Hebrews: A Call To Commitment Taught By: Dr. Ray Henry Purpose Of The Letter of Hebrews • “The magnificent letter to the Hebrews was written to a group of first-century Christians who were in danger of giving up…It appeals to all severely tested believers to keep their faith firmly anchored to truth of God’s revelation, and to maintain a steady confidence in Jesus as the Christ.” Dr. Raymond Brown • “In Hebrews the author is battling to stop a stampede from Christ back to Judaism: a revolt (apostasy) in truth from the living God.” • A.T. Robertson How Does Author Encourage Them • By Exhortation Heb.3;6;4:11;6:4,6;10:38 • By Encouragement to Full Commitment Heb.6:1,9;10:23;12:1,28 • By Turning their Focus from Self to Christ Heb.6:15;12:2-3 The Author of Hebrews • The title or name of author does not appear • There are many speculations: • • • • • • • • • • Tertullian-Thinks Barnabas Clement-Paul with Luke translating Jerome says early church did not receive it as Paul’s Augustine-says it is Luke’s language W.H.Griffith-(Franz Delitzsch)-says it Luke’s Raymond Brown-says Barnabas has more to offer Martin Luther-says it was Apollos from Alexandria Origen-said “only God knows certainly” Ray Steadman-the thoughts are obviously Pauline The Date of The Letter-Hebrews • Heb.10:32-34 seems to refer to Neronian Persecution of 64AD • Some have insisted that since the temple is not mentioned that the letter comes after 70AD • Same argument is used for dating the letter before 70Ad since the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction is not indicated (The Interpreters Bible) • The author himself regards the letter as “late” when he says “the gospel was declared at first by the Lord, and it was attested to us by those who heard him.” Heb.2:3 The Main Message of Hebrews • THE WORD OF GOD • THE WORK OF CHRIST • OTHER RELEVANT THEMES – – – – – – – – The Final Revelation of God was Christ The Falling Away of those not true believers The Uniqueness of Christ’s Sacrificial Death The Issue of Life and Death defeated Angels Definition of Faith and Heroes of the Faith A Call to Commitment Chastening of True Believers I. GOD’S FINAL REVELATION-THE SON • God spoke through the prophets • God’s final and ultimate revelation-Jesus Christ – – – – – – Jesus is appointed heir of all things Jesus is both agent and reason for creation Jesus is the radiance of God’s Glory Jesus is the revealer of God’s Character Jesus is the regent of God’s Power Jesus is the redeemer of God’s People Inspiration-What is It? • Greek Word-theopneutos=God Breathed Lit. means “inbreathing of God” • Two Places Used in Bible • Job 32:8 and II Tim.3:16 • See Also II Peter 1:21 • Jesus had utmost respect for Scriptures John 5:39-40 Mark 14:49 Luke 24:27 CANON OF SCRIPTURE “a list of books which are reckoned to be the Holy Scriptures.” • Jesus Authenticated O.T. • A number of documents were circulating from 50AD-150AD • Marcion heresy prompted the canon • Muratorian Fragment-200AD was first list • Council of Carthage-397AD-first council to list all 27 NT books. CRITERIA FOR CANON OF SCRIPTURE • 1ST Criteria- Book was written or endorsed by an apostle. • 2nd Criteria- Did the early church use the books as “sacred writings” • 3rd Criteria- Conformity to the core of books not questioned. • 4th Criteria-was the book Christ-Centered. • 5th Criteria- Internal evidence of its’ unique character as inspired and authoritative II.SUPERIORITY OF THE SON TO ANGELS – HEB.1:4-14; 2:5-9 ANGELS: Creation Of • Angels were there at creation-Job 38:7 • Some believe that Gen.6:7 “sons of God came into the daughters of men..” • But Matt.22:30 says angels are sexless. • Angels are involved in sustaining the sovereignty of God. They were put as sentry Over the entrance of the Garden of Eden. They Were in essence the first government and first Police to carry out justice. (Gen.3:24) ANGELS: Ministry Of • GUIDANCE – Lk.2:10-12-Lead Shepherds to Jesus – Acts 8-Lead Phillip to Ethiopian to witness – Acts 10-Lead Peter to Cornelius and more • COMFORT – Mt.4- Came to Jesus in wilderness to minister – Lk. 22- Strengthened Jesus in Garden • PROTECTION – II Kgs.6- Protected Elijah – Exod.14:19;23:20- Protected Israel – Ps.91-will give His angels charge over thee to protect • DELIVERANCE – Acts 5 & 12-Delivered Peter out of prison JUDGEMENT Gen.19-Brought judgment on Sodom & Gomorrah I Pet.1:7- God’s vengence in the last days. II Sam.24-David’s judgment carried out by angels ANGELS: Corruption Of • Angels sinned or left their first estate-II Pet.2:4 and Jude v.6 • One Cherub is cast out of the Throne-Ezek.28:14 • Through pride He lifted himself up and then fell-Isa. 14:11-14 • Angels are not to be worship-This is idolatry and Satan’s attempt to deify himself. (Heb.1) • Satan, the fallen Angel, is seen as a roaring lion (as compared to the Lion of Judah) who seeks to devour people. • Satan is Defeated-Cast out of Heaven- Rev.12:8 III. TRAGEDY OF NEGLECTHEB.2:1-4 • Quote: “Our whole world is a battlefield covered with wrecks occasioned by neglect.” • Neglect- Greek is amelesantes (ameleo)=to be unconcerned; neglect something; careless of.” • Salvation is neglected because people don’ understand its greatness • Judgment awaits those who neglect to appropriate Christ. • Signs and miracles attest to the trustworthiness of the gospel plus the eyewitness. Heb.2:3-4 • Salvation is great because Jesus is the one and only unique Savor. John 14:6/Acts 4:12/Gal.1:6-7 The Results of Neglect • The Danger of Drifting-Heb.2uction:1 • Slip=(Gk.-pararuomen)-to flow by, slip away, drift away • A hearer can fail to appropriate what he hears…Jesus parable of the soils. • The Danger of Destruction/Judgment-Heb.2:2-3 – The revelation of Jesus is greater than Moses or the prophets – The writer wants to awaken the readers to the grave consequences of neglecting the message of God. (D.Gutherie,p.80) – Ill. Wm.R. Newell-yacht on Niagara Falls – The Remedy to Neglect- “give the more earnest heed”…”pay attention to”….”to apply the mind tenaciously” IV. CHRIST OUR LIBERATORHEB.2:5-18 Illustration: Statue of General San Martin- Mendoza, Argentina-two chains in hand Who is the greatest liberator in history-Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, Caesar, Napoleon, Lincoln, Reagan Our Liberation is Complete: 1.The Enemy of Sin 2.The Enemy of Death-Death has lost its sting- I Cor.15 Jesus’ Victory accomplished four great things: He restored our forfeited inheritance He reinstated our Family Relationship He renders our foes powerless He removes our fears 3.The Enemy of Satan-”renders him inoperative or ineffective.” Weapons Against Satan • • • • A Submitted Will to the Lord-James 4:7 Praise- Ps.149:6-9 The Name of the Lord-Mark 16:15-18 The Word of the LordMatt.4:4/Heb.4:12/Eph.6:17 • The Blood of the Lamb-Rev.12:11 • Liberation is a continuous process WILDERNESS WANDERINGSHEB.3:6-19 • Disbelief will get you in the wilderness, Heb.3:78,12 • Discontent will get you into the wildernessNumbers 11:1 – Discontentment disregards Divine Presence – Discontentment despises Divine Promises • -Discontentment discounts Divine Provisions Disobedience will get you in Wilderness God’s Word is not limited by Past Failures God’s Word is not altered by time or circumstances Christ Is Superior To Moses • Moses is the most Important figure in Judaism • Stephen’s enemies thought he spoke against Moses so they stoned him. (Act 6:11) • Moses never achieved his aim of leading