CV Tiziana Borsello: Anatomia, Ricerca Neurodegenerazione

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Procedura di selezione per la chiamata a professore di II fascia da ricoprire ai sensi dell’art. 18,
comma 1, della Legge n. 240/2010 per il settore concorsuale 05/H1 - ANATOMIA UMANA ,
(settore scientifico-disciplinare BIO/16 - ANATOMIA UMANA)
presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari,
(avviso bando pubblicato sulla G.U. n. 65 del 22.8.2014) - Codice concorso 2858
[Tiziana Borsello]
20, 01, 1965
My scientific interest is to understand the role played by signaling pathways in different
degenerative processes with the challenge to develop specific methods to achieve
neuroprotection against neuronal death.
To this purpose we identify key protein-protein interaction responsible for activation of
intracellular signalling pathways leading to degeneration and pharmacologically target this
interaction by designing specific cell permeable inhibitor peptides (CPPs). CPPs represent a
novel, versatile and extremely powerful (specific) way of blocking intracellular pathways.
Currently I am leading different projects within this context, which I will here summarize:
1-Targeting JNK as a degenerative pathway leading to Alzheimer’s disease synaptic
dysfunction/dysmorphogenesis. Recently the new concept of “synaptopathy” emerged.
Disruption of synaptic structure and function is the major determinant of many
neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, Prions, Huntington's
disease, Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, depression, autism, ataxia and X-fragile. The most
studied synaptopathy nowadays is that characterizing AD. Noumerous publications have been
provided evidence that AD is a synapse-related pathology (synaptopathy) leading to synaptic
dysfunction and loss, a phenomenon that precedes extensive amyloid deposition in the brain.
However, the relationship between Aβ and synapses loss remains unclear. We developed in the
lab a new in vitro model to study the cellular and molecular alterations that lead to AD
synaptopathy, both in vitro and in vivo. This study can potentially be a breakthrough in the
comprehension of synaptopathy and will help in developing effective and preventive
therapeutic strategies in order to counteract or nullify the degenerative processes activated by
JNK' role in the post-synaptic compartment: JNK play a key role in trigger synaptic dysfunction
but also in inducing spine death, see publications Sclip et al., 2013 and 2014 .
JNK’s role in the presynaptic compartment: JNK inhibition through D-JNKI1 is able to modulate
release of neurotransmitter in the synapses. In the presynaptic compartment JNK
immunoprecipitates with syntaxin-2, a membrane protein participating in exocytosis of
presynaptic vesicles. JNK binding to syntaxin2 is inhibited by D-JNKI1 (a potent JNK inhibitor),
suggesting that this interaction is involved in the regulation of glutamate release. These results
allow to better understand the mechanisms regulating synaptic plasticity and set the basis for
the development of new molecules able to modulate the release of glutamate.
2-Characterize a new mutation on APP aiming at developing AD therapies. We characterized a
new mutation on the APP gene (A673V) which was recently discovered by Prof. Tagliavini
group ref. The same group described that this mutation causes pathology only in
homozygosity, while heterozygous subjects don’t show any AD-related symptoms. It has thus
been hypothesized that Ab wt and mut mix has a neuroprotective effect. This hypothesis lead
us to generate a new cell-permeable peptide (D-TAT 1-6 A2V) based on the APP mutated
region. The peptide showed no toxicity in vitro, and if used in combination with WT Aβ
prevented from glutamate receptors, PSD proteins and dendritic spines loss induced by Aβ. We
confirmed this data also in a preliminary in vivo experiment on a murine model of AD. The
treatment had no toxic effects on the animals and reverted amyloid-induced dendritic spines
loss, increasing PSD marker levels at the postsynaptic compartments. These results are
encouraging and set the basis for a promising strategy to prevent AD progression even in the
early stages of synaptopathy.
