
Effect Of Intrusion Detection on
Reliability of Mission-Oriented Mobile
Group Systems in Mobile Ad Hoc
Author: J.H. Cho, I.R. Chen and P.G. Feng
IEEE Transactions on Reliability,
Vol. 59, No. 1, 2010, pp. 231-241.
[P1] (4/6 - Presented by R. Mitchell, C. Jian, and A.H. Saoud)
Introduction (A.H. Saoud)
System Model (A.H. Saoud)
Performance Model (R. Mitchell)
Parameterization (R. Mitchell)
Numerical Results, and Analysis (C. Jian)
Applicability & Conclusion (C. Jian)
• Analyzing the effect of intrusion detection
system (IDS) techniques on the reliability of a
mission-oriented group communication in
mobile ad hoc networks.
• Knowing design conditions for employing
intrusion detection system (IDS) techniques
that can enhance the reliability, and thus
prolong the lifetime of GCS.
• Limitations.
• Techniques (prevention, detection, recovery).
• Applying model-based quantitative
analysis to security analysis.
• MTTSF is a measure to reflect the
expected system lifetime, representing
a measure against loss of service
availability, or system integrity.
• Identify the optimal rate at which IDS
should be executed to maximize the
system lifetime.
• Consider the effect of security threats, and
counter IDS techniques on system lifetime of
a mission-oriented GCS in MANETs.
• Mathematical models to identify the optimal
intrusion detection rate at which MTTSF is
maximized through analyzing the tradeoff
between positive and negative effects of IDS.
• Show that the analysis methodology
developed is generally applicable to varying
network conditions.
System Model
• The notion of a mobile group is defined based
on “connectivity.”
• The GCS, and its constituent mobile groups
are “mission-oriented”
• Mission execution is an application-level goal
built on top of connectivity-oriented group
•  leave rate,  rejoin rate, Mobility rate 
/( + ) probability node is in any group
 /( + ) probability node is not in any group
System Model - Confidentiality
• Shared symmetric (group) key for secure group
communications, to encrypt the message sent by a
member to others in the group for confidentiality.
• Rekeying upon group member join/leave/eviction, or
group partition/merge events to preserve secrecy.
• Group Diffie-Hellman (GDH), a contributory key
agreement protocol, used for group key rekeying for
decentralized control, and to eliminate a single point
of failure.
• Identify optimal intrusion detection intervals to
maximize MTTSF, leading to improved service
System Model - Authentication
• Each member has a private key, and public
key, available for authentication.
• The public keys of all group members
preloaded into every node.
• No certificate authority (CA), or key
revocation. A node’s public key therefore
serves as the identifier of the node
System Model - IDS
• Host-based IDS, each node performs local
detection to determine if a neighboring node
has been compromised.
• The effectiveness of IDS techniques applied: the
false negative probability (P1), and false positive
probability (P2).
• Voting-based IDS:
• m nodes each preinstalled with host-based IDS
• -ve (a) evicting good nodes by always voting “no”
to good nodes (b) keeping bad nodes in the
system by al- ways voting “yes” to bad nodes.
System Model –IDS Tolerance
• False negative probability, and false positive
probability. Calculated based on
(a) the per-node false negative, and positive probabilities of host-based IDS
in each node; (b) the number of vote-participants selected to vote for or
against a target node. (c) an estimate of the current number of
compromised nodes
• For the selection of participants, each node
periodically exchanges its routing information,
location, and identifier with its neighboring nodes.
System Model – Tolerance 2
• With respect to a target node, all neighbor
nodes that are within a number of hops from
the target node are candidates as voteparticipants.
• A coordinator is selected randomly by
introducing a hashing function that takes in
the identifier of a node concatenated with the
current location of the node as the hash key.
• The node with the smallest returned hash
value would then become the coordinator
System Model – Tolerance 3
• Coordinator selects m nodes randomly and
broadcasts the list of m nodes.
• Any node not following the protocol raises a
flag as a potentially compromised node, and
may get itself evicted when it is being
evaluated as a target node.
• The vote-participants are known to other
nodes, and based on votes received, they
can determine whether or not a target node is
to be evicted.
System Model – Failure Def
• System Failure Definition 1 (SF1), which
is when the GCS fails when any mobile
group fails;
• System Failure Definition 2 (SF2), which
is when the GCS fails when all mobile
groups fail.
• Evaluation of the effect of the two
system failure definitions on the MTTSF
of the system.
System Module – Failure Con.
