Chpt 17 Chemical Reactions

Chemical formulas and Equations
Rates of Chemical Reactions
Chemical Formulas and Equations
 Physical Change
 Changes that only affect its physical properties like
size, shape, or whether it is a solid, liquid or gas
 There is no change of material
 You still have the same substance that you began
 Ie: crumple paper, cut up wood, changes of water
from ice, to liquid to a gas
Chemical Formulas and
 Chemical Change
 A change that produces a new substance with
properties different from those of the original
 Things that show that a chemical reaction has
 Precipitate forms (when 2 liquids combine the new
substance will drop out of not soluble)
 Odor given off
 Change of color
 Temperature change
Chemical Formulas and
 Chemical reaction occurs when a chemical change
takes place
 Anytime you have a new substance formed
 Burning paper is a result of a chemical reaction
 Folding paper is a result of a physical change because
you still have paper, only change of shape
Chemical Equations
 Using chemical symbols of elements and chemical
formula you can write a shorthand of a chemical
 The substances you begin with in a chemical reaction
is called the reactants
 The new substances that are formed is called the
 In a chemical reaction you can write the reactants and
resulting products in a chemical equation using arrows
(and is read as produces)
Chemical Equations
 Baking soda + vinegar
 2NaHCO3 + H4C2O2
gas + white solid
2NaH3C2O2 + H2O + CO2
 Sodium hydroxide plus Sulfuric acid produces sodium sulfate and
2NaOH + H2SO4
Na2SO4 + H2O
Conservation of Mass
 Antoine Lavoisier: mass of the product must be the
same as the mass of the reactants
 Chemical equations must show that there is the same
kind and number of atoms that you began with as was
 Every atom that appears on the reactant side of the
equation is found on the product side
Balancing Equations
 Chemical equations must show the conservation of
mass by having same kind and same numbers of atoms
on both side of a chemical reaction
 Ag + H2S
Ag2S + H2
 (Silver tarnishes in presence of sulfur)
 Notice that the number of atoms aren’t the same on
both side
 Need to count the atoms… you can’t change the
formula but you can add a coefficient in front of the
formula to balance equations
Balancing Equations
 Ag + H2S
Ag2S + H2
 Notice there is 2 Ag’s on product side and only one on
reactant side…. Add a coefficient of 2 in front of
reactant silver
2Ag +
H2 S
 2 Ag’s, 2 H’s and 1 S
 It is balanced
Ag2S + H2
Balancing Equations
 Al
+ O2
 Aluminum and oxygen produces aluminum oxide
 Not balanced (can only change the coefficient)
 4Al + 3O2
Balancing Equations
Energy in
Chemical Reactions
 Energy released
 Heat, light, sound or other energy is given off
 When bonds break in a chemical reaction new bonds
form in the products and energy is given off
 Energy found on product side of chemical reaction
 Called an exothermic reaction
 2H2 + O2
2H2O + energy
Energy in
Chemical Reactions
 Energy is Absorbed
 Energy is required to form new products
 Can absorb light, sound, heat
 Called an endothermic reaction
 Energy is placed on the reactant side of equations
 2H2O + energy
 Ice packs are example of endothermic reactions
Rates of Chemical reaction
 Activation Energy: starting a reaction
 To start a chemical reaction a minimum amount of
energy is required to begin the process
 That energy required is its activation energy
 For gasoline to burn energy needs to be introduced to
begin the chemical reaction…. That energy (match) will
begin the chemical process
Reaction Rate
 Rate refers to a change over time
 Reaction rate refers to the speed at which chemical
reactions takes place over time
 Reactions rates in some industries is important
because the faster the rate, the less the cost
 Some faster reaction rates can hurt industries
 Ripening fruit gives less time from field to markets
 The slower the ripening rate increases the time it can be
on shelves
Reaction Rate
 Temperature changes rate
 Lowering the temperature slows down reaction rates
 Meat in freezers, bacteria grows faster in higher
temperatures, lower movement of molecules, less
chance of causing chemical changes
 Temperature affects Rate
 Most chemical reactions speed up with increase in
temperature because of faster moving molecules
 Lowering temperature usually slows down reaction rate
Reaction Rate
 Concentration Affects Rate
 Closer the reactant atoms and molecules to each other,
the greater the chance of collisions between them and
faster the reaction rate
 Amount of substance present in a certain volume is
called the concentration of that substance
 Increasing the concentrations increases the number of
particles of a substance per unit of volume
Reaction Rate
 Surface Area Affects Rate
 If you increase the surface area you will
increase its chance of reacting with other
 Twigs broken up compared to logs to begin a fire
 Crushing up materials into smaller pieces
increases surface area
Slowing down Reactions
 Inhibitors slow down chemical reactions
 Makes the process of chemical change longer
 BHT on cereal packages slow down the spoilage
of cereal and increase its shelf life
Speeding up Reactions
 Catalysts are substances that speed up a chemical
reaction without entering into the chemical reactions
 It produces the same amount of product faster
 Catalytic Converters utilize metals (platinum) to
produce CO2 and water , which is less harmful in cars
fuel combustion.
 Enzymes are catalysts that are large protein molecules
that speed up reactions needed in cells to work
 They help speed up conversion of food to fuel, build
bone and muscle tissue, and converting energy by fitting
structures together properly so that reactions can occur
Speeding up Reactions
 Proteases is a special type of enzyme
that helps break down large protein
 Meat tenderizers
 Contact lenses cleaning solutions breaks down
protein from your eyes that collect on your
lenses and cloud your view