MapReduce: simplified data processing on large clusters Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat Presented By :Venkataramana Chunduru AGENDA GFS MAP REDUCE HADOOP Motivation Input data is large. Lots of machines The whole Web, billions of Pages. Use them efficiently. Google needed good Distributed file System Why not use the existing file systems? Google’s problems are different from anyone else. GFS is designed for Google apps and workloads. Google apps are designed for GFS. NFS Disadvantages Network congestion Heavy disk activity of the NFS server adversely affects the NFS’s performance. When the client attempts to mount , the client system hangs, although this can be mitigated using a specific mount. If the server hosting the exportedfile system becomes unavailable due to any reason, no one can access the resource. NFS has security problems because its design assumes a trustednetwork. GFS Assumptions High Component failure rates Inexpensive commodity components fail all the time. Modest number of huge files. Just a few million Each is 100 MB or larger: multi GB files typically Files are write once ,mostly appended to Perhaps Concurrently Large streaming reads. GFS Design Decisions Files are stored as chunks. - Fixed size(64 MB). Reliability through replication. - Each chunk is replicated across 3+ chunkservers Single master to co ordinate access,keep metadata - Simple centralized management. No data caching - Little benefit due to large datasets,streaming reads. GFS Architecture Single Master From Distributed systems we know it is a : - Single point of failure. - Scalibility bottleneck. GFS solutions - Shadow masters - Minimize master involvement Simple and good enough. Metadata (1/2) Global metadata is stored on the master. - File and chunk namespaces. - Mapping from files to chunks. - Locations of each chunk replicas. All in memory (64bytes/chunk) - Fast - Easily Accessible. Metadata (2/2) Master has an operation log for persistent logging of critical metadata updates. - Persistent on local disk - Replicated - Check points for faster recovery. Deployment in Google 50 + GFS Clusters Each with thousands of storage nodes Managing petabytes of data. GFS is under big table. Conclusion of GFS GFS demonstrates how to support large scale processing workloads on commodity hardware - Designed to tolerate frequent component failures. - Optimized for huge files that are mostly appended and read. - Go for simple solutions. GFS has met Google's storage needs…. it must be good !!! Example for MapReduce Page 1: the weather is good Page 2: today is good Page 3: good weather is good. Map output Worker 1: Worker 2: (the 1), (weather 1), (is 1), (good 1). (today 1), (is 1), (good 1). Worker 3: (good 1), (weather 1), (is 1), (good 1). Reduce Input Worker 1: Worker 2: (weather 1), (weather 1) Worker 4: (is 1), (is 1), (is 1) Worker 3: (the 1) (today 1) Worker 5: (good 1), (good 1), (good 1), (good 1) Reduce Output Worker 1: Worker 2: (weather 2) Worker 4: (is 3) Worker 3: (the 1) (today 1) Worker 5: (good 4) MapReduce Architecture Parallel Execution Fault Tolerance Network Failure: Detect failure via periodic heartbeats Re-execute completed and in-progress map tasks Re-execute in progress reduce tasks Task completion committed through master Master failure: Could handle, but don't yet (master failure unlikely) Refinement Different partitioning functions. Combiner function. Different input/output types. Skipping bad records. Local execution. Status info. Counters. What’s Framework for running applications on large clusters of commodity hardware Scale: petabytes of data on thousands of nodes Include Storage: HDFS Processing: MapReduce Support the Map/Reduce programming model Requirements Economy: use cluster of comodity computers Easy to use Users: no need to deal with the complexity of distributed computing Reliable: can handle node failures automatically Whats Hadoop ..Contd. Hadoop is a software platform that lets one easily write and run applications that process vast amounts of data. Here's what makes Hadoop especially useful: Scalable Economical Efficient Reliable HDFS Hadoop implements MapReduce, using the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) (see figure below.) MapReduce divides applications into many small blocks of work. HDFS creates multiple replicas of data blocks for reliability, placing them on compute nodes around the cluster. MapReduce can then process the data where it is located. Hadoop has been demonstrated on clusters with 2000 nodes. The current design target is 10,000 node clusters. Hadoop Architecture Data Hadoop Cluster Data data data data data Data data data data data Data data data data data Data data data data data Data data data data data Data data data data data Data data data data data Data data data data data Data data data data data DFS Block 1 DFS Block 1 DFS Block 1 DFS Block 2 DFS Block 2 MAP Results MAP Reduce DFS Block 2 Data data data data data Data data data data data Data data data data data MAP