Jon Perez, Mikel Azkarate-askasua, Antonio Perez
Embedded Systems Group
IKERLAN-IK4 Technology Research Centre
Mondragon, Spain
Design of safety-critical embedded systems require careful analysis of:
Fault forecasting
Fault prevention
Fault removal
Fault tolerance
IEC-61508 highly recommends fault injection techniques in all steps of the development process to analyze the reaction of the system in a faulty environment and validate implemented Fault Tolerance
Mechanisms (FTM)
Late discovery of a design pitfall might require a expensive redesign of the product!
Simulated Fault Injection (SFI) enables and early dependability assessment
Could we have a design environment for the codesign and accelerated
EDCC, Valencia, April 2010
SFI with SystemC
Conclusion and future work
EDCC, Valencia, April 2010
Preliminaries – SystemC
SystemC is an standardized system level design language, IEEE-1666 , that provides codesign and simulation environment:
Open source C++ library
Codesign, both hardware and software components can be described using a common language
Provides multiple abstraction levels from architectural level down to Register
Transfer Level (RTL)
SystemC provides an event driven simulation kernel that:
Provides a simulation environment
Global notion of time
EDCC, Valencia, April 2010
Black, D. C. and J. Donovan (2004). SystemC: From the Ground Up, Eklectic Ally, Inc.
Preliminaries – Fault Injection
SWIFI (Software Implemented Fault Injection) , the objective is to reproduce at software level errors that would have been produced upon occurring faults in the execution hardware or software.
HWIFI (Hardware Implemented Fault Injection) , fault injection is performed on the final system or early prototype hardware
SFI (Simulated Fault Injection) enables an early dependability assessment of the system, using a simulation model of the system under analysis.
The use of fault injection techniques in SystemC is still scarce, but SFI in
HDL models is a well examined area with three main methods for fault injection:
Saboteurs : an additional fault injection module is inserted between modules
Mutants : a component is modified / replaced by an extended component that provides faulty behavior
Simulator command : the values of variables and signals are modified manually / automatically using simulator commands
EDCC, Valencia, April 2010
Preliminaries – ETCS odometry
ERTMS (European Railway Traffic Management System) is an European union backed initiative for the definition of a unique train signaling standard.
ETCS (European Train Control System) is the on-board automatic train protection, safety-critical embedded system, that protects the train by supervising the traveled distance and speed, activating the emergency brake if authorized values are exceeded.
It relies on the distance and speed measurements of the odometry system based on a set of diverse sensors. For a maximum speed of 500 km/h error must be bounded to:
EDCC, Valencia, April 2010
SFI with SystemC – Proposed approach
System model , is the design under analysis
Fault injection module, executes simulator commands with the progression of time by updating a table of variables
Transactor module, converts fault injection variables into custom variables, signals and ports as required by the system model under analysis
Checker module, the custom module that verifies the correct operation of the system
Three consecutive abstraction levels are proposed: behavioral, architectural and system implementation level.
EDCC, Valencia, April 2010
SFI with SystemC – Fault Injection Commands
Command <window, idx, value>
Time window
Idx: Variable index
Value: Given variable value
Window <id, offset, duration>
Id: Time reference identifier
Offset..offset+duration: Command time section
Special value, forever: <id, offset, -1>
Special value, default: <-1, -1, -1>
EDCC, Valencia, April 2010
SFI with SystemC – Behavioral level
Combination of diverse sensors, which type and how many.
Analysis of sensor-fusion algorithms
Analysis of sensor fault-error-failure
Injected faults (FMEA):
Relative angles
Adhesion factor
Wheel diameter
EDCC, Valencia, April 2010
SFI with SystemC – Architectural level
TMR, Triple Modular Redundancy
Each node implements the sensorfusion algorithm
Distribution of sensors in nodes
Distribution of information (interfaces)
Fail-silent node
Voting algorithm
EDCC, Valencia, April 2010
Injected faults (FMEA):
Communication channel failure
Node failure
Node sends incorrect value
SFI with SystemC – System implementation level
Hardware / Software partition
More detailed interface design
Custom design refinement level:
Sensor model
EDCC, Valencia, April 2010
Injected faults (FMEA):
Statistical bit-flips
Statistical signal glitches
SFI with SystemC – Command Table
Default values
Speed set-point
EDCC, Valencia, April 2010
Fault-injection variables
SFI with SystemC – Experimental result
EDCC, Valencia, April 2010
Conclusion and Future Work
The use of SystemC for the codesign and SFI provides multiple advantages:
The system is codesigned using a single standard modeling language
Simulations include SFI
Eases the design space exploration and FMEA analysis
Multiple abstraction-refinement levels are supported
Helps reduce the risk of late pitfall discovery
Meets IEC-61508 recommendation, use of fault injection techniques in all steps of the development process
Complementary with SWIFI and HWFI
Future work
Maintenance oriented fault injection, to ensure that spurious malfunctions of interest (e.g. transient faults) are detected and registered.
EDCC, Valencia, April 2010
EDCC, Valencia, April 2010
Thank you!