Nano-Indentation Tester - Laboratories for Radiation and Polymer

Lecture 1
Introduction of Nano Science and
Nano Technology
A Nano Lecturer
Understanding Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology Sensitization Program
According to the National Science
Foundation (USA), “Nano-related
business could be a $1 trillion market by
2015, making it not only one of the
fastest growing industries in history but
also larger than the combined
Telecommunications and Information
Technology industries at the beginning of
the technology boom in 1998.”
According to the Nanotechnology
Victoria, estimates have been made of
the number of new graduates needed by
2015 in order to support Nanotechnology
research based industry, and preliminary
figures indicate that over 1 million
Nanotechnology-skilled personnel may
be required.
Nanotechnology Sensitization Program
According to the Nanotechnology Victoria, estimates have been made of the
number of new graduates needed by 2015 in order to support
Nanotechnology research based industry, and preliminary figures indicate
that over 1 million Nanotechnology-skilled personnel may be required.
Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary domain, students from all the
disciplines, those who want to leverage their careers in various domains
including Pharma, IT, Electronics, Polymers, Healthcare, Medicine, Textile,
Automobiles, Telecom, Biotechnology, Chemicals, Food, Computing, R&D,
Marketing of products and training, etc. will come across Nanotechnology
applications in their respective streams.
Students can exploit their potential by applying Nanotechnology knowledge
in their current streams.
Nano Science and Nano Technology Concersium(NSTC) has been running
the Nanotechnology Sensitization Program successfully and admissions to
the next batch of the program are invited. There is no restriction of
qualification and age for joining this program. Interested participants
namely, under-graduates/ graduates/ post-graduates in all disciplines,
experienced professionals, academicians and researchers may join.
Understanding Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is not difficult to understand. Though the science is complex, the basic
principles are not. Newcomers often have more trouble wrapping their minds around the
concept than grasping the details. The coming age of nanotechnology might best be
described as the age of digital matter, for it will be a time in which it becomes possible to
manipulate the physical world in much the same way that a computer now manipulates the
digital ones and zeroes on its hard drive.
Cell phones are miniaturized versions of traditional landline phones. Wristwatches are
miniature versions of clocks. Desktop computers are miniature versions of the original analog
calculating machines. Miniaturization is common place in today's world. In tomorrow's world,
nano-tech will be the new common technology.
It will affect everyone on the planet, and may change civilization. Nanotechnology’s
involvement with the materials and systems of nanoscale size whose structures and
components exhibit novel and significantly improved physical, chemical and biological
properties, phenomena and processes.
Structural features in the range of about 10-9 to 10-7 m (1 to 100 nm) determine important
changes as compared to the behavior of isolated molecules (1 nm) or of bulk materials. New
behavior at the nanoscale can not be easily predictable from that observed at large size
scales. Important changes in behavior are due to new phenomenon such as size
confinement, predominance of interfacial phenomena, quantum mechanics and coulomb
blockade and also by magnitude size reduction. It is notable that all relevant phenomena at
nanoscale are caused by the tiny size of the organized structure as compared to molecular
scale, and by the interactions at their predominant and complex interfaces.
As we will be able to control feature size, we can enhance material properties and device
functions beyond those that we currently know or even imagine.
Understanding Nanotechnology
In future we can think of getting an injection of "smart" molecules that can
seek out cancer cells and destroy them without harming any of the
surrounding tissue. A simultaneous space launch via the shuttle of
thousands of robotic probes, each no bigger than an insect, and each
programmed to do a single task in concert with all of the others can be
thought of in future. Nanotechnology will provide the capacity to create
affordable products with dramatically improved performance. This will come
through a basic understanding of ways to control and manipulate matter at
the nanometer scale and through the incorporation of nanostructures and
nanoprocesses into technological innovations. It will be a center of intense
international competition when it lives up to its promise as a generator of
Commercial inroads in the hard disk, coating, photographic, and
pharmaceutical industries have already shown how new scientific
breakthroughs at this scale can change production paradigms and
revolutionize multibillion-dollar businesses.
