Expecting the unexpected in the spin Hall effect: from fundamental to practical JAIRO SINOVA Vivek Amin Texas A&M University Institute of Physics ASCR Institute of Physics ASCR Tomas Jungwirth, Vít Novák, Karel Vyborny, et al Hitachi Cambridge Joerg Wünderlich, A. Irvine, et al Frontiers in Materials: Spintronics Strasboug, France May 13th, 2012 Research fueled by: Expecting the unexpected in the spin Hall effect: from fundamental to practical! The spin Hall effects is a relativistic spin-orbit coupling phenomenon which can be used to electrically generate or detect spin currents in magnetic and non-magnetic systems. In spite of the short time ince its discovery it has now become ubiquitous in the field of spintronics and its development has also sparked a renewed interest in the full understanding of all the relating effects, such as the anomalous Hall effect. Exploiting such effects fully requires a better understanding of the effects and heir intricate connections. SHE has been used to create one of the first spin FETs, to measure spin-currents enerated by magnetization dynamics, and even to generate spin-currents large enough to produce spin-torque ffects! In this talk I attempt to give a short, brief, and possibly oversimplified overview of some of the ritical developments of this vibrant subfield of spintronics, its present understanding, its present applications, and some of its future challenges. Expecting the unexpected in the spin Hall effect: from fundamental to practical I. Introduction: •Basic AHE and SHE phenomenology •Mechanism II. Spin Hall effect: the early days •First proposals: from theory to experiment •First observations of the extrinsic and intrinsic (optical) • Inverse spin Hall effect •Direct iSHE in metals •Spin pumping and FMR •SHE-FET •Spin Hall injection and spin precession manipulation •iSHE device with spin-accumulation modulation • SHE as a spin current generator and detector •Spin based FET: old and new paradigm in charge-spin transport •Theory expectations and modeling •Experimental results Conclusion Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 3 The electron: the key character with dual personalities SPIN 1/2 Makes the electron antisocial: a fermion CHARGE Easy to manipulate: Coulomb interaction quantum mechanics E=p2/2m E→ iħ d/dt p→ -iħ d/dr + special relativity E2/c2=p2+m2c2 (E=mc2 for p=0) & spin = particles/antiparticles Dirac equation “Classical” external manipulation of charge & spin Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 4 Using charge and spin in information technology Using charge to create a field effect transistor: work horse of information processing Vg >0 S gate insulator semiconductor Using spin: Pauli exclusion principle and Coulomb repulsion →ferromagnetism work horse of information storage total wf antisymmetric = orbital wf antisymmetric × spin wf symmetric (aligned) D substrate HIGH tunablity of electronic transport properties the key to FET success in processing technology What about the internal communication between charge & spin? (spintronics) • Robust (can be as strong as bonding in solids) • Strong coupling to magnetic field (weak fields = anisotropy fields needed only to reorient macroscopic moment) e- Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 5 Internal communication between spin and charge: spin-orbit coupling interaction (one of the few echoes of relativistic physics in the solid state) e- Classical explanation (in reality it arises from a second order expansion of Dirac equation around the non-relativistic limit) • “Impurity” potential • V(r) Produces an electric field In the rest frame of an electron the electric field generates an Motion of an electron effective magnetic field This gives an effective interaction with the electron’s magnetic moment s p V Beff Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 6 Internal communication between spin and charge:spinorbit coupling interaction (one of the few echoes of relativistic physics in the solid state) e- Classical explanation (in reality it arises from a second order expansion of Dirac equation around the non-relativistic limit) • “Impurity” potential • V(r) Produces an electric field In the rest frame of an electron the electric field generates an Motion of an electron effective magnetic field This gives an effective interaction with the electron’s magnetic moment V s p Beff Consequence #1 Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 7 Internal communication between spin and charge:spinorbit coupling interaction (one of the few echoes of relativistic physics in the solid state) e- Classical explanation (in reality it arises from a second order expansion of Dirac equation around the