
UbiCom Book Slides
Chapter 8
Intelligent Systems
(Part A: Basics)
Stefan Poslad
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices,
environments and interaction
Chapter 8: Overview
Chapter 8 focuses on:
• Internal system properties: intelligence
• External interaction with any of three types of environment
– Focussing more on ICT and physical environment
– These environments tend to be passive
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Five main properties for UbiCom
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Chapter 8: Overview
The slides for this chapter in the full pact are expanded and
split into several parts
• Part A: Basics 
• Part B: R-IS, EM-IS
• Part C: G-IS, U-IS & H-IS Models
• Part D: KB IS Models
• Part E: KB Acquisition
• Part F: KB Representation: Rule-Based, BB
• Part G: KB Representation: Semantic
• Part H: Classic Logic KB Models
• Part I: Soft Computing KB Models
• Part I: Generic IS Operations
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Related Chapter Links
• There are two AI chapters that are interlinked
• This chapter. 8, describes the design of single Intelligent
System or IS
– These may be simple: use a single models of intelligence
– These may be hybrid: use multiple heterogeneous intelligence
• Chapter 9, describes the interaction between multiple ISs
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Related Chapter Links
• Many AI researchers see autonomy as a sub-type of
– Sometimes their notion of autonomy is not well-defined
• In this text we separately autonomy and intelligence as
main concepts – both as main types of property for UbiCom
• A very rich model for autonomy is given in Chapter 10
– Relates the UbiCom properties of intelligence & autonomy
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Related Chapter Links
• Reflexive Intelligent system models are related to:
Event-based system models (Chapter 3)
Sensor systems for the physical Environment (Chapter 6)
Controller systems for the physical Environment (Chapter 6)
Context-aware system design (Chapter 7)
• Hybrid Goal-based environment model:
– Based upon used of EDA, BB, pipe-filter interaction design (Chapter
– Used in context-aware system design (Chapter 7)
– Used in autonomic computing designs (Chapter 10)
• Monitoring & analysis of self rather than one’s environment
– Self-awareness & Reflection (Chapter 10)
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Types of Intelligence and IS Model 
Reflex & Environment Models for IS
Goal and Utility based models for IS
Hybrids IS Models
KB IS Models
KB Management: Creation & Deployment
Knowledge Representations: rules, BB, semantics
Logic reasoning Models for IS
Soft Computing IS
Generic IS Operations
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Intelligent systems (IS): Introduction
• Systems that use AI algorithms.
• Also called
– Machine intelligence or computational intelligence
– Agent-based systems
• AI effect
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
IS Introduction
• IS Models often use analogies of human problem solving
• IS models can be based upon physical organisations
• But Machines may not problem solve like humans
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Human Intelligence vs. Machine
• Compare & Contrast
• What complex tasks are humans good at and machines
less so and vice versa?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Types of Intelligence
Can we define intelligence as any single concept in any single
definition? Or is intelligence a multi-dimensional concept
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Intelligent Systems (IS)
IS vs. distributed system?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
UbiCom Systems that use an implicit
notion of Intelligence
Usage of term AI in general computing varies
• Sensor / Context-aware systems
• Control system & Robots
• Intelligent networks
• Network, e.g., SNMP, Agents
• AmI
• Smart devices
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Types of IS Model
IS models can be classified in terms of:
• Type of Model / Architecture
• How a model is used to solve some problem
• What is being modelled
• What types of environment, a system is situated in, and
can operate in
• How are the models in an IS acquired?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Types of IS Model Representations
IS models can be classified in terms of:
Basic types of IS Representation
• Process-driven system models:
• Data-driven KB-IS models:
• Logic –based KB-IS models:
• Soft Computing models:
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Unilateral System Environment
Interaction Models
• Generally when ubiquitous system applications are
designed, a unilateral model of the environment is used.
Explain this?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Unilateral versus Bilateral System
Environment Models
• Generally when ubiquitous system applications are
designed, a unilateral model of the environment is used,
– system models its environment, not vice-versa
• However, as we move to smarter environments
– Environments can be designed to contain a model of application
systems which are situated in them or pass through them
– Environment can be considered itself as an active, smart system
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Unilateral versus Bilateral System
Environment Models
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices,
22 environments and interaction
Bilateral System Environment Models
• A system that models an active environment
• And in turn, the active environment has a model of the
systems which use it
• Designers of systems may to take into the account the
degree of intelligence of environments
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
IS Environment Types
• It is a challenge for any system to act in open system
• Russell and Norvig (2003) have categorised open system
environments along several dimensions .
• Simplest types of system environments are those that are
fully-observable, episodic and static.
