PowerPoint Presentation - Molecular Cell Biology

Molecular Cell Biology
Actin, including Principles of Assembly
• Text
• MiniReviews - PDF files online
Textbook Chapters
• Lodish et al., Molecular Cell Biology, 6th ed., 2008,
Freeman. Chaps. 17, 18.
• Pollard & Earnshaw, Cell Biology, updated ed., 2004,
Saunders. Chaps. 35-42, 47.
Articles on the Course Web Site
• Original Articles
• Reviews
Older Advanced / Reference Materials
1. Cell Movements, 2nd ed. ,Dennis Bray, 2001, Garland.
2. Guidebook to the Cytoskeletal and Motor Proteins.
Kreis and Vale, eds. 1999, Oxford Univ. Press.
3. Video Tape of Motility. Sanger & Sanger, Cell Motility
& the Cytoskeleton, Video Supplement 2, 1990. A one-hour
tape of examples of microtubule-based motility. Short
segments shown in class. Available at the Media Center in
the Becker (medical) library.
Chemotaxis of neutrophil to bacteria
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Phagocytosis of bacteria by
Dictyostelium amoebae
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Biological Scope of Cell Motility & the Cytoskeleton
Intracellular Movements
Mechanical & Physical Properties
Elements of the Cytoskeleton
• Filaments - Actin, Microtubules, Intermediate Filaments, Septins
• Crosslinkers
• Actin - Myosin
• Microtubules - Dynein, Kinesin
Higher Order Structures and Functions
• Muscle sarcomere
• Epithelial cell brush border
• Cortex of motile cells
• Cilia & Flagella
• Mitotic spindle apparatus
• Radiate from MTOC - organize membranes
Septins - cytokinesis
Major Sperm Protein in nematode sperm
Self-Assembly by Proteins Entropy & the Hydrophobic Effect
High Order in Assembled State Implies Lower
Entropy, which is Unfavorable
∆G = ∆H - T∆S must be <0 for a Reaction to
But ∆H>0, ∆S>>0 !
Higher Entropy => Disorder in Assembled State
Ordered Water on Hydrophobic Surface of
Protein Subunit is Released
Self-Assembly by Proteins - Specificity
Hydrophobic Surfaces of Proteins Must Fit
Snugly to Exclude Water
Assorted Non-covalent Bonds
• Van der Waals
• Coulombic
• H-bond
Why Use Subunits to Make Large Molecules?
Efficient Use of the Genome
Error Management
Variable Size
Disassembly / Reassembly
Equivalence and Quasi-Equivalence
Subunits in Polymer Must be Indistinguishable from Each
Helical Arrangement Produces Linear Filament
Some Flexibility in Structure Produces Loss of
Quasi-Equivalence: Similar with Distortion
Assembly of Helical Filaments
Add & Lose Subunits Only at Ends
ON Rate = k+ c1 N
OFF Rate = k- N
c1 = Concentration of Monomers
N = Concentration of Filament Ends
Assembly of Helical Filaments
At Steady State, by Definition
• ON Rate = OFF Rate
k+ c1 N = k- N
c1 = k - / k +
Subunit Concentration is Constant?!
Steady-state Concentrations of Polymer &
Critical Concentration and Binding Affinity
A1 + Nj
Ka =
c1 [N ]
Critical Concentration and Binding Affinity
Ka =
Kd =
c1 [Nj]
Polar Filaments have Two Different Ends
Can Have Different Critical Concentrations at the Two
Steady State Critical Concentration is an Intermediate
Net Addition at One End, Net Loss at the Other End
Microtubule Photobleaching
Experiment In Vivo
Fluorescent Tubulin Microinjected into Cell as Tracer
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Laser Bleaches a Vertical Stripe
Cells Regulate Polymers
Cells Have Unexpectedly High Concentrations of
Cells Change their Subunit / Polymer Ratio Dramatically
Filament Lengths in Cells are Short
How do Cells Regulate the Level of Polymerization?
Total Concentration of Protein
Covalent Modification of Subunits
Binding of Small Molecules
Binding of Another Protein
How do Cells Regulate the Number and
Length of Filaments?
Limit Growth
Intrinsic to Protein
Deplete Subunits
Capture by Capping End
Create New Filaments
• Nucleation - End or Side
• Bolus of Subunits - High Concentration
Creation of New Filament from Subunits is
Subunit Prefers End of Filament to One or Two
Other Subunits
Allows Cell to Control Where & When Filaments
“Dynamic Instability” of Microtubules
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GFP-tubulin in Cells
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Pure proteins in vitro
Nucleotides Can Generate
“Dynamic Instability”
The Basic Facts...
Tubulin Binds GTP or GDP
GTP Tubulin Polymerizes Strongly
GDP Tubulin Polymerizes Poorly
Subunits Exchange w/ Free GTP
GTP on Tubulin Hydrolyzes to GDP over Time after Addition to
The Implication of All those Facts,
taken together is...
