FCP-1: Cell Biology 1st contact session: cell membranes, cytoplasmic organelles, the cytoskeleton, intercellular connections, cell adhesion molecules, transport across cell membranes, ATP production Part 1: intracellular structures and organelles Simplified depiction of a cell Cell membrane components • Main component: phospholipids (hydrophilic outside, hydrophobic inside, spontaneous bi-layer) • Selectively permeable • Inner membranes have similar structure • Proteins: integral vs peripheral • Modifications • Anchors Cell adhesion molecules, pumps, channels, receptors, enzymes Mitochondria (1) Main function: energy production through oxidative phosphorylation Mitochondria (2) • Used to be free-living bacteria • Contains the components of the electron transport chain (energy production) in the inner membrane • Contains own genome (smaller than nucleus) and ribosomes (protein synthesis machinery) • Zygote mitochondria come from the ovum: maternal inheritance of mtDNA • Very ineffective DNA repair leads to mistakes: results in a large number of rare diseases associated with defects in energy metabolism Mitochondria (3) Electron transport chain (oxidative phosphorylation, generation of ATP/energy): Later… Lysosomes: rubbish bins • Large, irregular structures in the cytoplasm • Acidic interior, digest endocytosed bacteria and discarded cell components • Filled with acid hydrolases, cannot function at normal cellular pH, will not destroy other cell components • Lysosomal storage diseases result from absence of enzyme, accumulation/engorgement of lysosomes Peroxisomes: detox and more • Catalyse various anabolic and catabolic reactions, e.g. breakdown of very long chain fatty acids, production of plasmalogen (myelin), production of bile acids • Enzymes oxidize substrates, generating toxic H2O2, used to oxidize other substrates, neutralizing H2O2 • NB for the detox of ethanol • PXR gene product is outer pxome receptor, PEX gene products import proteins into pxome, and enzymes are targeted into pxome by PTS signal • Errors in pxome assembly result in Zellweger syndrome, neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy and infantile Refsum disease (lethal in infants) Nucleus: command HQ • Contains all of the DNA (nuclear genome) required for gene expression, in the form of chromatin • Site of gene expression (DNA → mRNA) Nucleus • DNA (chromosomes) normally unravelled, disorganized: chromatin • Individual chromosomes condense before cell division • Nucleolus contains RNA, proteins: ribosome assembly • Nuclear envelope a double-layer membrane • Contains pore complexes for shuttling of proteins, ribosomes and RNA: ribosomes and RNA produced in nucleus, must shuttle to cytoplasm for protein synthesis, some proteins (i.e. transcription factors) must shuttle back to nucleus Ribosomes: protein assembly lines Endoplasmic reticulum: processing • • • • Complex series of tubules in the cytoplasm Contiguous to the nuclear membrane Smooth ER: steroid synthesis Rough ER: covered with ribosomes, protein synthesis, folding and modification Golgi apparatus: add some sugar • Stacked membrane-enclosed sacs • Proper glycosylation (sticking on carbohydrate/sugar chains) of lipids and proteins • Directional (cis→trans) • Vesicles shuttle from the ER, through the Golgi, out for secretion Cytoskeleton: intracellular highways • Maintains structure, helps to move and change shape • Also moves proteins and organelles around Molecular motors to move cargo Kinesin, dynein, myosin: all use ATP (energy) Part 2: Intercellular connections Holding cells together: Tight junctions • Surround the outer layer of epithelial cells (intestinal mucosa, renal tubules, choroid plexus in brain) • Also contribute to endothelial barrier function • Totally obliterates the gap between cells, prevents protein leakage between cells Holding cells together: zonula adherens Holding cells together: desmosomes - Adhesion protein = cadherin, helps to withstand shear stress in epithelium, particularly in epidermis - Defining feature: dense plaques on cytoplasmic side, attached to cytoskeletal filaments - Blistering diseases (Pemphigus) are auto-immune, attack desmogleins (cadherins), cause layers of skin to pull apart Attaching cells to the basal lamina: hemidesmosomes and focal adhesions Gap junctions: intercellular communication • 1 subunit = connexin • Pore with 6 connexins = connexon • permit passage of ions and small metabolites between cells • highly selective (20 diff connexin genes, each for different flow-through) Cell adhesion molecules • All intercellular connections consist of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) • 4 broad families: integrins, cadherins, selectins and IgG adhesion molecules • Not just for adhesion, but also for signalling: • cells that lose contact with other cells undergo dissociation-induced apoptosis (anoikis) • collagen-integrin interaction essential for osteoblast differentiation Part 3: transport across cell membranes Exo- and endocytosis Note that the cytoplasmic side of the membrane always remains the cytoplasmic side Endocytosis continued • Phagocytosis: eating of bacteria, dead tissue by leukocytes • Pinocytosis: drinking of solutes • Both processes involve invagination of the plasma membrane before pinching off vesicle inside the cell • Clathrin-mediated endocytosis: three-legged clathrin molecules cover endocytotic vesicle (NB for receptor internalization and synaptic function) How do molecules move across the cell membrane? • Small non-polar and neutral polar molecules diffuse directly across (O2, N2 CO2) • Everything else needs help! • Transport proteins form channels for transport of various molecules • Even water! (through aquaporins) • Some are non-selective ion channels, some are very selective How do molecules move across the cell membrane? • Some channels are gated (opened upon a particular stimulus): How do molecules move across the cell membrane? • Carrier proteins transport molecules WITH a concentration or electrical gradient: facilitated diffusion, does not require energy (example: glucose) • Other carriers transport molecules AGAINST a gradient: active transport, requires energy • Many carrier proteins are therefore ATPases: hydrolyses ATP for energy for transport • Secondary active transport: transport of one molecule coupled to the transport of another (often Na+) – Symport: two molecules moving in the same direction – Antiport: exchange of molecules in opposite directions Ion channels Possible configurations: Part 4: Energy (ATP) production ATP hydrolysis = energy ATP → ADP + Pi + 30-50 kJ energy Energetically unfavourable (unstable) Energetically more stable Interesting factoid: 60% of energy goes towards maintenance of body temp Main site of ATP production: the citric acid cycle cytoplasm mitochondria But before we get to this point….. Glycolysis (Embden-Meyerhof pathway) 1x 6-carbon 2x 3-carbon Net gain (1 mol glucose): 4 ATP – 2 ATP = 2 ATP; 2 pyruvate; 2 NADH Or….Glycogen breakdown Net gain from 1 mol glucose-6-phosphate: 4 ATP – 1 ATP = 3 ATP; 2 pyruvate; 2 NADH Or…Beta-oxidation of fatty acids - Takes place in mitochondria: long-chain fatty acids transported in by carnitine - 18-C fatty acid generates 8 acetyl-CoA Main site of ATP production: the citric acid cycle cytoplasm mitochondria From NADH/FADH2 to ATP ATP production: adding it up • 1 pyruvate generates 4 NADH, 1 FADH2 and 1 GTP (ATP) • 1 NADH = 3 ATP, 1 FADH2 = 2 ATP • 1 pyruvate = (4x3) + (1x2) + 1 = 15 ATP • 1 glucose (2 ATP; 2 pyruvate; 2 NADH) = 2 + (2x15) + (2x3) = 38 ATP • 1 glucose-6-P (from glycogen) = 39 ATP • 1 18-C fatty acid = 8 x 15 = 120 ATP • 1 triglyceride ≥ 360 ATP