Chapter 22 Reaction of Benzene and its Derivatives 22-1 Reactions of Benzene Substitution at a ring carbon. Hal oge n ati on : H + Cl 2 Fe Cl 3 Cl + HCl C h l orobe n ze n e Contrast to radical mechanism for benzylic hyrdogens Ni trati on: H + HN O 3 H2 SO 4 N O2 + H2 O Ni trobe n z e n e 22-2 Reactions of Benzene S u lfon ati on : H + SO 3 H2 SO 4 SO 3 H Be n z en e s u lfon ic acid Al k yl ati on :Friedel Crafts H + RX A lX3 R + HX An al k ylbe n z en e Acylati on :Friedel Crafts O A lX3 H + RCX O CR + HX An acylbe n z e ne 22-3 Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Electrophilic H aromatic substitution: + + E We E + + H study several common electrophiles • how each is generated. • the mechanism by which each replaces hydrogen. 22-4 EAS: General Mechanism A general mechanism Step 1: H + + E Electrophile + Step 2: H fast s low , rate determin ing + H E Res on ance-s tabilized cation intermed iate + E + H E General question: What are the electrophiles and how are they generated? Look at particular reactions. 22-5 Chlorination Step 1: Generation of the electrophile: a chloronium ion. Cl Cl + Cl Fe Cl Cl + Cl Cl Cl Fe Cl + Cl Fe Cl 4 Cl An i on pair C h l ori n e Fe rri c ch l ori de A m ole cu lar comple x (a Le wis (a Le wis wi th a pos i ti ve ch arge con tain i n g a ch loron i u m ion base ) aci d) on ch lorin e Step 2: Attack of the chloronium ion on the ring. + Cl slow , rate determining + H H H + Cl Cl + Cl Resonan ce-stab ilized cation in termediate; th e positive charge is delocalized onto three atoms of the ring22-6 Chlorination Step 3: Proton ejection regenerates the aromatic character of the ring. + H + Cl-FeCl3 fast Cl + HCl + FeCl3 Cl Cation intermediate Chlorobenzene 22-7 Addition vs Substitution Energy diagram for the bromination of benzene. 22-8 Nitration (Nitric and Sulfuric Acids) Generation of the nitronium ion, NO2+ • Step 1: Proton transfer to nitric acid. O HSO3 O H + H O N O S u lfu ric aci d H HSO4 + Ni tric aci d O O N H O C on jugate aci d of n itri c acid • Step 2: Loss of H2O gives the nitronium ion, a very strong electrophile. Dehydrated nitric acid. H H O O N O H H O + O N O Th e n itroni u m i on 22-9 Nitration, Attack of electrophile as before….. Step 1: Attack of the nitronium ion) on the aromatic ring. H + + O N O NO2 + H NO2 H + NO2 + Re s onance -s tabil i ze d cati on i nte rme diate Step 2: Proton transfer regenerates the aromatic ring. H H O H + NO2 + NO2 + H O H H 22-10 Synthesis, Nitro Amines The nitro group can be reduced to a 1° amino group. COOH + 3 H2 NO2 4-N itroben zoic acid COOH Ni (3 atm) + 2 H2 O NH2 4-Aminoben zoic acid Notice the carboxylic was untouched. 22-11 Sulfonation Carried out using concentrated sulfuric acid containing dissolved sulfur trioxide. + SO 3 Be n z en e H2 SO 4 SO 3 H Be n z en e s u lfon i c aci d 22-12 Friedel-Crafts Alkylation Friedel-Crafts alkylation forms a new C-C bond between an aromatic ring and an alkyl group. + Benzene Cl AlCl3 + HCl 2-Chloropropane Cumene (Isopropyl chloride) (Isopropylbenzene) 22-13 Friedel-Crafts Alkylation Step 1: Formation of an alkyl cation as an ion pair. R Cl + Cl Al Cl Cl R Cl Al Cl Cl Cl A molecular comp lex + R+ AlCl4 A n ion pair contain ing a carbocation Step 2: Attack of the alkyl cation. + + R+ H R + H R H + R A re s onance-s tabil iz e d cati on Step 3: Proton transfer regenerates the