Making DNA relevant and exciting in the high school classroom By Anna Heyer and Rachel Zenuk What is BioME? • Is it like a biome? 2 Bio and Me? 3 Biology from molecules to evolution? 4 What is NSF’s GK-12 initiative? • ~100 5-year training grants nationwide • Funds grad student partnerships with K-12 public school teachers • Goal: fellows acquire communication and teaching skills, while enriching STEM education in K-12 classrooms • Training a new generation of scientists • Strengthening partnerships between universities & local school districts What is the focus of BioME? • Focus: teaching the life sciences via hands-on experiences, using a framework of evolution & biodiversity We are entering the fourth of five years What’s the goal of a teacher-fellow partnership? • Partners work together to develop and use classroom teaching materials in the life sciences • Partnerships are year-long, with the fellow in the classroom every week • The fellow is a resource with scientific expertise • The fellow is not an aide, sub, or student teacher BioME taps into fellows’ individual skills and interests. Aletris Neilis: dissecting a puma (!) at Hermosa Montessori Adriana Racolta: planting a garden at Liberty Elementary Matt Herron: teaching molecular techniques at Tucson High Sweet Water Wetland Project 3rd grade class at White Elementary 9 Liberty Elementary Garden Club 10 2nd Grade Insect Projects 11 Summer Institute • Getting acquainted with BioME philosophy & aims • Getting partnerships underway via team time • Introducing teaching resources • Discussing traits of successful partnerships BioME forges strong bonds and lasting partnerships. Who runs BioME? Principal Investigators Graduate Coordinator Judie Bronstein Kathleen Walker Barry Roth Stacey Forsyth K-12 Coordinator Mary Bouley Educational Evaluator Melissa Page Administration Melvin Hall Our Partnership 15 The Manduca Project 16 AP Science Field Trip • Goal- to increase rigor and interest in AP science and chemistry 17 San Pedro River • Students collected insect larva, turtles, and other aquatic specimens 18 Bob cats, pumas, and snakes...Oh My! 19 A great trip, but most of the sleeping happened on the bus 20 DNA Extraction 21 DNA Extraction • Purpose – to excite students and “hook” them in on the first or second day of school – to teach basic procedures and classroom management – to introduce the molecule we will be working with all year 22 Materials • • • • • Small vials rubbing alcohol or ethanol 70% or higher toothpicks liquid dish soap in water (1:2 soap to water) 1% salt solution 23 Procedures 1. Swish 15 ml of salt water for 1 minute. 2. Pour spit mixture into conical soap tube 3. Rock back and forth for 2 minutes. 4. Add 5-10mL of chilled ethanol to the tube. 5. PULL OUT THE DNA! 24 Summarize the procedures in your own words…. 1. Swish with salt water 2. Mix with soap 3. Add EtOH 4. Twirl with collection stick 5. Preserve DNA 25 How could use DNA extraction in your classroom? • Extensions: create DNA necklaces • Questions??? 26 Microarray Lab Today’s BIG Idea • Over the last 30 years many defects in genes have been linked to cancer, each promising to be the magic in understanding and curing cancer. • We now know cancer is a multistep process, and accumulation of mutations, or genetic aberrations, allows a cell to progress to tumor and malignancy. Cancer is caused by genetic mutations DNA CA AG C T A A C T Normal gene CA AG C G AAC T Single base change CA AG GCG C T A A C T Additions C T CA A G A A C T Deletions Cancer is caused by genetic mutations Normal cell division Cell Suicide or Apoptosis Cell damage— no repair Cancer cell division First mutation Second mutation Third mutation Fourth or later mutation Uncontrolled growth Cancer involves MULTIPLE mutations Benign tumor cells grow only locally and cannot spread by invasion or metastasis Malignant cells invade neighboring tissues, enter blood vessels, and metastasize to different sites Time Mutation inactivates suppressor gene Cells proliferate Mutations inactivate DNA repair genes Proto-oncogenes mutate More mutations, to oncogenes more genetic instability, metastatic disease Oncogenes Normal cell Cancer cell Mutated/damaged oncogene Normal genes regulate cell growth Oncogenes accelerate cell growth and division Tumor Suppressor Genes Normal genes prevent cancer Normal cell Remove or inactivate tumor suppressor genes Cancer cell Damage to both genes leads to cancer Mutated/inactivated tumor suppressor genes DNA Repair Genes Normal DNA repair TC GAC Base pair mismatch No cancer TC T AC AG C T G TC TAC TC T AC AG C T G Cancer AG TG AG A T G No DNA repair MANY Genes are Implicated in Cancer! • Every cancer can be attributed to a different set of genetic aberrations, and different genes are either expressed or not expressed. • More than 100 different types of cancer can be found within specific organs! This makes cancer treatment tricky… • Each caner has a different potential of being treated by current therapies. • For example, it has been shown cancer cells that lack p53 do not respond well to radiation therapy, and other non-malignant cells lacking p53 will progress to malignancy in response to radiation. p53 protein NORMAL cell Excessive DNA damage Cell suicide (Apoptosis) • Thus the treatment itself can cause more cancers! Discussion Questions • How do you determine the function of a gene? • Which genetic aberrations have been implicated in cancer? • What cellular functions are affected (turned ON or OFF) in cancer cells, and how might these affect normal cell development? What is the best way to treat cancer? • Figure out which genes are mutated and which genes are expressed or not expressed in the tissue. • Gene expression of numerous genes can be