the Israelites into the promised land. • The Comparison of Moses and Christ: – Moses Is the servant and Jesus is the Son. – Moses Is a faithful witness in the House while Jesus is the Builder of the House. Other Differences-Christ and Moses • • • • • • • • • Had they believed Moses, they would have accepted Jesus for He foretold of Christ BIRTH- Moses had a marvelous birth(drawn from the water), Jesus a miraculous virgin birth MIRACLES-Moses performed miracles that brought judgment, Jesus did miracles to prove He was the Messiah/Savior. SALVATION-Moses put a brass serpent on a pole to save from physical death, Jesus was crucified on a cross to save from Eternal Death TRUTH-Moses spoke the truth as given to him by the Father, Jesus said He was the truth. FORGIVNESS- Moses ask God to forgive Israel, Jesus gave out forgiveness in life and from the cross. GLORY-Moses’ glory faded, Jesus glory is Eternal. WATER OF LIFE-Moses struck the rock for water, Jesus is the water of living water to all who believe. TABERNACLE OF GOD- Moses built a tabernacle to house God, Jesus is the Eternal Tabernacle of God. Where Does God Live? God’s First House Adam walked with God-Exod.40:34-35 Moses was given the pattern of the Tabernacle-II Chronicles 7:12 Solomon given pattern for the Temple-Haggai1:8 God’s Faithful House-Jesus-John 2:19-21 God’s Final House-The Church of the Kingdom of God-I Cor.3:9;I Cor.6:19;Eph.2:19-22 The Danger of Unbelief • Unbelief is a serious sin-Heb.4:1 • Unbelief is a Thief of Spiritual Blessings- II Kings 7:1-20 • Conditions in which Unbelief thrives: – They murmured – They departed from the Living God and sought other sources – They failed to remember the past lessons of Gods Intervention and miracles KEY WORDS IN HEB.3 & 4 • Heavenly-Heb.3:1(epouranios)=above the sky,celestial, from oranos-the idea of elevation or the abode of God. Heavenly as compared to earthly is always superior. One of the themes in Hebrews is the “heavenly.” See.6:4;8:5;9:23;11:16;12:22 • Confidence-Heb.3:6,14-(hypostasis)=the assurance an owner of property may have because he possesses the title-deeds. • Falling Away-Heb.3:12-(apostemi)=It involves the deviation from the truth. • Hardened-Heb.3:13-(sklerunete)=To harden a thing;stiffen; stubborn; A hardened attitude refers to a “habitual state of mind.” • Rest-Heb.4:1-(katapausin)= rest of place of rest or day of rest or the rest of entering into Canaan. Literally means “to make to cease” Christ is Superior to Joshua and Is The Rest of the Lord • Creation Rest-Heb.4:4-God finished His work of creation and rested on the seventh day. • Canaan Rest-Heb.3:15-19;4:8-9 • Jesus Rest-Heb.4:9-11 • Rest-”It means to cease our self-directed activities and to trust in the ability of a second person to work for us and through us.” • Resting in Jesus- Cease to make obedience or righteousness or your love for God the object of your faith. Read Matt.11:28-39 ‘Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest..” CHRIST: OUR REST THE REST OF SALVATION Jesus Paid It All By His Blood Eph.1:7 ‘we have redemption through His blood.” Rom.5:9 “justified by His Blood.” Heb.9:22 “without shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin.” THE REST OF SANTIFICATION The rest of ceasing from our own efforts and learning to depend on Christ as our life The life of Christ lived through us bears fruit. Illustration: Sarah had no strength in herself to bear a son John 15 – Fruit comes by abiding in the vine as the source Testimonies: Hudson Taylor/Major Ian Thomas THE REST OF GLORIFICATION Heaven is a rest we ultimately will enter Don’t worry about dying-Heaven is a place of ultimate rest and security No more pain, no sorrow, no crying, no death,. former things are passed Away…Rev.21:4 The Power of God’s Word • It is alive-Not dull or dead. Greek word is “zoa”to live (zoology) The word of God spoken at creation brought life. Eternally alive. • It is Active or powerful. (energes from ergon=active, powerful, effectual) Jesus spoke and dead men walked out of grave. • It is Sharp or Penetrating=It penetrates the inner man and can distinguish between soul and spirit where we cannot through natural means. The word of God cuts through the slightest distinction. The word can read your soul. CHRIST: OUR GREAT HIGH PRIEST HE IS A GREAT HIGH PRIEST HE IS A GREAT HIGH PRIEST PASSED INTO THE HEAVENLY REALM HE IS A GREAT HIGH PRIEST WHO IS SYMPATHETIC TO OUR WEAKNESSES. Chosen from among men Chosen to mediate for me He was appointed to be High Priest He is the object and subject of the Priesthood A Call To Maturity and Perseverance • There are three classes of people in Hebrews and our church – True Believers – Church Members who were not really born-again – Non-Believers • The basic problem among “professed believers” is: – The Problem of Ignorance- Heb.5:11-14 – The Problem of Immaturity-Heb.6:1-3 • Unskillful in the word. Slow in their study and understanding of the Christian life • I Cor.3:1-3 babes-need someone to feed them • Young men-can feed themselves • Adults/Teachers-Can feed others • These were incomplete Christians who needed to go on to a strong faith or mature faith APOSTASY:WHO CAN COMMIT THIS SIN • • • • FIRST VIEW: People were Christians but their sin did not result in losing salvation, but in not fulfilling God’s plan for their lives. Failed to possess all God had for them SECOND VIEW: Says the warning was real, but hypothetical. It is an Ad homonym (a form of argument) The author is saying that if your premise is right in that you sign up to the law again to be saved by circumcision, then you repudiate that Christ death is for salvation. You go back to the law, you have no savior. THIRD VIEW: That these people were non-believers who rejected Christ as Messiah. “The Christian Jews were continuing to worship in synagogues with non-Christian Jews in order to win their fellow Jews to faith in Jesus.” – Dr.R.E.Glaze The logic is that their attempt is futile. FOURTH VIEW- These were merely “professing Christians” who had not truly come to genuine regeneration by the Holy Spirit. They were going back to the Old Covenant to meet the requirements to be made accepted by God and thus rejected the new and superior covenant of God in Jesus Christ. Repentance in itself does not produce regeneration, but regeneration always produces faith and repentance towards God. Best Explanations Of Hebrews 6 • • • Dr. H.H. Holloman-Talbot Seminary- Hebrews 3:14;Hebrews 6:11 ..do not teach that a genuinely saved person may fail to persevere in faith and lose salvation, rather they reveal the Christian’s responsibility to persevere in faith in balance with God’s sovereignty working in the true believer’s life. Hebrews 6:4-6 “Rather than being believers who lost their salvation, the persons in view in this passage are unbelievers who are in danger of turning away from the offer of salvation instead of coming to genuine saving faith in Christ.” Kenneth Wuest- Untranslatable Riches- “he fears lest some should come short of rest in Christ and die in their sins as the generation that came out of Egypt came short of rest in Canaan…The Jews, while making a profession had no faith, and under pressure of persecution, were in danger of renouncing the intellectual assent which they gave to the N.T. and return back to the First Testament...He warns them about drawing back from their profession of faith in Christ to perdition, and urges them on to full faith in the same