NGI Umeå - SciLifeLab

The aim of the infrastructure is to establish technologies for massive parallel sequencing (MPS) and large-­‐scale SNP genotyping and enable the use of these technologies for the Swedish research community. It has been established by the Swedish Research Council (VR) and is hosted by SciLifeLab Sweden. Or goal is to provide Swedish academia with state of the art technology tools for sequencing and genotyping. We operate all major sequencing plaIorms: Illumina HiSeq, MiSeq, SOLiD, Ion Torrent, Ion Proton, Pacific Bioscience and Argus opQcal mapping. The NGI road trip aims to spread knowledge about the infrastructure and the research possibiliQes. We look forward to meet researches interested in using MPS and SNP genotyping in their work and to establish new contacts and learn about their needs. The NGI directors and plaIorm coordinators wish you a warm welcome to an informaQon seminar, which will include: a presentaQon about NGI, short presentaQons from local PIs with experience in collaboraQon with the infrastructure, and individual project consultaQons with anyone who could be interested. Hope to see you there! NGI staff 2014 Road Trip October 14th (Umeå, KBC-­‐huset, room KBF 30) 13:00 – 13:05 NGI welcome. Ulf Gyllensten (co-­‐director of NGI). 13:05 – 13:20 Restric8on Site Associated DNA (RAD) sequencing. Mario Giovacchini (NGI). 13:20 – 13:35 DNA methyla8on analysis by SNP and SEQ technology. Johanna Lagensjö (NGI) 13:30 – 13:50 News and technical developments of Ion and Single Molecule sequencing technologies. ChrisQan Tellgren-­‐Roth (NGI). 13:50 – 14:00 SciLife Bioinforma8cs PlaNorm: WABI and BILS. Anna Johansson (WABI). 14:00 – 14:20 Gene8cs of rheumatoid arthri8s contributes to biology and drug discovery. Solbrid Rantapää-­‐Dahlqvist (UmU). 14:20 – 14:40 Genome-­‐wide studies of the essen8al S. pombe Pth1 DNA helicase at G-­‐ quadruplex DNA mo8fs. Nasim Sabouri (UmU). 14:40 – 15:00 Assembling bacterial genomes – experiences from 2nd and 3rd genera8on sequencing. Per Stenberg (FOI). 15:00 – 15:20 Title to be announced. Göran Spång (SLU, Umeå) 15:20 – 15:40 Human Whole Genome sequencing at NGI. Ulf Gyllensten (NGI) 15:40 – 16:30 Individual consulta8ons and project discussions Representa8ves of NGI: Stockholm node: Mario Giovacchini, Sverker Lundin och Marianna Sjögren SNP&SEQ, Uppsala Node: Johanna Lagensjö (SEQ), Camilla Enström (SNP) UGC, Uppsala Node: Ulf Gyllensten (NGI director); ChrisQan Tellgren-­‐Roth Representa8ves of SciLife Bioinforma8cs: WABI: Anna Johansson, Åsa Björklund 