Macrophage Attacking E.coli (SEM x8,800) Bacterial Infection your textbook p45 Liuxin professor Email Shenyang Medical College Pathogenic Organism Department 1 Pathogen病原体/Epidemic 流行病 Koch’s postulates 郭霍法则 Normal flora 正常菌群 Infectious diseases 传染病 Opportunistic infection 机会 感染 Nosocomial 医院的 2 This chapter focuses on Definitions normal flora, opportunistic pathogen, antitoxin, toxoid, nosocomial infection, bacteremia, septicemia, toxemia, endotoxemia, carrier Questions What is the medical significance of normal flora? Under what conditions do opportunistic pathogens cause diseases? What factors are associated with pathogenicity of pathogens? What do the virulence factors of pathogens include? What is the difference between endotoxins and exotoxins? 3 What is the medical significance of carriers? Agents that affect humans What is an Infectious agent? An Infectious agent may be defined as any environmental agent capable of replicating in or on body tissues resulting in an injurious response due to competitive metabolism, toxins, intracellular replication, immunologically mediated interactions. 4 Pathgen病原微生物/病原体: A microorganism capable of causing disease. Infection感染 Exogenous infection外源性感染 Endogenous infection 内源性感染 Pathogenicity致病性: The ability of an infectious agent to cause disease 5 §1 Pathopoiesis of bacteria 细菌致病作用 Main content Invasiveness 侵袭力 Adherence & permanent planting 黏附与定植 Multiplication & diffusion 繁殖和扩散 toxin毒素 Anti-defense function of host 抗宿主的防御功能 Endotoxin 内毒素 其它微生物 Exotoxin 外毒素 6 Source of infection Exogenous infection : patient, carrier, diseased animal or animal carrier. Endogenous condition : most are normal flora, cause infection under abnormal condition. 7 发红,灼痛 痛 Virulence毒力 Adherence factor invasiveness Capsule and slime layer Invasive enzyme Virulence factors exotoxin toxin endotoxin 8 Normal flora正常菌群, Bacteria Opportunistic pathogen条件致病菌 Pathogen病原体 9 LD 50 (age /sex /health /route of entry, etc ) LD50 半 数 致 死 量 : The number of pathogens required to cause lethal disease in half of the exposed hosts is called an LD50. ID50 半 数 感 染 量 : The number of pathogens required to cause disease (or, at least, infection) in half of the exposed hosts is called the ID50 10 皮脂腺 Pathogenesis Pathogenesis is a multifactorial process which depends on the immune status of the host, The nature of the species or strain (virulence factors) The number of organisms in the initial exposure. 11 Normal flora(textbook p118) Definition Microorganisms that live on or in human bodies, and ordinarily do not cause human diseases Physical Significance Antagonism拮抗作用 Mechanism • Competition for receptors on host cells • Competition for nutrients • Metabolic or toxic products Nutritional function Immunity Anti-tumor Symbioses 共生 12 Gloosary normal flora正常菌群:Nonpathogen: A microorganism that does not cause disease; may be part of the normal flora. Opportunistic pathogen机会病原体: An agent capable of causing disease only when the host’s resistance is impaired (ie, when the patient is “immunocompromised”). 13 韦荣球菌属 梭形杆菌 密螺旋体 紫质单胞菌 14 Pathogenicity The routes of entry Skin Respiratory tract Gastrointestinal tract Urogenital track Multiple routes 15 Opportunistic infections The normal flora living on their external surfaces Common bacteria found in the normal flora include: Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis Propionibacterium丙酸菌属acnes痤疮, 粉刺 (skin). Bacteroides and Enterobacteriaceae, found in the intestine 16 Opportunists from the environment We are constantly also exposed to bacteria including: air, water soil food. 17 Pathogenic process of bacterium Invasiveness侵袭力 Invasion侵入, settle down Acceptive environment, multiply and spreading Destroy host defense Toxin other 18 1. Adherence Factors adhesive factor/ Adhesin黏附素 1)pili, colonization factor 2) the lipoteichoic acid (LTA)and F protein (binds to fibronectin纤连蛋白) causes adherence of the streptococci to epithelial cells 3) The bacteria adhere by biochemical reaction 19 Capsule and slime layer Invasiveness Adherence factors Pili Neisseria gonorrhoeae Other surface structures LTA Capsules and slime layers Streptococcus pneumoniae 20 黏附致病机制: 1. 