• Condition 1 (C1): undetected member
requests and obtains data using the group
key. (leading to the loss of system integrity
• Condition 2 (C2):more than 1/3 of group
member nodes are compromised, but
undetected by IDS. This failure condition
follows the Byzantine Failure model (loss of
availability of system service).
System Model - Connectivity
• Single hop, single group, not experiencing
group merge or partition events.
• SF1 and SF2 are the same.
• Multi-hops so that there are multiple groups in
the system due to group partition/merge.
System Module – Reliability
• MTTSF: indicates the lifetime of the
GCS before it fails.
• A GCS fails when one mobile group fails,
or when all mobile groups fail in the
mission-oriented GCS, as defined by SF1
or SF2.
• a mobile group fails when either C1 or C2
is true.
• A lower MTTSF implies a faster loss of
system integrity, or availability.
Introduction (A.H. Saoud)
System Model (A.H. Saoud)
Performance Model (R. Mitchell)
Parameterization (R. Mitchell)
Numerical Results, and Analysis (C. Jian)
Applicability & Conclusion (C. Jian)
Performance Model
groups NG
uncompromised members Tm
undetected compromised nodes UCm
evicted nodes DCm
• well detected compromised
• false detected uncompromised
• security failure GF
• absorbing
group partition TPAR
group merge TMER
member compromise TCP
false detection TFA
confidentiality violation (C1) TDRQ
• rate = λq · mark(UCm) · p1
• well detection TIDS
• rekey TRK
• Why is TDRQ rate scaled by p1?
• Where is the Byzantine failure (C2)
transition into GF?
• TBYZ from UCm with multiplicity mark(Tm) / 2
• Derive SF2 reward model
TRK rate
TCP rate
IDS interval δ
Pfp and Pfn
TRK rate
• For one group:
• bGDH / datalink rate
• For multiple groups:
• 3bGDH(N-1) / datalink rate
TCP rate
• adversary becomes more aggressive
when they have the upper hand
• λc · (mark(Tm) + mark(UCm) / mark(Tm))
IDS interval δ
• IDS becomes more aggressive as it
detects more compromised nodes
• (TIDS)-1 · (Ninit / (mark(Tm) + mark(Ucm))
Introduction (A.H. Saoud)
System Model (A.H. Saoud)
Performance Model (R. Mitchell)
Parameterization (R. Mitchell)
Numerical Results, and Analysis (C. Jian)
Applicability & Conclusion (C. Jian)
Parameterization & Metric
IDS interval (TIDS)
Single-hop 5s - 1200s
Multi-hop 5s - 1200s
SF1, SF2
# of vote-participants (m)
group communication rate q
1/30s 1/1min 1/2min 1/4min
base compromising rate c
1/3h 1/6h 1/12h 1/d 1/2d
Tids on MTTSF under m (1)
• Optimal TIDS
• increasing MTTSF as TIDS
increases, negative effects of IDS
are mostly due to false positives
• decreasing MTTSF as TIDS
increases, more compromised
nodes will remain in the system
Tids on MTTSF under m (2)
• large m reduce the possibility of
collusion by compromised nodes,
thus get high MTTSF,
• small m , the false alarm
probability is relative large,
resulting in a small MTTSF
Tids on MTTSF under m (3)
• MTTSF in single-hop is
comparatively higher than that in
multi-hop due to the difference of
node density (adverse effect)
• MTTSF under SF2 > MTTSF
under SF1
Sensitivity of MTTSF on q(1)
q is low, a high MTTSF, q is high, a
depends on the frequency of data-leak attack
q increases, optimal TIDS becomes
the adverse effect of false positives
dominates when TIDS is sufficiently small
Sensitivity of MTTSF on q(2)
Optimal TIDS in single-hop < Optimal
TIDS in multi-hop, because single-hop
need to perform IDS more frequently to
prevent potentially more compromised
MTTSF under SF2 > MTTSF under SF1
Sensitivity of MTTSF on c (1)
• IDS is more effective when c
is sufficiently low
Sensitivity of MTTSF on c (2)
single-hop MANETs have higher MTTSF
because more members exist in singlehop MANETs
the optimal TIDS is smaller in single-hop
MANETs under identical conditions
because the system tends to execute
IDS more frequently
• a mathematic model
• input: operational conditions, system failure
definitions, attacker behaviors
• output: the optimal rate to execute intrusion
detection to enhance the system reliability
of GCS
• results
• TIDS , as m, node density  or group
size , q  c 