Examples of Living Things What does your list above do that makes them living? 6 Characteristics of Living Things Living Things Living, Dead(Once Living), Non-living How can you tell the difference? Living Things • Living things have 6 characteristics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All living things have cells All living things have DNA All living things grow and develop All living things respond to stimuli All living things have metabolism All living things reproduce Living Things All Living Things Have Cells • A cell is the basic unit of life • A cell controls all the activities of the organism – AN ORGANISM IS ANY LIVING THING • A living thing can be multicellular (lots of cells) • A living thing can be unicellular (one cell) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All living things have cells All living things have DNA All living things grow and develop All living things respond to stimuli All living things have metabolism All living things reproduce Living Things All Living Things Have DNA • DNA is a special chemical inside the cell that controls all the activities. • DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. • It makes you who you are (genes). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All living things have cells All living things have DNA All living things grow and develop All living things respond to stimuli All living things have metabolism All living things reproduce Living Things All Living Things Grow and Develop • Grow by getting bigger. • Develop by changing – Get permanent teeth – Voice deepens – Change from a seed to a tree 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All living things have cells All living things have DNA All living things grow and develop All living things respond to stimuli All living things have metabolism All living things reproduce Living Things All living things respond to stimuli • Stimuli – something that happens in the environment – Sun shining – Cold • Response – what you do – Pupils contract – Shiver HOMEOSTASIS is your body maintaining a stable internal environment (bear growing a fur coat to stay warm) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All living things have cells All living things have DNA All living things grow and develop All living things respond to stimuli All living things have metabolism All living things reproduce Living Things All living things have metabolism • Use energy – – – – Move Respiration Excrete waste Need nutrition 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All living things have cells All living things have DNA All living things grow and develop All living things respond to stimuli All living things have metabolism All living things reproduce Living Things All living reproduce • Make new cells • Have offspring 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All living things have cells All living things have DNA All living things grow and develop All living things respond to stimuli All living things have metabolism All living things reproduce Once Living Things (Dead) Was living at one time but is no longer alive. • Pencil (wood from a tree) • Dinosaur 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All living things have cells All living things have DNA All living things grow and develop All living things respond to stimuli All living things have metabolism All living things reproduce Non-Living In order to consider something non-living it must not have any of the 6 characteristics that living organisms have. rock, dirt, water or It was living or dead and has been processed (chemical change). paper, apple juice, oil Summary • LIVING • Has all 6 characteristics necessary to living things Example: Tree • NONLIVING • Does not have all 6 things necessary to living things Example: Paper •DEAD •Used to have all 6 characteristics necessary to living things, but doesn't anymore Example: Wood Matching • • • • • • _____ 1. dog _____ 2. dinosaur _____ 3. leather wallet _____ 4. chicken bone _____ 5. metal desk _____ 6. lemonade a. Living b. Non-living c. Once Living Living Things are called “organisms.”