3-Study the role of JNK pathway in Rett syndrome. Rett syndrome (RTT) is a progressive
neurodevelopmental disorder and one of the most common causes of mental retardation in
females. RTT is caused by heterozygous mutations in the X-linked MECP2 gene, encoding
methyl-CpG-binding protein-2, a transcription factor. Studies in RTT mice established MeCP2
as a critical mediator of synaptic scaling and raised the possibility that some of the
neurological defects of Rett syndrome arise from disruption of homeostatic plasticity. Our data
suggests that JNK is a key player in the regulation of synaptic plasticity and dysfunction. We
have thus being studying JNK as a possible mediator of synaptic dysfunction in animal model
of Rett syndrome. We have been using different Mecp2 mouse models: 1) Mecp+/- ,
heterozygous mutation found in RTT females as well 2) Mecp2 Knockout, where the gene is
completely knockout in order to study its role in synaptopathy. We found that JNK pathway is
activated in these models. We are currently testing the effect of D-JNKI1 treatment on RTT,
and analysing behaviour as well as biochemical and structural changes at the synaptic level in
both saline and D-JNKI1 treated mice.
4-Search for new biomarkers in the CSF of MCI & AD. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is suitable
for identification of new AD markers since it is in direct contact with the brain and therefore is
able to reflect, better than any other biological fluid, the different structural and biochemical
changes that occur in the brain. In my laboratory we have shown that exposure to Aß
oligomers strongly activates the JNK kinase at the synaptic level (Sclip et al. 2011) and that
this activation precedes any structural and biochemical changes we observed at synapses. This
discovery led us to think that JNK could be a new pre-symptomatic non-amyloidogenic marker
of great interest for the early and differential diagnosis of AD. We analyzed 15 samples of CSF
from subjects not affected (NA), subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), considered
one of the major risk factors for AD, and subjects with AD, in order to test whether there was
trace of total JNK and phosphorylated JNK in the CSF, and if these levels were different in the
clinical categories. From the preliminary analysis we found a statistically significant ratio
increase in pJNK/JNK in MCI subset and similar levels in healthy controls, in the second MCI
sub-group and in AD group. A similar variability can be explained by the fact that the MCI
stadium can not be considered as a homogeneous condition, but as a true syndrome that
includes subgroups of disease for different etiology, pathogenesis and natural history, all
united by a common final pathway or by a mild cognitive disorder. This data are really
encouraging and we are currently expanding the sample size to verify the presence of
correlations between JNK levels in the CSF and early stages of AD.
5-Design and synthesis of new cell permeable inhibitor peptides targeting MKK7. Based on
MKK7 and Gadd45 interaction we design and synthesized two new CPPs: Gadd45 (69-86)
containing the MKK7 binding region only and Gadd45 (60-86) that contains the MKK7 docking
region as well as a region that is essential for MKK7 inactivation. Preliminary studies in an
animal model of cerebral ischemia treated with the MKK7I peptide 30 minutes before the
damage, have shown an encouraging reduction of the infarct size, equivalent to 50%
compared to controls. We are now testing the neuroprotective peptide in different ischemic
models and we will analyze the therapeutically temporal windows after ischemia.
web of science search:
Results found: 54
Sum of times cited without self-citation: 1585
h-index: 20
Paper first name: 9
Paper last name: 22
Book: Editor of the volume Neuroprotection: Methods in Molecular Biology published by
Humana Press, USA ( Middle 2007.
Tozzi A, Sclip A, Tantucci M, de Iure A, Ghiglieri V, Costa C, Di Filippo M, Borsello T, Calabresi P.