The science of atoms and simple molecules, on one end, and the science of
matter from microstructures to larger scales, on the other, are generally
established. The remaining size-related challenge is at the nanoscale where
the fundamental properties of materials are determined and can be
engineered. A revolution has been occurring in science and technology,
based on the recently developed ability to measure, manipulate and
organize matter on this scale
Application of Nano Technology
• When nanotechnology will be in its mature form it is sure it will have
its impact upon almost every industries land almost every area of
society from communication to medicine, from agriculture to
transportation and also in smarter living at home also. And because
of these implications only nanotechnology is also called as “general
purpose technology”. As a “general-purpose technology”, it will have
multiple uses, not only in commercial field as well as in defence field
too that will include making of far more powerful and better weapons
and equipments for infantry, air force and navy. Nanotechnology is
about building machines at the molecular level. Machines so small
they can travel through our blood stream.
• Nanotechnology will allow making high-quality products at a very
low cost, and also allow making new nanofactories at the same low
cost and at a very rapid speed. Nanotechnology offers not just better
products, but a vastly improved means of production for e.g. as
many copies of data files as we want can be taken out from your
computer at a very or no cost. With time, manufacture of products
will become as cheap as the copying of files. So this is what
nanotechnology is, and so it is often seen as the next industrial
revolution. Nanoscale materials are used in electronic, magnetic and
optoelectronic, biomedical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, energy,
catalytic and materials applications.
Application of Nanotechnology
The word nano we are talking about is not a smallest thing on the planet or
in space. The protons, neurons, quarks, leptons and neutrinos are
considered as the family of electrons out of which quarks and leptons are
the smallest known particles. Protons, neutrons, pions, quarks, are some
other sub-atomic particles are smaller than electrons. Nanotechnology is the
manufacturing of electronic circuits and mechanical devices by using these
particles that means working at molecular level, with takings every particle,
every molecule and every atom in concerned. In this way scientist can
prepare a structure and material that will have absolutely new
characteristics and function. It is about to emerge as a technology which is
a revolutionary, transformative, powerful, and potentially very dangerous or
beneficial technology called “The exponential technology”.
In fact, there will not be a single industry that will not be changed by
nanotechnological applications. Be it a tennis racquets or long-lasting
nanoparticle tennis balls. A foot warmers, athlete skin care or a ski wax.
Nanotechnology, nowadays is progressing towards the delivery system for
anti-cancer drugs at the same time research is going on to develop
nanofibre which will help create blood vessels, help in treatment of vascular
diseases and in heart surgeries. The purpose of medical devices and
nanorobots traveling through the human body is essentially a positive one of
searching out and destroying clusters of cancer cells before they spread.
Scientists are also working towards the preparation of injectable
nanoparticles that will help as medication for treating alcoholism and other
related diseases. Because of this it is also called as the future technology.
Application of Nanotechnology
A lot of money is being invested in this field. In 2004, USA invested
more than $400 million into the research area of nanotechnology,
facilities, and business development programs and a lots more in
the area of publicity is being poured in. On a global scale, these
figures multiply exponentially. Even private firms are pumping up a
lot amount of money over two billon dollars a year along with the
government in the field of nanotechnology.
Lecture 2
Nano-Indentation Tester
genel malzeme karakterizasyon
• Spektroskopik Yöntemler : UV-Vis, FTIR, NMR, SIMS,
Raman, Kütle, Floresans, Luminesanas, AAS, EDS,
XPS(ESCA), Alev Emisuon Spek., XRD, ESR, Işık
• Kromatografik Yöntemler : HPLC-GPC, HPLC-LC, GC,
Ince tabaka, Kağıt Kroma., CEF, Affinite Kromag.,
• Optik Yöntemler : EM, SEM, TEM, AFM-SPM
• Mekanik Analizler : Universal Testing Machine (Mekanik
Test Cihazı) , Sertlik, (ShoreA, B,C,…..G,H) Aşınma,
Çarpma, Vicat Cihazı, DMA
• Kalorimetrik Yöntemler : DSC, TGA,
Zwick Z010 model Universal Testing Mechine
Mechanical Test Instrument
Mechanical Properties of some materials
Tensile Strength
% Elongation to Break
Young's Modulus
What is Strength?
But what does it mean to be strong? We have a very precise definition.
Let's use tensile strength to illustrate. To measure the tensile strength
of a polymer sample, we take the sample and we try to stretch it just
like in the picture above. We usually stretch it with a machine such as
an Instron. This machine simply clamps each end of the sample, then,
when you turn it on it stretches the sample. While it is stretching the
sample, it measures the amount of force (F) that it is exerting. When
we know the force being exerted on the sample, we then divide that
number by the cross-sectional area (A) of our sample. The answer is
the stress that our sample is experiencing.
