @SQL exec sp_executesql @SQL, @Param, @Orderkey, @Partkey IF block is easier for few options Dynamically built parameterized SQL better for many options Considering /*comment*/ to help identify this IF block DECLARE @Orderkey int, @Partkey int = 1 IF (@Orderkey IS NOT NULL) SELECT * FROM LINEITEM WHERE (L_ORDERKEY = @Orderkey) AND (@Partkey IS NULL OR L_PARTKEY = @Partkey) ELSE IF (@Partkey IS NOT NULL) SELECT * FROM LINEITEM WHERE (L_PARTKEY = @Partkey) 2b. Function on column SARG SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(L_EXTENDEDPRICE) FROM LINEITEM WHERE YEAR(L_SHIPDATE) = 1995 AND MONTH(L_SHIPDATE) = 1 SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(L_EXTENDEDPRICE) FROM LINEITEM WHERE L_SHIPDATE BETWEEN '1995-01-01' AND '1995-01-31' DECLARE @Startdate date, @Days int = 1 SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(L_EXTENDEDPRICE) FROM LINEITEM WHERE L_SHIPDATE BETWEEN @Startdate AND DATEADD(dd,1,@Startdate) Estimated versus Actual Plan - rows Estimated Plan – 1 row??? Actual Plan – actual rows 77,356 3 Parameter Sniffing -- first call, procedure compiles with these parameters exec p_Report @startdate = '2011-01-01', @enddate = '2011-12-31' -- subsequent calls, procedure executes with original plan exec p_Report @startdate = '2012-01-01', @enddate = '2012-01-07' Need different execution plans for narrow and wide range Options: 1) WITH RECOMPILE 2) main procedure calls 1 of 2 identical sub-procedures One sub-procedure is only called for narrow range Other called for wide range 4 Statistics • Auto-recompute points • Sampling strategy – Percentage – Random pages versus random rows – Histogram Equal and Range Rows – Out of bounds, value does not exist – etc Statistics Used by the Query Optimizer in SQL Server 2008 Writer: Eric N. Hanson and Yavor Angelov Contributor: Lubor Kollar http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd535534.aspx Statistics Structure • Stored (mostly) in binary field Density Vector Histogram Scalar values Statistics Auto/Re-Compute • Automatically generated on query compile • Recompute at 6 rows, 500, every 20%? Has this changed? Statistics Sampling • Sampling theory – True random sample – Sample error - square root • Relative error 1/ N • SQL Server sampling – All rows in random pages N Row Estimate - Statistics • Skewed data distribution • Out of bounds • Value does not exist Loop Join - Table Scan on Inner Source Estimated out from first 2 tabes (at right) is zero or 1 rows. Most efficient join to third table (without index on join column) is a loop join with scan. If row count is 2 or more, then a fullscan is performed for each row from outer source Default statistics rules may lead to serious ETL issues Consider custom strategy Compile Parameter Not Exists Main procedure has cursor around view_Servers First server in view_Servers is ’CAESIUM’ Cursor executes sub-procedure for each Server sql: SELECT MAX(ID) FROM TReplWS WHERE Hostname = @ServerName But CAESIUM does not exist in TReplWS! Good and Bad Plan? SqlPlan Compile Parameters SqlPlan Compile Parameters <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ShowPlanXML xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan" Version="1.1" Build="10.50.2500.0"> <BatchSequence> <Batch> <Statements> <StmtSimple StatementText="@ServerName varchar(50) SELECT @maxid = ISNULL(MAX(id),0) FROM TReplWS WHERE Hostname = @ServerName" StatementId="1" StatementCompId="43" StatementType="SELECT" StatementSubTreeCost="0.0032843" StatementEstRows="1" StatementOptmLevel="FULL" QueryHash="0x671D2B3E17E538F1" QueryPlanHash="0xEB64FB22C47E1CF2" StatementOptmEarlyAbortReason="GoodEnoughPlanFound"> <StatementSetOptions QUOTED_IDENTIFIER="true" ARITHABORT="false" CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL="true" ANSI_NULLS="true" ANSI_PADDING="true" ANSI_WARNINGS="true" NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT="false" /> <QueryPlan CachedPlanSize="16" CompileTime="1" CompileCPU="1" CompileMemory="168"> <RelOp NodeId="0" PhysicalOp="Compute Scalar" LogicalOp="Compute Scalar" EstimateRows="1" EstimateIO="0" EstimateCPU="1e-007“ AvgRowSize="15" EstimatedTotalSubtreeCost="0.0032843" Parallel="0" EstimateRebinds="0" EstimateRewinds="0"> </RelOp> <ParameterList> <ColumnReference Column="@ServerName" ParameterCompiledValue="'CAESIUM'" /> </ParameterList> </QueryPlan> </StmtSimple> </Statements> </Batch> </BatchSequence> </ShowPlanXML> Compile parameter values at bottom of sqlplan file 5a Single Table OR -- Single table SELECT * FROM LINEITEM WHERE L_ORDERKEY = 1 OR L_PARTKEY = 184826 5a Join 2 Tables, OR in SARG -- subsequent calls, procedure executes with original plan SELECT O_ORDERDATE, O_ORDERKEY, L_SHIPDATE, L_QUANTITY FROM LINEITEM INNER JOIN ORDERS ON O_ORDERKEY = L_ORDERKEY WHERE L_PARTKEY = 184826 OR O_CUSTKEY = 137099 5a UNION instead of OR SELECT O_ORDERDATE, FROM LINEITEM INNER UNION SELECT O_ORDERDATE, FROM LINEITEM INNER O_ORDERKEY, L_SHIPDATE, L_QUANTITY, O_CUSTKEY, L_PARTKEY JOIN ORDERS ON O_ORDERKEY = L_ORDERKEY WHERE L_PARTKEY = 184826 O_ORDERKEY, L_SHIPDATE, L_QUANTITY, O_CUSTKEY, L_PARTKEY JOIN ORDERS ON O_ORDERKEY = L_ORDERKEY WHERE O_CUSTKEY = 137099 Caution, select list should have keys to ensure correct rows UNION removes duplicates 5b AND/OR Combinations • Hash Join is good method to process many rows – Requirement is equality join condition SELECT xx FROM A WHERE col1 IN (expr1) AND col2 NOT IN (expr2) SELECT xx FROM A WHERE (expr1) AND (expr2 OR expr3) • In complex SQL with AND/OR or IN NOT IN combinations – Query optimizer may not be to determine that equality join condition exists – Execution plan will use loop join, – and attempt to force hash join will be rejected • Re-write using UNION in place of OR • And LEFT JOIN in place of NOT IN More on AND/OR combinations: http://www.qdpma.com/CBO/Relativity3.html Complex Query with Sub-expression • Query complexity – really high compile cost • Repeating sub-expressions (including CTE) – Must be evaluated multiple times • Main Problem – Row estimate error propagation • Solution – Temp table when estimate is high, actual is low More on AND/OR combinations: http://www.qdpma.com/CBO/Relativity4.html Parallelism • Designed for 1998 era – Cost Threshold for Parallelism: default 5 – Max Degree of Parallelism – instance level – OPTION (MAXDOP n) – query level • Today – complex system – 32 cores – Plan cost 5 query might run in 10ms? – Some queries at DOP 4 – Others at DOP 16? More on Parallelism: http://www.qdpma.com/CBO/ParallelismComments.html http://www.qdpma.com/CBO/ParallelismOnset.html Full-Text Search Loop Join with FT as inner Source Full Text search Potentially executed many times Summary • Hardware today is really powerful – Storage may not be – SAN vendor disconnect • Look for serious blunders first Special Topics • Data type mistmatch • Multiple Optional Search Arguments (SARG) – Function on SARG • • • • • Parameter Sniffing versus Variables Statistics related (big topic) AND/OR Complex Query with sub-expressions Parallel Execution Parallelism