• More complex designs for intelligent systems are needed to
think and act in environments that: are uncertain and nondeterministic etc.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
IS System Environment Types
Environment Description of Environment
UbiCom’s sensors give it access to complete state of Partially
environment at each point in time.
Next state of environment determined by current state Stochastic
and action executed by UbiCom system.
UbiCom choice of action depends only on current state Sequential
of environment on episode itself.
Environment static while UbiCom system selects & Dynamic
execute its actions i.e., to adapt to its environment
A limited number of distinct, clearly defined states and Continuous
actions characterise the environment
environment ii not active, in sense of modelling the Active
system that is acting in it.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
IS Environment Types
• Open system environment are often stochastic. Why?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
IS Environment Types
• Discuss examples of these System Environment Types:
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
What is Modelled and How the Model
is Acquired
• What is Modelled?
• Different ways to acquire the model?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
When Models are Acquired: At Design
Contrast acquiring the model itself versus acquiring the
content to populate the model
2 main ways to design how the model a acquired?
• Models can be built into system at design time & modified
at run-time
• Models can be built at design time so that they can modify
themselves at run-time
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
When Models are Acquired
• Models can be created by a human designer & built into
system at design time & upgraded later.
• What are benefits?
– ??
• What are the limitations?
– ??
• Systems/ environment can acquire their models
themselves, automatically
• Hybrid model acquisition systems
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Types of Intelligence and IS Model
Reflex & Environment Models for IS 
Goal and Utility based models for IS
Hybrids IS Models
KB IS Models
KB Management: Creation & Deployment
Knowledge Representations: rules, BB, semantics
Logic reasoning Models for IS
Soft Computing IS
Generic IS Operations
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Should a UbiCom System be an IS?
• Depends upon the nature of the application.
• Depends upon the specific model of AI being used
• Specific IS models can be used to build systems which
support other UbiCom system properties such as contextawareness, autonomy and iHCI
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Basic Types of IS Model
(From Russel & Norvig 2002)
Reflex Based
Environment Model based
Goal based, Proactive
Utility based
Multi-IS, Hybrid IS
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Basic Types of IS Model
Note also they can classify the types of IS model by the
knowledge representation they use for their model
• Rule-based
• Light-weight Ontology
• Heavy-weight Ontology
• Active user versus active service processes
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Types of IS Model & Types of
Environment They Suit
Type of
IS What a IS’s actions Types of environments IS design is
depend upon
suited to
Reflex Based
Current Environment
Env. Model
Current and past
based, Situated environment context
Goal based,
IS’s plans of actions
to achieve a goal
Utility based IS’s weighting of
different goals and
Hybrid IS
Fully-observable, stochastic, episodic,
static, physical
Partially-observable, deterministic,
sequential, dynamic
Partially-observable, deterministic,
sequential, dynamic human
Partially-observable, Semideterministic, sequential, dynamic
Partially-observable, Nondeterministic, sequential, dynamic
Partially-observable, Nondeterministic, sequential, dynamic
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Reactive IS Models (R-IS)
• Intelligent behaviour arises out of system’s interaction with
environment rather than as result of complex internal
knowledge representation or reasoning about events.
• Action selection is at heart of the intelligent system.
– in the simple case is driven by current state of environment.
• R-IS is strongly situated in its environment and is highly
responsive to changes in the environment.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Pure versus Hybrid R-IS Models
• R-IS tend to be designed as event-based systems
• Pure reactive type of IS works best when?
• In practice many systems are designed not to be purely
• These represent hybrid reactive systems.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
(Pure) R-IS Model
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
R-IS Design: Present action Rulebased actions
• Preset actions may be directly triggered from sensor input
without any conditions
• Alternatively events can be filtered by conditions / rules in
order to trigger actions
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
R-IS Design: handling multiple
concurrent & heterogeneous events
3 possible designs:
• Discard events
• Event persistence
• Concurrent Event Handling
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
R-IS Design: handling multiple
concurrent & heterogeneous events
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
UbiCom Systems based upon R-IS
• R-IS design is good design for minimum context-aware CA) system
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Environment Model based IS (EM-IS)
• EM-IS ~ KB system: knowledge about world & its actions.
• EM-IS models historical behaviour of its environment.
• System environment may be partially observable. Why?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
• How to handle partial observability of environment?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
• IS’s actions depend upon current environment state, past
environment states & on knowing effect of system actions
• Similar to a situated action type of system design:
– actions can be unplanned and depend strongly on context
• Can anticipate multiple future environment states, which
may never be realised leading to a theory of multiple
possible future environments or world states.
• EM-IS not include a model of the internal behaviour, e.g.,
processes of actions by the system
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
• Systems that build such a model of the environment enable
their services & applications to optimise & adapt their
behaviour to account for behaviours in environment which
are not accessible but which are predetermined (as defined
in the environment model).
