Overcoming Advanced Cancer: Curing (vs. Controlling

© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
Overcoming Advanced Cancer: Curing
(VS. Controlling) Terminal Cancer
by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC
In alliance with: The International College of
Colloidal Therapeutics (ICCT)
School of Constitutional & Eclectic Medicine
Power Point Presentation: Chicago, IL - Health Freedom Expo, June 6th, 2010
Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel – Room Utopia C
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
Eclectic – “Not following any one system, as
of philosophy, medicine, etc., but selecting
and using what are considered the best
elements of all systems.”
Eclecticism – “A conceptual approach that
does not hold rigidly to a single paradigm or
set of assumptions, but instead (utilizing
precise discernment) draws upon multiple
theories, styles, or ideas to gain complementary insights into a subject, or applies
different theories in particular cases.”
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
Eclectic Medicine
A system of medicine that
>-> above all else <-<
establishes the context of the patient’s illness or
wellness according to their constitution; then
integrates from all healing systems their
respective complementary insights and
synergistic principles to heal and regenerate what
otherwise resists healing.
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
Scientists and physicians have unwittingly been using the
wrong reference points or standards to guide them in their
pursuit of curing cancer. Hence, our current allopathic,
naturopathic and integrative health systems strive to control
advanced cancer and chronic degenerative diseases with the
wrong guide posts.
Science equals:
(A) Using established reference standards 
(B) Investigate a novel observation 
(C) Reconcile results to the established reference standards 
(D) Repeat the investigation among many investigators until an honest
consensus can be formulated to determine new scientific understanding.
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
First, established science must only use reference points that
accurately reflect reality as it is. Vested interests, bias or errors in
proper understanding must always be exposed and prevented from
determining established reference points. If for whatever reason the
reference points do not reflect actual reality, how can the scientific
investigations be used to determine new scientific truths?
Secondly, when an established reference point does reflect reality, the
reference point must reflect the most meaningful representation of
that reality. Anything less than the most meaningful reference point
being used (i.e., a reference point which is defective by way of context,
adequacy, degree or wholeness) will undermine the scientific
investigation, or worse, enable vested interests to manipulate science
to its own ends.
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
Modern science has blundered in both these ways.
For example, the scientific community has used
inferior reference points to determine:
1. What a really healthy human being is, because science
up till now has been using human subjects that were not
in best health;
2. How our cell physiology really works, because they used
false assumptions about how cells actually work;
3. How to grow our foods that would keep us really healthy
because agricultural scientists used inferior soils as their
best reference points, not optimal soils.
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
For over 100 years, the real nature of longevity,
cure for cancer and chronic disease as a whole
were brought forward by a few, select and
brilliant group of scientists, but was repeatedly
thwarted from gaining scientific acceptance either out of ignorance, or greed or both.
Those days are now over.
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
What sciences did I use?
• Medical Anthropology of the long-lived, diseasefree Primary Peoples of the world
• Biochemistry of such Primary Peoples’ dietary
• Soil science of the Primary People’s farmland
• Clinical Medicine specializing in curing the
• Biophysics of healthy vs. cancerous cells
• Cell Biology, Physiology & Microbiology focusing
on all of the above
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
Healthy humans - at 25 years of age - are not genetically destined to
develop cancer or chronic degenerative disease at all, when living
under the optimal environmental conditions. Furthermore, the
human aging process does need not initiate until after the age of 90
years! The following researchers provided the core documentation to
this startling revelation:
Major General Sir Robert McCarrison, MD, DSc (Hunzakuts: Pre-1931).
Weston Price, DDS (14 Primary Peoples from across the globe: Pre-1940).
David Davies, PhD (Select Vilcabambans: Pre-1970).
Sula Benet, PhD; Georgi Z. Pitskhelauri, MD (Select Russian Georgians: Pre-1980).
Confirming animal studies completed by: Robert McCarrison, MD, DSc
(Pigeons/Rats); Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD (Cats/Guinea Pigs/Rabbits); and
Hans Kugler, PhD (Rats).
Confirming cell culture studies – Alexis Carrel & George Crile.
Confirming Blue Zone investigations.
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
So, we must start using:
1. The most healthy human populations coupled to
2. Richest farmland soils known, plus
3. The real laws of cell physiology …
… as our corrected reference points. 32 years ago I
undertook this investigation…
I just completed my studies.
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
So, our first reference points are provided, not by scientists
who experimented to find these truths, but by the meek
who simply inherited the earth. And this inheritance gifted
them with extremely long, disease-free lives, once they had
crossed the threshold of puberty. For example:
Select Hunzakuts
Select Vilcabambans
Select Russian Georgians
Plus over 14 more Primary Cultures in “Blue Zones”
that lived disease-free until they reached their 70’s.
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
So, if tens of thousands of Primary
Peoples were able to live, century
after century, to 100 years of age
before beginning their aging process,
and do it disease-free, why can’t we?
Well, we can.
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
Starting in 1978-1980; and then again from 1988-1991,
and then again from 1997-2010, I was able to undergo
dedicated studies to this subject in-between clinical
practice. What kept recurring, again and again, were four
common denominators, or four principles, to all longlived, disease-free Primary Peoples.
