MCB 317 Genetics and Genomics Topic 9 Overview of Eukaryotic Gene Expression Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes Readings Chromatin: Hartwell Chapter 12, pages 405-410 Heterochromatin: Hartwell Chapter 12, section 12.3 Gene Expression v. Transcription Concept: Every step in a biological process is a potential site of regulation Outline • • • • Txn in Prokaryotes Overview of Txn in Eukaryotes DNA Binding Proteins (“Txn Factors”) Chromatin 1. Knowledge / Facts / Language 2. Knowing HOW we know what we know 3. Asking new questions & discovering answers Expectations and Review 1. Prokaryotes: Basic process and nomenclature • Process of txn • Start and stop signals for txn • Gene orientation • One RNAP Expectations and Review Nomenclature: ORF, promoter, codon, Start/stop codons, mRNA, untranslated region, tRNA, consensus sequence, homolog, coding and noncoding strands, activator (proteins), repressor, etc… Prokaryotes Consensus sequence Lodish 11-9 TATA(A/T)A(A/T)(A/G) Why consensus and not exact sequence? How Does RNAP “find” its Promoter and Initiate Txn? Consensus sequences provide for binding to specific DNA sites over a range of affinities Concept: Biological Reactions are often Optimized, not Maximized Synthesis/polymerization is in the 5’ to 3’ direction Coding v. non-coding strand, Directionality Coding looks like mRNA Non-coding can base-pair With mRNA Promoters are Directional Activators Repressors Concept: Turning Genes ON and OFF ON -> Activated OFF -> Repressed OFF -> Not Activated In General: Repressors Win Distinguishing: Activators from Repressors Positive Regulators from Negative Regulators Key: What is the role of the active form of the protein Regulation: Activation/Repression in Response to Particular Conditions Repressors Activators and Repressors vs. Inducers Outline • Txn in Prokaryotes (Review) • Overview of Txn in Eukaryotes • Chromatin Thinking About Prokaryotic v. Eukaryotic Txn 1. Dynamic Range of Regulation: Prokaryotes v. Eukaryotes A. E.coli ON:OFF = 200-1000:1 max. Most “OFF” genes about 100 x below ON B. Most Eukaryotes ON:OFF = 108:1 Thinking About Eukaryotic Txn 2. Genome size How do Regulatory proteins find their targets in the face of 1000 fold increase in “non-specific” DNA? 3. Chromatin and Higher order DNA packaging Concept: Euk genomes are more complex; therefore, the txn machinery is more complex Three Eukaryotic RNAPs RNAP I -> rRNA genes RNAP II -> protein coding RNAP III ->tRNA, 5S rRNA, other small RNAs Basic Machinery Conserved Yeast -> Humans DNA Sequence Elements and DNA Binding Proteins “trans” factors = proteins or complexes “cis” sequence elements DNA sequence elements that regulate transcription typically bind specific regulatory proteins or protein complexes Eukaryotes: Tighter regulation Larger range of regulation Larger genome Multicellular Chromatin More Complex Regulation Enhancers, Activators Promoter, Basal Factors = General Factors Language Caution: Genetic Activator vs. a Txn Activator protein = Activator Enhancers= short regions (typically ~ 200 bp) of densely packed consensus elements Some elements found in both promoters and enhancers Watson 9-6 and 9-8 Eukaryotic txn = large protein complexes Lodish 11-35 Complex of complexes ~ 100 proteins Lodish 11-36 Txn in the face of chromatin and higher order packing Lodish 11-37 Enhancers act independently and cumulatively Reporter Genes Reporter Genes Reporter Genes E1 E1 Pr Coding Region E1 E1 Pr Reporter Cod. Reg. Reporter Genes typically code for easily visualized protiens: lacZ = enzyme: colorless precursor -> blue product GFP = Green flourescent protein (Jellyfish) Reporter Genes For Sub-cellular Localization For Txn Pattern: E1 Pr GFP For Expression Pattern (and subcellular local): txn and translation E1 Pr Coding Region GFP For Expression Pattern: txn and translation E1 Pr Myo2 GFP Sub-cellular localization of splicing factors Splicing Factor-GFP fusion Biochemistr y 1 2 Protein 4 Ab 5 6 Expression Pattern 9 Gene 7 3 Gene (Organism 2) 12 8 10 Mutant Gene Mutant Organism 11 Genetics Molecular Genetics Summary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Column Chromatograpy (ion exchange, gel filtration) A. Make Polyclonal Ab; B. Make Monoclonal Ab Western blot, in situ immuno-fluorescence (subcellular, tissue) Screen expression library (with an Ab) Screen library with degenerate probe Protein expression (E. coli) A. Differential hybridization A. Northern blot, in situ hybridization, GFP reporter, GFP Fusion A. low stringency hybridization; B. computer search/clone by phone; C. computer search PCR 10. Clone by complementation (yeast, E. coli) 11. A. Genetic screen; B. genetic selection 12. RNAi “knockdown” DNA Sequence Elements and DNA Binding Proteins “trans” factors = proteins or complexes “cis” sequence elements DNA sequence elements that regulate transcription typically bind specific regulatory proteins or protein complexes Regulation: Activation/Repression in Response to Particular Conditions DNA elements (sequence elements) act by binding proteins The proteins do the work Outline • Txn in Prokaryotes (Review) • Overview of Txn in