通过黏附激活被 黏附细胞的信号 系统,使细胞释放 细胞因子,导致炎 性损伤. 2. 黏附与受体作用, 引起细胞凋亡 E. coli with fimbriae 21 Adhesion BACTERIUM 黏附与致病性:抗黏液冲刷, 细胞纤毛运动和肠蠕动等清 除作用,利于病菌定居 adhesin receptor EPITHELIUM 上皮细胞 22 S. Pyogenes化脓性链球菌 lipoteichoic acid F-protein Fibronectin 纤维结合蛋白 23 E. coli fimbriae Type 1 mannose P • galactose半乳糖 – glycolipids – glycoproteins 24 2.Invasive enzyme Invasiveness Invasive enzymes Hyaluronidase透明质酸酶: hyaluronic acid 25 2.reproducing and spreading 繁殖和扩散 coagulase: S. Aureus金葡菌 fibrinogen纤维蛋白素原 fibrin surround bacteria hyaluronidase透明质酸酶(spreading factor) :hydrolyze hyaluronic acid tissue loose, B. spreads, streptokinase. SK. Lyse fibrin streptodornase, SD, resolve DNA 26 Shigella, and Salmonella organisms志贺菌 和沙门菌 are enteric bacteria that produce an invasin protein侵袭性蛋白 that promotes the binding of the bacteria to M cells of the colon结肠, which in turn stimulates the cell to invaginate and take in the bacteria内陷吞噬细菌. 27 3.Penetration host defence 1)ability to evade phagocytic uptake:capsule or slime layers and some pili are antiphagocytic。 2)anti-opsonisation 3)anti-IgA 28 Antiphagocytic Substances 1. Polysaccharide capsules of S. pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Treponema pallidum ; B. anthracis and Klebsiella pneumoniae. 2. M protein and fimbriae of Group A streptococci 3. Surface slime (polysaccharide) produced as a biofilm by Pseudomonas aeruginosa 29 4. O polysaccharide associated with LPS of E. coli 5. K antigen (acidic polysaccharides) of E. coli or the analogous Vi antigen of Salmonella typhi 6. Cell-bound or soluble Protein A produced by Staphylococcus aureus. Protein A attaches to the Fc region of IgG 30 Protein A inhibits phagocytosis Fc receptor immunoglobulin PHAGOCYTE Protein A BACTERIUM 31 M protein inhibits phagocytosis Complement fibrinogen M protein r peptidoglycan r r 32 II. Toxins Exotoxins Endotoxins Exotoxins cause food poisoning: botulin肉毒菌毒素, staphylococcal enterotoxin肠毒素, etc. Systematic toxic effects : e.g. diphtheria白喉, tetanus, and streptococcal erythrogenic toxins链球菌红疹毒素. Local toxic effects : cholera, and toxigenic E. coli enterotoxins. 33 Bacterial Toxins: General Aspects Definition Soluble substances that alter normal metabolism of host cells with deleterious effects on the host Toxin type Exotoxin—protein produced by bacteria either excreted or bound to bacterial surface and released when lysed Endotoxin—LPS of the outer membrane of Gram— bacteria Acts as toxin only under special circumstances 34 Gene of exotoxin Chromosome Plasmid Prophage 前噬菌体 Genes frequently carried on plasmids and temperate bacteriophage character of exotoxin virulence strong毒性强 Selectivity 选择性 Stability invalid稳定性差,不耐热 Antigenicity strong 抗原性强 35 Toxin Production Found on phage; toxin genes for:※※※ Diphtheria白喉 Botulism肉毒杆菌中毒 Scarlet fever猩红热 Toxic streptococci Found on plasmids※※※: E. coli toxin causes diarrhea腹泻 S. aureus toxin causes “scalded skin syndrome”皮肤 烫伤综合征 E. coli 0157:H7 36 Kinds and biological role Neurotoxins Cytotoxins Enterotoxin others 37 G+ and some G- bacterium synthesis then released from the cell. A-B toxins Host Cell surface Active Binding A B 38 Tetanus toxin破伤风痉挛毒素 inhibits glycine氨基乙酸 release inactivates inhibitory neurons阻断神经抑制性冲动 传递 muscles over-active rigid paralysis 兴奋性递质 39 Botulinum toxin肉毒毒素 inhibits acetylcholine乙酰胆碱 release inhibits nerve impulses muscles inactive flacid paralysis 松弛麻痹 40 Cellular toxin Diphtheria toxin 白喉毒素and Pseudomonas 假单胞菌exotoxin A ADP-ribosylate elongation factor (EF2) inhibit protein synthesis 41 Enterotoxin Cholera toxin and E. coli labile toxin ADP-ribosylate adenylate cyclase cyclic AMP active ion and water secretion diarrhea 42 Shiga toxin - shigellosis Shiga-like