non-relativistic limit) • “Impurity” potential • V(r) Produces an electric field In the rest frame of an electron the electric field generates an Motion of an electron effective magnetic field This gives an effective interaction with the electron’s magnetic moment V s p Beff Consequence #2 Mott scattering Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 8 How spintronics has impacted your life: Metallic spintronics 1992 - dawn of (metallic) spintronics •Anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR): In ferromagnets the current is sensitive to the relative direction of magnetization and current direction magnetization e- current Appreciable sensitivity, simple design, cheap BUT only a 2-8 % effect Giant magnetoresistance (GMR) read head - 1997 Fert, Grünberg et al. 1998 e- × Nobel Price 2007 Fert and Grünberg High sensitivity, very large effect 30-100% and are almost on and off states: “1” and “0” & magnetic memory bit Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 9 What next? The need for basic research Industry has been successful in doubling of transistor numbers on a chip approximately every 18 months (Moore’s law). Although expected to continue for several decades several major challenges will need to be faced. Circuit heat generation is one key limiting factor for scaling device speed Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 10 Information and communication technology power consumption HAS consequences Relative electricity consumption of ICT equipment Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 11 The need for basic research in technology development International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors Basic Research Inc. Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 12 Control of materials and transport properties via spin-orbit coupling Nanotransport New magnetic materials GaAs Mn Magnetotransport Caloritronics Effects of spin-orbit coupling in multiband systems Spintronic Hall effects Topological transport effects Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 13 Control of materials and transport properties via spin-orbit coupling Nanotransport Magnetotransport New Anomalous Hall effects magnetic materials GaAs majority Mn Caloritronics FSO Effects of spin-orbit FSO coupling in multiband systems ISpintronic Hall effects minority V Topological transport effects Nagaosa, Sinova, Onoda, MacDonald, Ong, RMP 10 Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 14 Anomalous Hall Effect: the basics Spin dependent “force” deflects like-spin particles M⊥ _ __ majority FSO FSO I minority ρH=R0B ┴ +4π RsM┴ AHE is does NOT originate from any internal magnetic field created by M⊥; the field would have to be of the order of 100T!!! V Simple electrical measurement of out of plane magnetization (or spin polarization ~ n↑-n↓) InMnAs Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 15 Cartoon of the mechanisms contributing to AHE Skew scattering A ~σ~1/ni Vimp(r) (Δso>ħ/τ) λ*Vimp(r) (Δso<ħ/τ) Asymmetric scattering due to the spin-orbit coupling of the electron or the impurity. Known as Mott scattering. Intrinsic deflection B independent of impurity density E Electrons deflect to the right or to the left as they are accelerated by an electric field ONLY because of the spin-orbit coupling in the periodic potential (electronics structure) SO coupled quasiparticles Electrons have an “anomalous” velocity perpendicular to the electric field related to their Berry’s phase curvature which is nonzero when they have spin-orbit coupling. Side jump scattering B independent of impurity density Vimp(r) (Δso>ħ/τ) λ*Vimp(r) (Δso<ħ/τ) Electrons deflect first to one side due to the field created by the impurity and deflect back when they leave the impurity since the field is opposite resulting in a side step. They however come out in a different band so this gives rise to an anomalous velocity through scattering rates times side jump. Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 16 Anomalous Hall effect: more than meets the eye Spin Hall Effect Anomalous Hall Effect _ _ _ _ O FS majority FS I O FS O FS I O minority V Topological Insulators V Wunderlich, Kaestner, Sinova, Jungwirth PRL 04 Inverse SHE Kato et al Science 03 Extrinsic Intrinsic Mesoscopic Spin Hall Effect Spin-injection Hall Effect V Intrinsic Kane and Mele PRL 05 Valenzuela et al Nature 06 Brune,Roth, Hankiewicz, Sinova, Molenkamp, et al Nature Physics 2010 Wunderlich, Irvine, Sinova, Jungwirth, et al, Nature Physics 09 Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 17 New twists in spintronics: anomalous Hall effect, spin-helix transistors, and topological thermoelectrics I. Introduction: using the dual personality