• E.g.,, in the adaptive transport scheduling scenario,
– In pure R-IS, vehicle will not stop when no passengers are at
pickup point (providing no passengers on the vehicle wish to leave).
– EM-IS: …..
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Types of Intelligence and IS Model
Reflex & Environment Models for IS
Goal and Utility based models for IS 
Hybrid IS Models
KB-IS Models
KB Management: Creation & Deployment
Knowledge Representations: rules, BB, semantics
Logic reasoning Models for IS
Soft Computing IS
Generic IS Operations
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Goal-based IS (G-IS)
• Also referred to as planning-based IS, defines an internal
plan or sequence of actions to achieve a future system goal
• Unlike EM-IS, action selection for a G-IS depends on which
next system action brings system towards future goal state
• G-IS tends to dissociate control of actions from
environment situation or context of action (unlike EM-IS)
• G-IS vs. R-IS, events which trigger system actions as
external events
• In G-IS, internal events, e.g., a scheduled system task that
becomes delayed, can also trigger system actions.
• Main benefit of G-IS: users can delegate tasks at a much
higher level of abstraction, focussing on what needs to be
achieved rather than on details of how this is achieved
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and
Utility-based IS (U-IS)
• Utility refers to quantifiable measure of performance or
worth or usefulness of specific goal in set of possible goals.
• Can also refer to a specific chain of actions amongst set of
possible chains of actions.
• Utility function maps (goal) state or a chain of states to
value which represents its performance or worth.
• U-IS design is useful when:
– several conflicting goals exist
– multiple goals are possible but only one of them is practical or
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
U-IS: Adaptive transport scheduling
• 2 conflicting goals to recover from disruptions to
designated schedule are:
– maximise revenue by maximising pickup load maintaining a quality
of service
– minimising deviations from a designated schedule.
• The greater load picked up, the later an already late vehicle
remains or gets worse.
• A utility function weighs revenue generation & maintaining
– E.g., ??
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Types of Intelligence and IS Model
Reflex & Environment Models for IS
Goal and Utility based models for IS
Hybrids IS Models 
KB-IS Models
KB Management: Creation & Deployment
Knowledge Representations: rules, BB, semantics
Logic reasoning Models for IS
Soft Computing IS
Generic IS Operations
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Hybrid IS (H-IS)
• H-IS models are more complex and aim to combine the
benefits of the individual IS models.
• 2 basic designs:
– Horizontal concurrent layers
– vertical (sequential) layers.
• Layers consist of single or multiple IS components with a
clearly defined interface for input and output.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
H-IS: Vertical vs. Horizontal Model
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Hybrid IS (H-IS): Horizontal Layers
• Horizontal homogeneous layered model (Section 8.3.2)
allows multiple events to be handled in parallel.
• This type of model just needs to be generalised to allow
heterogeneous models to be layered.
• H-IS models can be ‘layered’ in a single IS
• H-IS can handle reactive events in lower reactive layer
• Then handle events which require use of environment
model & reasoning in a higher layer.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
H-IS: Horizontal Layered Model
• Design challenge with this type of model is that multiple
output action events can occur for the same input event.
– because each layer independently outputs its own action.
• Problems ?
• Solutions?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
H-IS: Vertical Layered Model
• Simplest chaining is a type of single-pass vertical model
designs in which control flows through each layer in order
to generate the action in the last layer.
• Other types of vertical model design?
– could use multiple passes or flows for control, information and
action generation.
• Challenges?
– Does not allow concurrent event processing tasks to occur and can
form a processing bottleneck.
– If any component fails the whole chain could fail without design
support to prevent this.
• Solutions?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Embedded Control System & Robots
based upon R-IS , U-IS
• Simple control systems could be based upon R-IS & U-IS
• Discuss …
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Hybrid L-IS, G-IS Vs. Autonomous
• Autonomous systems are similar to IS in the sense that
these can be goal-directed and policy constrained.
• Discuss …
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
H-IS Applications Can Operate in
Multiple Environments
• UbiCom systems are sometime needed to operate in
multiple environments that are chained
• Process events in model-based human environment, then
in goal-based model, then in human reactive model and
finally in a physical world reactive model.
• e.g., in adaptive transport scheduling scenario:
– transport system needs to be aware of human environment. Why?
– Transport system needs to be aware of phys. Env. Why?
– Transport system may be driven by goals & utility functions Why?.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Hybrid IS: Vertical Layered Model
• Example of use of hybrid IS Vertical Layered Model for
UbiCom that models reactive human events, reactive
physical events, model of human environment and models
of goals.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Hybrid IS: Horizontal Layered Model
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Hybrid R-IS, EM-IS and U-IS Application:
Adaptive Transport Scheduling scenario
• IS represents transport, e.g., bus, service
• Use utility functions to weight the importance of different
independent factors that affect a goal,
– e.g., ….