Christ, with the result their souls will be saved.” (See Heb.10:38-39 APOSTASY:WHO CAN COMMIT THIS SIN • • • • FIRST VIEW: People were Christians but their sin did not result in losing salvation, but in not fulfilling God’s plan for their lives. Failed to possess all God had for them SECOND VIEW: Says the warning was real, but hypothetical. It is an Ad homonym (a form of argument) The author is saying that if your premise is right in that you sign up to the law again to be saved by circumcision, then you repudiate that Christ death is for salvation. You go back to the law, you have no savior. THIRD VIEW: That these people were non-believers who rejected Christ as Messiah. “The Christian Jews were continuing to worship in synagogues with non-Christian Jews in order to win their fellow Jews to faith in Jesus.” – Dr.R.E.Glaze The logic is that their attempt is futile. FOURTH VIEW- These were merely “professing Christians” who had not truly come to genuine regeneration by the Holy Spirit. They were going back to the Old Covenant to meet the requirements to be made accepted by God and thus rejected the new and superior covenant of God in Jesus Christ. Repentance in itself does not produce regeneration, but regeneration always produces faith and repentance towards God. Mid-Term Exam-Hebrews 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. T F In Hebrews the author is battling to stop a stampede from Christ back to Judaism. T F Barnabas is by far the best choice as to being the writer of Hebrews. T F For a gospel or letter to be included in the New Testament it had to be written or endorsed by an apostle. T F Jesus and the angels are equal. T F It is not important for a Jewish person to genuinely receive Christ into their hearts for they will be saved anyway. T F Moses(Abraham) is the greatest person in Jewish History even greater than David. T F Unbelief is the root of all sin. T F To fall away from the faith means you committed to many sins after you claimed to be a Christian. T F Confidence in the Greek means “title deeds.” T F All commentaries says Hebrews 6 is referring to genuine born again believers who fall back into unbelief. Cont.-Best Explanations-Heb.6 • A.W. Pink- “If our Lord asserted that His sheep should "never perish”(Jn10:38), then certainly Hebrews 6 will not teach that some of them do. If through the Apostle Paul the Holy Spirit assures us that nothing can separate the children from the loves of their father, then without a doubt the portion now before us does not declare that something will…The chief difficulty of this passage is to make sure of the class of persons who are there in view.” Cont. Best Explanations-Heb.6 • Dr.R.C.Sproul- “Anyone who has heard the gospel has been enlightened. Anyone who sits in church tastes of the Heavenly gift. They can even receive baptism and not be a true believer. The Holy Spirit can be present but not indwelling this person. There are two Options: – Option #1-Author is describing Christians who can in fact fall away and lose their salvation. – Option #2-Author is using a form of argument (ad homonym)-It is using their premise to reduce to absurdity. If you sign up to the law again for salvation, you repudiate Christ and cannot be saved. The author is presenting an argument to those who might consider going back. It is an argument in perseverance. “let us go on into perfection mature faith).” The author then brings them to the faithfulness of God to keep His promises. Heb.6:13-18 Reason to Persevere in FaithGod’s Vow • • • • • • • • • God swore an oath by His own Name. God’s Covenant is established by an oath To take God’s name in vain is to take an oath and not keep it. To make a vow in God’s Name, you acknowledge the presence of God to be the authority to monitor the keeping of the promise. (Jacob and Laban“May the Lord watch between me and thee….If thou shall afflict my daughters…Gen.31:48-53) A vow is act of worship God can swear by nothing greater than Himself God is immutable- He doesn’t go back on His vow or promise. The sign of circumcision was the sign of a vow to Abraham-Gen.17:13 The fact that God will not go back on His promise to us in Christ is an anchor to our soul. He doesn’t change his mind. He will keep his promise to us.Heb.6:18-19 Christ is our anchor.* a) God’s Word is Dependable b) God’s Nature is Dependable c) God’s Son is Dependable *Clement of Alexandria said “And let our seals be either a dove or a fish…or a ship’s anchor.” -Paidagogus III, 11. Who is this Melchisedec? • • • • • He is mentioned in Gen.14 and Ps.110:4 There were three primary Jewish sects-the Sadducees; the Pharisees and the Essenes(Monastic) The Essenes looked for two Messiahs-one from the line of the priesthood of Aaron and one from the kingly line of David. Both of these Messiahs would be under the subordination of an archangel-Michael. Thus they believed that the earth was under the subordination of angels. One of the scrolls in the Qumran cave refers to Melchisedec. The Essenes looked for a reapearance of Melchisedec in the year of Jubilee and the final day of atonement. So the writer of Hebrews is wrestling with this false theology. Jesus is both High Priest and King. The Levitical priests had to come from the tribe of Aaron-Exod. 6 and Numbers 3. To be a priest you had to trace your linege to Aaron (Moses’ Brother) Jesus is from the line of Judah according to the Gospels. Out of the line of Judah comes the scepter to be King-this qualifies Jesus to fulfill the Davidic king. Melchisedec means “King of Righteousness” He is king of Salem(peace). This could possibly refer to Jeru/salem Who is this Melchisedec? –pt2 • Melchisedec appears on the scene abruptly to Abraham. • Abraham pays tithes to Melchisedec. • Melschisedec blesses Abraham. The point the author of Hebrews is making is that the greater always blesses the lesser. Mel blesses Abraham and Abraham is greater than Levi. So Jesus priesthood is after the order of the Melchisedec priesthood and is therefore greater than the Levitical priesthood from Moses. • Jesus is annointed directly by God to be priest as seen in Luke 4:17-20. • Jesus is covenant is better than the old in that the old had limitations and had to be repeated every year – It was weak-7:18 – It was useless-7:18 – It was set aside-7:18 Five Superior Aspects of Christ’s Priesthood 1. HIS PERMANENT ACHIEVEMENT- 2. 3. 4. 5. Heb.7:23-24 HIS LIMITLESS POWER- Heb.7:25 HIS PRESENT MINISTRY – Heb.7:25b HIS SINLESS CHARACTER –Heb.7:26 HIS PERFECT OFFERING –Heb.7:2728 The offering of Jesus is unique in that Jesus offered up Himself a perfect sacrifice that needed no repetition. CHRIST’S PRESENT WORK INTERCESSOR • • • Jesus saves to the uttermost means as “long as the high priest functions, he is able to save.” Rabbis maintained that intercession was entrusted only to angels. Jesus is far superior to angels of Jewish traditions: 1) MEANINGFULLY 2) COMPASSIONATELY 3) EFFECTIVELY The Old Covenant was Inferior • The Old Covenant was a copy of the real thing or a shadow of the real. 1.The Old Covenant was imperfect. The ceremonial law was superseded in Christ. 2.The Old Covenant was powerless. -The old covenant did not give man power to keep the requirements of the covenant. 