What is Strength?
Then, using our machine, we continue to increase the amount of force,
and stress naturally, on the sample until it breaks. The stress needed
to break the sample is the tensile strength of the material.
Likewise, one can imagine similar tests for compressional or flexural
strength. In all cases, the strength is the stress needed to break the
Since tensile stress is the force placed on the sample divided by the
cross-sectional area of the sample, tensile stress, and tensile strength
as well, are both measured in units of force divided by units of area,
usually N/cm2. Stress and strength can also be measured in
megapascals (MPa) or gigapascals (GPa). It's easy to convert between
the different units, because 1 MPa = 100 N/cm2, 1 GPa = 100,000 N/cm2,
and of course 1 GPa = 1,000 MPa.
Other times, stress and strength are measured in the old English units
of pounds per square inch, or psi. If you ever have to convert psi to
N/cm2, the conversion factor is 1 N/cm2 = 1.45 psi.
Usually we talk about percent elongation, which is just the length the
polymer sample is after it is stretched (L), divided by the original length of
the sample (L0), and then multiplied by 100.
There are a number of things we measure related to elongation. Which is
most important depends on the type of material one is studying. Two
important things we measure are ultimate elongation and elastic elongation
Ultimate elongation is important for any kind of material. It is nothing more
than the amount you can stretch the sample before it breaks. Elastic
elongation is the percent elongation you can reach without permanently
deforming your sample. That is, how much can you stretch it, and still have
the sample snap back to its original length once you release the stress on it.
This is important if your material is an elastomer. Elastomers have to be able
to stretch a long distance and still bounce back. Most of them can stretch
from 500 to 1000 % elongation and return to their original lengths without any
Mechanical Properties of some materials
A material that is strong but not tough is said to be brittle. Brittle
substances are strong, but cannot deform very much. Polystyrene (PS) is
brittle, for example. High impact polystyrene (HIPS), a blend of
polystyrene and polybutadiene (a rubbery polymer above its glass
transition temperature) is said to be rubber-toughened.
Mechanical Properties of some materials
Mechanical Properties of some materials
Tensile Strength (MPa)
% Elongation-toBreak
Young's Modulus
Stainless Steel
Very small
50 - 120
10 - 50
20 - 30
250 - 500
Very low
1400 - 2000
Principle Characteristics of Polymers
Principle Characteristics of Polymers
Principle Characteristics of Polymers
Principle Characteristics of Polymers
Principle Characteristics of Polymers
Nano-Indentation Tester
Features of the Nano-Indentation Tester
Hardness & Young's modulus.
Spherical, Vickers and Berkovich nano-indentations
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis for visco-elastic
Creep, fatigue & fracture toughness tests
Mapping of indents.
Optional High and Low Temperature Testing
AFM/SPM objective for nanometer scale imaging of
Nano Scratch, Micro Scratch and Micro Hardness
Introduction to the Nano-Indentation Tester
Nano-Indentation Tester is a high
precision instrument for the
determination of the nano
mechanical properties of
thin films, coatings and substrates.
With a Nano-Indentation Tester
you can quickly determine
properties such as hardness and
Young's modulus on almost any
type of material - soft, hard,
brittle or ductile.
AFM probes part I
 Cantilever and probe made of Si3Ni4
 Square pyramidal shape with apex radius around 10-50
 Cantilever length : 50-500µm
 Spring constant ~0.1 - 0.7 N/m
 Used both in air and liquid for contact
 Used in liquid for tapping
AFM probes part II
Cones, spikes, blades for trenches
 Monocrystalline silicon probes and cantilevers
 Conical or pyramidal shape with apex radius of
5-10 nm
 Cantilever length : 125-250 µm
 Resonance frequency : 50-400 kHz
 Various probes for specific applications BUT
really fragile !!!
Introduction to the Nano-Indentation Tester
Nano-Indentation Tester works on the following
An indenter tip (Berkovich, Sphero-conical, Knoop or
cube corner), normal to the sample surface, with a
known geometry is driven into the sample by applying
an increasing load up to some preset value.