At Steady State, at any given time...
• Most Ends have a GTP “Cap” and Grow Slowly
• A Few Ends
– Lose their GTP Cap
– Exposing GDP-tubulin subunits
– so the Microtubule Shrinks Rapidly
Occurs In Vitro and In Vivo for Tubulin - Extensive and
Steps in Cell
Lodish et al. Molecular Cell Biology
Types of Actin Structures in a Migrating Cell
Scanning EM of the Front of a Migrating Cell
Small G-Proteins Regulate Different Assemblies of Actin
GFP-Actin in a Migrating Melanoma Cell
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Fish Keratocyte - Gliding Across a Surface
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0.1 - 1 µm per second
Fish Keratocytes
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End-to-Side Branches
Svitkina et al. 1997.
Free Ends toward Direction of Movement
Svitkina et al. 1997.
Arp2/3 Complex at Filament Branches
in vitro
in vivo
Arp2/3 Complex Structure, at a
Filament Branch Point
Hanein, Robinson & Pollard. 2001.
Creation & Growth
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Destruction &
Model for Listeria Actin Motility
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Jon Alberts. Center for Cell Dynamics, Friday Harbor, U Wash. CellDynamics.Org.
Model for Listeria Actin Motility
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Jon Alberts. Center for Cell Dynamics, Friday Harbor, U Wash. CellDynamics.Org.
Fluorescence Microscopy of Living Cells
GFP technology - colors, aggregation, multiple
labels, FRET
Sensitive video cameras - increased time until
• Speed and sensitivity
• Laser scanning
• Two-photon
•Spinning disk
Speckles to Single Molecules
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Evidence for Single Molecules
Fluorescence Intensity of Single Speckles over Time
Speckle Microscopy in Living Cells
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Two-Color Speckle
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TIRF (Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence)
Watching Single Actin Filaments Polymerize
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Movies of Actin Filaments Polymerizing
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Actin Assembly Regulators
Bind Monomers
Cap Ends of Filaments
• Barbed, Pointed
Bind Sides of Filaments
• Univalent, Divalent
Monomer Binding Proteins
• Very small protein
• Binds tightly
• Simple buffer
• Small protein
• Stimulates exchange of ADP to ATP
• Promotes / permits addition at Barbed Ends
Barbed End Binding Proteins
Capping Protein
• Terminates growth of free barbed ends
• Enables “funneling” to free barbed ends in
Dendritic Nucleation Model
• Nucleation activity in vitro - probably irrelevant in
Barbed End Binding Proteins
• Severs filaments, as well as caps
• Needs high Ca2+
• Knockout mouse grossly normal, but cells show poor
induced actin polymerization
• Extracellular (plasma) version - respond to cell
Barbed End Binding Proteins
• Cap, Nucleate and Bind near Barbed Ends
• Variable Level of Capping
– Actin can add, unlike “Capping Protein”
• Variable Level of Inhibition of Binding of Capping Protein
• Profilin Combination - Increases Actin Polym Rate
• Properties Combine to Keep Barbed Ends Growing
Formin Mechanism
Capping Protein
Formin: Caps and Grows
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Formin Mechanism
Pointed End Binding Proteins
• Caps pointed end in muscle sarcomere
• Caps much better if tropomyosin present
• Role in nonmuscle cells uncertain
Arp2/3 Complex
Complex of 7 proteins, including two actin-related proteins
Arp2/3 Complex
Caps pointed end and nucleates with barbed end free
Arp2/3 Complex
Binds side of filaments at same time, creating branching
Side Binding Proteins
Univalent - Tropomyosin
• Inhibits depolymerization
• Makes filament stronger
• Crosslinkers - Filamin/ABP,  -actinin
• Bundlers - Fimbrin, Fascin
Complicated Mechanism
• Severs filaments
• Binds monomers
Essential for Viability
 Present in High Concentrations
 Regulated by a Specific Kinase
Model for Actin Polymerization in Cells
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
Human genetic disease: X-linked recessive
Immunodeficiency, thrombocytopenia
T and B cells and platelets have abnormal shape and motility
Gene product, WASp, activates Arp2/3
Activation of WASp
Dorsal Closure of the Drosophila Embryo
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Filopodial Formation
Thin extensions
Bundle of long unbranched actin filaments
Can arise from an Arp2/3 branched network
Inhibit capping in one region
• Formins
• Inhibitors of Capping Protein
Actin-binding Toxins Used in Experiments
• Caps Barbed Ends
• Binds Actin Filaments
• Permeates Cells
– Induces Polymerization
– Fluorescent Derivatives for
• Binds (Sequesters) Actin
• Permeates Cells
• Not Permeant
• Binds Actin Filaments
• Permeates Cells