Region- and age-dependent reductions of hippocampal long-term potentiation and NMDA to
AMPA ratio in a genetic model of Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging. 2014 Jul 10. IF 5.127
Davoli E, Sclip A, Cecchi M, Cimini S, Carrà A, Salmona M, Borsello T. Determination of tissue
levels of a neuroprotectant drug. the cell permeable JNK inhibitor peptide. J Pharmacol Toxicol
Methods. 2014 May 9;70(1):55-61. IF 2.15
Sclip A, Tozzi A, Abaza A, Cardinetti D, Colombo I, Calabresi P, Salmona M, Welker E, Borsello T.
c-Jun N-terminal kinase has a key role in Alzheimer disease synaptic dysfunction in vivo. Cell
Death Dis. 2014 Jan 23;5. IF 6.044
Sclip A, Arnaboldi A, Colombo I, Veglianese P, Colombo L, Messa M, Mancini S, Cimini S, Morelli F,
Antoniou X, Welker E, Salmona M, Borsello T. Soluble Aβ oligomer-induced synaptopathy: cJun N-terminal kinase's role. J Mol Cell Biol. 2013 Aug;5(4). IF 7.308
Fluharty BR, Biasini E, Stravalaci M, Sclip A, Diomede L, Balducci C, La Vitola P, Messa M, Colombo
L, Forloni G, Borsello T, Gobbi M, Harris DA. An N-terminal fragment of the prion protein
binds to amyloid-β oligomers and inhibits their neurotoxicity in vivo. J Biol Chem. 2013 Mar
15;288 (11). IF 4.651
Forloni G, Sclip A, Borsello T, Balducci C. The neurodegeneration in Alzheimer disease and the
prion protein. Prion. 2013 Jan 1;7(1). IF 2.133
Esposito S, Pristerà A, Maresca G, Cavallaro S, Felsani A, Florenzano F, Manni L, Ciotti MT,
Pollegioni L, Borsello T, Canu N. Contribution of Serine racemaseD-serine pathway to
neuronal apoptosis Aging Cell. 2012 Apr 16. IF 5.705
Repici M, Chen X, Morel MP, Doulazmi M, Sclip A, Cannaya V, Veglianese P, Kraftsik R, Mariani J,
Borsello T, Dusart I. Specific inhibition of the JNK signalling pathway promotes locomotor
recovery and neuroprotection after mouse spinal cord injury Neurobiol Dis. 2012
Jun;46(3):710-21. IF 5.624
Antoniou X, Borsello T. The JNK signalling transduction pathway in the brain Front Biosci (Elite
Ed). 2012 Jan 1;4:2110-20. IF 0
Feligioni M, Brambilla E, Camassa A, Sclip A, Arnabold Ai, Morelli F, Antoniou X, Borsello T.
Crosstalk between JNK and SUMO signaling pathway: deSUMOylation is protective against HOinduced cell death. PLoS ONE 2011 Dec. 2. IF 4,092
Sclip A, Antoniou X, Colombo A, Camici GG, Pozzi L, Cardinetti D, Feligioni M, Veglianese P,
Bahlmann FH, Cervo L, Balducci C, Costa C, Tozzi A, Calabresi P, Forloni G, Borsello T. c-Jun
N-terminal Kinase regulates soluble Abeta oligomers and cognitive impairment in an AD mouse
model. J. Biol. Chem. 2011 Oct 27. IF 5.38
Antoniou X, Falconi M, Di Marino D, Borsello T. JNK3 as a Therapeutic Target for
Neurodegenerative Diseases. J Alzheimers Dis. 2011 Jan;24(4):633-42. IF 4.745
Ploia C, Antoniou X, Sclip A, Grande V, Cardinetti D, Colombo A, Canu N, Benussi L, Ghidoni R,
Forloni G, Borsello T. JNK Plays a Key Role in Tau Hyperphosphorylation in Alzheimer's
Disease Models. J Alzheimers Dis. 2011. IF 3.745
Repici M, Wehrlé R, Antoniou X, Borsello T, Dusart I. C-Jun N-Terminal Kinase (JNK) And P38 Play
Different Roles In Age-Related Purkinje Cell Death In Murine Organotypic Culture. Cerebellum
2011; 10(2):281-90. IF 3.207
Urru S., Velgianese P., De Luigi A., Fumagalli E., Erba E., Gonella Diaza R., Carrà A., Davoli E.,
Borsello T, Forloni G, Pengo N., Cascio P., Cenci S., Sitia R., Salmona M. A New Fluorogenic
Peptide Determines Proteasome Activity In Single Cells. J Med Chem. 2010 Oct
28;53(20):7452-60. IF 5.207
Epis R, Marcello E, Gardoni F, Vastagh C, Malinverno M, Balducci C, Colombo A, Borroni B, Vara H,
Dell'agli M, Cattabeni F, Borsello T, Giustetto M, Forloni G, Padovani A, Di Luca M. Blocking
ADAM10 Synaptic Trafficking Generates A Model Of Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease. Brain. 2010
Nov;133(11):3323-35. IF 9.23
Balducci C, Begg M, Stravalaci M, Bastone A, Sclip A, Biasini E, Tapella L, Colombo L, Manzoni C,
Borsello T, Chiesa R, Gobbi M, Salmona M, Forloni G. PNAS Feb 2;107(5):2295-300Synthetic
Amyloid-Beta Oligomers Impair Long-Term Memory Independently Of Cellular Prion Protein
(2010). IF 9.771
Ploia C, Sclip A, Colombo A, Repici M, Gardoni F, Di Luca MG, Forloni G, Antoniou X, Borsello T.
