Biology Crash Course!!
What are angiosperms?
 Vascular
plants, flowering, fruit, roots,
stems, leaves
What are gymnosperms?
 Vascular,
needle leaves, roots, stems,
How do ferns reproduce?
 spores
What is pathogen?
 Virus
or bacteria that can make you sick
What does food chain show?
 Energy
What is selective pressure on a
 Something
that can influence the survival
of the species
Types of bacteria
 Archaebacteria—live
in any type of
environment; photosynthesis
 Eubacteria—make you sick
How does a hypothesis become a
 When
it is supported by consistent data
from many experiments
Gametes must be haploid because
 They
will unite during fertilization to create
a diploid cell
T or F Enzymes function at a certain pH and
temperature. Overheating or changing the
pH can lose its ability to catalyze a reaction
or function properly
What is phototropism?
 Plant
moves toward the sunlight
What is geotropism
 Plant
(roots) moves toward the earth (for
nutrients, water)
The variable being tested
(independent variable) is the
variable that:
 Changes
(ex: temperature, sunlight, pH)
If two populations are being tested and one
is moved to another location and a scientist
notes physical variations in the populations.
The variations were probably caused by the
 Environment
Evidence of common ancestry:
 Fossil
 DNA/similar genes
 Embryo development similarities
 Body structure
The variable being changed by the
scientist (ex. pH, temperature,
amount of light) is the
 Independent
The item being tested (type of
plant, type of algae) should be held
 constant
A good experiment should have a
_______ group
 control
The result of the experiment is the
 Dependent
variable (height of plant
A student wants to view cells under the
compound microscope at a total
magnification of 400X. If the eyepiece
is 10X, which of the following objective
lenses should be used?
 40x
Observation is what you
 see
When seeking information go to
what type of source? Why?
 Professional
journal, not newspaper or
textbook. Not biased, includes new
What type of instrument came first
in the study of living things?
 Microscope
What two scientists collaborated to
come up with DNA model?
 Watson
and Crick
What does collaborate mean?
 Work
T or F: Science requires many
people to work together
 True
What is the total magnification to
view onion cells using 10X ocular
lens and 50x.
 500x
Why should you lay a coverslip
down at an angle over a slide?
 Reduce
What discovery allowed scientists
to view monera and protista
 Electron
A scientist designed an experiment to test the
effect of temperature on bacterial growth.
What was the independent variable in this
experiment? The dependent variable?
 Temperature.
Bacteria growth
What is a hypothesis?
 Educated
What universal system of
measurement do scientists use?
 metric
Pasteur’s theory using bacteria
growth in closed container was to
reject what theory?
 Spontaneous
At the end of an experiment a
student would come up with a
 conclusion
If one population is more abundant
than another, they may have an
_______ over another population
 advantage
A control group is the group that
______ receive the treatment
 Does
Why is a control group important?
 Allows
for a comparison
What layer of a leaf protects it from
drying out?
 cuticle
What is
 Cell
What does
this do?
 Controls
movement of substances in and
out of the cell
What allows movement
of large substances into
and out of the cell?
 Protein
How many cells does a
paramecium have?
 one
This type of cell has no cell
specialized organelles; ribosomes
and no membrane-bound nucleus.
What is it?
 Prokaryote
What is a flagella for?
 movement
What makes a copy of DNA to
make a protein?
 mRNA
What carries coded information out
of the nucleus to the ribosome?
 mRNA
What characteristics do all living
things share?
 Have
What is responsible for “rough”
appearance of the ER?
 ribosomes
What are the three shapes of
 Rod,
sphere, spiral
This type of cell has a nucleus and
cell organelles. What is it?
 Eukaryotic
What feature does eukaryote and
prokaryote share?
and ribosomes
What functions like the brain of the
 nucleus
What is the cell theory?
 Cells
arise from cells
 Cells are the building blocks of organisms
Plant cell contains
 Cell
wall (support)
 Chloroplasts (photosynthesis)
 Central vacuole (water and nutrient
What part of the cell transports and
delivers substances (cell post
 Endoplasmic
Where does cell respiration occur
(powerhouse of cell)?
 mitochondria
What organelle is present in
prokaryote and eukaryotes?
 Ribosome
(both will perform protein
What process is similar in bacteria
and animal cells?
What organelle repackages
substances so they can shipped
out of the cell or used by the cell?
 Golgi
apparatus (body)
What organelle digests (recycles
 lysosome
What organelle manufactures
 ribosome
What are proteins made out of?
Where are they made?
 Amino
acids; ribosome
What are lipids made of?
