Residential Energy Consumption Controlling Techniques to Enable Autonomous Demand Side Management in Future Smart Grid Communications by Engr Naeem Malik 1 Abstract • Increasing demand of consumers have affected the power system badly as power generation system faces a number of challenges both in quality and quantity. • An overview of home appliances scheduling techniques has been discussed to implement Demand Side Management (DSM) in smart grid. • Optimal energy consumption scheduling minimizes the energy consumption cost. • Reduces the Peak-to-Average Ratio (PAR) as well as peak load demand to shape the peak load curve. 2 Introduction (1/2) • A system that implements communication and information technology in electrical grid is known as smart grid. • Smart grid improves the customers' load utilization by deploying the communication based monitoring and controlling architectures. • With the addition of different types of new loads e.g. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs), the normal residential load has potentially increased. • Need to develop new methods for peak load reduction. • Oil and coal fired power plants are used to meet the peak demands, as a result a huge amount of CO2 and green house gases is emitted. 3 Introduction (2/2) • Smart grid enables DSM to overcome these problems. • DSM was proposed in the late 1970s. • DSM programs are implemented to exploit better utilization of current available generating power capacity without installing new power generation infrastructure. • DSM controls the residential loads by shifting the load from peak hours to off-peak hours in order to reduce the peak load curve. 4 Related work • Caron, Stphane, and George Kesidis proposed an incentive based energy consumption controlling scheme for Direct Load Contol (DLC). • Costanzo, Giuseppe T., Jan Kheir, and Guchuan Zhu discussed an energy consumption scheduling technique to shape the peak load curve. • Rossello Busquet, Ana, et al. elaborated a priority based scheduling scheme for household appliances to control the load. 5 Different Scheduling Schemes for DSM • Efficiency of power consumption is an important factor. • Due to limited energy assets and expensive process of integrating new energy resources, there is an important need to improve our system power utilization. • Utility companies need to reduce the peak load demand to achieve high reliability in electric grid. • Smart grid applies DSM programs to control the peak load demand and energy consumption cost. • Different energy consumption controlling techniques to minimize the peak load and monetary cost are discussed in the following slides. 6 An Autonomous Three Layered Structure Model for DSM (1/3) Fig.1. Scheme architecture for demand side load management system 7 An Autonomous Three Layered Structure Model for DSM (2/3) • Present architecture controls the appliances using online scheduling approach in the run-time manner. • Main three modules for Admission control (AC), load balancer (LB) and demand response manager (DRM) to control peak load demand. • AC module schedules the appliances by using spring algorithm. • AC accepts the requests based on priority, power request, available capacity and rejects the rest. • LB schedules the rejected requests and performs an optimal scheduling. 8 An Autonomous Three Layered Structure Model for DSM (3/3) • LB triggered by events such as request rejection, changes on available capacity, energy price. • LB minimizes the cost function analogous to energy price. • AC and LB schedule the appliances on run time with respect to limited capacity constraints and overall peak load and energy consumption cost is minimized. • DRM represent an interface b/w DSM system and smart grid. • Load forecaster provide information of load forecast to DRM and LB. 9 Backtracking-based technique for load control (1/3) Fig.2. Power scheduler operation 10 Backtracking-based technique for load control (2/3) • Schedule home appliances to reduce the peak load and monetary cost. • Backtracking algorithm is used for scheduling the home appliances (tasks). • Task Ti can be modeled with Fi , Ai , Di , Ui. • Ti is non-preemptive, Start time of appliance between Ai to (Di - Ui). • Ti is preemptive, ((Di - Ai)C Ui) vectors are used to map the profile entry. • Backtracking frame a search tree on the allocation table. 11 Backtracking-based technique for load control (3/3) • Scheduler copies the profile entry of different appliances one by one according to task profile to the allocation table. • Potential search tree consists of all feasible solutions including worthless solutions. • At each intervening node, which passes to a feasible solution, it checks either the node can guide to a feasible solution if not remaining search tree is pruned. • Scheduler search the feasible time slots for the appliances schedule. • Appliances (tasks) to be scheduled are less than 10 and this model reduces peak load up to 23.1%. 12 Game-Theoretic based DSM (1/3) Fig.3. Home scheduler model with ECS devices deployment 13 Game-Theoretic based DSM (2/3) • Energy Consumption Scheduler (ECS) is deployed in smart meters for scheduling the household appliances. • Convex optimization based technique. • Proposes an energy consumption scheduling game to reduce the Peak to Average ratio (PAR) and energy consumption cost. • Users are players and their daily schedule of using appliances are strategies. • Energy cost minimization is achieved at Nash equilibrium of energy scheduling game. 14 Game-Theoretic based DSM (3/3) • Two types of appliances are considered in this scheme; shiftable and nonshiftable appliances. • Scheduler manages and shifts the appliances energy consumption for appropriate scheduling. • Feasible energy consumption scheduling set for the appliances of user ‘n’ is acquired as follows: • Present technique reduces PAR up to 18\% and energy cost reduces to 17%. 