• Prediction of a bus’s arrival at scheduled bus-stops is
based upon a model of how a bus’s environment,
– e.g., ….
• IS to support this scenario could be based upon a hybrid RIS, EM-IS and U-IS design.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Hybrid R-IS & G-IS Application:
Foodstuff Management Scenario
• Discuss ...
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Hybrid R-IS & G-IS Application: Utility
Regulation Scenario
• Discuss …
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Types of Intelligence and IS Model
Reflex & Environment Models for IS
Goal and Utility based models for IS
Hybrids IS Models
KB IS Models 
KB Management: Creation & Deployment
Knowledge Representations: rules, BB, semantics
Logic reasoning Models for IS
Soft Computing IS
Generic IS Operations
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Knowledge based (KB) IS Models
• A range of IS models in terms of:
– representation,
– operations
– what the KB model is used for (the type of KB model)
• Commonly used types of KB system architectures include:
– Blackboard systems & EDA systems
– Production systems or rule systems
– Semantic type KBs such as ontology-based systems (Section 8.4)
• Alternative Terms are sometimes used somewhat
synonymously by some is this correct?
– knowledge-based,
– semantic
– ontology-based models
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KB Models: Benefits
to share a common understanding
to enable the reuse of domain knowledge,
to make domain assumptions explicit,
to separate domain from operational knowledge
to analyse domain knowledge
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KB Characteristics
• KB behaves as a surrogate
• KB is a set of ontological commitments
• KB is often used for intelligent reasoning
• KR acts as a machine readable & understandable
• KR acts as a human readable &understandable language
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
What is Knowledge?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KB IS Management Life-cycle
• KB Manual Creation vs. Automatic Acquisition
• KB Deployment & Maintenance
– Validating
– Updating in a consistent way
• KB Management & services: store, retrieve, share KB
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Why ISs Use Knowledge Models
1. EM-IS: Knowledge and reasoning play a crucial role in
dealing partially-observed environments
2. EM-IS: Knowledge and reasoning play a crucial role in
dealing with sequential environments:
3. Multi-ISs: enhances interoperability
4. Multi-ISs: enriches information and task sharing
5. Multi-ISs: enable reuse of domain knowledge
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Types of Intelligence and IS Model
Reflex & Environment Models for IS
Goal and Utility based models for IS
Hybrids IS Models
KB IS Models
KB Management: Creation & Deployment
Knowledge Representations: rules, BB, semantics
Logic reasoning Models for IS
Soft Computing IS
Generic IS Operations
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
What is Modelled in each IS?
R-IS: EDA rules
G-IS: goals and plans
U-IS: weightings or goals or tasks
• Seems a useful model for representing personal preferences
– When and how are these model defined?
– When how are they populated with information?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
How the models in an IS are acquired
• Defined at fixed design time by humans. Data to populate
the model can be acquired at run-time:
– From humans
– From other ISs, knowledge-sharing (Chapter 9)
– From ‘non-intelligent ‘data repositories, e.g., databases (Chapter 3)
• Defined at design time by humans so that models can
improve themselves
– i.e., incorporate learning
– Any of the models in any type of IS can be learn
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Knowledge Life-cycle & Management:
Creating Knowledge
• In order to create a useful & accurate application domainbased knowledge based system need combination of:
– an understanding of the problem
– a collection of heuristic problem-solving rules from experience
• Earliest type of KB system tended to use the knowledge of
one or more human domain experts for source of a
system's problem solving strategies
– Often referred to as an expert system.
– E.g., ???
– etc
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Knowledge Life-cycle & Management:
Creating Knowledge
• KB consists of concepts and their properties , concept
relationships and property relationships
• A concept represents an idea of something that could be a
real world object or an abstract object such as human
behaviour, or feelings etc.
• Creating an Ontology for devices, e.g., all device concepts
that have:
– either a microprocessor, microcontroller or central processor unit,
– have memory, have an input interface, have an output interface,
have a network interface, are collectively described as ‘devices’.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Example Domain Ontology for
Link labelled graph: uses multiple types of link, e.g., W3C RDF, RDF-S, OWL etc
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Design Issues: Creating a Device
• In general, all such concepts do not have any absolute
• E.g., , concept of device is defined in terms of its
relationship to pre-existing concepts
• Hence, concepts are understood through their relationship
to other concepts, which have already been understood
and remembered.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Creating a Domain Ontology: Manual
vs. Automatic Process
• Process is manual?
– e.g., HCI UCD like
• Process is automatic?
