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Gasoline Prices, Vehicle Spending and National Employment:

Vector Error Correction Estimates Implying a Structurally

Adapting, Integrated System, 1949-2011

By: D. J. Santini and D. A. Poyer*

Presented at:

32nd U.S. and International Associations for Energy Economics

North American Conference

Anchorage, Alaska: July 28-31, 2013

Sponsor: J. Ward, DOE Vehicle Technologies Program

* Argonne Consultant and Morehouse College Professor

Research Problem

 Assess the dynamic relationship between real gasoline prices and macroeconomic activity

 Assess the direct effect of real gasoline prices on real motor vehicle expenditures and employment

 Assess real motor vehicle expenditures on employment

 Assess structural changes in the dynamic relationship in real gasoline prices, real motor vehicle expenditures, and total employment over the post World War II period (between

1949q2 to 1987q4 and 1988q1 to 2011q3)


 Vector Error Correction econometric model, 1949-2012

 Sub-vs. full-period tests for cointegration, structural change

 Consideration of both directions in bi-directional dynamic VECM

 Theoretical interpretation in context of selected literature


Data Used and Transformations Made for Model


Mnemonic Definition Source

Unit of

Measure a


Seasonally Adjusted

Employment Level

Bureau of Labor



RMVE= Real motor vehicle & parts

(DMOTRC1/DMOTRG3)100 expenditures

Bureau of Economic


Billions 2005 $ realgasprice=


Real price of gasoline & other Bureau of Economic

Analysis energy goods b a Values are quarterly.

b Ratio of the price indices for real gasoline and other goods, and personal consumption expenditures.




Real Gasoline Price First Difference Changes Have

Increased in Volatility Throughout the Full Sample

Period, but Appear Stationary [ I( 0 )]


Employment First Differences Appear Stationary



)]. Variation Dropped Sharply During the

“Great Moderation” – Which Ended Badly.

<< Great Moderation >>


Real Motor Vehicle Expenditure First Difference

Changes Were Least in the Great Moderation &

Appear Stationary [




for the Full Period


The Levels of Real Gasoline Prices Were Dropping and Low at 1




Longest Times Between Recessions

Great Moderation

2 nd


1 st Longest

3 rd



Within Year Timing of Reactions to Real Gas Price

Impulses is Critical to Interpretation. RMVE Effects are Immediate

Impulse Response Function, Full Equation


Real Gasoline Price Impulse (Increase) Causes an

Employment Decline With a Delay of Nearly a Year

Impulse Response Function, Full Equation


Employment Response to a Motor Vehicle Spending

Impulse is Fairly Prompt, Mostly in < 1 Year

Impulse Response Function, Full Equation


If Employment Had Dropped Immediately After a

Gasoline Price Impulse, It Could Have Been the Cause of

“in-Year” Motor Vehicle Spending Decline (But it Didn’t)

Impulse Response Function, Full Equation


More Jobs Apparently Lead to More Spending on

Vehicles and Fuel, Pushing Fuel Demand & Price Up

Impulse Response Function, Full Equation


So Far, Signs of Qrtrly “IRFs” Were the Same in Both

Periods, Though Sizes Differed. However, for Real

Motor Vehicle Spending on Gasoline Price, Signs Change

Impulse Response Function, Full Equation


The 1949-87 Period Ends With 2 Decades of Sharp

Reduction in Fuel Use Per Vehicle. Reduced Demand for Gasoline Should Lower Gasoline Price (and Did).

Comparison of new vehicle on-road fuel use to fleet fuel use (per vehicle), 1975-2011



 Real gasoline price, motor vehicle spending and employment are cointegrated identically for the full sample

 Error correction coefficients & adjustment parameters are collectively significantly different across subperiods

 The specific sectoral shifts hypothesis advocated by J. Hamilton, which focuses on motor vehicles as the key oil price shock transmission path, is supported

 Kilian’s arguments that gasoline may be as/more important than oil, and that gasoline prices are endogenous, is supported

 Patterns of predicted impulse response of motor vehicle spending to a gasoline price shock are consistent with Ramey and Vine’s 2010 estimate.

 Kilian’s argument that it is important to be able to produce small cars domestically to mitigate gasoline price shock impacts is supported. CAFE is credited.

 Motor vehicle spending remains as important in 1988-2012 as in 1949-2011.

 1973-87 fleet efficiency gains, via CAFE regulation, endogenously pushed gasoline prices down, enabling a shift to profitable large domestic vehicles, contributing to the Great Moderation. Current high real gasoline prices, which restrict the recovery, probably result from inadequate gains in fleet fuel efficiency to date.

 Dramatic variations in the domestic output of motor vehicles are a fundamental cause of Post WWII isolated recessions, the double dip recessions and Great

Recession (also considers 2008 Santini and Poyer estimates).