Role Of Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3Beta In App Hyperphosphorylation Induced By Nmda
Stimulation In Cortical Neurons (2010)., January
2010 Pharmaceticals 3(1), 42-58. IF 0
Antoniou X, Sclip A, Ploia C, Colombo A, Moroy G, Borsello T. JNK Contributes To Hif-1Αlfa
Regulation In Hypoxic Neurons (2010) Molecules 2010, 15(1),
114-127. IF 1.988
Ortolano F, Colombo A, Zanier ER, Sclip A, Longhi L, Perego C, Stocchetti N, Borsello T, De
Simoni MG. c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathway activation in human and experimental cerebral
contusion (2009) J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2009 Sep;68 (9):964-71. IF 4.564
Colombo A, Bastone A, Ploia C, Sclip A, Salmona M, Forloni G, Borsello T. JNK regulates APP
cleavage and degeneration in a model of Alzheimer disease (2009) Neurobiol Dis. 2009
Mar;33(3):518-25. IF 4.518
Lehnert M., Relja B., Sun Young Leee V., Schwestka B., Henrich D., Czerny C., Froh M., Borsello
T., Marzi I.A peptide inhibitor of c-jun N-terminal kinase modulates hepatic damage and the
inflammatory response after hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation. (2009) Shock. 2009
Aug;30(2):159-165. IF 2.732
Repici M., Mare L., Colombo A., Ploia C., Sclip A., Bonny C., Nicod P., Salmona M. and Borsello T.
c-jun N-terminal Kinase- binding domain (JBD)-dependent phosphorylation of MKK4 and MKK7
and balancing cross-talk between JNK and ERK pathways in cortical neurons. (2008)
Neuroscience 2009 Mar 3;159(1):94-103. IF 3.292
Repici M, Zanjani HS, Gautheron V, Borsello T, Dusart I and Mariani J. Specific JNK inhibition by
D-JNKI1 protects Purkinje cells from cell death in Lurcher mutant mouse. (2008) Cerebellum.
2008;7(4):534-8. IF 3.847
Gianluigi F., Colombo A. , T. Borsello. Phosphopylation of APP, TAU and PIN1 is regulated by JNK
(2008) Alzheimers & Dementia - ALZHEIMERS DEMENT.P1-428 01/2008; 4(4). IF 14.48.
Lehnert M, Relja B, Sun-Young Lee V, Schwestka B, Henrich D, Czerny C, Froh M, Borsello T,
Marzi I. A peptide inhibitor of c-Jun N.termnal kinase modulates hepatic damage and the
inflammatory response after hemorragic shock and resuscitation. Shock. 2008 Aug;30(2):15965. IF 2.732
Repici M., Mariani J. and Borsello T. Neuronal death and neuroprotection: a review. (2007)
Methods Mol Biol. 2007;399:1-14. Review.
