Chinta Mani Yogi
Presentation for a two day workshop (14-15 Chaitra 2067) on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at
CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
Brief Introduction of Hinduism
Basic principles of Hinduism
Global Messages of Hinduism
Specialties of Hinduism
Practical Contributions of Hindu Society
Main Eastern Philosophies
Concept of Education in Hinduism
Value of Eastern Education System
Teaching Methodology
Reforming aspects of Hindu Society
Essential Paths/lessons of Hinduism
Presentation for a two day workshop (14-15 Chaitra 2067) on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus
Kritipur TU.
1. Time:
 It does not have any fix time and is,
therefore, called eternal (Sanatan);
 It is believed that it is originated along with
the creation of the universe;
 A sect may have a certain time of creation,
but Dharma doesn't.
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
2. Books:
 There are uncountable books on Hinduism,
however the Vedas are known as very original
 Similarly, Upanishadas, Ramayan, Smritis,
Geeta are highly respected.
3. Initiator/Propagator:
 There will be a particular initiator of a sect,
but not of any Dharma.
 So Hindu Dharma is known as Apourusheya preached by God Himself/Herself.
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
Hinduism consists of many fundamental
principles - for example Ekeshwar-vad
(Monotheism), Bahu-devata-vad (Polytheism),
Avatar-vad (principle of incarnation), Aatmavad, Punar-janma-vad, etc.
These keys issues are to understanding of
Hinduism in totality.
Among them few of them are still more
applicable in this modern world.
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
 Bramha means consciousness, and the same
supreme consciousness or Self is manifested
in every being of the universe.
 No Dualism; there is only One Reality (unified
field) - monism.
 Non-dualism (Bramhavad) is the solution to
all kinds of problems facing the world today.
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
Bramha-vad contd…
If we truly realize and accept Bramhavad, we
cannot harm others;
Rather we do good to everyone, because the
same soul exists in all the beings.
We are reflected in everything.
Sarvam Khalu-idam Bramha (the whole
universe is Bramha.
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
 Each action has an equal and opposite
reaction. So one has to pay according to
his/her own Karma (deed). Work is worship.
 This way, social ethics are maintained and
moral values are preserved.
 Karma-vad is the law of nature; so one
cannot go beyond the nature and must
follow discipline, good conduct and ethics.
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
1. Peace and Non-violence:
 Om Shanti! Shanti!! Shanti!!! In every ritual or
ceremony we conduct this peace prayer.
 It means peace is needed at personal level,
community level and global level.
 Shanti Path is very essential... Vanaspataya
Shanti ! Vishwa Shanti!
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
2. Gender Equity:
 We address - Sita-ram/ Radhe-shyam/
Gauri-shankar/ Aama-buwa/ Devi-devata
 Nepal is known as a Shakti Peetha, so we have
more temples dedicated to Goddesses and
more festivals of Shakti.
Twam Kumar Uta Va Kumari? Twam Stree
Twam Puman Asi? - (Oh God! who you are?
Kumar or Kumari? man or woman?) -Veda
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
3. Respect towards Nature:
Mata Me Bhumi Putro-ham Pritihivya. (I'm the
child of mother earth) -Veda
Gai puja, Kukur puja, Nag Puja , Parvat Puja,
Nadi Puja, Bhumi Puja,
Surya Puja etc. are some of our main cultural
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
4. Family System:
 Family is the most beautiful institution that
human being has ever created.
 Family is the first open school to learn basic
values like love, respect, forgiveness, coexistence, cooperation, tolerance, etc.
 Culture is protected and continued by the
family and family is maintained and sustained
by the culture.
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
4. Family System:
 The modern world is suffering from conflicts,
hatred, negativity, suicide, selfishness,
individualism, loneliness.
 It is mainly because of breaking down of the
family system.
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
5. Social Harmony:
 All are manifestations of the same supreme
soul. So why should we fight with each other?
 Non-dualism (Adwait) helps us to respect all
and maintain the beauty of society.
 Society is based on diversity, and diversity is
the basic character of Hinduism.
 Our festivals, if understood and practiced
well, strengthen Social Harmony.
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
6. Humanity:
 Each human has soul/Quantam Self or
consciousness. So all should be respected
irrespective of castes, creed, sex, sect, etc.