3.The Old Covenant was obsolete. -Jeremiah predicted a new covenant whereby God “will engrave my laws in their hearts.” See Jerm.31:31-34 Superiority of Christ’s Covenant • It is an agreement between God and Man It is the idea of two kings making an agreement for peace. • It is BetterKritton=stronger,vigor,great,power…It is more excellent • Gurantor-Surety-Heb.7:22..The word is egguos which means a bondsmen. “The gurantor pledges himself that something will be.” Significance of Renting of Veil That which separated from God’s presence was gone Any religious rites, ceremonies, observances, constitutes a rebuilding of a barrier between man and God. 3. All official priesthood is by the rent veil denied. All believers are alike priests with Jesus our Great High Priest. Ill. Parliament of World Religions in Chicago.Many religions have high ideals and ethics and social concerns….but as a Rev.Joseph Cook ask the audience..’What religion can wash Lady Macbeth’s guilt?” Her first need was not morality or mysticism or social action but forgiveness. 1. 2. Symbolism in The Tabernacle A. THE OUTER WALLS-Exod. 26 -Ten Linen curtains-Three main colors were Blue=heavenly character;purple-royalty;scarlet=sacrifice On outside of these curtains were three layers of animal skins-Goat’s hair;Ram skin;Badger skin=flesh of man A. THE BRAZEN ALTAR-Exod.27 -At the eastern gate. One of the first things one encounter before meeting with God. It was a brazen altar..sin and judgment. Acacia wood and Brass. -It is a picture of Christ. See II Cor 5:21 and Numbers 21:4-9 B. THE BRAZEN LAVER-Exod.30:18-21 -In the Outer Court. Aaron and sons had to wash their hands. It represents fellowship. The Laver was made of the ladies brass looking glasses mirrors) Exod.28:8 -Read I John 1:7-9 D. THE GOLDEN CANDLESTICK- Exod.25:31 -One piece of gold beaten out located in Holy Place -Its value today of 94 lbs of gold would be over 370 million -It represents Christ's purity and deity -It was beaten out gold that represents Christ suffering for our sins. -Isa.53:5 Symbolism in The Tabernacle-cont. E. THE TABLE OF SHEWBREAD-Exod.25:25-30 -The Bread was for Aaron and sons -Twelve loaves replaced each Sabbath -The bread represents Christ as the provision for all our needs -The bread represents the word of God. F.THE ARK OF THE COVENANT-Exod.25:10-16 -Located in the Holy of Holies-3’8’’ long and 2’4’’ wide and 2’4’’ high -The ark contained three items: tablets of stone; Aarons rod(staff) that budded; Manna .. The ark represents the presence of God The ark represented the seminar glory of God. G.THE MERCY SEAT- Exod.25:17-25 -Made of pure gold-2’’ thick 3’8’’long and 2’4’’wide -Mercy Seat is the hilasteron-covering. We are all guilty of breaking the law inside altar. Jesus is our Mercy seat. Amen. H.THE ALTAR OF INCENSE-Exod.30:1-30 -Some say it was in the wrong place in Hebrews (Heb.9:4) -It was suppose to be just at the veil, not inside Holy of Holies. -Incense speaks of the prayers of the saints or of Christ. -This speaks of the present day ministry of Christ. I Tim.2:5/Heb.7:25 Other Symbolism in Tabernacle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. GOLD-DEITY AND PURITY SILVER-REDEMPTION BRASS-SIN/JUDGMENT BLUE-HEAVENLY NATURE PURPLE-ROYALTY SCARLET-SACRIFICE WHITE LINEN-RIGHTEOUSNESS ACACIA WOOD-INCORRUPTIBLE OIL-HOLY SPIRIT ANOINTING GOAT’S HAIR-SIN OFFERING RAMS SKIN-SUBSTITUTUTION The Tabernacle The Veil Table of Shewbread Brazen Laver The Ark Mercy Seat Altar of Incense Ea Ga Cherubims Golden Candlestick The Brazen Altar Christ Superior to Priest’s Offering • The Inferiority of Priests Offering: a) Restricted Access-once a year b) Partial cleansing-not inner cleansing of heart c) Limited Pardon-No atonement for sins of deliberate nature as opposed to ignorance. The SUPERIORITY OF CHRIST’S OFFERING a) It procures our redemption forever-Christ now sits on the throne of God. Completed work of atonement. b) It purifies our Conscience-peace in our hearts toward a Holy God by the Holy Spirit. c) It sanctifies our service-Our works are not dead works of ceremonial observances.(9:14) Symbolism in the Priests • • • • He was to wash with water at Brazen laver He was to put on the priestly garments He was to anoint with oil-seven times High Priest went into the Holy of Holies once a year- Yom Kippur-to offer a sacrifice for himself and the people • He sprinkled blood on the Mercy seat=which means Hilasteron-covering Jesus Death-Once for All • • • • • • • • • On the cross Jesus received the curse of God His Death mediates the New Covenant with man In last wills and covenants one had to prove the man has died. The Catholics break the “so-called” body of Jesus again in their Eucharist. Christ suffered once for all sins. Christ now sits on the throne-indicating His Finished, completed work of atonement. Protestants believe the atonement of Jesus must never be repeated. There is a German word which captures this and it is translated=ONE-TIMENESS No one can add anything to the work of Jesus in a perfect atonement. Death and Judgment • Heb.9:27 says “it is appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment.” • There are no reincarnations or second chances. • There is a general judgment after death. • The connection to Jesus death is that He died and was judged perfectly by the Father- “So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many..v.28 • Jesus will come to consummate his victory over his enemies and bring us salvation. Jesus Is Superior Sacrifice • The blood of goats and bulls cannot take away sins. (v.10:4) • God became a man, because it was a human problem. • It was human obedience that Christ had to achieve. • The punishment for human sin is that a human being had to be punished. • The cross is the meaning of Human History. • Christ’s atonement lacks nothing. Nothing you or I can add to a perfect work. • The only way you can stand before a Holy God is a perfect atoning sacrifice. • If you even have one sin, you are unfit to stand for the Holiness of God. Holy Spirit-Bears Witness to Our Righteousness • The Holy Spirit’s presence in the believer is the Divine mark. • It symbolizes ownership or relationship. • Eph.1:13 says we are sealed after hearing the gospel and trusting in Christ for salvation • Eph. 4:30 says we are sealed unto the day of redemption • The seal was used in that day by the king or one in authority to denote: – A Finished Transaction-Eph.1:13 – Ownership-John 10:14 and II Tim 2:19 – Security-(earnest=an assurance that the purchaser will follow through on the entire transaction)-Eph.1:14 BOLDNESS TO ENTER THE HOLIEST- Heb.10:19-25 • • • • Our Confidence is based on our Champion-Jesus Our confidence is based on who He is The first fruit of our justification is peace The second fruit of our justification is access – “Draw Near”=proserchomai=to come to;approach;to worship – “sprinkled from an evil conscience”=Our hearts have been sprinkled clean by the Blood of Christ – “full assurance”= plerophoria = full or complete confidence; completely convinced; most surely believe – “hold fast” =katecho= to hold down fast;retain;possess;seize – “without wavering”=aklines= not leaning; firm – We should not waver because He who has called us is faithful. Faith and Fellowship 1. The central point of Heb.10:25 is that Christians ought to encourage one another by fellowship. 2.The word synagogue is from the word episunagoge translated assembling or meeting place 3.Some of these Jews were continuing to go to the synagogues but not fellowship with other Christians. 4.“forsake the assembling” can mean desert; abandon; leave behind 5.The average church in America has less than 50% of it’s members on Sundays. 