– E.g., uses machine learning, data mining
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Creating a Domain Ontology: Process
• The process of creating an Ontology for a domain consists
of defining:
Concept taxonomy
A set of relations
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Creating a Domain Ontology Process:
Design Issues
• There are many different variations of the creation process.
• The ease and explicitness at which complex relationships
can be modelled depends upon the type of KR: light-weight
versus heavy-weight.
There are many modelling choices to be made in Ontology
design as in any kind of design:
• Categorisation choices
• Model relationships which have different cardinality
• Modelling the direction & symmetry of relationships
• Modelling choices about constraints
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Ontology Refinement & Validation
• Often a knowledge model which is created requires a
process or refinement in order to improve it
• Ontology Model needs to be validated. Why?
• How?
• Once an Ontology is defined & agreed, can it vary?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Knowledge Life-cycle & Management:
Maintaining Knowledge
Design issues
• Can the knowledge model then remains fixed during
• Or do knowledge models in practice need to change
• Or multiple knowledge models may exist ?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Knowledge Life-cycle & Management:
Maintaining Knowledge
In practice, knowledge models may vary within a domain
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Maintaining Knowledge: Handling
Heterogeneous Models
• How to deal with multiple heterogeneous knowledge
models within a domain?
• Interoperation between heterogeneous ontology models
– Merging or integration
– Alignment
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Learning-based IS (L-IS)
• Learning refers to system improving its performance with
experience, with respect to some task.
• System is said to learn from experience E with respect to
some class of actions A and performance measure P, if its
performance at the set of actions A, as measured by P,
improves with experience E.
• Adaptive transport scheduling example:
– A = “a logistics vehicle picks up goods on route”,
– E = “travelling the route”, P = “deviation of actual time from
predicted time”.
– Improvement is measure P reducing to zero.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
• Design of the learning element depends on:
– what (which model) is learned,
– the type of feedback and the model or knowledge representation.
• Learning may need model representations that can handle
• 3 main types of learning or feedback which can be used:
– supervised learning,
– unsupervised learning
– reinforcement learning.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Types of Intelligence and IS Model
Reflex & Environment Models for IS
Goal and Utility based models for IS
Hybrids IS Models
KB IS Models
KB Management: Creation & Deployment
Knowledge Representations: rules, BB,
semantics 
• Logic reasoning Models for IS
• Soft Computing IS
• Generic IS
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Knowledge Representations (KR)
Commonly used types of Knowledge Representations:
• Blackboard systems & EDA systems
• Production systems & rule-based systems
• Syntactical: RDBMS, XML Web services
• Semantic type KBs such as ontology-based systems
• Classic-logic based
• Soft Computing
Which type of knowledge can these express well, express
less well?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KB Systems: Production or RuleBased
• In a production system, knowledge is represented as a set
of rules or productions stored in a KB
• Rules are typically defined as if IF-fact THEN-fact
– IF-fact (also called the condition part or antecedent part)
– THEN-fact (also called the consequent part or action part)
• Rule-based KB model can be combined with a reactive
type IS.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KB Systems: Rule-Based
Adaptive Transport Scheduling Service Scenario example
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KB Systems: Rule-Based
• Give some examples of rule-based engines fragments for
the other 3 scenarios:
– Personal memories
– Foodstuff management
– Utility Regulation
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KB Systems
• Rules can get added to the KB:
– Manually, e.g., enterprise policy-based systems
– Automatically, e.g., machine learning.
• Many rule-based engines have been developed
– They enable rule-based systems to incorporated as part of more
general distributed systems versus as part of more specialised IS,
– e.g., JESS
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Rule-based KB Systems: Challenges
• ???
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Rule-based KB Systems
• Rule-based KB vs. Semantic KB?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KB System: Blackboard (BB)
• BB systems act as a shared knowledge type data
– For use between multiple possibly distributed processes
– See Section
• Knowledge sources can be:
– Independent & distributed
– heterogeneous
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KB System: BB vs. EB
KB vs. Event-based system (EB)?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Semantic IS: KRs
• Ontology based models support a rich semantic
conceptualisation & can directly support reasoning
– Huge amount of research interest, less mainstream industry use –
but this depends on how terms ontology, semantics are defined.
• Often term Ontology, expressed informally as a collection
of descriptions of the world that helps users define the
meaning of their actions on the world, is used
synonymously with the term KR
• Ontologies have many more formal definitions
– e.g., “A formal, explicit specifications of a shared conceptualization”
– etc
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KR: Multiple Semantic Representations:
Light-Weight to Heavy-Weight
• There exists a range of ontology models and
representations depending how concepts and their
relationships are defined and organised.
• Light-weight
• Medium-weight
• Heavy-weight
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KR: Light-Weight Representations
• Have simple conceptualisation having parts such as values
of terms that may not be machine-readable and machinerelatable to other terms.