aromatic ring. H R + Cl AlCl3 R + AlCl3 + HCl 22-14 Friedel-Crafts Alkylation There are four major limitations on Friedel-Crafts alkylations: 1. Carbocation rearrangements are common Cl + Be n z en e Isobu tyl ch loride CH3 CH3 CHCH2 -Cl + AlCl3 Isobutyl ch loride A lCl 3 + HCl tert- Bu tyl ben z e n e CH3 + CH3 C-CH2 -Cl-AlCl3 H a molecu lar complex CH3 + CH3 C AlCl4 - CH3 an ion pair 22-15 Friedel-Crafts Alkylation 2. F-C alkylation fails on benzene rings bearing one or more of these strongly electron-withdrawing groups. Y + RX AlCl3 N o reacti on Wh en Y Equ als A n y of Th es e G rou p s, th e Ben ze n e Ri ng D oe s N o t U n d ergo Fri ed el -Crafts A lk ylation O CH O CR SO3 H C N CF3 CCl3 O COH NO2 O COR NR3 O CNH2 + 22-16 Friedel-Crafts Alkylation 3. F-C multiple alkylation can occur more rapidly than monoalkylation. The first alkyl group activates the ring to the second substitution. 4. The steps in the Friedel Crafts Alkylation are reversible and rearrangments may occur. 22-17 Friedel-Crafts Acylation Friedel-Crafts acylation forms a new C-C bond between a benzene ring and an acyl group. O O + CH3 CCl Benzen e AlCl3 Acetyl ch loride Cl + HCl Acetop henone O O AlCl3 4-Phenylbutan oyl chlorid e + HCl -Tetralon e 22-18 Friedel-Crafts Acylation The electrophile is an acylium ion. •• O •• R-C Cl •• An acyl ch loride Cl (1) + Al-Cl Cl Al u min u m ch loride O + Cl (2) •• R-C Cl Al Cl •• Cl A m ole cul ar com pl e x wi th a pos itive ch arge ch arge on ch lorin e O R-C+ AlCl4A n i on pair con tain i n g an acyl iu m ion 22-19 Friedel-Crafts Acylation • An acylium ion is represented as a resonance hybrid of two major contributing structures. O: : + R-C com ple te val e n ce s h el l s + R-C O: Th e m ore i mportan t con tribu ti n g s tru ctu re Friedel-Crafts acylations are free of major limitation of Friedel-Crafts alkylations; acylium ions do not rearrange, do not polyacylate (why?), do not rearrange. 22-20 Synthesis, Friedel-Crafts Acylation preparation of unrearranged alkylbenzenes. O + Cl A lCl 3 2-Meth ylpropan oyl ch loride O N 2 H 4 , KOH die th yl e n e gl ycol 2-Meth yl-1Isobu tyl be n z e n e ph e nyl -1-propanon e What else could be used here? 22-21 Other Aromatic Alkylations Carbocations are generated by • treatment of an alkene with a proton acid, most commonly H2SO4, H3PO4, or HF/BF3. + Benzene CH3 CH=CH2 H3 PO4 Propene Cumene • treating an alkene with a Lewis acid. + AlCl 3 Be nz ene Cyclohe xe ne Phe nyl cycl ohe xane 22-22 Other Aromatic Alkylations • and by treating an alcohol with H2SO4 or H3PO4. + HO H3 PO 4 Be n z en e 2-Me th yl-2-propan ol (tert- Bu tyl al coh ol) + H2 O 2-Me th yl-2ph e n yl propan e (tert- Bu tyl be nz e n e ) 22-23 Di- and Polysubstitution Orientation on nitration of monosubstituted benzenes. Su bstitu ent ortho Favor ortho/para substitution Favor meta substitution meta - para ortho + p ara meta 55 38 99 96 trace 4 30 100 trace OCH3 CH3 44 58 Cl 70 4 - Br 37 1 62 99 1 COOH 18 80 2 20 80 CN NO2 19 6.4 80 93.2 1 0.3 20 6.7 80 93.2 22-24 Directivity of substituents 22-25 Di- and Polysubstitution Two ways to characterize the substituent • Orientation: • Some substituents direct preferentially to ortho & para positions; others to meta positions. • Substituents are classified as either ortho-para directing or meta directing toward further substitution. • Rate • Some substituents cause the rate of a second substitution to be greater than that for benzene itself; others cause the rate to be lower. • Substituents are classified as activating or deactivating toward further substitution. 