From the beginning in 1980, I called these four principles the Four
Pillars. Upon subsequent reviews, more details arose. But any
added insights always naturally fell within these great Four
Pillars. To date, no essential factors external to the Four Pillars
have been identified from human cultures. However, several
significant breakthroughs have emerged from science...
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
The confirming and emerging science
Initially in 1980, I first discovered the Four Pillars were also central to
the works of Alexis Carrel and George Crile as I began researching for
my first book on Constitutional Medicine. I discovered a
consistent pattern within disparate healing systems that easily and
eerily all fit together. When I clinically applied them for the express
purpose of restoring the human constitution, unusually rapid healing
ensued for the most difficult cases I was encountering.
Many years earlier, William Powell Cottrille, DO, had saved my life
(from an unidentified life-threatening genetic disorder) with
techniques known to restore the human constitution. This galvanized
my journey into Constitutional Medicine, the most eclectic system of
natural healing currently known to me.
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
At least ten (10) renown scientists over the past
century have provided us with the most critical
aspects concerning the true nature of cancer:
• John Beard, PhD, DSc // Ernest T. Krebs, Jr., PhD: Trophoblastic
Theory of Cancer
• Alexis Carrel, MD: Nobel Laureate in medicine
• George Crile, MD: The Bipolar Theory of Living Processes
• Albert Szent-Györgyi, MD, PhD: BioEnergetics // The Living State & Cancer
• Otto Warburg, MD: Nobel Laureate in medicine
• Virginia Livingston-Wheeler, MD, PhD: Microbiology of Cancer: Compendium
• Robert O. Becker, MD: Body Electric: Electromagnetism & the Foundation of Life
• Bjorn Nordentröm, MD: Past Chairman: Nobel Prize Committee in Medicine
• Gilbert N. Ling, PhD: Life at the Cell and Below - Cell Level
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
As it relates to deciphering the true nature of
cancer, by far the greatest of all of these
esteemed scientists is - Gilbert N. Ling, PhD.
• Biophysicist, Cell Physiologist, Molecular Biologist
• Senior research fellow at: Damadian Foundation for
Basic and Cancer Research
• Editor-in-Chief: Physiological Chemistry & Physics
and Medical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
How can these four constituents be
restored and maintained to cure &
prevent cancer from ever returning?
The Regeneration Effect
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
What is The Regeneration Effect?
The Regeneration Effect is the underlying determinant or authority over our
self-healing capacity.
The Regeneration Effect is the driving force that can repair perfectly at near
quantum speeds as is known to occur in healthy 25 year olds.
All disease and aging may be defined as the ability or inability to maintain this
driving force.
For example, a healthy 25 year old is known to undergo over 100,000 genetic
mutations or alterations daily in each of their 50 to 75 trillion human cells.
That equals approximately 7,500,000,000,000,000,000 mutations or
alterations daily, just in the main gene pool alone.
Yet, each and every 24 hours, all of these mutations or alterations are perfectly
• This rate of repair equals 868,055,555,555,556 corrections
each and every second  24/7!
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
What makes The Regeneration Effect work?
The Four Pillars enable & engage The Regeneration Effect.
• Absolute Detoxification of all cells and tissues daily;
• Supra-Oxygenation into all cells and tissues daily;
• Super Nourishment rich in colloidal Regeneration Factors
(cRFsTM); and
• Select BioEnergetics which revitalize and maintain the
flow of intelligence between the Universal and Innate.
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
Now these Four Pillars could be used to identify
continuums within science. Eclectic analysis could
finally place the proper context upon the works of
these top scientists, even though separated by
decades, by discipline and by profession:
Detox: Carrel/Christopher/Flavin-Apsley (anti-inflammation)
O-2: Carrel/Warburg/von Ardenne/Asai (EWOT or HBO)
Embryonic food factors (cRFs™): Carrel/Gerson/Kugler
BioEnergetics: Crile/Szent-Györgyi/Becker/Nordenström/
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
Now these four pillars could be used to identify
continuums within science. Scientists who had made
sequential discoveries, via eclectic analysis, could
finally be reconciled meaningfully altogether:
Rife – Gerson - Livingston-Wheeler – Holt (Microbes)
Beard – Krebs - Gonzalez – Simoncini (B-17/Enzymes/BS*)
McCarrison – Albrecht – Hamaker – Ling (Soil)
Carrel – Damadian – Ling (Water/SAW/PM H2O)
Nitrilosides + NaHCO-3 + Enzymes + 7-Immunostimulations
(baking soda – BS)
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
Now these four pillars could be used to identify continuums
within science, that is, scientists who had made sequential
discoveries regarding the long-lived. At this point, eclectic
analysis can finally properly reconcile together the works of:
Carrel - Ling
Price – Pottenger
Benet - Pitskhelauri
Blue-Zone Investigators
Nitrilosides + NaHCO-3 + Enzymes + 7-Immunostimulations
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
International College of Colloidal Therapeutics (ICCT)
The School of Constitutional & Eclectic Medicine
International Lecture Tours & Healing
Intensives at Select Regeneration Focal
Points around the Globe
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
© 2010 by John W. Apsley, II, MD(E), DC – www.doctorapsley.com
May 2011 Lourdes Lecture Tour
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