Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Valeria Petrella Via F. Caiazzo, 14, 80038 Pomigliano d'Arco (Italy) +39 3495876105 Sex Female | Date of birth 05 July 1984 | Nationality Italian JOB APPLIED FOR Biologist WORK EXPERIENCE September 2009–September 2010 Master student Universidad de Granada, Granade (Spain) During my experience as master student in the Prof. Rafael Jimenz Medina genetic lab, I worked on the mole Talpa occidentalis reproductive system. The aims of my work have been cloning several genes envolved in the reproductive mechanisms and to study their expression by immunohistochemical experiments. April 2011–Present Ph.D. Student Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II", Naples (Italy) During my Ph.D. in the insect molecular genetic lab, I'm mainly working on the diptera Ceratitis capitata, expecially about sex determination. The first part of my Ph.D. experimental work has been focused on the study of a Ceratitis capitata transgenic strain . The main goal has been the identification by (inverse-PCR) and characterization of the sequences of the genomic regions flanking the transgene insertion point and to investigate the presence of an enhancer that could be responsible of the transgene expression. I did mating competition tests and molecular analysis of several genes envolved in sex determination. I've a good experience on embryos microinjections and transgenic lines productions, as well on RNAi. During my two months visit to Oxitec ltd. (Oxford) I've adquired practice working on other insects, like mosquitoes, and new revers genetic strategy, like TALENs. During my visit to Prof. L.Rabinow at the Centre de Neurosciences de Paris Sud (Universitè Paris Sud XI-Paris) I've worked on the CcDOA gene: starting from the DmDOA gene, I've obtained the gene structure and sequence of the locus DOA in Ceratitis capitata and studied studied some of the DOA isoform in several developmental stages. In order to develop new sexing strategies, I've identify in Ceratitis several Drosophila melanogaster homologues genes and I've analyzed their sex biased expression levels by qPCR. Paper and Communication The orthologue of the fruitfly sex behaviour gene fruitless in the mosquito Aedes aegypti: evolution of genomic organisation and alternative splicing.Salvemini M, D'Amato R, Petrella V, Aceto S, Nimmo D, Neira M, Alphey L, Polito LC, Saccone G.PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e48554. Salvemini, M., D'Amato, R., Petrella, V., Nagaraju, J., Saccone, G. and Polito, L.C. Sottrazioni ai tempi della crisi: approcci molecolari ed in silico per l'isolamento del segnale primario della determinazione del sesso di Ceratitis capitata. XVI° Congresso della Drosophila Italiana - Napoli, 1-3 Ottobre 2012. Salvemini, M., D'Amato, R., Petrella, V., Aceto, S., Neira, M., Nimmo, D., Alphey, L., Polito, L.C. e Saccone, G. La determinazione del sesso nella zanzara Aedes aegypti: i geni alla base della cascata, dsx e fru. XVI° Congresso della Drosophila Italiana - Napoli, 1-3 Ottobre 2012. Saccone, G., Salvemini, M., Petrella, V., D'Amato, R., and Polito, L., C. A transgene-based maternallydriven RNAi system produces male-only progeny in the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata. XXIV International Congress of Entomology - Daegu, Korea, 19-25 Agosto 2012. 7.2.14 © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 1 / 3 Curriculum Vitae Valeria Petrella Saccone, G., Salvemini, M., D'Amato, R., Tomar, A., Petrella, V., Ciolfi, S., Dallai, R., Marchini, Franz, G., Nagaraju, J., and Polito, L. C. Role of the Y chromosome in the Ceratitis capitata sex determination and reproduction. XXIV International Congress of Entomology - Daegu, Korea, 19-25 Agosto 2012. Salvemini, M., Sanges, R., D'Amato, R., Petrella, V., Sanfelice, D., Nagaraju, J., Saccone, G. and Polito, L. C. Early embryonic sexed Ceratitis capitata transcriptomes: in silico approaches to identify male biased/male determining genes. “Next Generation Sequencing - Application cases and bioinformatics development” German-Italian Dialogue – Napoli, 17-19 Luglio 2012. Saccone G., Salvemini