Measurement Systems Analysis: What is it and why should I care? Dec. 11, 2012 Barry Kulback Global Lean Six Sigma Leader Trane and Thermo King, brands of Ingersoll Rand Agenda • About Ingersoll Rand • Measurement systems and Measurement System Error • What is Measurement System Analysis • Types of Measurement Systems Analysis and examples • Lessons Learned Feel free to ask questions at any time! 2 About Ingersoll Rand • A $14 billion diversified industrial company • Publicly-held; NYSE:IR • Operations in every major geographic region • Strategic brands are #1 or #2 in their markets • Products and services for commercial, industrial and residential markets 3 What do you think about my measurement system? 4 We do a lot of measuring in our businesses and in any process improvement methodology… • Running the business Monitor process performance • Improving the business Baseline Set the levels of the adjustments Getting better or worse Validate improvement results … and many of the measurement systems we use for this have similar problems as the one shown! 5 When not measuring well… • Current process performance may be misjudged • Process improvement results may be misinterpreted • Missed opportunities • Wasted effort, $ 6 5 years of college in physics & chemistry labs…. • Not once was it ever discussed… how does your ability to measure influence the results you think you are seeing? 7 My ‘aha’ moment came in my Six Sigma Black Belt Training DMAIC process improvement methodology • • • • • Define Measure Analyze Improve Control Measurement System Analysis Collect data Six Sigma practitioners are known as Green Belt, Black Belts and Master Black Belts 8 Premise for Six Sigma Methods Sources of variation can be – Identified – Quantified – Eliminated by control or prevention Y = f(x) Data driven decisions with a known level of confidence… … we do a lot of measuring in Six Sigma 9 What is an MSA? • When measuring there is always Measurement System Error • An MSA is a procedure to assess a Measurement System – Quantifies the Measurement System Error – Acceptable? Yes or no • If ‘no’ improve the measurement system – MSA output can tell you where to look 10 Conducting an MSA • For 2 of the 3 types of MSA’s we’ll cover today • Guidelines – Trained Operator(s) – Proper Method – Representative Samples • Generally two to three operators • Each unit is measured or assessed 2-3 times by each operator • Results are then analyzed • Often with statistical software like Minitab • Analytical and graphical outputs explain the results 11 Types of Data Continuous Data (Quantitative) – – – – – – Decimal subdivisions are meaningful Time (seconds) Pressure (psi) Conveyor Speed (ft/min) Rate (inches) Temperature (degrees) Attribute Data (Qualitative) – – – – – Categories Good / Bad Inventory Classification Code A, B or C Shift number Counted things (# receipt errors, # units shipped, etc.) 12 Types of Measurement Systems Analysis Continuous Data Gage R&R Attribute Data Attribute Agreement Analysis Data Scrub MSA 13 … but first just a wee bit of ‘technical’ just the Histogram Dotplot fitted curve Histogram with fit 18 16 14 Frequency 12 10 11.6 8 6 11.8 12.0 board 21 boards 4 2 0 11.70 11.64 11.85 11.76 12.00 50 boards 11.88 12.00 50 boards 14 12.2 12.15 12.12 12.4 12.30 12.24 12.36 so… Dotplot 11.70 11.85 12.00 50 boards 12.15 12.30 just the fitted curve 18 16 16 14 14 12 12 10 = 8 6 4 2 0 Frequency = Frequency Histogram 18 10 8 6 4 2 11.64 11.76 15 11.88 12.00 50 boards 12.12 12.24 12.36 0 11.64 11.76 11.88 12.00 50 boards 12.12 12.24 12.36 Types of Measurement Systems Analysis Continuous Data Gage R&R Attribute Data Attribute Agreement Analysis Data Scrub MSA 16 How does measurement system error appear? LSL USL 15 Frequency Actual process variation No measurement error 10 5 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 P ro c e s s 15 LSL Observed process variation With measurement error USL Frequency 10 5 0 17 30 40 50 60 70 O b s e rv e d 80 90 100 110 Why do we care? Can’t really understand the true variation present! And if it isn’t understood, it can’t be fixed. LSL x USL x x A ‘bad’ part can measure good x A ‘good’ part can measure bad Observed process variation With measurement error 18 Possible Sources of Process Variation 15 Long Term Frequency 10 Actual Process Variation 5 Short Term 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 O b s e rv e d Within Sample Observed Process Variation Repeatability Calibration Due to instrument Measurement Variation Stability Due to operators Linearity 19 Possible Sources of Process Variation 15 Long Term Frequency 10 Actual Process Variation 5 Short Term 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 O b s e rv e d Within Sample Observed Process Variation Repeatability Calibration Due to instrument Measurement Variation Stability Due to operators Linearity 20 Possible Sources of Process Variation 15 Long Term Frequency 10 Actual Process Variation 5 Short Term 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 O b s e rv e d Within Sample Observed Process Variation Repeatability Calibration Due to instrument Measurement Variation Stability