 Fatty
What are carbohydrates made of?
 Monosaccharides
(simple sugars)
What nucleic acids (DNA) made
 nucleotides
What part of the bacterium allows it
to recognize different substances in
the outside environment?
 Cell
Escherichia coli is the scientific
name of a bacterium. What
category of classification is
Escherichia? What is coli?
 Genus
 species
An important feature of modern
classification systems is that they
 Incorporate
new discoveries
Mollusks (clams) are what type of
 filter
What animal has no specialized
 sponge
Animals with brains and dorsal
nerve chords are what
 chordates
Vertebrates have what feature
 backbone
What are features of arthropods?
 Jointed
 External skeleton
(2002-17) One method of determining the
classification of an animal is by comparing the
amino acid sequence. Which of these animals
most closely resembles the unknown animal?
Mouse: Met-Gly-Ser-Tyr-Tyr-Arg-His- Glu-Val-ValLeu
Dog: Met-Gly-Ser-Tyr-Tyr-Arg-His-Asp- Glu-LysAsp
Horse: Met-Gly-Ser-Ser-Tyr-Arg-Arg- Asp-His-GluLys-Asp
Cat: Met-Gly-Ser-Tyr-Tyr-Arg-His-His- Arg-CysThre-Asp
two organisms will be related the
more amino acid sequences they
have in common. T or F
 true
(2001-29) According to this chart, the insects that are most closely
related are the —
springtails and bristletails
springtails and proturans
bristletails and mayflies
dragonflies and proturans
Moist skin, internal skeleton,
ectothermic, lays eggs, live in wet
areas. What am I?
 amphibian
Lays eggs, airtight skin, live on land,
scales, ectothermic. What am I?
 reptile
I am endothermic, have hair, nurse
my young, give birth to live young.
What am I?
 mammal
What is the definition of a species?
 Breed
and produce fertile offspring
I only have a strand of DNA and
ribosomes. What classification
am I?
 monera
I have a cell wall; do not carry on
photosynthesis; decompose dead
organisms; external digestion. I am a
heterotroph. What am I?
 fungus
I can be single celled; reproduce sexually or
asexually; have flagella or cillia for
movement. I can make my own food through
photosynthesis; Live in water and I can make
you very ill. What classification am I?
 protist
(2005-46) This key can be used to distinguish four species of frogs found in ponds
in eastern Virginia. To which species does the frog shown belong?
Rana virgatipes
Rana sphenocephala
Rana clamitans
Rana catesbeiana
Photosynthesis converts light
energy into what type of energy?
 Chemical
Photosynthesis is important for all
life forms because is produces
 oxygen
Scientists hypothesize that oxygen
began to accumulate in Earth’s
atmosphere after the appearance
of living things with the ability to
 Photosynthesize
(photosynthetic bacteria)
Maintaining an internal balance
regardless of external conditions is
 homeostasis
The processes of photosynthesis
and respiration can be thought of
as a cycle because
the products of one are used as the
raw materials of the other
What of these processes is carried
out in the same way in both plants
and animals
 Cell
Sugar is broken down into an
energy molecule called
What does fungus lack does not
allow them to make their own food?
 Chlorophyll
An organism that cannot make its
own food is called
 heterotroph
An organism such as a plant that
can make its own food is called
 autotroph
In the diagram, which organism provides nutrients for
the largest number of other organisms?
In the food pyramid, what organism is the producer?
What is the top consumer?
What has the most energy?
What has the most biomass?
What is the producer?
What is required by all living
 energy
Insects can stand on the top of
water because why?
 Surface
tension from adhesion and
Water evaporating from leaves is
 transpiration
Water evaporating from lakes and
rivers is called
 evaporation
What will happen to a salty
organism placed in fresh water
 Gain
What will happen to a fresh water
organism placed in salt water
 Lose
What is the most abundant
substance in the human body
 water
What is a unique property of water
 Holds
 Dissolves substances
Diffusion of water is called
 osmosis
Bacteria are tremendously successful unicellular
organisms, yet all large organisms are
multicellular. Unicellular organisms cannot grow
very large because the
 Diffusion
would be too slow
What molecule makes up the cell
membrane; insulates to maintain
heat and stores energy?
 lipids
What do enzymes do?
 Enzymes
act as catalysts to drive
chemical reactions forward
What part of an enzyme is involved
in catalytic activity?
 Active
What does the enzyme bind to?
 substrate
Enzymes only work with specific
substrates because each substrate
 Enzymes
have a specific active site
Most cellular activities are
processes regulated by the action
 enzymes
What do carbohydrates do?