DFS Block 3 DFS Block 3 DFS Block 3 Data data data data Data data data data Data data data data Data data data data Data data data data Data data data data Data data data data Data data data data Data data data data Sample Hadoop Code Sample text-files as input: $ bin/hadoop dfs -ls /usr/joe/wordcount/input/ /usr/joe/wordcount/input/file01 /usr/joe/wordcount/input/file02 $ bin/hadoop dfs -cat /usr/joe/wordcount/input/file01 Hello World, Bye World! $ bin/hadoop dfs -cat /usr/joe/wordcount/input/file02 Hello Hadoop, Goodbye to hadoop. Run the application: $ bin/hadoop jar /usr/joe/wordcount.jar org.myorg.WordCount /usr/joe/wordcount/input /usr/joe/wordcount/output Output: $ bin/hadoop dfs -cat /usr/joe/wordcount/output/part-00000 Bye 1 Goodbye 1 Hadoop, 1 Hello 2 World! 1 World, 1 hadoop. 1 to 1 Contd… Notice that the inputs differ from the first version we looked at, and how they affect the outputs. Now, lets plug-in a pattern-file which lists the word-patterns to be ignored, via the DistributedCache. $ hadoop dfs -cat /user/joe/wordcount/patterns.txt \. \, \! to Run it again, this time with more options: $ bin/hadoop jar /usr/joe/wordcount.jar org.myorg.WordCount /usr/joe/wordcount/input /usr/joe/wordcount/output -skip /user/joe/wordcount/patterns.txt As expected, the output: $ bin/hadoop dfs -cat /usr/joe/wordcount/output/part-00000 Bye 1 Goodbye 1 Hadoop 1 Hello 2 World 2 hadoop 1 Contd… Run it once more, this time switch-off case-sensitivity: $ bin/hadoop jar /usr/joe/wordcount.jar org.myorg.WordCount /usr/joe/wordcount/input /usr/joe/wordcount/output -skip /user/joe/wordcount/patterns.txt Sure enough, the output: $ bin/hadoop dfs -cat /usr/joe/wordcount/output/part-00000 bye 1 goodbye 1 hadoop 2 hello 2 world 2 Hadoop HDFS assumes that hardware is unreliable and will eventually fail. Similar to RAID level except -HDFS can replicate data across several machines Provides Fault tolerance Extremely high capacity storage Hadoop “Moving Computation is cheaper than moving data” HDFS is said to be rack aware. Who uses Hadoop? ‘Facebook’ uses Hadoop to analyze user behavior and the effectiveness of ads on the site. The tech team at ‘The New York Times’ rented computing power on ‘Amazon’s’ cloud and used Hadoop to convert 11 million archived articles, dating back to 1851, to digital and searchable documents. They turned around in a single day a job that otherwise would have taken months.” Who uses Hadoop? Besides Yahoo!, many other organizations are using Hadoop to run large distributed computations. Some of them include: Facebook Fox Interactive Media IBM ImageShack ISI Joost Powerset The New York Times Rackspace Veoh Yahoo! Launches World's Largest Hadoop Production Application YAHOO! RECENTLY LAUNCHED WHAT WE BELIEVE IS THE WORLDS LARGEST APACHE HADOOP PRODUCTION APPLICATION. THE YAHOO! SEARCH WEBMAP IS A HADOOP APPLICATION THAT RUNS ON A MORE THAN 10,000 CORE LINUX CLUSTER AND PRODUCES DATA THAT IS NOW USED IN EVERY YAHOO! WEB SEARCH QUERY. THE WEBMAP BUILD STARTS WITH EVERY WEB PAGE CRAWLED BY YAHOO! AND PRODUCES A DATABASE OF ALL KNOWN WEB PAGES AND SITES ON THE INTERNET AND A VAST ARRAY OF DATA ABOUT EVERY PAGE AND SITE. THIS DERIVED DATA FEEDS THE MACHINE LEARNED RANKING ALGORITHMS AT THE HEART OF YAHOO! SEARCH. Yahoo’s Hadoop One of Yahoo's Hadoop clusters sorted 1 terabyte of data in 209 seconds, which beat the previous record of 297 seconds in the annual general purpose (daytona) terabyte sort benchmark. The sort benchmark, which was created in 1998 by Jim Gray, specifies the input data (10 billion 100 byte records), which must be completely sorted and written to disk. This is the first time that either a Java or an open source program has won. Yahoo is both the largest user of Hadoop with 13,000+ nodes running hundreds of thousands of jobs a month and the largest contributor, although non-Yahoo usage and contributions are increasing rapidly. The cluster statistics were: 910 nodes, 2 quad core Xeons @ 2.0ghz per node 4 SATA disks per node, 8G RAM per node 1 gigabit ethernet on each node, 40 nodes per rack 8 gigabit ethernet uplinks from each rack to the core. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server Release 5.1 (kernel 2.6.18) Sun Java JDK 1.6.0_05-b13 Process Diagram Map/Reduce Processes • Launching Application – User application code – Submits a specific kind of Map/Reduce job • JobTracker – Handles all jobs – Makes all scheduling decisions • TaskTracker – Manager for all tasks on a given node • Task – Runs an individual map or reduce fragment for a given job – Forks from the TaskTracker Hadoop Map-Reduce Architecture Master-Slave architecture Map-Reduce Master “Jobtracker” – Accepts MR jobs submitted by users – Assigns Map and Reduce tasks to Tasktrackers – Monitors task and tasktracker status, re-executes tasks upon Map-Reduce Slaves “Tasktrackers” – Run Map and Reduce tasks upon instruction from the Jobtracker – Manage storage and transmission of intermediate output failure Imp Links EY&feature=related Thank you !!!!!