– E.g., dictionaries
• Currently, the most widely used light-weight KRs based
upon W3C Web XML
• Defines an unnamed hierarchy of concepts & properties
• Acts as a basic node labelled graph representation
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Light-Weight KR: Node-Labelled
Node labelled graph: uses one type of inter-node link and intra-node link, e.g., W3C XML
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KR: Light-Weight Representations
• XML is an extensible language designed for exchanging
extensible application specific hierarchical data structures.
• XML extensions Is used for SOC (Section 3.2.4)
• Data structures are certainly machine readable
• XML is a difficult data format on which to build automated
machine-understandable processing and to support
interoperability between autonomous heterogeneous Web
• Extensions to this are heavier weight and developed as
part of the Semantic Web (SW).
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Medium-Weight KR: Edge Labelled
Link labelled graph: uses multiple types of link, e.g., W3C RDF, RDF-S, OWL etc
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KR: Heavy-Weight Representations
• These support more descriptive conceptualisation and
more expressive constraints on terms and their
interrelationships including logical constraints
• Regardless of the properties of the specific Ontology,
heavier-weight Ontologies generally include:
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KR: Heavy-Weight Representations:
Which Types of Logic
• Heavy-weight semantic KRs that are also logical KRs
• Which type of logic should be combined with the semantic
representation to support?
• How to support more flexible reasoning?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Semantic Web
• Semantic Web (SW) was created:
– to evolve the Web from machine-readable to > machineunderstandable
– to support richer service interoperability
• SW defines a suite of KRs with different weights
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Semantic KR: Design Issues
• Open World versus Closed World Semantics
• Knowledge Life-cycle and Knowledge Management
– Creating Knowledge
– Knowledge Deployment
– Maintaining Knowledge
• Design Issues for UbiCom Use
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KR Design: Open World versus
Closed World Semantics
• RDBMS type KB models tend to assume closed-world
– if data is not present, it is false (negation as failure).
• In contrast semantic type KBs tend to use open-world
– regard absence as unknown (negation as unknown).
• Is there an Open World versus Closed World Semantics
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KR Design: Semantics is Variable or
• Semantics for the same concept may be dynamic, depend
on context
• Understanding of semantics varies across heterogeneous
• Semantics of the data is often defined not to be declarative
– ??
• Application semantics are often not explicit and not
accessible from the data
• Solution
– ??
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KB IS: Creation Tools
• Several interactive knowledge creation tools available
• Enable less expert and specialised developers & users to
create knowledge models
• Then to export the knowledge model out of the tool in a
form that can be imported, interpreted or parsed and then
invoked via an API by computer applications
– E.g., Protégé
– E.g., Jena
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KR Design for UbiCom Use
• ICT resources in some devices, particularly, mobile, ASOS
and embedded devices are limited by design.
• May not be possible to handle semantic information &
commands well on the device.
• Length of time a computation takes affects the semantics?
• Designs for KR for IS operations need to be selected to ?:
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KR Design for UbiCom Use: Device
Only have Access to Partial Models
• Devices embedded into a local environment often have
partial view rather than a global view of their environment.
• Systems today often create information in a far more
decentralised manner than they did in the past. Why?
• Solutions?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Lecture Outline
Types of Intelligence and IS Model
Reflex & Environment Models for IS
Goal and Utility based models for IS
Hybrids IS Models
KB IS Models
KB Management: Creation & Deployment
Knowledge representation: rules, BB, semantic
Classic Logic IS Models 
Soft Computing IS Models
IS System Operations
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Classical Logic IS
• Propositional and Predicate Logic
• Reasoning
• Design Issues
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Classic Logic
• Classical logic based upon first-order predicate true or false
logic as being at the heart of any IS which needs to support
reasoning about the system.
• These type of IS are also commonly referred to as (logic)
reasoning systems, deliberative IS, and as symbolic AI
because these systems involve the manipulation of
symbols in the form of logic formulae, although in general
symbols could also refer to any mathematical formulae
including algebraic formulae.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Propositional Logic
• Propositional logic : knowledge represented in the form of
relations which are either true or false.
• Multiple propositions can be combined to form sentences
using logic operators that are either true or false
• The standard logic operators are:
– And, or, not, equals, implies
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Predicate Logic
• Predicates are defined to support more expressive
sentences than propositions
– allow a property to be related to some object or
– a property related to some value.
• Sentence "Device A is in hibernate mode", is a predicate
• Can be evaluated to a proposition,
– e.g., mode (Device A, Hibernate).