Bigini P., Repici M., Cantarella G. Fumagalli E., Barbera S., Cagnotto A., De Luigi A., Tonelli R.,
Bernardi R. , Borsello T., Mennini T. Recombinant human TNF-binding protein-1 (rhTBP-1)
treatment delays both symptoms progression and motor neuron loss in the wobbler mouse.
(2007) Neurobiol Dis. 2007 Nov 12. IF 4.852
Repici M, Centeno C, Tomasi S, Forloni G, Bonny C, Vercelli A, Borsello T. Time-Course Of C-Jun
N-Terminal Kinase Activation After Cerebral Ischemia And Effect Of D-Jnki1 On C-Jun And
Caspase-3 Activation. (2007) Neuroscience. 2007 Nov 30;150(1):40-9. IF 3.292
Borsello T., Centeno C., Riederer IM, Haeflinger JA and Riedere BM.Phosphorylation-dependent
dimerization and subcellular localization of islet-brain 1/c-Jun N-terminal kinase-interacting
protein 1. (2007) J Neurosci Res. 2007 Dec;85(16):3632-41. IF 2.729
Colombo A, Repici M, Pesaresi M, Santambrogio S, Forloni G, Borsello T. The Tat-Jnk Inhibitor
Peptide Interferes With Beta Amyloid Protein Stability (2007) Cell Death Differ. 2007
Oct;14(10):1845-8. IF 8.254
Borsello T. and Forloni G. JNK signalling: a possible target to prevent neurodegeneration. (2007)
Current Pharmaceutical Design 2007, 13, 1875-1886. IF 4.868
Vaslin A, Puyal J, Borsello T, Clarke PG. Excitotoxicity-related endocytosis in cortical neurons
(2007) J Neurochem. 2007 Aug;102(3):789-800. Epub 2007 Apr 16. IF 4.244
Centeno C, Repici M, Chatton JY, Riederer BM, Bonny C, Nicod P, Price M, Clarke PG, Papa S,
Franzoso G, Borsello T. Role of the JNK pathway in NMDA-mediated excitotoxicity of cortical
neurons. (2007) Cell Death Differ. 2007 Feb;14(2):240-53. Epub 2006 Jun 23. IF 8.254
Repici M. and Borsello T. JNK pathway as therapeutic target to prevent degeneration in the
Central Nervous System. (2006). Adv Exp Med Biol. 2006; 588:145-55. Review.
Zhuang ZN Wen YR, Zhang DR, Borsello T, Bonny C, Strichrtz GR, Decoster I, Ji RR.A peptide cJun N-terminal kinase (JNK) inhibitor blocks mechanical allodynia after spinal nerve ligation:
respective roles of JNK activation in primary sensory neurons and spinal astrocytes for
neuropathic pain development and maintenance (2006). J. Neurosci. 2006 Mar
29;26(13):3551-60. IF 7.50
Bendotti C, Tortarolo M, Borsello T. Targeting stress activated protein kinases, JNK and p38, as
new therapeutic approach for neurodegenerative diseases. (2006) Central Neurvous System
Agents in Medical Chemistry, 2006, 6, 109-117. IF 2.52
Bonny C., Borsello T and Zine A. Targeting stress activated protein kinases, JNK and p38, as a
new therapeutical approach for neurodegenerative diseases. Cent Nerv Agents Med Chem
2006 6: 109-117. IF 2.529
Relja, B.; Schwestka, B.; Sun-Young Lee, V.; Henrich, D.; Czerny, C.; Borsello, T.*; Lehnert, M.;
Marzi, I. C-Jun Nh2-terminal Kinase mediates the hepatic stress response aftwr rat
hemmorrahge/resuscitation (2006) Shock vol 26, issue 4, p 15. IF 2.732
Vaslin A., Puyal J., Waechter V., Borsello T. and Peter G H Clarke Endocytosis and autophagy in
cerebral ischemia and excitotoxicity (2005) Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism
(2005) 25, S461.doi:10.1038/sj.jcbfm.9591524.0461; · 5.40 Impact
Borsello T. The Cell permeable peptides strategy is a promising new tool for the prevention of
neurodegeneration (2004). Discovery Medicine, 4 (23): 319-24.