22-26 Di- and Polysubstitution • -OCH3 is ortho-para directing. OCH3 OCH3 OCH3 NO2 + HNO3 + CH 3 COOH An isole o-N itroanis ole (44%) + H2 O NO2 p-N itroanis ole (55%) • -COOH is meta directing. COOH + HNO3 Ben zoic acid H2 SO4 COOH NO2 COOH + 100°C COOH + NO2 o-N itroben zoic acid (18%) m-N itroben zoic acid (80%) NO2 p-N itrobenzoic acid (2%) 22-27 : O O : : N HCAr OCR I: : Br : : Cl : : : F: O O O O CH O CR COH COR N O2 OCAr Recall the polysubstitution in FC alkylation. R CNH 2 O : : : N HCR : Meta Directing : O : : OR : S tron gly de activati n g OH : Mode rate ly de activati n g N R2 : W eak l y de activati n g N HR : W eak l y acti vatin g N H2 : Mode rate ly acti vatin g : S tron gly acti vatin g : Ortho-para D irecting Di- and Polysubstitution SO 3 H N H3 + C N CF3 CCl3 22-28 Di- and Polysubstitution Generalizations: • Directivity: Alkyl, phenyl, and all substituents in which the atom bonded to the ring has an unshared pair of electrons are ortho-para directing. All other substituents are meta directing. • Activation: All ortho-para directing groups except the halogens are activating toward further substitution. The halogens are weakly deactivating. 22-29 Di- and Polysubstitution • The order of steps is important. CH 3 COOH HNO3 K2 Cr2 O7 H2 SO4 H 2 SO4 CH 3 NO2 NO2 p-N itroben zoic acid COOH COOH K2 Cr2 O7 HNO3 H2 SO4 H2 SO4 NO2 m-N itroben zoic acid 22-30 Theory of Directing Effects The rate of EAS is limited by the slowest step in the reaction. For almost every EAS, the rate-determining step is attack of E+ on the aromatic ring to give a resonance-stabilized cation intermediate. The more stable this cation intermediate, the faster the rate-determining step and the faster the overall reaction. 22-31 Theory of Directing Effects The orientation is controlled by the stability of the carbocation being formed by attack of the electrophile. Products are formed under kinetic control. 22-32 Theory of Directing Effects, ortho-para director. • -OCH3: assume ortho-para attack. Here only para attack is shown. o,p director OCH3 OCH3 slow + N O2 + : : :OCH3 : : + :OCH3 OCH3 : OCH3 + N O2 (d) fast - H+ + H N O2 + H N O2 (e) N O2 H (f) H N O2 (g) Very stable resonance structure. Why? 22-33 Theory of Directing Effects , ortho-para director. • -OCH3; look at meta attack. OCH3 o,p director + N O2 + OCH3 + H N O2 (a) s low OCH3 OCH3 + fas t H - H+ H N O2 (b) + N O2 OCH3 N O2 (c) No corresponding resonance structure putting positive charge on oxygen. 22-34 Theory of Directing Effects, meta director. • -CO2H : assume ortho-para attack. COOH Meta director + NO2 + slow COOH COOH COOH COOH fast -H+ H NO2 (d) H NO2 H NO2 (e) The mos t disfavored contribu ting structu re NO2 (f) Disfavored because CO2H is electron withdrawing 22-35 Theory of Directing Effects, meta director. • -CO2H; assume meta attack. COOH Meta director + NO2 + slow COOH (a) COOH H H NO2 NO2 (b) COOH COOH H NO2 fast + -H NO2 (c) 22-36 Activating-Deactivating Resonance Effects Any resonance effect, such as that of -NH2, -OH, and -OR, that delocalizes the positive charge on the cation by has an activating effect toward further EAS. Any resonance effect, such