• Most common form of Predicate logic is called First-Order
Predicate Logic or FOPL.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Description Logics (DL)
• Based Upon combining FOL with a conceptualisation
organisation based upon graphs, e.g., RDF-S
• Used extensively in Heavy-weight Ontology languages,
Semantic Web, e.g., OWL
• Benefits?
• Consist of ?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
• Reasoning or inferencing, involves logical operations on
logical sentences or statements within a (logical) model,
bounded by an application domain etc, in order to draw
conclusions and to derive other sentences,
– e.g., A entails B, A |= B. Inferencing is used to search for
• Sometimes multiple possible worlds or models will be
possible. Why not?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Reasoning: Model checking
• Model checking used to check that entailments of
sentences are valid in all possible worlds or models.
• Valid sentences are called tautologies.
• Sometimes it is just necessary to check if a sentence is
true in some specific model, i.e., it is satisfied in that model
rather than being able to say it is true in all models, i.e., it is
valid in all models.
• Model checking can involve changing logical restructuring,
changing the syntax of logical sentence whilst keeping the
semantics the same, in order to make checking the logical
equivalence of two sentences easier.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
• Resolution type inferencing can result in lengthy
• This is particularly an issue in resource constrained devices
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Reasoning: Design Issues
For more pervasive use of logic-based IS that supports
reasoning etc.
• Reasoning needs to be scalable
• Reasoning needs to be selectively used
• Reasoning when it occurs needs to be computationally
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Reasoning: Design Issues
Benefits of reasoning using FOL ?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
KR Systems Based Upon Classic
Logic: Challenges
Difficulty in expressing exceptions
High computation maybe needed to establish truth
Logical inconsistencies can occur, e..g, in a distributed KB
Different sub-types and extensions to classical logic exist
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Lecture Outline
Types of Intelligence and IS Model
Reflex & Environment Models for IS
Goal and Utility based models for IS
Hybrids IS Models
KB IS Models
KB Management: Creation & Deployment
Knowledge representation: rules, BB, semantic
Classic Logic IS Models
Soft Computing IS Models 
IS System Operations
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Soft Computing
• Many decisions which involve interaction with humans and
the physical world are soft
– rather than being expressed as either true or false.
• Are more qualitative and may involve some imprecision
and uncertainty.
• Such systems can be designed using soft computing
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Probabilistic Networks
• Probabilistic network, also called a Belief network or
Bayesian Network (BN)
• How to model the likelihood of indeterminate events
happening or to model the degree of belief in a proposition
or predicate and then to reason about them?
• Must consider a prior or unconditional probability and
conditional or posterior probabilities
• Product law expresses a conditional probability in terms of
another conditional probability and two unconditional
• This is the basis of probabilistic inferencing.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Bayesian Network (BN)
• Bayesian Network (BN)can be used to represent any full
joint probability distribution.
• BN can be used to inference in a context-aware UbiCom
scenario in which there are both non-deterministic
preconditions and non-deterministic outcome.
– E.g., in the adaptive vehicle scheduling scenario, both passengers
and buses can indeterminately arrive at pickup points and humans
and vehicles can indeterminately wait (Figure 8-11).
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Bayesian Network application: Adaptive
Transport Scheduling Scenario
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Fuzzy Logic
• Fuzzy logic can represent a where model
– the outcome of a proposition is deterministic
– but is somewhat approximate or imprecise
– E.g., the vehicle is travelling very slowly, or slowly, or at a moderate
speed, or fast or very fast.
• This kind of imprecision can also be used in fuzzy rules.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Fuzzy Logic Application: Adaptive
Transport Scheduling Scenario
• Example fuzzy logic rule could be
– If the bus is travelling slowly away from the pickup point
– and a passenger is moving quickly towards the pickup point
– then slow down the vehicle to stop near the pickup point.
• Here, the terms slowly, quickly, and near, act as fuzzy
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Fuzzy Logic Application: Adaptive
Transport Scheduling Scenario
• Why wouldn’t crisp logic work here?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Lecture Outline
Types of Intelligence and IS Model
Reflex & Environment Models for IS
Goal and Utility based models for IS
Hybrids IS Models
KB Management: Creation & Deployment
Knowledge Representation: rules, BB,
• Classic Logic IS Models
• Soft Computing IS Models
• IS System Operations 
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
IS System Operations
• Searching
• Planning
• Reasoning but is specific to a specific logic representation
• Learning: requires architectural support for feedback
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
• Is a problem-solving technique that systematically explores
a space of problem states,
– i.e., successive and alternative stages in the problem-solving
– in order to select a goal state or a chain or path
– through intermediate states to achieve a goal state.
