International Symposium on Geophysical Imaging with Localized Waves Sanya, Hainan, 25-28 July, 2011 On the seismic discontinuities detection in 3D wavelet domain Xiaokai Wang* and Jinghuai Gao Email: Institute of Wave and Information, Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710049, P.R. China Outlines XI’AN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY Introduction Principles of 2D/3D CWT Seismic discontinuity detection based on 2D/3DCWT Field-data examples Conclusions and future works Acknowledgements 2011.07 Institute of Wave and Information, XJTU XI’AN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY Introductions The consistent and reliable detection of seismic discontinuity provides interpreters powerful means to quickly visualize and map complex geological structures. The computational cost of these methods, such as C3 algorithm (Gersztenkorn & Marfurt, 1998) and LSE (Cohen & Coifman, 2002), will increase as analyzing window widen. 1D CWT can not properly characterize the correlated information between neighboring traces. Boucherea applied 2D CWT (Antoine, 2004) with Morlet to detect the faults in a seismogram (Bouchereau, 1997). 2D CWT has some shortages for 3D seismic data which was frequently used in industry. 3D CWT has good properties such as multiscale and orientation selectivity, which has the potential to detect the seismic discontinuities directly. So we choose 3D CWT as a novel tool to detect seismic discontinuity. 2011.07 Institute of Wave and Information, XJTU Principles of 2D/3D CWT XI’AN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY Operations on mother wavelet Three operation on mother wavelet ψ( x) : translation, dilation, rotation Translation (x b ) b 2011.07 :translated factor Dilation 1 1 a (a x ) a :dilated factor Rotation ( x ) :rotated operator Use 2D Morlet as an example to illustrate three operations Institute of Wave and Information, XJTU 1 Principles of 2D/3D CWT XI’AN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY The definition of 2D/3D CWT f ( x ) : 2D/3D signal to be analyzed b , a , : 2D/3D operated wavelet C W T ( b , a , ) f b , a , R n Realizing in Space domain 1 a n R f ( x ) n a 1 ( x b ) d n x 1 1 jb k n fˆ ( k )ˆ a ( k ) e d k Fast Realizing in wavenumber domain by using 2D/3D FFT 2D CWT: dilated factor is 1D variable, translated factor is a 2D vector, and rotated operator only contains a dip q. 3D CWT: dilated factor is 1D variable, translated factor is a 3D vector, and rotated operator contains a dip q and a azimuth j. 2011.07 Institute of Wave and Information, XJTU Principles of 2D/3D CWT XI’AN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY Two common-use slice/cube of 2D/3D CWT High dimension of 2D/3D CWT coefficients Use slice/cube to visualize 2D CWT (i) The position slice: a and q are fixed and the slice of 2DCWT coefficients is considered as a function of position b . (ii) The scale-angle slice: position b is fixed and the slice of 2DCWT coefficients is considered as a function of a and q. 3D CWT (i) The position cube: a, q and j are fixed and the cube of 3DCWT coefficients is considered as a function of position b . (ii) The scale-angle cube: positionb is fixed and the cube of 3DCWT coefficients is considered as a function of a, q and j . 2011.07 Institute of Wave and Information, XJTU 2DCWT 2D signal to be analyzed (contains 6 damping plane waves) f (x) N cn e i kn x The scale-angle slice of 2DCWT Coeffs. (modulus, in origin) e In x n 1 2011.07 The position slice of 2DCWT Institute of Wave and Information, XJTU Coeffs. (phase) Principles of 2D/3D CWT XI’AN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY Orientation selectivity of 2DCWT 2D signal to be analyzed 2011.07 The position slice of 2DCWT Coeffs. (small scale , q=135º, modulus) Institute of Wave and Information, XJTU discontinuity detection based on 2D/3DCWT XI’AN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY Part of oilfield data (a), small scale 2DCWT’s modulus in position A (b) and small scale 2DCWT’s modulus in position B (c) Two dimension q dis arg m ax C W T [ f ; a sm all , (q ), b ] D is ( b ) C W T [ f ; a sm all , (q dis ), b ] Three dimension q dis , j dis arg m[q ax ,j ] C W T [ f ; a sam ll , q , j , b ] D is ( b ) C W T [ f ; a sm all , (q dis , j dis ), b ] 2011.07 Institute of Wave and Information, XJTU XI’AN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY the complete procedure of our method We summarize the complete procedure of seismic discontinuities detection method based on 3D CWT as follows: 1. Extract the Instantaneous phase (IP) of 3D seismic data by using Hilbert transform (or 1D wavelet transform), and get the IP cube IP(x,y,t); 2. Obtain the a new cubes IP_exp(x,y,t) by using exp[j* IP(x,y,t)]. (ps: by doing this, the phase’s jump from 180º to -180º can be overcame); 3. Choose the scale and dip/azimuth searching region; 4. Do 3D CWT to IP_exp(x,y,t) and get the a series of 3D CWT coefficients (many position cubes), and obtain the modulus of these coefficients; 5. In each point, get the largest coefficients and assign the modulus as the discontinuity measure of this point. 2011.07 Institute of Wave and Information, XJTU Field-data example 1 XI’AN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY A A B B C C Time slice of coherence (common used software) 2011.07 Time slice of our results (based on 3D CWT) Institute of Wave and Information, XJTU XI’AN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY Conclusions and future works Conclusions 1. 2D/3D continuous wavelet transform is a useful tool with multiscale properties and orientation selectivity; 2. The computation cost will not increase as the size of analyzing window enlarging by realizing high dimensional CWT in wave-number domain through FFT algorithm; 3.The field-data examples show our method can detect seismic discontinuities more subtly comparing with commonly used methods ; Future works 1. The mother wavelet will effect the results, and more attention should be focused on choosing wavelets or proposing a new wavelet; 2. In order to depict more geological structure, more researches should be carried on to construct different measures in high dimensional continuous wavelet transform domain. 2011.07 Institute of Wave and Information, XJTU XI’AN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY Acknowledgements 1. We thank National Natural Science Foundation of China (40730424, 40674064), National 863 Program (2006A09A102) and National Science & Technology Major Project (2008ZX05023-005-005, 2008ZX-05025-001-009) for their supports. 2. We thank Research center of China national offshore oil corporation for providing field-data. We also thank Erhua Zhang in Exploration and Development Research Institute of Daqing Oilfield Company Ltd. for the help of interpretation. 2011.07 Institute of Wave and Information, XJTU XI’AN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY References [1] A. Gersztenkorn, and K.J. Marfurt, “Eigenstructure-based coherence computations as an aid to 3D structural and stratigraphic mapping,” Geophysics, vol.64, No.5, pp.1468-1479, 1999. [2] I. Cohen, and R.R. Coifman, “Local discontinuity measures for 3D seismic data,” Geophysics, vol.67, pp.1933-1945, 2002. [3] S. Mallat, A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing, Second Edition, Elsevier, 2003. [4] E.B. Bouchereau, “analyse d’images par transformees en ondelettes: Ph.D. Thesis,” Universite Joseph Fourier. 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IGARSS 2010: 3945-3947 2011.07 Institute of Wave and Information, XJTU XI’AN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY 2011.07 Institute of Wave and Information, XJTU