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Principles of Drilling Fluids
Chapter 2
Properties of drilling
Prof. Dr. Xiuhua Zheng
E-mail: Xiuhuazh@cugb.edu.cn
Exploration Dept. School of Engineering and Technology, China University of Geosciences(Beijing)
Glossary of §2
1. Drilling Fluid (Mud)
2. Viscosity
3. Marsh funnel
4. Gel strength
5. Bentonite
6. Hydrate
7. Free water
8. Water loss
9. Yielded
10. Makeup water
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Properties of drilling fluids &Evaluation
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1. density of drilling fluids
2. Viscosity and Gel Properties
3. API Filtration
API 失水
4. Solids Content
5. Bentonite Content of Mud
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6. The API Sand Test
7. Hydrogen Ion Concentration pH值的确定
8. Filtrate Analysis
9. Resistivity
10. Electrical Stability of Emulsions
11. Treatment of Make-up Water 配浆水的处理
12. Pilot Testing
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1. Density(密度)
① Density, or Mud Weight(泥浆比重), is determined
by weighting a precise volume of drilling fluid and
dividing the weight by the volume.
② Density is expressed in g/cm3, lb/gal.
Fig.1-1. Mud Balance
1-Arm; 2-Knife; 3-Cup; 4-Lid of the cup; 5-Calibration tank;
6-sliding weight(rider); 7-; 8- Fulcrum; 9-
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1.1 Density and Pressure Control(压力控制)
Formation indigenous pressures,including,
1) Formation overburden pressure(上覆地层压力);
2) Formation pore pressure(地层孔隙压力);
3) Formation matrix stress (地层基岩压力);
4) Formation fracture pressure(地层破裂压力).
Engineering operational pressures, including,
1) Mud hydrostatic pressure(钻井液静液柱压力);
2) Mud circulating pressure(钻井液循环压力);
3) Swab and surge pressure due to pipe movement(钻具运
4) Surge pressure due to pump starting(开泵激动压力);
5) Shut-in drill pipe pressure (SIDPP(关井钻杆压力));
6) Shut-in casing pressure (SICP)(关井套管压力).
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1.1.1 Formation Overburden Pressure
P0  0.1 H   r (1   )  0.1 H   f  
• Where,
P0 --Overburden pressure, kg/cm2;
H--True vertical depth, m;
 r --Average density of rocks of overburden
formations, g/cm3;
 --Average porosity of overburden formations, %;
--Average density of fluids contained in
overburden formations, g/cm3.
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1.1.2 Formation Pore Pressure
• This is the pressure of the fluid contained in the pores of
the formation, generally called formation pressure. The
formation pore pressure can be divided in three
categories--normal pressure(正常压力地层
0.100~0.107 kg/cm2/m ), abnormal pressure(异常高
压地层0.107~0.231 kg/cm2/m ) and under-normal
pressure(异常低压地层0.055~0.093 kg/cm2/m ) )
according to its pressure gradient(地层压力梯度).
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Fig.1-2 Correlation between pressures
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1.1.3 Formation Fracture Pressure
• A formation can be fractured and begins to
absorb fluid from well bore when the mud
density is high enough and the pressure in
the well bore is raised up to a certain value.
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1.1.4 Drilling Fluid Hydrostatic Pressure
• Hydrostatic pressure of the mud in well bore is the
pressure exerted by the mud column on the bottom.
PH  0.1   H
• Where,
PH --Drilling fluid hydrostatic pressure, kg/cm2;
 --Density of the fluid, g/cm3;
H--True vertical depth, m.
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Fig. 1-3 Determination of drilling fluid density
according to formation overburden pressure and
formation fracture pressure
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1.2 the affection for ROP
 随着泥浆比重的增加,钻速下降,特别是
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2、Viscosity and Gel Properties
2.1 Marsh Funnel(马氏漏斗)
The Marsh Funnel is useful on the drilling rig, where it enables
the crew to periodically report the consistency(粘度/稠度) of
the mud, so that significant changes may be noted by the mud
engineer. It consists of a funnel and a measuring cup (Fig.2-1),
and gives an empirical value for the consistency
Fig.2-1. Marsh Funnel
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2.2 Direct-Indicating Viscometers(直读式粘度计)
These instruments are a form of concentric cylinder
viscometer that enables the variation of shearing stress
(剪切应力) with shear rate(剪切速率) to be observed.
The essential elements are shown in Figure.2-2,2-3. A
bob suspended from a spring(弹簧) hangs concentrically
in an outer cylinder ( 外 筒 ) . The viscometer has 6
rotational speeds -- 3 rpm, 6 rpm, 100 rpm, 200 rpm, 300
rpm and 600 rpm, 1rpm= 1.703s-1.
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Fig.2-2. Schematic diagram of the direct
indicating viscometer. The deflection in
degrees of the bob is read from the
graduated scale on the dial
Drilling Fluids
Fig.2-3. Fann direct indicating viscometer
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3. API Filtration
• 3.1 introduction of API Filtration
API(美国石油学会) filtration can be measured using
API filtration press (Fig.3-1 Low Pressure filter tester低压
失水仪) under a pressure of applied with nitrogen gas and a
proper 9 cm filter paper.