Eukaryotes • Chromatin Fig. 12.1 Fig. 12.5 Interphase/prophase Mitosis DNA Compaction: Spaghetti in a Sailboat 2 x 3 x 109 bp x .34 nm/bp = 2 meters DNA/nucleus Scale by 1,000,000: Nucleus DNA diameter DNA length 10m 2 nm 2 meters 10 meter sailboat 2 millimeter 2000 kilometers (1200 miles) DNA persistence length (rigid rod): 50 nm 5 cm UIUC to Orlando, Florida = 1066 miles Interphase/prophase Mitosis Four Core Histones X-Ray Crystallography Must Know Sequence of Protein or DNA to Fit to Density Map Richmond Fig 4 DNA = Two Turns/Nucleosome Histone Globular Domains and Tails Core Histones are Related Structurally What are Tails Doing? - Basic = Positively Charged Amino Acids. Tails don’t appear In Crystal Structure = Flexible/Unstructured Tails = Site of Post-Translational Modification Histone Code Histone Code Histone Code Global v. Local Histone Modification Histone H1 = “linker” histone Fig. 12.3 Readings Chromatin: Hartwell 465-470 Heterochromatin: Hartwell 479-481 Outline • Txn in Prokaryotes (Review) • Overview of Txn in Eukaryotes • Chromatin – Chromosome compaction – Chromatin structure – Heterochromatin and it’s effect on transcription Euchromatin and Heterochromatin • Euchromatin = “active” and “decondensed” • Constitutive Heterochromatin = always condensed • Facultative Heterochromatin = condensed in some cells but not others Barr Body • X chromosome inactivation • A mechanism of Dosage Compensation X Chromosome Inactivation Choice of which X is inactivate is random Once inactivated early in development remains inactive throughout cell division and the life of the organism (except in eggs) We can infer two properties: 1. There must be a mechanism(s) of initial inactivation. 2. There must be a mechanism(s) of “duplication” of the inactive state Calico Cats Males = Only Orange or Only Black Females = Orange and Black Mosaics Calico Cats O Gene is on the X chromosome O+ = Black (converts orange pigment to black) o- = Orange Males: XY O+Y = all black, o-Y = all orange (in the regions that show color) Females O+o- = -> black in cells in which o- is inactivated -> orange in cells in which O+ is inactivated Ectodermal Dysplasia X-linked recessive disorder Lack Hair, teeth, sweat glands Mosaic Expression Pattern Clonal = Heritable (Mitosis) The initial inactivation of the X-chromosome and subsequent “maintenance” of inactivation or “duplication” of the inactive state was inferred based on the mosaic nature of the associated phenotypes X Chromosome inactivation is an example of epigenetics Two genes with same promoters and enhancers in the same cell- one is on, the other off. Therefore whether or not a gene is on or off is independent of it’s “normal” genetic regulation. Epigenetic regulation of txn often results from the formation of stable states of chromatin Epigenetic regulation of txn often invovles persitant patterns of histone modification (histone code) X Chromosome inactivation and “non-mosaic phenotypes” Thinking about Hemophelia, diffusable factors and “cells” Outline • Txn in Prokaryotes (Review) • Overview of Txn in Eukaryotes • Chromatin – Chromosome compaction – Chromatin structure – Heterochromatin and it’s effect on transcription • X Chromosome inactivation • Autosomal heterochromatin and position effect variegation (PEV) Heterochromatin formation and properties Some regions of chromosomes (autosomes) are heterochromatic - genes in these regions are shut off Some regions are euchromatic - genes in these regions are available to be turned on Heterochromatin assembles by a spreading mechanism; assembly starts at a particular site Boundary elements = DNA elements that stop the spreading and define the ends of the heterochromatic regions Heterochromatin Assembly Heterochromatin Duplication Heterochromatin is initially assembled by spreading during development Once it is formed it is copied/duplicated without having to be assembled by spreading de novo each cell division Don’t need boundary elements to keep heterochromatin from spreading: Once a region of heterochromatin is formed it stays the same size through subsequent rounds of mitotic cell division Properties of Heterochromatin Clonal population of cells with the same pattern of heterochromatin: same chromosomal regions inactivated Position Effect Variegation A B B A Chromosomal inversion with one end in a euchromatic region and the other in a heterochromatic region: 1. Moves one of the boundary elements far away 2. changes the order of the genes along the chromosome Position Effect Variegation A Y B Y B A Heterochromatin initally “spreads” to different extents in different cells in the absence of a boundary element Position Effect Variegation B A B A B A Heterochromatin initally “spreads” to different extents in different cells in the absence of a boundary element but once formed is “duplicated” during cell division Position Effect Variegation A Y B In Cell 1 and its progeny Y is Transcribed: Y B A In Cell 2 and its progeny Y is Not Transcribed: Y B A Heterochromatin initally “spreads” to different extents in different cells in the absence of a boundary element Position effect Variegation Fig. 12.14a