6.Catholics say not attending mass is a cardinal sin. 7.Other churches have vows as to attendance 8.Your failure to meet with other Christians discourages them. Christ-The Unique Sacrifice Hebrews 9:23-10:18 1. ITS DIVINE PURPOSE a) b) c) 2. ITS UNREPEATABLE NATURE a) b) c) 3. “once”= means a Once for ALL Timeness-9:26,27,28;10;2 Once because sin’s power is removed Once because sin’s penalty is removed ITS IMMENSE COST a) b) 4. The Heavenly needs better sacrifices Christ has entered Heaven itself Christ has appeared to atone for our sins God is not interested in repetitive rituals of impersonal sacrifices Christ surrendered his will and body to do the Father’s will. It cost the 100% dedication of Christ daily to the Father’s will. ITS SANTIFYING EFFECT a) Christ’s perfect sacrifice for us sanctified us. b) The Holy Spirit sets us apart as God’s child upon our faith in Christ. (See Heb.10:13) The Willful Sin of Hebrews • • • • Is Heb.10:26 making a distinction that the OT makes between deliberate and accidental sins? (Numbers 15:22-29,30) The point the author of Hebrews is making can best be understood by following the author’s progression of thought. Having noted the adequacy of Christ for our sins, he urges the reader to draw near to God in confidence. This is expressed in: – – – – – – – – – Holding on the hope that we have in Christ Encourage each other to live the faith Gather together with others of like of the Christian faith The opposite of these things would be apostasy This deliberate sin is after hearing of all Christ has done on the cross and willfully reject Christ. If you reject Christ what do you have-nothing to forgive sins. Bulls and goats can’t do it. This is the same as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. If a person knows that Jesus is the Messiah/Christ and convinced so by the Holy Spirit and willfully rejects Christ as Savior-there is no forgiveness.(Mark 3:28-29) IF YOU REJECT THE CROSS WHAT DO YOU HAVE LEFT? YOU CANNOT REJECT CHRIST AND EXPECT IMPUNITY(EXEMPTION FROM PUNISHMENT) THERE IS A DAY THAT GOD WILL CALL US TO TASK “it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.”Heb.10:31 A Faith That Endures I. CONFIDENCE IN WHAT GOD HAS DONE IN THE PAST a) b) A call to hang in there A call to remember how God helped in the past (journal) II. OBEDIENCE TO THE WILL OF GOD IN THE PRESENT a) b) Obedience is a confirmation of our faith Obedience to God’s will brings greater faith III. a) b) PATIENCE IN GOD FOR THE FUTURE The test of genuine faith is that it endures The greatest test of faith is to wait upon the Lord. (See Psalm 130:5-6…wait for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning.” The Hall of Fame of Faith – Heb.11 A. DEFINITIONS OF FAITH WORDS-V1 1.Faith- pistuo (Gk)= means to rely upon someone;put your confidence in another; “To Believe” occurs 233 times in NT. The Apostles put their trust in the name of Jesus 2.Substance-hupostasis=a setting under; a support; concrete essence; assurance; confidence. 3.Evidence-eleychos=proof; evidence; conviction; Faith is not was. “The Wizard of Is” is real faith. Types of Faith A. B. C. The “God Can” Faith- A man can believe that God can save him and still not be saved. The “God will” Faith- God will meet my needs and will come through or supply needs. The “God has” Faith- God has already meet my needs. The supply is already there. In the Bible the supply is there before the need. Examples; Creation-water and air before animals Examples: Feeding of 5000- Jesus knew what he would do. See Jn.6:6 This is the area of faith that speaks a thing into being. II Cor.4:13 “we believe and therefore speak” Mark 11:23 “say unto the mountain, Be thou removed” Speak it into being; refuse to doubt; believe you have got it before you get it. Example: Car problem; Changed from praying to declaring it resolved by faith and reading a book about Mark 11:23-25 Williams Translation of Mark 11:23- “Believe that it has been granted you and you will get it.” How Do You Please God? - Faith • Faith is not optional, it is essential. • God does not call us to live perfectly, but He does call us to live by faith. • Faith is standard equipment, not a luxury for a few. • Faith believes that God is real and that God is a rewarder. • To believe that “He is” is to believe when there is no evidence of His Being. • Quote; Dr.R.C. Sproul- “What is the reward. God is the reward. The Levites didn’t get anything, but God was their reward. See I Peter 1:3-4 Steps in Exercising Biblical Faith 1. REVELATION-THE WORD OF GOD 2. RELATIONSHIP-WALKING WITH GOD 3. RESPONSE-DOING THE WILL OF GOD 4. REWARD-THE WITNESS OF GOD Who Can Enjoy This Kind of Faith Faith changes All Kinds of People Faith conquers All kinds of Problems Faith releases All kinds of Potential Demonstrations of Biblical Faith A. ABRAHAM AND SARAH 1) Faith to receive the Blessing 2) Faith to surrender the Blessing a) Famine Faith -He failed-Abraham went to Egypt b) Flock Faith -He passed. Gave Lot the first choice of land. c) Fortune Faith - He passed. Refused to accept the spoils of victory from King of Sodom (Gen.14:15-23) d) Family Faith -He failed at first, then passed. He got a son through Hagar (Ishmael), then trusted God for the promised son. (Isaac) Demonstrations of Biblical Faith B. MOSES 1. Faith to Disobey the Laws of Egypt 2. Faith to Defy the Life of Egypt a) He refused position in Egypt b) He refused pleasures in Egypt c) He refused promises from Egypt 3. Faith to Depart Egypt Encouraging Lessons From Faith • God uses a variety of persons • Faith solves a variety of problems – – – – – – – – Adventurous Faith Ultimate Faith Pilgrim Faith Dying Faith Deciding Faith Risk-Taking Faith Conquering Faith Enduring Faith • Faith releases a variety of possibilities – The Life of Faith is costly – The Life of Faith is rewarded Grace For The Race-Heb.12 • Hebrews teaches us to be “lettuce” Christians – The “Let us” of Heb.4:1,11- deals with entering into rest. – The “Let us” of Heb.4:14-deal with holding our profession. – The “Let us” of Heb.4:16-deals with boldness in prayer. – The “Let us” of Heb.6:1-deals with growing in maturity. – The “Let us” of Heb.10:22 deals with assurance in prayer. – The “Let us” of Heb.12:1 deals with perseverance in the race. There are four postures for the Christians in N.T. 1. SITTNG- EPH.2:4-6 2. WALKING- EPH.4:1 3. STANDING- EPH.6:11 4. RUNNING- HEB.12:1,15 -We need GRACE FOR THE DEMANDS OF THE RACE -We need GRACE FOR THE DIFFICULTIES OF THE RACE ENCOURAGEMENT AS WE RUN THE RACE A. ENCOURAGEMENT FROM THE PAST WINNERS 1. 2. 3. 4. B. From the Hall of faith-Heb.11 They are eyewitnesses of our race. Witness is the word that we get martyrs from. There is an “arena” theology here. Doctrine needs to lead to duty. ENCOURAGEMENT FROM THE PRESENT WINNERS 1. 2. 1. Read Christian biographies. They encourage us. Read the biographies of Hudson Taylor; Amy Carmichael; D.L. Moody; Billy Graham; Elizabeth Elliott; Bertha Smith, etc. Illustrate: Two leading horses pulled 4500 lbs each. What would they pulled together... 