 Make
A relationship where both
organisms benefit is called
 mutualism
A relationship where one organism
is harmed and the other is
benefited is called
 parasitism
The relationship between plants
and fungus is called
 mycorrhizae
In which biome do the evaporation
rates exceed the precipitation rates
 desert
Which of these is the greatest
limiting factor for plants that grow
on the floor of a rain forest
 sunlight
Organisms of one species make up
 population
Many different organisms living
together is called a
 community
All different living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) factors make up an
 ecosystem
Primary succession
 rocks→soil→small
Secondary succession
 soil→small
Birth and death rate are the same
is called a
 Climax
What is the main cause of fish kills in
rivers polluted by fertilizers?
Decreased oxygen levels
Increased water temperatures
Decreased mineral sources
Increased water levels
Decreased genetic diversity leads
 Decreased
disease resistance
Animals that are the least specialized
generally stand the best chance of survival
when the environment suddenly and drastically
changes because they are able to:
 Adapt
to different conditions
Same species can become
different species when they live in
different areas. This is called
 Geographic
Same species can become
different species when they mate at
different times. This is called
 Reproductive
Adapting to a new habitat is called
 Adaptive
An important difference between
viruses and living cells is that
 cannot
reproduce outside of host cells
Which of these could be successfully
treated with antibiotics?
Strep throat
Common cold
Being exposed to excessive
radiation can cause mutations
which can lead to
 cancer
Which characteristic do viruses
possess in common with living cells
or RNA
What characteristic about bacteria
leads it to become resistant to
 Reproduces
What does meiosis produce?
 gametes
Where does meiosis occur
 Ovary
or testis
What phase is
 prophase
What phase is
 metaphase
What phase is
 anaphase
What phase is
 telophase
The reduction of the chromosome
number during meiosis is most
important for
 Maintaining
the chromosome number
What is the phase when the
cytoplasm divides?
 cytokinesis
Mitosis occurs in what type of
 Body
cells (somatic)
If a body cell has 46
chromosomes, how many will an
egg cell have? What is this number
 23
 haploid
DNA must replicate during
interphase before a cell does what?
 divides
What are the four steps of mitosis?
 Prophase
 Metaphase
 Anaphase
 telephase
What part of the flower
does fertilization take
 Ovary
of the pistil
Cones (gymnosperms) and flowers
(angiosperms) are specialized for
 Sexual
The ability/characteristic of a
species to best be suited to survive
its environment is called an
 adaptation
Why did mammals have an
advantage to dinosaurs that
allowed them to survive even
though dinosaurs became extinct
 Endothermic
body temperature
What type of
skull would this
belong to—
herbivore or
 herbivore
What was the human genome
project designed to do?
 find
the genes responsible for many
Over many generations, unrelated
or distantly related species may
come to resemble each other due
 Similar
) In rabbits, short fur (F) is dominant to long fur
(f). According to the Punnett square, what is
the chance of two heterozygous short-haired
rabbits having offspring with short fur?
One in four
Three in four
Two in four
Four in four
Individuals survive that have
inherited traits adapted to their
environment is called
 Natural
Lamarcks theory of how organisms
change over time (use it or lose it)
 Acquired
DNA that is derived from the DNA
of two or more different species is
 Recombinant
A genetic pedigree showing only
males are effected is a ____ trait
 Sex-linked
Homozygous trait
 Same
alleles (TT or tt)
Heterozygous trait
 Different
alleles (Tt)
DNA can fit inside a nucleus
because it is
 Coiled
tightly around proteins
The shape of DNA is called a
 Double
According to this table, a codon AGC is the code for which amino
Cysteine (Cys)
Leucine (Leu)
Serine (Ser)
Tyrosine (Tyr
chart of human chromosome pairs is
called a karyotype. What information is
revealed in the karyotype above
 The sex. What sex is it?
 female
The code representing RNA is
The code representing DNA is
(2005-35) This chart compares the base sequences of
homologous segments of DNA from three primates. Based on this
information, how many differences in the resulting amino acid
sequences would you expect to find between humans and
What is this x ray of?
 Double
What condition is
 Trisomy
What type of respiration uses
 aerobic
What are the parts of the DNA that
provide the codes for proteins?
 Nitrogenous
What is the mRNA strand matched
to the DNA strand TGCA?
Inversion is when a chromosome
does what? Example ABCDE
 flips
Deletion is when a chromosome
segment ____ ex: ABCDE→DE
 deletes
What will complete the DNA
molecule: TCGATA