Abdelli S., Ansite J., Roduit R., Borsello T., Matsumoto I., Sawada T., Allaman-Pillet N., Henry H.,
Beckmann J.S. , Hering BR. and Bonny C. Intracellular Stress Signalling Pathways Activated
During Human Islet Preparation And Following Acute Cytokine Exposure. (2004) Diabetes.
53(11): 2815-23. IF 8.474
Borsello T. and Bonny C. Use of cell-permeable peptides to prevent neuronal degeneration.
(2004) Trend in Mol. Med. 10(5): 239-44. IF 7.497
Borsello T, Clarke PG, Hirt L, Vercelli A, Repici M, Schorderet DF, Bogousslavsky J, Bonny C. A
peptide inhibitor of c-Jun N-terminal kinase protects against excitotoxicity and cerebral
ischemia. (2003). Nat Med. 9(9): 1180-6. IF 26.382
Borsello T., Croquelois K., Hornung JP., Clarke P.G.H. NMDA-triggered neuronal death in
organotypic hippocampal cultures is endocytic, autophagic and mediated by the JNK pathway.
(2003.) Eur. J. Neurosci., 18(3):473-85. IF 3.658
Borsello T., Bressoud R., Mottier V., González N., Gomez G., Clarke P.G.H. Kainate-induced
endocytosis in retinal amacrine cells. (2003) J. Comp. Neurol., 465(2): 286-95. IF 3.508
Borsello T, Mottier V, Castagne V, Clarke PG. Ultrastructure of retinal ganglion cell death after
axotomy in chick embryos. (2002) J. Comp. Neurol. 453(4): 361-71. IF 3.508
Borsello T. Di Luzio, A., Ciotti, MT, Calissano, P. and Galli C. Granule neurons DNA damage
following deafferentation in adult rats cerebellar cortex: a lesional odel. (2000) Neurosci., Vol.
95, 163-171. IF 3.458.
Vitolo, O.V., Ciotti M.T., Galli C., Borsello T., Calissano P. Adenosine and ADP prevent apoptosis in
cultured rat cerebellar granule cells. (1998) Brain Res. Vol. 809: 297-301. IF 2.957
Rossi F., Borsello T. and Strata P. Exposure to kainic acid mimics the effects of axotomy in
cerebellar Purkinje cells of the adult rat. (1994) Eur. J. Neurosci. 6:392-402. IF 3.658
Rossi F., Borsello T. and Strata P.Embryonic Purkinje cells grafted on the surface of the adult
unlesioned rat cerebellum migrate in the host parenchyma and induce sprouting of intact
climbing fibres. (1993) Eur. J. Neurol. 6:121-136. IF 3.658
Rossi F. and Borsello T. Ectopic Purkinje cells in the adult rat: olivary innervation and different
capabilities of migration and development after grafting. (1993) J. Comp. Neurol. 377:70-80.
IF 3.508
Rossi F., Borsello T., Vaudano E. and Strata P. Regressive modifications of climbing fibers
following Purkinje cell degeneration in the cerebellar cortex of the adult rat. (1993) Neurosci.
53:759-778. IF 3.458.
Rossi F., Borsello T. and Strata P. Embryonic Purkinje cells grafted on the surface of the cerebellar
cortex integrate in the adult unlesioned cerebellum. (1992) Eur. J. Neurosci. 4:589-593. IF
Series of lectures in Physiology for Science students at the University of Torino under
the supervision of Prof. F. Rossi.
Gross anatomy of the entire human body for Medical students at the University of
Lausanne under the supervision of Prof. Hornung and Prof. Welker. This teaching
involves lesson, dissection, demonstrations and supervision of students during selfstudy sessions from 1999 to 2007.
In 1999-2000 Responsible of Membre Superieur/guide de dissection
In 2001-2002 Responsible of Membre Superieur, Membre Inferieur, and Cou
In 2003-2004 Responsible of Membre Superieur and Membre Inferieur and Tete
In 2004-2007 Responsible of the seance of the Systeme Nerveux Centrale and guide de
dissectionet d'auto-apprentissage.