9000?.......12,000 –yes. ENCUMBRANCES AS WE RUN THE RACE • Encumbrances-Anything that successfully keeps us from running the race. Good things can encumber. (family, job, sports) • A.T. Robertson said doubt, pride, sloth were encumbrances. • Revival preacher Sam Jones used to have “quitting meetings” One lady told Jones she was guilty of doing nothing and she was going to quit that-doing nothing. • It means any affairs that impedes a Christian’s progress. Lay it aside. • Wm Barclay said “No man can climb Mt. Everest with a load of lumber on his back.” If we travel, we travel light. There are habits, self-indulgences, associations which hold us back and hold us down that need to be discarded. • A.W. Pink- “A weight is something which we are at liberty to cast aside. It retards progress and unfits us for discharging our God assigned duties; anything that dulls the conscience or blunts the edge of our spiritual appetite and chokes prayer.” ENTANGLEMENTS TO RUNNING THE RACE • This deals with internal corruption-sin. • The darling sin that so easily takes us. • The word entangle is perikeimai =to lie around or to enclose, encircle, hamper or be bound. • Illustrate: The Australian plant called the “sundew” has attractive clusters of red, white, pink that glisten but are sticky and deadly to insects. • Illustrate: Tell of childhood friend who is a Lt. Col. At Army training base. There was a man who was in the junk business who was inside camp picking up metal and bombs. One exploded and killed wand his son even though father had been warned numerous times. • Your playing with sin will keep you longer than you want to stay and make you pay more than you want to pay. ENDURANCE FOR RUNNING THE RACE • There needs to be the trait of patience. • There needs to be the trait of perseverance. – Illustrate: Boy ask about his horse. Can that horse run fast. No, but he can stand fast. – Steadfastness means faithfulness or perseverance. – Perseverance is a key to finishing what we start. It means to endure under the load. See II Peter 1:1-11….self-control, perseverance..” – It is the translation of the Greek –hupomene – Illustrate: Remember the tortoise beat the rabbit by perseverance…. – Quote: Winston Churchill- “we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence….we shall defend this island whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight on the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills, we shall never surrender..” That is perseverance for you! DIVINE CHASTISEMENT • The word for chastening in Greek=padeia means basically totorage; education; training; correction • Various Usages: • Translated “nurture” in Ephesians • Translated “instruction” in Timothy • Translated “correction” in Hebrews • It means the training of a child not just punishment • At age 7 the Greek boy was enrolled in a local gymnasium where he exercised and participated in games. He developed his mind, spirit, and body. • The word translated “exercise” in Heb.12:11 is the greek word gumnazo from which we get gymnasium. • Divine chastisement is to build up Christian character. DIVINE CHASTISEMENT • • • Divine Chastisement is both preventive and corrective. God uses chastisement to develop a sensitive heart or a teachable spirit. The PURPOSES OF DIVINE CHASTISEMENT as seen in Hebrews 12: A. CHASTISEMENT SECURES THE BELIEVER-12:2 B. CHASTISEMENT ASSURES THE BELIEVER-12:8 C. CHASTISEMENT MATURES THE BELIEVER12:10 DIVINE CHASTISEMENT THE STAGES OF DIVINE CHASTISEMENT THE FATHER’S NOD-Ps.32:8-9 a) a) David is checked by God’s Spirit-I Sam.24:4-6 b) Prov.13:1 “a wise son heeds his fathers’ instruction,but a scoffer does not listen.” THE FATHER’S REBUKE- HEB.12:5 b) a) b) David is rebuked by Abigail- I Sam.25:23-26 God speaks through the counsel of others. c) Prov.17:10 “a reproach enters more into a wise man than 100 stripes into a fool.” THE FATHER’S ROD-HEB.12:6 c) d) a) David is punished fourfold for his adultery. I Sam 12 b) Ps.118:18 “the Lord has chastened me severely, but He has not given me over to death.” THE FATHER’S FINAL CALL-HEB.12:9 a) b) c) Prov.29:1 “he, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy.” See Deut.21:18 See I Cor.12:30 “for this cause many are weak and sickly…many sleep.” Pursue Holiness-See God • The “seeing” God could be understood in a spiritual sense of communicating with God. It amounts to raising us up to same level with God…Also this looks forward to an event as yet unfulfilled. The future tense is used. (Opsetai)- D.Gutherie – Matt.5:8 Only the pure in heart will see God – John 3:3 Must be born-again to see God’s Kingdom • In Christ we have already been sanctified. (Read Hebrews 10:10)that is a part of God’s saving work. But in Heb.12:14 is the quality of holiness we must strive for the whole of life.-R.Brown • “Santification in Hebrews has the meaning of separated to God. It does not refer to an experience of feelings. We are sanctified by Christ’s Blood. This verse refers to the surrender to the operation of the Holy Spirit…but we must connect this verse in Heb.12:14 with the scripture that talks about an incestuous man in I Cor.5 and I Cor.11 that is forgiven..”-Wm.R. Newell Pursue Holiness • The Definition of Holiness – Halig-(anglo-saxon)-soundness or completeness – O.T.-”a setting apart unto the Lord” • The Impartation of Holiness – Holiness is provided by God- I Cor.1:30 – Holiness is preserved by God- I Thes.5:23-24/ I Pet.1:15 • The Attestation of Holiness – Yieldedness to God-Rom.6:19 – Fruitfulness for God-Rom.6:22 Danger of Holding Grudges 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. It causes trouble.Heb.12:15 It brings disharmony in the church. Heb.12:15 It cuts us off from God answering our prayers. Mark 11:25 It will allow Satan to get a foot-hole. See Eph.4:26-27 “for when you are angry you give a mighty foot-hole to the devil.” It causes a root of bitterness. Heb.12:15 1. 2. 3. Revenge is a trap of Satan Bitterness is unfulfilled revenge If bitterness roots are nursed, watered, protected, fed, or given attention they grow in depth and strength. There will be a harvest of anger, resentment, jealousy, hatred, strife, discord even murder. Strongholds of Satan • A stronghold (root of bitterness) =a fortified place; any hold that keeps you from being Christ-like. A stronghold is where Satan has more jurisdiction than God. • The Devil wants “to contain the church. We have a fortress complex. The church must get aggressive. But before it can become aggressive, it must clean out it’s own barracks.” Frances Franjipane • Areas where Satan has strongholds: 1. 2. 3. 4. Strongholds in the Mind-Lk.4:31-35 Strongholds in the Church-Acts 19:11-20 Strongholds in the Home-(Rejection; Control) Strongholds in a Geographical Area-(Racism; Pleasure) Power Against Strongholds • The Word of God-Light Exposes strongholds. John 8:31-32 • The Truth opposes the lies. Put the truth of God’s word over the lie. • The Truth disposes of the stronghold. “the truth shall set you free.” Jn.8:31 Pull down strongholds with the power of prayer and using the word of God. Freedom Through Forgiveness • Forgiveness flows from God’s Character • Forgiveness is evidence of Salvation • Forgiveness is evidence of Fellowship with the Father • Forgiveness is evidence of how much we love Jesus. • Forgiveness if following Christ’s example to us. • Unforgivness leads to demonic activity.Matt.18 The Evil of Esau • Esau was noted as being a “profane person” New English-”worldly minded” Living Bible-”careless about God” • Esau sold his birthright and missed God’s Blessings a) The Birthright guaranteed a double portion of inheritance a) The Birthright gave judicial authority over family b) The Birthright gave priestly rights for family. c) Illustration: Eugene F.Suter Jr a 22yr old at Yale rejected his fathers’ $400,000. inheritance. The judge ruled an inheritance must be received to be valid. Missed Blessings of Christians 1. WE ARE HEIRS OF THE PEACE OF GOD- JN.14:27 2. WE ARE HEIRS OF THE POWER OF GOD- LK.24:29 3. WE ARE HEIRS OF THE PROVISION OF GOD-PH. 4:19 What To Do When Things Are Shaking • • • Things were changing for the Hebrew ChristiansPersecution; Families scattered; Temple destroyed Things are changing rapidly in our day. No cold war but now a fear of terrorists; computer age; That cannot change: A. GOD’S WORD CANNOT CHANGE B. GOD’S SALVATION DOES NOT CHANGE C. GOD’S DISCIPLINE DOES NOT CHANGEHEB.12:25 D. GOD’S KINGDOM CANNOT BE SHAKENHEB.12:28 Christ’s Kingdom-Unshakable • WE BELONG TO A SPIRITUAL KINGDOM • WE BELONG TO AN ETERNAL KINGDOM • WE BELONG TO AN UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM Christ’s Kingdom-Unbreakable 1. 