M., D'Amato R. , Petrella V., Bopp, D., Polito C. Sex determination in Ceratitis relies on a conserved binary genetic ON/OFF switch, splicing-based and epigenetic. EuroEvoDevo 2012 – Lisbona, Portogallo, 10-13 Luglio 2012. Salvemini, M., D'amato, R., Petrella, V., Saccone, G. and Polito, L. Sex determination in Aedes aegypti. Workshop “Nothiger Meeting” del Gruppo Europeo “Sex Determination in insects”. Amsterdam - Olanda, 5-8 Ottobre 2011. Salvemini, M., Nagaraju, J., D’Amato, R., Petrella, V., Pane, A., Polito, L. C., and Saccone, G. Toward a mRNAseq analysis to explore the transcriptome landscapes of Ceratitis capitata sexed early embryos. Workshop “Nothiger Meeting” del Gruppo Europeo “Sex Determination in insects”. Amsterdam - Olanda, 5-8 Ottobre 2011. D'Amato, R., Salvemini, M., Petrella, V., Pane, A., Saccone, G. and Polito, L.C. Early sex determination steps in the mediterranean fruitfly Ceratitis capitata and its manipulation for production of a male-only progeny. Joint Meeting AGI-SIBV- SIGA, Cittadella di Assisi (PG), 19-22 Settembre 2011. Salvemini, M., Sanges, R., Nagaraju, J., D’Amato, R., Petrella, V., Pane, A., Polito, L.C. and Saccone, G. Towards the analysis of transcriptome from sexed Ceratitis capitata embryos: how to produce XX male embryos by transgene-mediated RNAi and identify male biased/male determining genes. 5th Annual Arthropod Genomics Symposium: Exploring Diversity, Relating Similarity. Kansas City (Missouri) USA - 9-11 Giugno 2011. Saccone, G., Salvemini, M., D'Amato, R., Leo, S., Petrella, V. and Polito, L. C. Climbing up the conserved sex determination cascade in tephritidae and mosquitoes. Second FAO/IAEA Research Coordination meeting, Development and Evaluation of Improved strains of insects pests for SIT, Nanjing, China, 9-13 Maggio 2011. courses and meeting Blast2Go and Babelomics: suitable tools for functional annotation and data mining.Portici (NA), Facoltà di Agraria 12-16 Novembre 2012 Workshop “Nothiger Meeting” European Group “Sex Determination in insects”. Amsterdam Netherlands, October 5-8 2011. Workshop “Nothinger Meeting” European Group “Sex Determination in insects”. Gif-sur-Yvette France June 12-14, 2013 EDUCATION AND TRAINING October 2003–July 2007 bachelor degree in general and applied biology University Federico II, Naples (Italy) Immonohistochemistry October 2007–February 2010 Mester Degree in Biology University Federico II, Naples (Italy) molecular biology, immunohistochemistry, genetic, bioinformatic. April 2010–March 2011 master of advanced studies in human biology of reproduction Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, Napoli (Italy) cytogenetic, molecular biology. April 2011–Present PhD in biotechnologies University Federico II, Naples (Italy) molecular biology (RT-PCR, qPCR, inverse-PCR), reverse genetic (RNAi) and insect transformation, 7.2.14 © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 2 / 3 Curriculum Vitae Valeria Petrella bioinformatic. PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) Italian Other language(s) UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English B1 C1 B2 B1 B2 Spanish C1 C1 C1 C1 B1 Levels: A1/A2: Basic user - B1/B2: Independent user - C1/C2: Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Communication skills Organisational / managerial skills My working experiences in Italy and abroad have allowed me to gain very good skills in adapting to different opinions, in taking responsabilities and in resolving conflicts. I'm very good at planning, coordinating resources and meeting deadlines. I am used to be responsible not only for my own activities but also for the collective actions of the entire working group. Job-related skills mentoring skills: my experience as PhD student has allew me to gain very good skills in teaching, in supervising undergraduate and graduate students in their lab actvities and in their education. Computer skills good knowledge of Windows, Linux and office package. Furthermore I have good knowledge of the bioinformatic tools for biological and statistical analysis ANNEXES 7.2.14 © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 3 / 3