Physics Talk 文憑試多了些甚麼? I. Heat and Gases (25 hours): II. Force and Motion (55 hours) a. Projectile motion b. Moment of a force c. Conditions for equilibrium of forces d. Uniform circular motion e. Gravitation F = GMm/r2 Gravitational field strength Determine the velocity of an object in a circular orbit III. Wave Motion (48 hours): a. Stationary Wave b. Examine the interference patterns in the Young’s double slit experiment c. Examine the interference patterns in the transmission grating d. lens formulae e. Sound intensity, dB IV. Electricity and Magnetism (56 hours) a. Electric field b. Electric Potential c. Examine the magnetic field patterns associated with currents through a long straight wire d. Examine the magnetic field patterns associated with currents through a circular coil e. Examine the magnetic field patterns associated with currents through a long solenoid f. Apply B = mo1/2 p r and B = mo N I /l g. Force on a current-carrying wire F= BIl sin q h. drift velocity of electron I = n A v Q i. Force on a moving charge F = B Q v sin q j. derive Hall voltage VH = BI/nQt IV. Electricity and Magnetism (56 hours) k. Examine magnetic fields using a Hall probe l. define magnetic flux F = BA cos q m. Faraday’s Law e = - DF /D t n. Search Coil o. structures of simple d.c. and a.c. generators and how they work p. discuss the occurrence and practical uses of eddy currents. q. define r.m.s. of an alternating current as the steady.d. r. relate the r.m.s. and peak values of an a.c. V. Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy (16 hours) a. represent the number of undecayed nuclei by the exponential law of decay N = No e –kt b. relate the decay constant and the half-life c. state mass-energy relationship DE = Dm c2 d. use atomic mass unit as a unit of energy e. determine the energy release in nuclear reactions f. apply DE = Dm c2 to solve problem (mole, avogadro’s number and mass of a mole are implied) SBA • Demands of Error treatment and Accuracy 課時 總建議: 16+56+48+55+25 = 200 小時 (12000 分鐘) 或 300 課節(以每小時40分鐘) 校本評核:12 節(每年6次,每次2節) 其他:10 節 (7次大小測驗..) 每年共需 22 節 (中四中五共需44節) 總節數: 中四至中五: 264 (以每年24循環周, 中四5節, 中五6節) 中三:21X2 = 42節 可上課節數:264+42-44=262節 選修科目 • • • • • 建議(每科27小時,共54小時或81節) 中六節數: 12 x 5 = 60 節 SBA : 2 節 測驗..:4節 温書…..? 課程之難處 • 1. 授課節數不足 • 2. 課程較會考深,廣又新 • 3. 數學能力要求高 • (中三數學以下之數學根基必須非常紥實) • +向量(或矢量)之運算, • + 數學延伸課程之內容 (高度建議) 授課理念及方法 目標: 以得可讓學生能跨入大學門檻之成績 授課理念: a. 學生需長時間浸淫於物理學之較繁雜課題或概念方能完全明白. b. 以中三課程涵蓋力學及電學較淺易及基本概念部份. c. 公開試中, 力學及電學較佔多數 d. 除中三課程外, 文憑試課程必修部作只餘兩個較淺之題目: 基本熱學, 光學 e. 課本尚易明白,郤未顯示解題步驟,題目包括十年公開試題 f. 課本內容涵蓋之例題未足令學生得佔優之成績(可達至L4) * 每一課題有淺易部份,亦有深奧部份,若將深奧部份留至中五後 期或中六初期方教授,則需時重温中三至中四部份內容,而學生 亦無較長時間浸淫在當中,恐怕難以準確地掌握概念。 S3 授課內容 • Fundamental and basic concepts of Mechanics are taught. • Fundamental and basic concepts of Current Electricity are taught. • (The above concepts are developed continuously from Students’ IS syllabus.) S3 授課內容 • Experiments and/or demonstration includes: 1. Using stopwatch 2. Using stopwatch to measure time of flight of vertical motion 3. Using ticker-tape timer 4. Using ticker-tape timer to measure time and displacement and construct 5. S-t graph 6. v-t graph 7. Demonstration of stroboscope 8. Moment of force 9. Measuring Period of Pendulum 10. Using Spring balance to measuring force 11. Using Spring to measure the