The load is then gradually decreased until partial or
complete relaxation of the sample has occurred. The
load and displacement are recorded continuously
throughout this process to produce a load displacement
curve from which the nano-mechanical properties such
as hardness, Young's modulus, stress-strain studies time
dependant creep measurement, fracture toughness,
plastic & elastic energy of the sample material can be
calculated. Nano Indentation Tester can be used in a
mapping mode to take data automatically from a
variety of locations on your sample.
General Applications Nano-Indentation Tester
Semiconductor Technology
oPassivation Layers
oBond Pads
Mass Storage
oProtective coatings on
magnetic disks
oMagnetic coatings on disk
oProtective coatings on CD's
Optical Components
oContact lenses
oEye glass lenses
oFibre Optics
oOptical scratch-resistant
Decorative coatings
oEvaporated metal coatings
Wear Resistant Coatings
oTiN, TiC, DLC
oCutting Tools
oTablets and pills
oBiological tissue
oPaints and polymers
oVarnishes and finishes
General Engineering
oRubber resistance
oTouch screens
Specifications of the Nano-Indentation Tester
Maximum indentation depth
4 µm & 25 µm auto-ranging (1000 µm
Depth Resolution (Theoretical)
0.006 nm
Depth Resolution (noise floor*)
0.5 nm
Maximum Load
50mN& 500 mN auto-ranging
Load Resolution (Theoritical)
Load Resolution (noise floor*)
X-Y Range
200 x 100 mm
X-Y Lateral Resolution
Z Motorized
90 mm
Objective Lens
Standard: 10x, 50x, 100x (Optional: 5x, 20x)
* Depends upon laboratory environment
Single and Multiple-Frequency Indentation Testing
Some Nano-Indentation Testers (Nanovea) offers multiplefrequency indentation testing to 500 mN. This breakthrough
technique for stroboscopic nano-indentation studies, is
essential for those researching deformation as a result of
frequency influences on visco-elastic substrates such as
plastics polymers.
Unlike conventional dynamic indentation methods, multipleindentation testing utilizes a superposition of frequencies.
Fourier analysis separates the frequency dependent
storage and loss moduli and complex viscosity of the
A single frequency estimation with dynamic indentation
methods, only provides one data point in a spectrum of
material response.
Multiple frequency nano-indentation testing allows the user
to see the full visco-elastic material response.
 *  (G* /  )
Why test thin polymer films?
• Improve thermomechanical stability via self-assembly of nanostructure
• Establish connections between the nanostructure & mechanical properties
• Determine the size scale of elementary processes of plastic deformation
AFM Objective
An optional Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) objective can be fitted
in addition to the standard optical microscope.
• As well as providing the most accurate determination of the contact
area, high resolution AFM imaging close to, or within the indentation
can provide valuable information about the mode of deformation in
the material.
• The addition of a scanning probe microscope allows access to a
whole new range of capabilities with Nano Indentation and Scratch
Testers, allowing the user to view features of the indentation such as
pile-up, cracking, delamination, slip bands and other characteristics
of failure in great detail.
• Unlike other AFM objectives, the Dualscope AFM avoids actual
contact with the sample surface yet presents a very accurate image
(to the <1nm) of the surface topology.
Force-Distance Measurements
• Use AFM cantilever to pull or push on sample
• Forces cause cantilever to deflect
• Cantilever deflection  force: F=kz (Force = spring constant x distance)
Force Calibration Plot
3.00 nm/div
Jump to Contact
Z position – 2.5 nm/div
Instrumented Indentation Analysis Software
Indentation software offers the traditional Oliver & Pharr method of analysis
with a powerful non-linear solver for fitting the unloading curve (effective
indenter shape). Both quasi-static and multiple-frequency dynamic test
data can be analyzed.
• Completely flexible test specifications including standard
tests to ISO 14577
• Analysis of data from Berkovich, Vickers, spherical and
cube corner indenters
• Multiple-Frequency Fourier-transform dynamic testing
• Automatic calculation of hardness & elastic modulus &
data averaging
• Predetictive calculations based upon user inputs of
estimated modulus and hardness
• Creep (constant force) with iterative solving for up to 4element Maxwell - Voigt model
• Elastic-Plastic material properties with strain hardening
• Positioning of each indent with the microscope
• Images from color camera directly incorporated in the
• Optional coating geometry
• Force rate, strain rate control
• No prior knowledge of finite element analysis required
• Mapping of indentation
• Precise relocation of each indent