University of Cagliari Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering Pre-, Post- and Oxy-fuel Combustion Technologies for CO2 Capture Giorgio Cau Professor of Energy and Environmental Systems - Workshop: Mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici. Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” Sotacarbo - Carbonia – 27 Novembre, 2014 University of Cagliari Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering CO2 Capture Technologies (first step of CCS) Ø Post-combustion: CO2 captured from flue gas Ø Pre-combustion: CO2 captured from fuel Ø Oxy-combustion: combustion with oxygen, CO2 captured from flue gas Workshop: Mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici. Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” Sotacarbo - Carbonia – 27 Novembre, 2014 University of Cagliari Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering CO2 Capture Technologies Source: International Journal of greenhouse gas control 2 (2008) 9–20 Workshop: Mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici. Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” Sotacarbo - Carbonia – 27 Novembre, 2014 University of Cagliari Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering Post-combustion technologies for CO2 removal CO2 capture from flue gas Ø Applied to conventional power plants Ø Can be applied to existing plants (retrofit) Ø CO2 capture requires specific processes due to both low concentration and low partial pressure of CO2 Ø More common separation methods use chemical solvents, for example amines Workshop: Mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici. Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” Sotacarbo - Carbonia – 27 Novembre, 2014 University of Cagliari Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering Post-combustion technologies for CO2 removal Conventional technology: Amines Ø Organic compounds obtained from ammonia (NH3) substituting one or more hydrogen atoms with monovalent hydrocarbon radicals Ø Amines can be primary, secondary or tertiary, with formula equal to R-N-H2, R2-N-H and R3-N where R is the monovalent hydrocarbon Ø Monoethanolamine, MEA, Diglicolamine, DGA, Diehtanolamine, DEA, 2-amine-2metil-1-propanol, AMP, or mixtures of amines, for esemple MEA mixed with metildiethanolamine, MDEA Innovative technology: Chilled Ammonia Ø NH3 Ø Temperature about 0 °C Workshop: Mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici. Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” Sotacarbo - Carbonia – 27 Novembre, 2014 University of Cagliari Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering Post-combustion technologies for CO2 removal Simplified scheme of the CO2 chemical removal section Source: Workshop: Mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici. Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” Sotacarbo - Carbonia – 27 Novembre, 2014 University of Cagliari Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering CO2 capture plants based on chemical solvents operating worldwide Capacity (ton/h) * Use of CO2 16,7 Chemical fertilizers 12,5 Sodium carbonate 1 CCS Indo Gulf Fertiliser (India) 6,5 Urea I-n-Salah (Algeria) 115 CCS Kedah (Malaysia) 13,75 CCS Liquid Air (Australia) 2,5 CO2 for food industry Lubbock (Texas) 42 EOR Luzhou (China) 6,7 Urea Mitchell Energy (Texas) 42 EOR Nanko (Japan) 6,7 Urea North American Chemical (California) 33 Sodium carbonate Northeast Energy (Massachusetts) 13 CO2 for food industry Rio de Janerio (Brazil) 7,75 CO2 for food industry Shady Point 8,3 CO2 for food industry Sleipner 115 CCS Southeast (New Mexico) 3,75 EOR Snøhvit 80 CCS Sumitomo Chemicals (Japan) 7 CO2 for food industry 4,5 Fire extinguisher Plant Abu Dhabi Aua Pan (Botswana) Esbjerg (Denmark) Warrior Run Workshop: Mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici. Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” Sotacarbo - Carbonia – 27 Novembre, 2014 University of Cagliari Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering Capacity (ton/h) * Use of CO2 16,7 Chemical fertilizers 12,5 Sodium carbonate 1 CCS Indo Gulf Fertiliser (India) 6,5 Urea I-n-Salah (Algeria) 115 CCS Kedah (Malaysia) 13,75 CCS 2,5 CO2 for food industry 42 EOR Luzhou (China) 6,7 Urea Mitchell Energy (Texas) 42 EOR Nanko (Japan) 6,7 Urea North American Chemical (California) 33 Sodium carbonate Northeast Energy (Massachusetts) 13 CO2 for food industry Rio de Janerio (Brazil) 7,75 CO2 for food industry Shady Point 8,3 CO2 for food industry Sleipner 115 CCS Southeast (New Mexico) 3,75 EOR Snøhvit 80 CCS Sumitomo Chemicals (Japan) 7 CO2 for food industry 4,5 Fire extinguisher Plant Abu Dhabi Aua Pan (Botswana) Esbjerg (Denmark) Liquid Air (Australia) Sleipner (Norway) Lubbock (Texas) Warrior Run Esbjerg (Denmark) Snøhvit (Norway) In Salah (Algeria) Workshop: Mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici. Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” Sotacarbo - Carbonia – 27 Novembre, 2014 University of Cagliari Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering Pre-combustion technologies for CO2 removal CO2 capture from fuel Ø Primary fuel is converted through reforming processes (natural gas, methanol, etc.) or gassification processes (coal, TAR, etc.) into a synthesis gas mainly composed by CO, CO2, H2O and H2 Ø CO can be converted, through a chemical reaction with steam (“water-gas shift conversion”) into CO2 and H2 Ø CO2 is separated through physical absorption processes producting a syngas rich of hydrogen (CO2 content is negligible) Workshop: Mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici. Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” Sotacarbo - Carbonia – 27 Novembre, 2014 University of Cagliari Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering Pre-combustion technologies for CO2 removal Scheme of the CO2 physical removal section Source: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 94–95, 2012, Pp. 123–154 Workshop: Mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici. Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” Sotacarbo - Carbonia – 27 Novembre, 2014 University of Cagliari Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering Pre-combustion technologies for CO2 removal Main physical solvents Selexol Ø DEPG (dimetylether of glycol polyethylene) Ø Patent of UoP Rectisol Ø Based on methanol, developed by Lurgi and Linde. Ø Operating temperature very low (in the range -40/-60 °C) Ø Greater CO2 solubility Purisol Ø NMP (N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone), patent of Lurgi AG Ø Maximum selectivity for H2S and CO2 Fluor SolventTM Ø Based on Propylene Carbonate Workshop: Mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici. Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” Sotacarbo - Carbonia – 27 Novembre, 2014 University of Cagliari Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering Pre-combustion technologies for CO2 removal Main CO2 capture plant based on physical solvents CVR Energy coal-to-ammonia plant in Kansas Ø Selexol Ø 128 ton/h of CO2 for urea production Great Plains Synfuels Plant Ø Rectisol Ø 520 ton/h of CO2 used for EOR Shenfu Dongsheng Ø Greatest Rectisol plant operating worldwide Ø Coal to liquid Ø 1065 ton/h of CO2 operating at 34 bar for EOR Pernis refinery (127 MW IGCC project) - Netherlands (Shell Gasification) Ø 50% of captured CO2 is wasted in atmosphere Ø 50% of captured CO2 is stored Ø Pernis can be considered the only one IGCC plant sequestration-ready worldwide Workshop: Mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici. Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” Sotacarbo - Carbonia – 27 Novembre, 2014 University of Cagliari Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering Oxy-combustion technologies for CO2 removal Combustion with oxygen Ø Nitrogen absence in the comburent leads to flue gas with a very high CO2 concentration (theoretically up to 95% by volume on a dry basis in case of coal and up to 98% in case of natural gas) Ø Oxygen combustion causes a great increas of the combustion temperature requiring a diluent to substitute nitrogen Ø Different solutions are possible: Recicling of combustion products (oxy-combustion plants of 1st and 2nd generation, with gas recycling up to 80%) § Injection of water or steam (oxy-combustion plants of 3rd generation) § Workshop: Mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici. Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” Sotacarbo - Carbonia – 27 Novembre, 2014 University of Cagliari Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering Oxy-combustion technologies for CO2 removal Technology development Ø 1st generation plants. Generally pilot plants derived from “retrofit” of conventional existing plants. The best known is the 30 MWt plant built by Vattenfall at the Schwarze Pumpe plant in Germany Ø 2nd generation plants. New plants, designed for oxygen combustion and with gas recycling. These plants are based on experience from 1st generation plants. Lower size in comparison to 1st generation plants resulting from lower volume flow in comparison to air combustion (20-25%) due to different gas properties (density and specific heat capacity) Ø 3rd generation plants. New plants with oxygen combustion moderated by steam Workshop: Mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici. Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” Sotacarbo - Carbonia – 27 Novembre, 2014 University of Cagliari Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering Vattenfall di Schwartze Pumpe plant - Germany Source: Int. Journal of greenhouse gas control 2 (2008) 9– 20 Workshop: Mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici. Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” Sotacarbo - Carbonia – 27 Novembre, 2014 University of Cagliari Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering Oxy-combustion technologies for CO2 removal Some fundamental issues Ø Oxygen production. It is required a plant for oxygen production, generally a criogenic air separation unit (ASU), with oxygen purity of about 95% in volume Ø Combustion. Combustion devices must be suitable for combustion with oxygen and gas recycling Ø CO2 capture. CO2 is easily separated from flue gas through steam condensation. A separation system for uncondensable gas (mainly sulphur oxides) and a compression system to assure a proper CO2 pressure for transport and storage are required Workshop: Mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici. Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” Sotacarbo - Carbonia – 27 Novembre, 2014 University of Cagliari Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering Energy penalties of CO2 Capture Technologies Ø Oxy-combustion. Energy penalties about 7-10 percentage points of the plant global efficiency, mainly due to: § ASU electrical consumption § Electrical consumption of CO2 compression chain Ø Post-combustion. Energy penalties about 10-11 percentage points of the plant global efficiency, mainly due to: § Thermal energy request due to solvent regeneration process (steam extraction from steam turbine causing power plant reduction) § Electrical consumption of CO2 compression chain Ø Pre-combustion. Energy penalties about 8-10 percentage points of the plant global efficiency, mainly due to: § § Electrical consumption for cooling solvent system Electrical consumption for CO2 compression chain § CO-Shift process (thermal absorption and reduction of syngas chemical power) Workshop: Mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici. Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” Sotacarbo - Carbonia – 27 Novembre, 2014 University of Cagliari Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering Thank you for your attention Giorgio Cau - Workshop: Mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici. Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” Sotacarbo - Carbonia – 27 Novembre, 2014