as that of -NO2, -CN, C=O, and -SO3H, that decreases electron density on the ring deactivates the ring toward further EAS. 22-37 Activating-Deactivating Inductive Effects Any inductive effect, such as that of -CH3 or other alkyl group, that releases electron density toward the ring activates the ring toward further EAS. Any inductive effect, such as that of halogen, -NR3+, -CCl3, or -CF3, that decreases electron density on the ring deactivates the ring toward further EAS. 22-38 Activating-Deactivating: Halogens • For the halogens, the inductive and resonance effects oppose each other. Inductive is somewhat stronger. • Result: halogens are deactivating but ortho-para directing. :Cl + H E + :Cl : + E : : : : :Cl + H E 22-39 Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution Aryl halides do not undergo nucleophilic substitution by either SN1 or SN2 pathways. They do undergo nucleophilic substitutions, but by two mechanisms. • Benzyne using strong base. • Addition/elimination typically with nitro activating groups. 22-40 Benzyne Intermediates When heated under pressure with aqueous NaOH, chlorobenzene is converted to sodium phenoxide. • Neutralization with HCl gives phenol. - Cl + O Na + 2NaOH H2 O o pressure, 300 C Chlorobenzene + NaCl + H2 O Sodium phenoxide 22-41 Benzyne Intermediates (strong base) • The same reaction with 2-chlorotoluene gives a mixture of ortho- and meta-cresol. CH3 Cl CH3 OH 1. NaOH, heat, pres sure 2. HCl, H2 O CH3 + OH 2-Methylphenol 3-Methylphenol (o-Cresol) (m-Cresol) • The same type of reaction can be brought about using sodium amide in liquid ammonia. CH3 CH3 + NaNH2 Cl NH3 (l) o (-33 C) CH3 + NaCl + NH2 NH2 4-Methylaniline 3-Methylanilin e (p-Toluid ine) (m-Toluidin e) 22-42 Benzyne Intermediates • -elimination of HX gives a benzyne intermediate, that then adds the nucleophile to give products. CH3 CH3 NaNH2 H Cl -elimin ation A b enzyne intermediate 22-43 Benzyne Intermediates But wait, do we believe this crazy idea? We need some evidence…. A B 22-44 Benzyne Intermediates The deuterated fluoride below exchanges the D with solvent ammonia although the deuterated bromide does not. This indicates a relatively rapid exchange process for the fluoro compound. C next 22-45 Benzyne Intermediates explanation 22-46 Orientation The methyl group is essentially just a marker to allow the observation of the mixture of products. Consider the methoxy group, -OCH3, stabilizing of positive charge via resonance but also inductively withdrawing. The methoxy group is not in resonance with the negative charge of the anion, Inductive Effect dominates. Next slide. 22-47 Benzyne Intermediates D Get same product Explation next 22-48 Benzyne Intermediates explanation 22-49 Addition-Elimination (nitro groups) • When an aryl halide contains electron-withdrawing NO2 groups ortho and/or para to X, nucleophilic aromatic substitution takes place readily. - Cl NO2 Na2 CO3 , H2 O + O Na NO2 o 100 C NO2 1-Ch loro-2,4dinitrobenzen e NO2 Sodiu m 2,4-din itroph enoxide • Neutralization with HCl gives the phenol. 22-50 Meisenheimer Complex • Reaction involves formation of reactive intermediate called a Meisenheimer complex. O +N O Cl + slow , rate d eterminin g Nu (1 ) NO2 O +N O Cl Nu NO2 O fast (2 ) +N O Nu + :Cl NO2 A Meisenh eimer complex Similar to nucleophilic subsititution on carboxylic acid derivatives. 22-51