mass of unknown object 12. Using voltmeter and ammeter to measure resistance (Ohm’s Law) 13. Using voltmeter to verify the p.d. and current of parallel circuit S4 • Prepare students’ mathematics skill, error treatments and accuracy (1.5-2 months) • Revision of Mechanics, Projectile motion, moment of force, Momentum, work, energy and Power, uniform circular motion and Gravitation • CRO S4 • Experiments and/or demonstration includes: 1. Demonstration of errors (systematic, instrumental and random errors) 1. 2. Measuring length with ruler, Finding focal length of a convex lens 2. Demonstration of the relationship between force, mass and acceleration 3. Demonstration of action and reaction with two board trolleys 4. Demonstration of projectile motion with different objects 5. Demonstration of object in circular motion 6. Demonstration and use of the CRO S4 6 SBAs includes : 1. Displacement and average speed 2. Velocity and acceleration 3. Gravitational acceleration 4. Force and acceleration 5. Momentum 6. Centripetal force S5 • Revisions of S3 current Electricity, Electricity and Magnetism + Electromagnetism • Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy • Heat and Wave S5 • Experiments and/or demonstration includes: 1. Demonstration of Electrostatics (Like charges repel and unlike charges attract) 2. Using Electroscope to measure charges 3. Using van de Graff generator to demonstrate a) b) c) d) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Windmill Standing hair Simulation of thunder storm (Sparks) Bouncing conducting sphere Drawing magnetic field pattern Demonstration of magnetic field due to current carrying wire Demonstration of magnetic field due to coil Demonstration of magnetic field due to long solenoid Demonstration of force experience by current carrying wire in magnetic field 9. Demonstration of electromagnet 10. Investigation of the factors affecting electromagnet S5 11. Generating power from cutting magnetic field with a wire 12. Investigation of the factors affecting the electromagnetic induction 13. Demonstration of transmission line and loss of energy with D.C. 14. Demonstration of Transformer 15. Detection of Radioactive source using a. b. Spark counter G-M tube and scalar-timer 16. Demonstration of the penetration power of radiations with a. b. c. Paper Aluminium plate Lead plate 17. Nature of half life with dice S5 • 6 SBAs includes : – – – – – – The cathode ray Oscilloscope Ohm’s Law Potential difference of a supply delivering current Electric Potential Magnetic fields around electric current (I) Magnetic fields around electric current (II) • 3 SBAs in summer: – The law of electromagnetic induction – Investigating transformer action – Specific heat capacity S6 • Two Electives • Experiments and/or demonstration includes: Induction cooker • SBA : Gas law 學生學習難處 a. 三選修科(每科温習,預習時間較少) b. 學生數學能力 c. 物理名詞被錯誤地於日常生活中被引用而 做成混淆 d. 缺少生活中觀察與體驗 e. 不明白課本題目之内容 (缺乏生活體驗) f. 其他……. 學校如何幫助學生 以講義總結書本內容, 並以不同之題目引導學生解題 – 例: 先畫 free-body diagram,加上各種力 • 繼而找出不同方向之合力 • 以 F=ma 或力矩原則列出方程式 • 最後解方程式 •提供課堂練習以示範解題步驟 •提供做課本練習之時間表 •提供選擇題及答案加強學生能力 •以隨堂短測測試學生温習情況 •短測題目以課本為主,測驗則以選擇題為主 •每一單元均提供功課(附答案),並隨後附上解答 建議 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 多預習, 多温習. 完成課本所有題目 (近十年公開試題目) 完成早十年之選擇題題目 親自完成所有功課 於課堂中, 課堂後向老師請教 參加學校提供之任何形式之相關課程 問題時間