toxin - enterohemorraghic E. coli Lyses rRNA in ribosome Death of epithelial cells Poor water absorption Diarrhea 43 Membrane damaging toxins • Proteases • Phospholipases • Detergent-like action 45 Endotoxin Origin and release Gram-negative bacteria Released only when bacteria lyse Chemical and physical properties Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) heat-stable: 160℃, 2-4hrs 46 Endotoxins LPS Lipopolysaccharide: core or backbone of CHO side chains of CHO: "O" antigen Lipid A Cell wall lysis required formaldehyde and heat resistant poor antigen as free molecule 47 Endotoxin effects Fever-pyrogen热原(质) Leukopenia白细胞减少 leukocytosis白细胞增多 Shwartzman phenomenon Endotoxemia and shock disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). 48 Endotoxins Non-specific inflammation. Cytokine release Complement activation B cell mitogens Polyclonal B cell activators Adjuvants Endotoxemia 49 The differences between exotoxin and endotoxin Properties Exotoxin endotoxin Origin G+ and G- G- Release Secreted from living cells or released upon bacterial lysis Released upon bacterial lysis composition Protein LPS Heat-resistance Sensitive Resistance Immunity High, antitoxin, toxoid Low, no toxoid High, tissue specificity Low, no tissue specificity Toxicity 50 51 内毒素与外毒素的比较 种类 内毒素 外毒素 来源 革兰阴性菌 革兰阳性菌部及分革兰阴性菌 存在部位 细胞壁成分、细菌裂解后释出 活菌分泌或细菌溶解后散出 化学成分 脂多糖 蛋白质 稳定性 好、160℃ 2-4小时破坏 差、60-80℃ 30分钟破坏 毒性作用 较弱、各种内毒素作用大致相同,强、对机体组织器官有选择性, 引起休克,发热,DIC等 引起特殊临床表现 抗原性 弱,能刺激机体形成抗体, 但无中和作用, 甲醛处理后不能形成类毒素 强,能刺激机体形成抗毒素, 经甲醛脱毒后能形成类毒素 52 §2 Bacterial route of transmission and infection type细菌的传播途径和感染类型 54 Sources of infectious diseases Exogenous infections Patients Carriers Those in whom pathogens multiply and may be transmitted to other individuals, but who shows no clinical findings to their presence. Convalescent carriers and Healthy carriers Infected animals Endogenous infections caused by opportunistic pathogens among normal flora Nosocomial infections 55 Transmission • Airborne droplets • Food • Water • Sexual contact 56 Original and devolopment of Bacterial Infection 57 Routes of infection Respiratory Gastroenteric Genitourinary tract closely contact insect bitting blood transfusion Potential route Mucous membranes 58 Hospital acquired infection Infections acquired during hospital stays. 59 Sources of infectious diseases Nosocomial infections Definitions: infections acquired in a hospital. Also called hospital-acquired infections. Sources Endogenous infections Cross infections Inappropriate hospital procedures Hospital procedure patient Hospital personnel, visitors, or other patients 60 Types of infections Determinants of infections Pathogenicity of bacteria Immunity defense of hosts Environmental factors Inapparent infection 隐性感染 Apparent infection 显性感染 61 Inapparent infection Subclinical infection Definition An infection that has no observable symptoms and occurs when the host immunity is potent or the pathogenicity of pathogens is weak. Medical significance specific defense 62 Apparent infection Definition An infection that has obvious symptoms and occurs when the host immunity is compromised or the pathogenicity of pathogens is potent Septicemia Localized infection Generalized / systemic infection 63 Generalized infection Bacteremia Definition: the presence but not multiplication of bacteria in blood Septicemia Definition: the presence and multiplication of bacteria in blood Toxemia Definition: the presence of bacterial exotoxins in blood Endotoxemia Definition: the presence of bacterial endotoxins in blood 64 Opportunistic pathogens Definition normally nonpathogenic microorganisms capable of causing infection disease under certain conditions. 65 Opportunistic pathogens Conditions Alteration of colonization sites Declination of the host immunity defense Dysbacteriosis Definition: the state in which the proportion of bacterial species and the number of the normal flora colonizing in a certain site of a host present largescale alteration. 