Due to operators Linearity 21 Possible Sources of Process Variation 15 Long Term Frequency 10 Actual Process Variation 5 Short Term 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 O b s e rv e d Within Sample Observed Process Variation Repeatability Calibration Due to instrument Measurement Variation Stability Due to operators Linearity ‘Repeatability’ and ‘Reproducibility’ are the two main contributors to Measurement System Error – hence ‘Gage R&R’ 22 If Measurement System Error always exists, when should we be concerned with it? -- When it it too large. Too large compared to what? -- That depends on what you are using the measurement system for! 23 Gage R&R – case study • Process: Compressor Machining • Project: Six Sigma Black Belt Project Scrap Reduction $375,000 in scrap / year Capacity bound lost margins on lost sales Considering $1M CAPX to increase capacity 24 Inspection; CMM – measures to .000001 inch machined casting assembly into compressor Define Measure Analyze Improve Control Actual 10 5 0 30 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 USL LSL 15 Observed 10 5 0 30 Measurement system improved project complete! 25 40 P ro c e s s Frequency • • • • • Frequency 15 40 50 60 70 O b s e rv e d 80 90 100 110 Types of Measurement Systems Analysis Continuous Data Gage R&R Attribute Data Attribute Agreement Analysis Data Scrub MSA 26 Attribute Measurement Systems Assessing attribute data often involved judgment … sometimes a little • “it’s broke / it isn’t” or “it fits / it doesn’t” … sometimes a lot • “ it dented too bad, scrap it” 27 Attribute Measurement Systems It all starts with an Operational Definition: • • • • • The ‘spec’ Describes what the defects or categories are Describes how to perform the appraisal assessment Used to train those performing the assessment Should be applied with a high degree of consistency 28 Attribute Agreement Analysis – case study • Process: 2” Copper Tube Bending • Project: Six Sigma Green Belt Project Scrap Reduction 29 Scrap Reason Pareto from Baseline Measurement 100 150 100 60 40 50 20 0 Defect Count Percent Cum % 0 nt ram e g e l g o r stm pr ho on f wn es r l e u j o o d k d p w d n e in p t kn ut be wr pa en co un urn to b g b m o d n r n cla ha wro llet co 61 40.1 40.1 16 10.5 50.7 14 9.2 59.9 5/8 2 - 9 5.9 65.8 8 5.3 71.1 30 6 3.9 75.0 5 3.3 78.3 rs he Ot 4 29 2.6 19.1 80.9 100.0 Percent Count 80 Spec = “No Wrinkles” What’s a wrinkle? How bad is bad? 31 How good are our Operators at assessing if a tube is wrinkled and should not be used? • • • • • Not wrinkled, use it. Slight wrinkle, use it? That’s not a wrinkle, it’s a tool mark! Use it? Not a wrinkle, a stretch mark! Use it? Wrinkled, scrap it. 32 An Attribute MSA was conducted: 30 Samples 4 Operators 1 ‘Expert’ 2 Trials 33 Date of study: Reported by: Name of product: Misc: Assessment Agreement Within Appraiser 100 [ , ] 95.0% CI P e rc e n t Percent 90 want 90% level of agreement or higher 80 ‘Expert’! 70 Albner Danny Jim Appraiser 34 Michael Ted Spec = “No Wrinkles” – OK! Would not use Would use ? 35 Visual Aid Added Prep for future new employees... 36 Types of Measurement Systems Analysis Continuous Data Gage R&R Attribute Data Attribute Agreement Analysis Data Scrub MSA 37 Sometimes we get our data out of the ‘system’ … is it right? 38 Data Scrub MSA – case study • Process: • Project: Cooling the office Six Sigma Green Belt Project Reduce Energy Consumption 39 Lessons Learned… 40 An expensive gage does not always mean good measurements 41 Remember this? Inspection; CMM – measures to .000001 inch $145,000 used Must operate in a environmentally controlled room Strict procedures on part handling, cleanliness, controlling local conditions, controlling part temperature… 42 A measurement system is more than a gage or a operational definition (specification) 43 A continuous variable measurement system is composed of: • the gage / measuring device • operator techniques • set-up and handling techniques • the environment in which the measurements are being done (ex. lighting, access) • recording of measurement results 44 The Attribute Measurement System Operational Definition Problems in any of these areas can lead to too high a degree of inconsistent / incorrect assessments Training of Operators Application 45 Just because a measurement system has been in use ‘forever’ doesn’t mean it is very good 46 Attribute MSA – case study • Process: Invoicing – Application of appropriate tax • Project: Six Sigma Black Belt Project Improve DSR 47 Tax Codes are applied to invoices being sent out to Customers: Sales Tax -- a percentage added to invoice, customer pays Use Tax -- a percentage of the cost of the goods, company pays Non-Tax -- government, hospital, etc., where neither customer or company pays What tax should be applied? 