Teaching at the Biomedical School of the Mario Negri Insitute, with focus in the
formation of young researchers in Italy, responsabile of a of Neuroscience seminaries.
Director of the School Mario Salmona.
Supervisor and examiner of Ph.D programs at the Lausanne University (Switzerland)
and the Open University of London (UK).
2009 Abilitazione Nazionale Francese /Habilitation à diriger des recherches et
de l'enseignement
2009 at present Teaching qualification at the Biomedical School of the Mario Negri
Institute and formation of young researcher in Neuroscience (supervision of both
undergraduate and graduate students as well as postdoctoral fellow)
2012/2013 Abilitazione Nazionale Settore Concorsuale 05/H1 - ANATOMIA UMANA
S.S.D BIO/16 - ANATOMIA UMANA, abilitata alla prima e seconda fascia di docenza
con giudizio allegato.
From 2009 at present Group Leader of the Neuronal Death and Neuroprotection laboratory
IRCCS-Istituto di Ricerche Farmacolocighe Matrio Negri-Milano
2003-2008 DBCM Lausanne, Switzerland and Istituto di ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario
Negri" Italy
Matre assistant and Group of Neuronal death and Neuroprotection, enrolled in teaching Human
Anatomy class for MD undergraduate students/ Medicine Faculty. Open collaboration with the
Neuroscience Department in the IRCC-Istituto di ricerche Farmacologiche: "Mario Negri" Italy.
1999-2003 DBCM, Université de Lausanne, Medicine Faculty, Switzerland Premier
Assistant, Département de Biologie Cellulaire et de Morphologie with Prof. P. Clarke. Enrolled
in teaching Human Anatomy class for MD undergraduate students.
1998-1999 AVOGADRO University of Novara
Post-doctoral at the Department of Medical Science with Prof. G. Gaudino
1996-1999 CNR, Neurobiology Rome
Researcher at the Institute of Neurobiology with Prof. P. Calissano.
Industrial formation contract at the SIGMA-TAU Pomezia, Rome.
1991 Netherlands Research Institute of Amsterdam
European Science Foundation scholarship for work at Netherlands Research Institute of Amsterdam
1990-1994 Department of Human Anatomy and Physiology- Medicine Faculty University of
PhD degree: Scienze Neuroscience
1990 University of Turin Faculty of Science, Biology
B.A. Degree
2008, Sciencewatch reported that “Dr Borsello’s article entitled “A peptide inhibitor of cJun N-terminal kinase protects against excitotoxicity and cerebral ischemia” as published in
the journal “NATURE MEDICINE” in September 2003, has been recently identified by
Essential Science Indicators as the highest cited paper in the research area of
INFLAMMATION-MEDIATED NEURODEGENERATION” which also means it is one of the
most-cited recent papers in its field.
Prize of the Pfizer Foundation, Neuroscience and Diseases Nervous System 2005
Prize of SGAHE Morphology 2004
• Different laboratories: UNIL Lausanne and CHUV
• Startup Xigen Lausanne
• Prof. Monica Di Luca
• Prof. Mattia Falconi
• Dr. Alan Whitmarsh
• Prof. Prof Franzoso Chicago USA
• Prof. J. Mariani Paris
• Prof. A. Vercelli
• Auris Medical AG Biotech Switzerland
• Prof. Monica Di Luca
Dept. Pharmacological Sciences
via Balzaretti, 9
20133 Milano - Italy
Ph. 00390250318374
fax 00390250318284
• Prof. Panzica Giancarlo
Dipartimento di Neuroscienze,
Polo Anatomico (corso M. D'Azeglio 52) Torino
Tel: 0116706607
Fax: 0112366607
• Prof. Tredici Giovanni
Dipartimento di Chirurgia e Medicina Traslazionale
Universita' Bicocca Milano
Tel 02 6448 8115
• Dr. Mario Salmona
Head, Department of Molecular Biochemistry and Pharmacology
IRCCS-Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri"
Via Giuseppe la Masa 19, 20156 Milan, Italy
Phone: +390239014447
Fax: +39023901474
• Prof. Ezio Giacobini
Dept Rehabilitation and Geriatrics
University of Geneva, Medical School Geneva Switzerland
Phone: +41 22 3056522
• Dr. Fabrizio Tagliavini
via Celoria 11 Milano, 20133. Italy
Tel: +39 0223942384
Fax: +39 0270638217
Sito web:
• Prof. Egbert Welker
Département de Biologie Cellulaire et de Morphologie
Rue du Bugnon 9, 1005 Lausanne, Switzerland.