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4. Solids content
4.1 introduction of solids content
Solids contained in drilling fluaid include bentonite,
weighting materials and drilled solids (drilled cuttings of
formation rocks or formation detritus derived from
sloughing or collapse). Weighting materials have higher
density (usually>4.0g/cm3) and are called high-density
solids, and bentonite and drilled solids have lower
density (usually<2.7g/cm3) and are called low-density
solids. Weighting materials and bentonite are useful
solids and drilled solids are useless or harmful solids.
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4.2 the affections for ROP
图4-1 固相含量对钻速、钻头用量和钻
Drilling Fluids
图4-2 固相分散性对钻速的影
响 1-聚合物不分散体系;2-分
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4.3 the Retort
The volume fractions of oil,
water, and solids in a mud are
determined in a retort such as
that shown in Figure 4-3. t is
important that any air or gas
entrained on the mud be
otherwise, the solids content
will be in considerable error.
Fig.4-3. Retort for determining
oil and water content of muds
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5.Bentonite Content of Mud
5.1 Methylene
Blue Test and Cation Exchange Capacity
Equipment and Regents:
When the blue tint spreading from the spot is detected
and the blue ring again evident after two minutes ,then,
Report the cation exchange capacity of the mud as the
methylene blue capacity, calculated as follows:
No. of ml of methylene blue
Methylene blue capacity 
, cm 3 /cm 3
No. of ml of mud
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中文名称: (无水)亚甲基蓝
英文名称: Methylene Blue trihydrate
系统命名: 氯化3,7-双(二甲氨基)吩噻嗪-5-鎓
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Procedure of methylene blue test and determination of the
end point
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f c  14.3(CEC) m g / L
• 钻井液的阳离子交换容量通常又称做亚甲基蓝容量,其
• 为便于计算,一般情况下假定膨润土的阳离子交换容量
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Contents of Bentonite in Drilling
• If : 100g (Bentonite), 70
mmol(CEC); then (CEC)m, x
g(Bentonite in 100 mL
tested Drilling Fluid)
100(CEC ) m
Then, 1000 mL drilling fluid, fc:
(CEC) m
fc 
1000  14.3(CEC) m
70 100
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英文名称:Methylene Blue trihydrate;tetramethylthionine chloride
系统命名: 三水合氯化3,7-双(二甲氨基)吩噻嗪-5-鎓
分子式: C16H18N3SCl·3H2O
分子量: 373.89
CAS号: 7220-79-3
熔点: 190-191℃
性质: 为发亮的深绿色结晶或细小深褐色粉末,带青铜光泽,无气味,在空气中
稳定,能溶于水,具碱性,水溶液蓝色。水中溶解度≥10g/100ml at 22 ℃。
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5.2 Bentonite Content of Mud
• the bentonite content of the mud can be estimated
as follows:
Bentonite content of mud in kg/m3=14.25×methlylene
blue capacity
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6. The API Sand Test(含砂量)
6.1 introduction of API sand Test
The sand content is a measure of
the amount of particles lager than 200
mesh present in a mud. Even though it
is called a sand test, the test defines
the size, not the composition, of the
particles. The test is conveniently
made in the apparatus shown in Fig.61.
Fig.6-1. Standard API
sand sieve
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7. Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH值的确定)
The significant influence of the hydrogen ion
concentration on the properties of drilling fluids has long
been recognized and has been the subject of numerous
studies. Hydrogen ion concentration is more conveniently,
expressed as pH, which is the logarithm of the reciprocal
of the hydrogen ion concentration in gram mols per liter.
Two methods for the measurement of pH are in
common use: (1) a colorimetric method(比色法) using
paper test strips impregnated with indicators, and (2) an
electrometric method using a glass electrode instrument.
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8. Filtrate Analysis(滤液分析)
Some chemical tests are made on mud filtrates to
determine the presence of contaminants, such as salt or
anhydrite, or to assist in the control of mud properties; for
example, the test for alkalinity in high pH muds. The same
tests can be applied to make-up waters, which in some
areas contain dissolved salts which materially affect mud
treatment. The equipment generally used for filtrate
analysis includes automatic burette, reagent bottle,
dropper bottler, casserole, graduated cylinder, graduated
pipette, and glass stirring rod.
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9. Resistivity(电阻)
9.1 the introduction of Resistivity
Control of the resistivity of a mud and mud filtration
while drilling may be desirable to permit better evaluation of
formation characteristics from electric logs. The
determination of resistivity is essentially the measurement
of resistance to electrical current flow through known
sample configuration.
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10. Electrical Stability of Emulsions
The electrical stability test indicates the
stability of emulsions of water in oil. the
stability can be tested by the emulsions tester
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11. Treatment of Make-up Water
• In areas where only hard water is available for mixing
mud, the yield of the clay can be increased and the
water loss decreased by removing the dissolved calcium
and magnesium. Soda ash is added to form a precipitate
of calcium carbonate while caustic soda will be required
to precipitate magnesium as the hydroxide.
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12. Pilot Testing
• Certain suggestions as to pilot testing procedures will be
helpful as a guide in determining the appropriate
treatment to condition a mud. For example, confusion
can be avoided by recording the results of pilot tests in
field units.
• It is important when making pilot tests to consider the
order and manner in winch materials will be added under
field conditions
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A. The properties and their relationship to the drill
operations? E.g. the roles of the density and
how to design and adjust density?
B. How about viscosity, filtration, yield point, pH?
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