Space of alternative solutions is searched to find an
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
• Much of the early research for state space search was
undertaken using common board games. Why?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Searching: Applications
Hence search problem is expressed as:
• Start state
• Goal state
• Goal test function
• Utility function
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Searching: Algorithms
Uninformed search
No hints are available about how to reduce search space
Problem search space can be represented graphically
Searching involves traversing graph bread-first or depthfirst and testing each node to check if it is the goal-state.
• Forward-chaining: Uninformed problem space searches
tend to operate in the forward direction (progression) from
start state to end goal state
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Uninformed or Brute Search:
Breadth First Search
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Uninformed Search: Depth 1st
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Uninformed Search Algorithm: Design
• In some cases, the search algorithm must also handle the
case when the IS system cannot identify its start state
– E.g., a transport vehicle is lost and requires a route to a destination
• Mode of the search space may not be uniform,
– E.g., different nodes may have different numbers of branches.
• Also problem spaces may not be single valued but may be
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Uninformed Search Algorithm :
Design Challenges
• Some problems such as games can generate extremely
large search spaces,
– require large amounts of computation, for uninformed search
• Depth-first can fail. Why?
• Hence, use of variations of informed searches. Which?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Informed search techniques
• Informed search is a general solution to reduce the
computation of an uninformed search
• Uses problem specific information to limit the problem
• Core component of an informed search is a heuristic
– a function which depends upon the current node in a problem
– e.g., a cost function rich returns a value to reach that current node
from a previous node.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Informed search techniques
• What if nodes represent physical locations, what could cost
function represent?
• Heuristic function which maps each node to a value
depends on information about problem.
• Variation of cost function to assign a first cost to reach
current node from previous link to assign a second cost to
go from current node to goal node.
• Cost heuristic is used by A*search
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Informed Search: A* Search
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Searching Applications: Information
• A core application for searching in general is information
• Aim to reducing the cost in terms No. of goal tests for each
• How are more efficient information searching achieved?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Classical (Deterministic) Planning
Major planning applications?
• Modern planners can be used in embodied software robots
or agents as well as for complex adaptive control in
machines such as particle beam accelerators.
• etc
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
• Planning involves searching for a plan and then executing
the plan.
• Searching for a plan uses the following:
– a planning model representation;
– backward chaining to determine chains of actions which lead to the
goal state,
– forward chaining to reach the goal state from the current state;
– informed search techniques
– problem decomposition
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
• The planning model represents:
Actions which transition states towards goals
Chains of actions to between non-adjacent states
Heuristic cost functions to allow the choice of multiple chains of
actions to be constrained using some heuristics
• E.g., In adaptive transport scenarios example, system must
pick-up multiple passengers in multiple locations,
– By path between locations to minimise fuel consumption or
– Time taken or some combination of both these.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
• Can be modelled as a graph where the nodes represent
states and the link between nodes represent actions.
• Links representing actions are not labelled to identify the
• How to define actions?
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
EDA Action vs. Planning Action
• ????
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
• How : to make complex planning problems more solvable?
• Make use of decomposition
• E.g., HTA
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Hierarchical Task Plan for watch AV
content goal
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Planning: Partial Order Planning
• Limitation of the forward and backward state searches?
– ???
– ???
• Solution?
– Partial-order-planning or POP
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Partial Order Plan Application: to
watch AV content
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Planning & G-IS Design
• For G-IS design, planning is used to enable a chain of
actions to be selected that will achieve the goal.
• Hence, any action executed is part of the plan.
• For some types of system interaction, the environment
events may trigger actions for which there is no current
plan or goal, a situated action.
• Situated action could in this case trigger a goal-based IS
design to form a plan for it.
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Non-Deterministic Planning
• However, some environments may be non deterministic
and partially observable models and here classical
planning will fail. Why?
• Solutions?
– Use Contingency planning or conditional planning
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Planning Application: Location
(Context) awareness
Start Context
Move Forward
Planned Current Context
Move To Side
Context Deviation
Re-plan & Move forward
Goal Context
Planned Current Context
Move To Side
Context Deviation
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Lecture Outline
Types of Intelligence and IS Model 
Reflex & Environment Models for IS 
Goal and Utility based models for IS 
Hybrids IS Models 
KB IS Models 
KB Management: Creation & Deployment 
Knowledge Representation: rules, BB,
semantic 
• Classic Logic IS Models 
• Soft Computing IS Models 
• IS System
 environments and interaction
computing: smart devices,
Summary & Revision
For each chapter
• See book web-site for chapter summaries, references,
resources etc.
• Identify new terms & concepts
• Apply new terms and concepts: define, use in old and
new situations & problems
• Debate problems, challenges and solutions
• See Chapter exercises on web-site
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Exercises: Define New Concepts
• AI
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction
Exercise: Applying New Concepts
• What should UbiCom support AI?
• etc
Ubiquitous computing: smart devices, environments and interaction