48 How good are the Accountants at applying the correct tax code? (been doing it for years…) 49 An Attribute MSA was conducted: 10 Samples (more would be better) 3 Operators -- who do the job every day 1 ‘Expert’ 2 Trials 50 Date of study: Reported by: Name of product: Misc: Assessment Agreement Appraiser vs Standard 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 Percent Percent Within Appraiser 60 50 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 2 3 Percent 60 40 1 [ , ] 95.0% CI 1 Appraiser 2 Appraiser 51 3 Date of study: Reported by: Name of product: Misc: Assessment Agreement Appraiser vs Standard 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 Percent Percent Within Appraiser 60 50 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 2 3 Percent 60 40 1 [ , ] 95.0% CI 1 Appraiser 2 Appraiser 52 3 Just because a it came out of the computer doesn’t mean it is accurate 53 Data Scrub MSA’s – case studies • Focused Management Team monthly published results 54 Recap • About Ingersoll Rand • Measurement systems and Measurement System Error • What is Measurement System Analysis • Types of Measurement Systems Analysis and examples • Lessons Learned 55 56 Final lesson: You cannot assume you are measuring well 57 • Measurement error is always present • You don’t know if it is small enough to ignore unless you assess it! 58 Addendum 59 If using the measurement system to see if the item being measured is within the spec, you want the Measurement System Error (MSE) to be small compared to that spec: specification range, or tolerance sample observed measurements LSL USL x MSE This.. should be small when compared to this... The P/T ratio quantifies this... A ratio of MSE to the 60 tolerance range If using the measurement system to analyze the variation present or control the process with Statistical Process Control, you want MSE to be small compared to that variation: sample observed measurements LSL USL x MSE This.. should be small when compared to this... 61 The %R&R quantifies this... A ratio of MSE to process variation Dec. 11, 2012 Professional Development Meeting TOPIC AREA: MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS Measurement System Analysis: What is it and why should I care? SPEAKER – Barry Kulback, Master Black Belt, Six Sigma For our December Professional Development Meeting we are pleased to have Barry Kulback, Master Black Belt. Measurement System Analysis (MSA) is an often overlooked critical step in any process improvement process and is the linchpin of Six Sigma’s Measure phase in the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) methodology. This non-technical presentation will review what MSA’s are and why they are important. The major components of measurement error will be discussed along with how measurement error may color your perception of process performance. Examples of the three most common types of MSA’s will be shared along with some lessons learned. Come find out why you should assess your measurement systems the next time you embark on a process improvement journey. 62 Sound interesting? Come join us! We look forward to seeing you! Reserve your place today by clicking here or by emailing DATE: December 11, 2012 PLACE: Holiday Inn Select Opryland Airport/Briley Parkway 2200 Elm Hill Pike Nashville, TN 37214 (615) 883-9770 Click for directions TIME: 5:30 to 8:00 PM COST: $20.00 for Dinner - Free if an unemployed member - bring your resume You do not need to be an APICS member to attend Remember! Attend Four (4) APICS Nashville Professional Development Meetings from September 2012 thru April 2013 (excluding Tours) and attend the 5th PDM free! New members to our chapter attend their first meeting at no charge when they bring their APICS welcome letter! Reserve your place today by clicking here or by emailing Stay Informed! Click to Join our LinkedIn group APICS Middle Tennessee Chapter Nashville 63 Speaker Bio: Barry Kulback’s 33 year professional career has been entirely with Trane/American Standard now Ingersoll Rand. He is currently the Global Lean Six Sigma leader for the Climate Solutions Sector of Ingersoll Rand and very engaged in IR’s Lean Transformation. He gained his BS in 1979 at Austin Peay State University majoring in Physics and minoring in Computer Science. After spending 20 years in Information Technology Barry joined Operations as a Six Sigma Black Belt and progressed to a certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt in 2004. He was named Tennessee Academy of Science’s Industrial Scientist of the year in 2006 and is the holder of 4 patents related to algorithms for delivering to customer request by optimizing the match of demand to supply. He maintains his membership in the American Society for Quality as a Senior Member. Reserve your place today by clicking here or by emailing Stay Informed! Click to Join our LinkedIn group APICS Middle Tennessee Chapter Nashville Thank you for your support of APICS. 64 Bring • • • • • • • 1 copper tube 1 measuring tape PC Remote mouse Backup – on data stick, on disk Pad, pen to take notes re parking lot 45-50 minutes, leaving 10-15 minutes at the end for question/answer 65 Title • Topic • Sub-topic • Sub-sub-topic • Sub-topic • Sub-sub-topic • Sub-sub-topic 66 Broad and Global Portfolio of HVAC Systems and Services SERVICES / CONTROLS TRANSPORT REFRIGERATION Vision To make building owner and transport customers more profitable and efficient for life through innovative HVACR systems and services 67