2. 3. We Belong to our King because of His Redemptive Work and being born-again into His Family-Jn.3 Jesus reigns as King over His Kingdom-Rom.14:9/I Cor.15:1-5 Jesus taught much about His Kingdom. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 4. 5. 6. Good Seed-Matt.13:24-24 Mustard Seed-Matt.31-32 Leaven-Matt.13:33 Treasure Hidden-Matt.13:44 Pearl and Net-Matt.13:45-47 Marriage Feast-Matt.25:1-1-13 Keys to His Kingdom-Matt.18:3 The Gospel is about His Kingdom The kingdom of God is God’s rule in our heart. God’s government established order, righteousness, peace, joy. BUILDING GOD’S KINGDOM Seven Pillars of the Kingdom-T. Elliff 1. Honor God’s Authority-Rom.12:1-2 2. Respect Human Life-Ps.119:13-16;Prov.16:16 3. Exercise Moral Purity-Heb.13:4;Matt.5:27-30; I Cor.6:18-19 4. Serving My Church-Heb.13:7;Eph.4:1-11,5:25 5. Using My Time Wisely-Eph.5:15; II Tim.3:1617;Lk.18:16;Ps.90:12 6. Practicing Biblical Stewardship –Lk 6:38;II Cor.9:7 7. Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ-Matt.28:1920;Acts 1:8 Jn.4:38-39 Final Pastoral Exhortations • • • • • • BE LOVING-Heb.13:1-3 BE PURE-Heb.13:4 BE CONTENT-Heb.13:5-6 BE LOYAL-Heb.13:7-12 BE WORSHIPFUL-Heb.13:15-16 BE BOLD-Heb.13:13-14 HONOR PASTORAL LEADERSHIP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Responsive Obedience-13;17 Respectful Submission-13:17 Loving Cooperation-13:17 Prayerful Intercession-13:18 Dependent Leadership-13:18-21 Closing salutations 1. Instruction To Heed-13:22 2. Fellowship To Cherish-13:23-24 3. Grace to Appropriate-13:25 The Secret of Contentment A. THE OVERRULING PROVIDENCE OF GOD B. THE UNFAILING POWER OF GOD C. THE UNCHANGING PROMISE OF GOD Bibliography-Hebrews • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Brown, Raymond-THE MESSAGE OF HEBREWS (Inter-Varsity Press,1982) Barclay, William-THE LETTER TO HEBREWS (The Saint Andrew Press,1966) Caudill, Paul R.-HEBREWS:A TRANSLATION WITH NOTES (Broadman Press, 1985) Dean, Robert J.- HEBREWS: A CALL TO CHRISTIAN COMMITMENT (Convention Press, 1985) Erdman, Charles R.-THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS (The Westminster Press,1966) Guthrie, Donald-HEBREWS (William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1983) Hewitt, Thomas- THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS (William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.,1960) Meyer, F.B.- THE WAY INTO THE HOLIEST (Christian Literature Crusade,1968 Morgan, G.Campbell –GOD’S LAST WORD TO MAN (Baker Book House, 1974) Moule, H.C.G.- STUDIES IN HEBREWS (Kregel Publications, 1977) Newell, William R.- HEBREWS (Moody Press, 1947) Stedman, Ray C. –WHAT MORE CAN GOD SAY (Gospel Light Publications, 1974) Stibbs, Alan M.-SO GREAT SALVATION (The Paternoster, 1970) Thomas, W.H. Griffith- HEBREWS: A DEVOTIONAL COMMENTARY (William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1961) Wiersbe, William W.- RUN WITH THE WINNERS (Tyndale House Publishers, 1988) Purpose Of The Letter of Hebrews • “The magnificent letter to the Hebrews was written to a group of first-century Christians who were in danger of giving up…It appeals to all severely tested believers to keep their faith firmly anchored to truth of God’s revelation, and to maintain a steady confidence in Jesus as the Christ.” Dr. Raymond Brown • “In Hebrews the author is battling to stop a stampede from Christ back to Judaism: a revolt (apostasy) in truth from the living God.” • A.T. Robertson The Main Message of Hebrews • THE WORD OF GOD • THE WORK OF CHRIST • OTHER RELEVANT THEMES – – – – – – – – The Final Revelation of God was Christ The Falling Away of those not true believers The Uniqueness of Christ’s Sacrificial Death The Issue of Life and Death defeated Angels Definition of Faith and Heroes of the Faith A Call to Commitment Chastening of True Believers I. GOD’S FINAL REVELATION-THE SON • God spoke through the prophets • God’s final and ultimate revelation-Jesus Christ – – – – – – Jesus is appointed heir of all things Jesus is both agent and reason for creation Jesus is the radiance of God’s Glory Jesus is the revealer of God’s Character Jesus is the regent of God’s Power Jesus is the redeemer of God’s People II.SUPERIORITY OF THE SON TO ANGELS – HEB.1:4-14; 2:5-9 III. TRAGEDY OF NEGLECTHEB.2:1-4 • Quote: “Our whole world is a battlefield covered with wrecks occasioned by neglect.” • Neglect- Greek is amelesantes (ameleo)=to be unconcerned; neglect something; careless of.” • Salvation is neglected because people don’ understand its greatness • Judgment awaits those who neglect to appropriate Christ. • Signs and miracles attest to the trustworthiness of the gospel plus the eyewitness. Heb.2:3-4 • Salvation is great because Jesus is the one and only unique Savor. John 14:6/Acts 4:12/Gal.1:6-7 Christ Is Superior To Moses • Moses is the most Important figure in Judaism • Stephen’s enemies thought he spoke against Moses so they stoned him. (Act 6:11) • Moses never achieved his aim of leading the Israelites into the promised land. • The Comparison of Moses and Christ: – Moses Is the servant and Jesus is the Son. – Moses Is a faithful witness in the House while Jesus is the Builder of the House. The Danger of Unbelief • Unbelief is a serious sin-Heb.4:1 • Unbelief is a Thief of Spiritual Blessings- II Kings 7:1-20 • Conditions in which Unbelief thrives: – They murmured – They departed from the Living God and sought other sources – They failed to remember the past lessons of Gods Intervention and miracles Christ is Superior to Joshua and Is The Rest of the Lord • Creation Rest-Heb.4:4-God finished His work of creation and rested on the seventh day. • Canaan Rest-Heb.3:15-19;4:8-9 • Jesus Rest-Heb.4:9-11 • Rest-”It means to cease our self-directed activities and to trust in the ability of a second person to work for us and through us.” • Resting in Jesus- Cease to make obedience or righteousness or your love for God the object of your faith. Read Matt.11:28-39 ‘Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest..” CHRIST: OUR GREAT HIGH PRIEST HE IS A GREAT HIGH PRIEST HE IS A GREAT HIGH PRIEST PASSED INTO THE HEAVENLY REALM HE IS A GREAT HIGH PRIEST WHO IS SYMPATHETIC TO OUR WEAKNESSES. Chosen from among men Chosen to mediate for me He was appointed to be High Priest He is the object and subject of the Priesthood APOSTASY:WHO CAN COMMIT THIS SIN • • • • FIRST VIEW: People were Christians but their sin did not result in losing salvation, but in not fulfilling God’s plan for their lives. Failed to possess all God had for them SECOND VIEW: Says the warning was real, but hypothetical. It is an Ad homonym (a form of argument) The author is saying that if your