66 Pathogenicity of pathogens Pathogenicity A qualitative term that refer to an organism's ability to cause disease Virulence A quantitative measurement of pathogenicity 67 病原菌在机体血液中大量繁殖产生毒性物 质,并随血流到达其他器官,引起多发性 脓肿,称为____________。 a.bacteremia b.pyemia c.endotoxemia d.toxemia e.septicemia 68 Which one of the following BEST describes the mode of action of endotoxin? ____________。 a. Degrades lecithin卵磷脂in cell membranes b.Inactivates elongation factor 2 c.Blocks release of acetyl choline d. Cause the release of tumor necrosis factor,IL-1,et al 69 The effects of endotoxin include each of the following EXCEPT: ____________。 a.opsonization b.fever c.activation of the coagulation cascade d.hypotension 70 Each of the following statements concerning exotoxins is correct EXCEPT:____________。 a.When treated chemically, some exotoxins lose their toxicity and can be used as immunogens in vaccines b.Some exotoxins are capable of causing disease in purified form, free of any bacteria c.Some exotoxins act in the gastrointestinal tract to cause diarrhea d.Some exotoxins contain lipopolysaccharides as the toxic component 71 Each of the following statements concerning endotoxins is correct EXCEPT____________。 a.The toxicity of endotoxins is due to the lipid portion of the molecule b. Endotoxins are found in most grampositive bacteria c.Endotoxins are located in the cell wall d.The antigenicity of somatic(O) antigen is due to repeating oligosaccharides 72 Each of the following statements concerning exotoxins is correct EXCEPT:____________。 a. Exotoxins are polypeptides b.Exotoxins are more easily inactivated by heat than endotoxins c. Exotoxins are less toxic than the same amount of endotoxins d. Exotoxins can be converted to toxoids 73 Each of the following statements concerning the normal flora is correct EXCEPT ____________。 a.The normal flora of the colon consists predominantly of anaerobic bacteria b.The presence of the nomlai flora prevents certain pathogens from colonizing the upper respiratory tract c. Fungi. eg, yeasts, are not members of the normal flora d.Organisms of the normal flora are permanent residents of the body surfaces 74 Which one of the following characteristics does not suitable for exotoxin____________。 a.protein in nature b.strong virulence c.causing specific symptomes and signs d.used for preparation of toxoid e.stable 75 76 Evasion of immune responses by pathogens Barriers Invasion & infection Innate immunity + + Inflammation Adaptive immunity 77 Adaptive Immunity Adaptive Immunity, which occurs after exposure to an antigen ( eg. An infectious agent) is specific and is mediated by either antibody or lymphoid cells. It can be passive or active. 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Immunity of extracellular bacterial infection: antibodies (IgG, IgM, SIgA); phagocytes (neutrophils); complement; humoral immunity mainly. Immunity of intracellular bacterial infection: cell-mediated immunity (delayed-type hypersensitivity, DTH response (DTH) involving TH1and macrophages) mainly. 86 Symbioses 共生 Commensalism共栖: one partner benefits and the other is neither harmed nor benefited. Mutualism互利共生: both partners benefit. Parasitism: one partner benefits at the expense of the other. 87 88 89 Role of the resident flora 1. Members of the resident flora in the intestinal tract synthesize vitamin K and aid in the absorption of nutrients. 2. Members of the resident flora on mucous membranes and skin may prevent colonization by pathogens and possible disease through “bacterial interference”. 3. The normal flora may antagonize other bacteria through the production of substances which inhibit or kill nonindigenous species. 4. The normal flora stimulates the development of certain tissues, i.e., the caecum and certain lymphatic tissues (Peyer's patches) in the GI tract 5. The normal flora stimulate the production of 90