looked at by a new technique called microarray analysis. What is microarray analysis? Microarray analysis uses cDNA to look at gene expression DNA Transcription mRNA Reverse Transcription Translation protein cDNA 40 cDNA is labeled with fluorescent dyes Microarray analysis shows us which genes are expressed in cancer Materials • Microarray slide -- this slide contains genes involved in cancer • Disposable pipette • cDNA mixture solution -- these cDNAs were made from normal breast tissue (attached to blue dye) and breast cancer tissues (attached to red dye). • Wash solution • Color developing reagent Microarray Slide Symbol POL1 GAPdH HK1 ALDH1 GLUT1 ACTG1 DNASE1 RNASE4 TOP1 BRCA1 PDGFR CYP1A1 BCL2 LIG1 POL1 APAF1 p53 ZNF84 MUC1 G6PD TNF ADH4 DNMT1 POLR2A MDM2 MMP3 VEGF ACAT1 MCR4 PDK2 GPB DUSP1 PRL1 JUN FOS RASSF1 RAS SOS EGFR Name DNA Polymerase Glyc.Ald.Phos.DeH-ase Hexokinase 1 AldDeHase Glucose Transporter 1 Actin, cytoplasmic Deoxyribonuclease I Ribonuclease 4 Topoisomerase I Breast cancer type 1 susceptibility protein Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor Cytochrome P450 1A1 B-cell lymphoma protein 2 DNA Ligase I DNA Polymerase Iota Apoptosis Protease Activating Factor 1 p53 (tumor protein 53) Zinc Finger Protein 84 Transmembrane Mucin 1 Glu.6-phosp DeH-ase Tumor necrosis factor Alcohol Dehydrogenase DNA Methyltranferase I RNA Polymerase, subunit 2 MDM2 Matrix Metalloprotease 3 (Stromelysin) Vascular endothelial growth factor Acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase Melanocortin receptor Pyruvate DeH-ase Kinase Glycerol Phosphatase Beta Dual-specificity protein 1 Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Jun Fos Ras-association domain, family 1 protein ras sos Epithelial Growth Factor Receptor Function DNA replication Kreb Cycle Glycolysis Converts retinal to retinoic acid, overexpression confers cyclophos. resistance. Transports glucose molecules into cells for energy Microtubule formation, cytoskeleton formation Degrades DNA Degrades RNA Aids in DNA supercoiling Plays a role in DNA double-strand break repair Integral membrane receptor that binds PDGF Drug metabolism Supresses apoptosis DNA Ligation during replication/repair Synthesizes DNA on a template strand Tumor suppressor- Promotes apoptosis in damaged/ irregular cells Tumor supressor- induces growth arrest and/or apoptosis May play a role in transcription regulation Plays a role in cell adhesion, cell to cell interactions Metabolism, Provides pentose sugars for nucleic acid synth. Cytokine, may induce tumor cell death. Deficiencies common in cancer Alcohol processing Modifies DNA to make it inaccessible thereby inhibiting transcription RNA Polymerase synthesizes RNA Inhibits p53-induced arrest and cell death Degrades extracellular matrix that anchors cells in place Growth factor that promotes formation of new blood vessels Ketone body metabolism Binds melanocortin; multiple downstream effects Phosphorylates/inhibits PDH complex Inhibits glycogen phosphorylase Dephosphorylates and "resets" MAPK Stops growth signal cascade from receptor tyrosine kinases Component of AP-1 transcription factor- activates transcription Component of AP-1 transcription factor- activates transcription Inhibits cell cycle progression at the G1-S phase transition Small G-protein, signaling molecule in transcription activation Tyrosine-kinase receptor signaling molecule, binds SH3 domains Binds EGF to promote epithelial cell growth Procedure 1. Place the slide onto the paper towel. 2. Add enough of the cDNA solution to the slide to completely cover it, but not spill off of the slide. 3. Let the cDNA hybridize with the microarray slide for 5 minutes. 4. After the 5 minute incubation of the microarray slide with cDNA, rinse off the excess cDNA with the microarray wash solution (in squeeze bottle). 5. Add color solution, again enough to cover the slide but not spill over the slide. This solution is toxic so take care to not get it on you, and wash off of skin immediately. Let the color solution set for 30 sec, then wash off excess with microarray wash solution. 6. Record you data. Results Symbol Name Function 5. GLUT1 Transports glucose molecules into cells for energy Glucose Transporter 1 Breast cancer type 1 susceptibility 10. BRCA1 protein 13. BCL2 B-cell lymphoma protein 2 Apoptosis Protease Activating 16. APAF1 Factor 1 Plays a role in DNA double-strand break repair Suppresses apoptosis Tumor suppressor- Promotes apoptosis in damaged/ irregular cells Modifies DNA to make it inaccessible thereby 23. DNMT1 DNA Methyltranferase I inhibiting transcription Matrix Metalloprotease 3 Degrades extracellular matrix that anchors cells in 26. MMP3 (Stromelysin) place Growth factor that promotes formation of new blood 27. VEGF Vascular endothelial growth factor vessels Stops growth signal cascade from receptor tyrosine 33. PRL1 Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase kinases Ras-association domain, family 1 Inhibits cell cycle progression at the G1-S phase 36. RASSF1 protein transition 44. GSTP1 Glutathione S-transferase Helps to inactivate and eliminate some types of toxins 47. MYC c-Myc Proto-oncogene Activates transcription of growth-related genes Discussion • Microarray analysis shows us which genes are expresses in normal cells vs. cancer cells. – Why are some genes expressed in normal cells? – Why are some genes expressed in cancer cells? – Why are some genes expressed in both? Discussion • Genes expressed in normal cells only are likely tumor suppressors or DNA repair genes. • Genes expressed in cancer cells only are likely oncogenes. • Genes expressed in both are present in both conditions. THANK YOU! Questions? Contact the BIOTECH Project: Dr. Nadja Anderson 49 50