15 ECS device based scheduling (1/3) Fig.4. Smart grid system model with ‘N’ load subscribers 16 ECS device based scheduling (2/3) • Energy Consumption Scheduling (ECS) devices are used for scheduling the home appliances. • ECS devices are connected with power grid and Local Area Network (LAN) to communicate with the smart grid. • ECS devices schedule the energy consumption of household appliances according to individual energy needs of all subscribers. • Convex optimization based technique. 17 ECS device based scheduling (3/3) • ECS devices run an algorithm to find an optimal schedule for the energy consumption of each subscriber home. • Simulation results show that ECS devices efficiently schedule the appliances energy consumption in the whole day. • Present scheme reduces the cost up to 37%. Fig.5. Daily cost $ 86.47 (ECS devices are not used) Fig.6. Daily cost $53.81 (ECS devices are used) 18 An Optimal and autonomous residential load control scheme (1/3) Fig.7. Smart meter operation in residential load control scheme 19 An Optimal and autonomous residential load control scheme (2/3) • An optimal energy consumption scheduling scheme minimizes the PAR and reduces the waiting time of each appliance operation in household. • Residential load controller predict the prices in real time. • Real-time pricing and inclining block rates are combined to balance the load and minimize peak-to-average ratio. • Deployed Energy Consumption Scheduling (ECS) device in residential smart meters to control the load of household appliances. • Price predictor estimates upcoming price rates. 20 An Optimal and autonomous residential load control scheme (3/3) • Price predictor and energy scheduler are two main units to control the residential load. • Price predictor estimates the upcoming prices and allows scheduler to schedule the appliances according to user's need. • Load demand high in smart grid, Grid send request to smart meters to reduce the load. • In this case, scheduler increases upcoming prices of next 2 or 3 hours by optimization technique. • Automatically suspends some portion of load and the total load reduces. 21 Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) Mechanism Based DSM (1/2) • Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism maximizes the social welfare i.e. the difference between aggregate utility function of all users and total energy cost. • Each user deployed Energy Consumption Controller (ECC) device in its smart meter for scheduling the household appliances. • Efficient pricing method is used to reduce the energy cost. • VCG mechanism develops the DSM programs to enable efficient energy consumption among all users. • Each user provides its energy demand to the utility company. 22 Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) Mechanism Based DSM (2/2) • Energy provider estimates the optimal energy consumption level of each user and declares particular electricity payment for each user. • An optimization problem is evolved to reduce the total energy cost charged on energy provider while maximize aggregate utility functions of all users. • Optimization problem provide efficient energy consumption schedule for user's energy consumption in order to reduce the cost: Where • Xn Power consumption vector of user ‘n’. • Un (.) Utility function of user ‘n’. • Ck(Lk) Cost function of Lk energy units offered by utility in each time slot k. 23 A Scheme for tackling load uncertainty (1/2) • Tackling the load irregularity to reduce energy cost in real-time. • Schedule energy consumption under the combined implementation of Real Time Pricing (RTP) and Inclining Block Rates (IBR). • Each user's smart meter deployed Energy Consumption Control (ECC) unit. • ECC unit schedules and manages the household energy consumption. • Appliances are divided into two categories must run loads and controllable loads. 24 A Scheme for tackling load uncertainty (2/2) • Must-run loads start operation immediately at any time without interruption of ECC unit e.g. Personal Computer (PC), TV. • Controllable appliances operation can be interrupted or delayed. • Operation cycle of appliance separate into T time slots. • ECC unit implements a centralized algorithm and determines the optimal appliances schedule in each time slot. • Proposed mechanism formulated as an optimization problem and energy cost can be minimized by solving optimization problem. 25 Comparison of different Energy consumption controlling schemes Table I 26 Conclusion • Different residential load controlling techniques in smart grid. • Residential load controlling techniques are employed for efficient consumption of electricity in residential buildings like homes and offices. • Energy consumption controlling techniques reduce the peak load by shifting the heavy loads from peak-hours to off peak-hours to shape the load curve and minimize the energy consumption cost. • Consumer are also encouraged to schedule the appliances. • Scheme 1 (an autonomous three layered structured model) is more efficient reduces the peak load up to 66.66%. • ECS device based scheme and VCG mechanism minimize the cost up to 37%. 27