 Krinvanto Vishmaryam -Veda (We should
make the whole world Aarya - cultivating
higher human qualities)
 Hinduism is not a religion, but a way of life
for all human being.
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
6. Humanity:
 Human needs freedom of thought, worship
and practice.... Freedom is the main specialty
of Hinduism.
 Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinh.... It prays for the
welfare of the entirety of humanity.
 It never says - Hindu Bhavantu Sukhin.
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
7. Unity in Diversity:
 Diversity is a basic character of Hinduism.
One can choose any path, any practice... but
the beauty is that all these paths/practices
are inter-connected.
 Ekam Sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti - Veda (Sat
Eka, Nam Anek)
 Variations are at outer level but there is a
complete unity at inner level.
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
Universally accepted principles are in
Hinduism. nothing is against science and
universal truth.
2. Democratic:
 One can choose any path or practice as per
his/her own nature or interest and capacity.
 Extremism takes place only if there is no
option of selection of the desired path and
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
3. Realization based:
 What you know is not more important, but
what you truly realize actually matters.
 The religious conflicts will be solved if we
start the process of realization.
 Actually, God is not known but realized. He is
not Buddhi-gamya but Anubhuti-gamya.
Therefore, why to fight just in/with the name?
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
4. A Holistic Way of Life:
 Life is honored in Hinduism, so all the
different aspects and stages of life are
celebrated with the beginning of birth.
 Life is based on various facts or maters; all
these various facts or matters are honored in
Hinduism through celebration of different
cultural practices, so we have one festival
almost everyday.
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
Nyaya Darshan
Vaishesik Darshan
Sankhya Darshan
Yoga Darshan
Meemansa Darshan
Vedant Darshan
Charvak Darshan
Jaina Darshan
Bauddha Darshan
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
Hinduism focuses on Vidya; which is widely
known as Value based education, holistic
approach of education etc.
Education is only a skill for living but Vidya is
for life.
Education makes us successful but Vidya
gives wisdom and makes us peaceful and
Sa Vidya Ya Vimuktaye -Veda( that is Vidya
which liberates us)
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
Tat Viddhi Pranipaten Pariprasnen Sevaya Geea (One should learn/know by being
humble, enthusiastic and by serving Guru)
Education is not only information but also
It is not only competition but also
It is not only news but also views;
It is not only marks but also morals.
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU
Vidya/Gyan is the highest purpose of life.
Nahi Gyanena Sadrisham Pavitra-miha
Vidyate -Geeta ( nothing is greater than Gyan)
Para Vidya and Apara Vidya: the West is
focusing on Apara Vidya; it means only
knowing and gaining at physical level;
however East also focus on Apara Vidya; it
means knowing in Totality-at physical level
and spiritual level too.
Four purposes of Vidya/Gyan:
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
Purushartha –Dharma (ethics), Artha (wealth),
Kam (physical pleasure), Mokshya (liberation). But
the modern education is focusing on only Artha
and Kam; so we are facing various diseases and
Basically Nepal's education system was started by
Gurukul Parampara, it has been neglected; as a
result many are educated but not enlightened.
Vidya Dadati Vinayam..... - Neeti Vachan (vidya
gives us politeness, true potentials, prosperity,
Dharma, then Sukha)
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
Caste system
Sacrifice of animals
Orthodox practices
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
Gyan + Karma+ Bhakti
Dharma +Aartha + Kama + Mokshya
Aashram= Bramhacharya + Grihastha
+Vanprastha + Sanyas
Satya + Prem +Shanti + Sewa + Ahinsa
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.
Dr. Chinta Mani Yogi
 Founding Principal - Hindu Vidya Peeth-Nepal
 Founding Chairperson - Shanti Sewa Ashram (SSA)
 Patron - Youth Society for Peace ( YSP)
 Founder - Society for Value Education (SVE)
 Chairperson- Nepal Inter-faith Movement (NIM)
Address : Po.Box: 6807, Kathmandu,Nepal; Ph.
00977-1-5527924 /5006125,
 Email: mail2cmyogi@yahoo.com
 Web site : www.cmyogi.org
Presentation for a two workshop on Hinduism and Buddhism organized by DoFE at CDoE, Kendriya Campus Kritipur TU.