Tel: +41 21 692 5125
Fax: +41 21 692 5105
• Prof. Peter G.H. Clarke
Département de Biologie Cellulaire et de Morphologie
Rue du Bugnon 9, 1005 Lausanne, Switzerland
Tel: +41 21 692 5120
Fax: +41 21 692 5105
• Dr. Gianluigi Forloni,
Biol. Neurodeg. Disorders Lab,
IRCCS-Istituto di ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri"
Via Eritrea 62, 20157 Milano, Italy
Tel: +39 02 39014462
Fax: +39 02 3546277
• Dr. Christophe Bonny, Chief Research Unit Division of Medical Genetics,
CHUV Falaises 1, 1011 Lausanne Switzerland
Phone: +41-21-314 33 79
FAX: +41-21-314 33 85
Prof. Pietro Calissano, Istituto di Neurobiologia-CNR
Viale Marx 15/43, 00137 Roma Italia
Tel. +39-06-8292565
Auris Medical AG (Principal investigator) 2013-2015
AIRett (Principal investigator) 2012-2014
ADDF USA grant (Principal investigator) 2012-2013 New specific JNK3 inhibitor against AD
degenerative process
Fondazione cassa di risparmio di Cuneo (Principal investigator) Synaptic dysfunction in AD
Cariplo (principal investigator) Cell Permeable JNK inhibitor peptide as a new potential
treatment for Alzheimer disease. 2011-2013
San Paolo Italy (principal investigator) The JNK inhibition against Alzheimer disease 20092011
Found European Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) cPADS
Principal investigator-2008-2012.
Fund National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique (Principal investigator) 2004-2007
Title: new molecules for treatment of brain injury and neurodegenerative disorders
Fund European (sub contractor) 2004-2007 EU-STRESSPROJECT Title:Targeting of stress
kinase signalling as therapeutic strategy against excitotoxicity
Fund FBM (Interdisciplinary University grant) 2005-2007 Title:Cortico-cortical disconnection in
early Alzheimer’s disease: Combined application of imaging techniques (EEG/MRI) and
Fund Botnar (Principal investigator) 2005-2007 Title: Alzheimer disease: D-JNKI-1 action on
the APP processing and metabolism
Fund Novartis 2005-2006 Title: The JNK Pathway in Excitotoxicity
Fund Desirée and Niels Yde’s Foundation (Principal investigator) 2005-2006 Title: The cell
death pathway in excitotoxicity
Fund CTI in collaboration with Xigen: The Center for Technology and Innovation (CTI)
grant: Test of the Xigen intracellular peptide transporters in primary cultures.
Le dichiarazioni rese nel presente curriculum sono da ritenersi rilasciate ai sensi degli artt. 46 e 47 del DPR n.
Il presente curriculum, non contiene dati sensibili e dati giudiziari di cui all’art. 4, comma 1, lettere d) ed e) del
D.Lgs. 30.6.2003 n. 196.
Il sottoscritto dichiara di essere consapevole che nel rispetto delle regole di trasparenza previste dalla Legge e come
stabilito dal bando di concorso, i curricula di tutti candidati saranno pubblicati sul sito Web dell’Università degli Studi
di Milano entro 30 giorni dalla scadenza del termine di presentazione delle domande.