半年工作小结 报告人:吕小惠 2011年8月25日 报告提纲 一.学习了Non-negative Matrix Factorization convergence proofs 二.学习了Sparse Non-negative Matrix Factorization算法 三.学习了线性代数中有关子空间等基础知 识 四.学习了Ma yi等人提出的Generalized PCA的相关理论 GPCA论文信息 • Generalized Principal Component Analysis(GPCA) • René Vidal,Member IEEE;Yi Ma,Member IEEE;Shankar Sastry,Fellow IEEE • IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE,VOL. 27,NO. 12, Page 1945-1959,December 2005 GPCA从数据中寻找基向量 GPCA Abstract • This paper presents an algebro-geometric solution to the problem of segmenting an unknown number of subspaces of unknown and varying dimensions from sample data points. GPCA Abstract • We represent the subspaces with a set of homogeneous polynomials whose degree is the number of the subspaces and the derivatives at a data point give normal vectors to the subspace passing through the point. GPCA Abstract • When the number of subspaces is known,we show that these polynomials can be estimated linearly from data ,hence subspace segmentation is reduced to classifying one point per subspace. GPCA Abstract • We select these points optimally from the data set by minimizing certain distance function,thus dealing automatically with moderate noise in the data. • A basis for the complement of each subspace is then recovered by applying standard PCA to the collection of derivatives(normal vectors). GPCA Abstract • Extensions of GPCA that deal with data in a highdimensional space and with an unknown number of subspaces are also presented. • Our experiments on low-dimensional data show that GPCA out-performs existing algebraic algorithms based on polynomials factorization and provides a good initialization to iterative techniques such as Ksubspace and Expectation Maximization. GPCA Abstract • We also present applications of GPCA to computer vision problems such as face clustering, temporal video segmentation, and 3-D motion segmentation from point correspondences in multiple affine views. Subspace Segmentation • We consider the following alternative extension of PCA to the case of data lying a union of subspaces as illustrated in Figure 1 for two subspaces in R3. Subspace Segmentation GPCA • Theorem 1(Generalized Principal Component Analysis): A union of n subspaces of RD,can be represented with a set of homogeneous polynomials of degree n in D variables. • These polynomials can be estimated linearly given enough sample points in general position in the subspaces. GPCA • A basis for the complement of each subspace can be obtained from the derivatives of these polynomials at a point in each of the subspaces. • Such points can be recursively selected via polynomial division. • Therefore, the subspace segmentation problem is mathematically equivalent to fitting,differentiating,and dividing a set of homogeneous polynomials.拟合,微分,分 解 Thank you! 报告人:吕小惠 2011年8月25日