premise is right in that you sign up to the law again to be saved by circumcision, then you repudiate that Christ death is for salvation. You go back to the law, you have no savior. THIRD VIEW: That these people were non-believers who rejected Christ as Messiah. “The Christian Jews were continuing to worship in synagogues with non-Christian Jews in order to win their fellow Jews to faith in Jesus.” – Dr.R.E.Glaze The logic is that their attempt is futile. FOURTH VIEW- These were merely “professing Christians” who had not truly come to genuine regeneration by the Holy Spirit. They were going back to the Old Covenant to meet the requirements to be made accepted by God and thus rejected the new and superior covenant of God in Jesus Christ. Repentance in itself does not produce regeneration, but regeneration always produces faith and repentance towards God. APOSTASY:WHO CAN COMMIT THIS SIN • • • • FIRST VIEW: People were Christians but their sin did not result in losing salvation, but in not fulfilling God’s plan for their lives. Failed to possess all God had for them SECOND VIEW: Says the warning was real, but hypothetical. It is an Ad homonym (a form of argument) The author is saying that if your premise is right in that you sign up to the law again to be saved by circumcision, then you repudiate that Christ death is for salvation. You go back to the law, you have no savior. THIRD VIEW: That these people were non-believers who rejected Christ as Messiah. “The Christian Jews were continuing to worship in synagogues with non-Christian Jews in order to win their fellow Jews to faith in Jesus.” – Dr.R.E.Glaze The logic is that their attempt is futile. FOURTH VIEW- These were merely “professing Christians” who had not truly come to genuine regeneration by the Holy Spirit. They were going back to the Old Covenant to meet the requirements to be made accepted by God and thus rejected the new and superior covenant of God in Jesus Christ. Repentance in itself does not produce regeneration, but regeneration always produces faith and repentance towards God. Reason to Persevere in FaithGod’s Vow • • • • • • • • • God swore an oath by His own Name. God’s Covenant is established by an oath To take God’s name in vain is to take an oath and not keep it. To make a vow in God’s Name, you acknowledge the presence of God to be the authority to monitor the keeping of the promise. (Jacob and Laban“May the Lord watch between me and thee….If thou shall afflict my daughters…Gen.31:48-53) A vow is act of worship God can swear by nothing greater than Himself God is immutable- He doesn’t go back on His vow or promise. The sign of circumcision was the sign of a vow to Abraham-Gen.17:13 The fact that God will not go back on His promise to us in Christ is an anchor to our soul. He doesn’t change his mind. He will keep his promise to us.Heb.6:18-19 Christ is our anchor.* a) God’s Word is Dependable b) God’s Nature is Dependable c) God’s Son is Dependable *Clement of Alexandria said “And let our seals be either a dove or a fish…or a ship’s anchor.” -Paidagogus III, 11. Who is this Melchisedec? –pt2 • Melchisedec appears on the scene abruptly to Abraham. • Abraham pays tithes to Melchisedec. • Melschisedec blesses Abraham. The point the author of Hebrews is making is that the greater always blesses the lesser. Mel blesses Abraham and Abraham is greater than Levi. So Jesus priesthood is after the order of the Melchisedec priesthood and is therefore greater than the Levitical priesthood from Moses. • Jesus is annointed directly by God to be priest as seen in Luke 4:17-20. • Jesus is covenant is better than the old in that the old had limitations and had to be repeated every year – It was weak-7:18 – It was useless-7:18 – It was set aside-7:18 Jesus Is Superior Sacrifice • The blood of goats and bulls cannot take away sins. (v.10:4) • God became a man, because it was a human problem. • It was human obedience that Christ had to achieve. • The punishment for human sin is that a human being had to be punished. • The cross is the meaning of Human History. • Christ’s atonement lacks nothing. Nothing you or I can add to a perfect work. • The only way you can stand before a Holy God is a perfect atoning sacrifice. • If you even have one sin, you are unfit to stand for the Holiness of God. The Willful Sin of Hebrews • • • • Is Heb.10:26 making a distinction that the OT makes between deliberate and accidental sins? (Numbers 15:22-29,30) The point the author of Hebrews is making can best be understood by following the author’s progression of thought. Having noted the adequacy of Christ for our sins, he urges the reader to draw near to God in confidence. This is expressed in: – – – – – – – – – Holding on the hope that we have in Christ Encourage each other to live the faith Gather together with others of like of the Christian faith The opposite of these things would be apostasy This deliberate sin is after hearing of all Christ has done on the cross and willfully reject Christ. If you reject Christ what do you have-nothing to forgive sins. Bulls and goats can’t do it. This is the same as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. If a person knows that Jesus is the Messiah/Christ and convinced so by the Holy Spirit and willfully rejects Christ as Savior-there is no forgiveness.(Mark 3:28-29) IF YOU REJECT THE CROSS WHAT DO YOU HAVE LEFT? YOU CANNOT REJECT CHRIST AND EXPECT IMPUNITY(EXEMPTION FROM PUNISHMENT) THERE IS A DAY THAT GOD WILL CALL US TO TASK “it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.”Heb.10:31 How Do You Please God? - Faith • Faith is not optional, it is essential. • God does not call us to live perfectly, but He does call us to live by faith. • Faith is standard equipment, not a luxury for a few. • Faith believes that God is real and that God is a rewarder. • To believe that “He is” is to believe when there is no evidence of His Being. • Quote; Dr.R.C. Sproul- “What is the reward. God is the reward. The Levites didn’t get anything, but God was their reward. See I Peter 1:3-4 DIVINE CHASTISEMENT THE STAGES OF DIVINE CHASTISEMENT THE FATHER’S NOD-Ps.32:8-9 a) a) David is checked by God’s Spirit-I Sam.24:4-6 b) Prov.13:1 “a wise son heeds his fathers’ instruction,but a scoffer does not listen.” THE FATHER’S REBUKE- HEB.12:5 b) a) b) David is rebuked by Abigail- I Sam.25:23-26 God speaks through the counsel of others. c) Prov.17:10 “a reproach enters more into a wise man than 100 stripes into a fool.” THE FATHER’S ROD-HEB.12:6 c) d) a) David is punished fourfold for his adultery. I Sam 12 b) Ps.118:18 “the Lord has chastened me severely, but He has not given me over to death.” THE FATHER’S FINAL CALL-HEB.12:9 a) b) c) Prov.29:1 “he, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy.” See Deut.21:18 See I Cor.12:30 “for this cause many are weak and sickly…many sleep.” Christ’s Kingdom-Unbreakable 1. 2. 3. We Belong to our King because of His Redemptive Work and being born-again into His Family-Jn.3 Jesus reigns as King over His Kingdom-Rom.14:9/I Cor.15:1-5 Jesus taught much about His Kingdom. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 4. 5. 6. Good Seed-Matt.13:24-24 Mustard Seed-Matt.31-32 Leaven-Matt.13:33 Treasure Hidden-Matt.13:44 Pearl and Net-Matt.13:45-47 Marriage Feast-Matt.25:1-1-13 Keys to His Kingdom-Matt.18:3 The Gospel is about His Kingdom The kingdom of God is God’s rule in our heart. God’s government established order, righteousness, peace, joy.