of the electron •Internal coupling of charge and spin: origin and present use •Control of material and transport properties through spin-orbit coupling • Anomalous Hall effect: from the metallic to the insulating regime •Anomalous Hall effect basics, history, progress in the metallic regime •Spin injection Hall effect: a new paradigm in exploiting SO coupling •Spin based FET: old and new paradigm in charge-spin transport •Theory expectations and modeling •Experimental results •Topological thermoelectrics:Thermoelectric figure of merit •Increase of ZT in topological insulators. Conclusion Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 18 Towards a realistic spin-based non-magnetic FET device Can we achieve direct spin polarization injection, detection, and manipulation by electrical means in an all paramagnetic semiconductor system? Long standing paradigm: Datta-Das FET (1990) Exploiting the large Rashba spin-orbit coupling in InAs [010] gate ⊗ ⊗⊗ ky [010] [100] Rashba effective magnetic field kx [100] [001] Electrons are confined in the z-direction in the first quantum state of the asymmetric trap and free to move in the x-y plane. Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 19 Towards a realistic spin-based non-magnetic FET device Can we achieve direct spin polarization injection, detection, and manipulation by electrical means in an all paramagnetic semiconductor system? Long standing paradigm: Datta-Das FET (1990) Exploiting the large Rashba spin-orbit coupling in InAs High resistance “1” “0” Low resistance BUT lMF << LS-D at room temperature Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 20 Dephasing of the spin through the Dyakonov-Perel mechanism LSD ~ μm lMF ~ 10 nm Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 21 New paradigm using SO coupling: SO not so bad for dephasing Problem: Rashba SO coupling in the Datta-Das SFET is used for manipulation of spin (precession) BUT it dephases the spin too quickly (DP mechanism). 1) Can we use SO coupling to manipulate spin AND increase spin-coherence? • Can we detect the spin in a non-destructive way electrically? Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 22 Spin-dynamics in 2D electron gas with Rashba and Dresselhauss spin-orbit coupling 1) Can we use SO coupling to manipulate spin AND increase spin-coherence? a 2DEG is well described by the effective Hamiltonian: Rashba: from the asymmetry of the confinement in the z-direction ky [010] > 0, = 0 [110] Dresselhauss: from the broken inversion symmetry of the material, a bulk property ky [010] = 0, < 0 kx [100] _ [110] Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling [110] kx [100] _ [110] 23 Effects of Rashba and Dresselhaus SO coupling ky [010] > 0, = 0 = - [110] ky [010] [110] kx [100] _ [110] = 0, < 0 kx [100] ky [010] [110] _ [110] kx [100] _ [110] Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 24 Spin-dynamics in 2D systems with Rashba and Dresselhauss SO coupling For the same distance traveled along [1-10], the spin precesses by exactly the same angle. [110] _ [110] _ [110] Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 25 Persistent state spin helix verified by pump-probe experiments Similar wafer parameters to ours Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 26 Spin-helix state when α ≠ β For Rashba or Dresselhaus by themselves NO oscillations are present; only and over damped solution exists; i.e. the spin-orbit coupling destroys the phase coherence. There must be TWO competing spin-orbit interactions for the spin to survive!!! Wunderlich, Irvine, Sinova, Jungwirth, et al, Nature Physics 09 Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 27 New paradigm using SO coupling: SO not so bad for dephasing Problem: Rashba SO coupling in the Datta-Das SFET is used for manipulation of spin (precession) BUT it dephases the spin too quickly (DP mechanism). 1) Can we use SO coupling to manipulate spin AND increase spin-coherence? Use the persistent spin-Helix state and control of SO coupling strength (Bernevig et al 06, Weber et al 07, Wünderlich et al 09) • Can we detect the spin in a non-destructive way electrically? Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 28 ✓ AHE contribution to Spin-injection Hall effect in a 2D gas Two types of contributions: i)S.O. from band structure interacting with the field (external and internal) •Bloch electrons interacting with S.O. part of the disorder Type (i) contribution much smaller in the weak SO coupled regime where the SOcoupled bands are not resolved, dominant contribution from type (ii) Crepieux et al PRB 01 Nozier et al J. Phys. 79 Lower bound estimate of skew scatt. contribution Wunderlich, Irvine, Sinova, Jungwirth, et al, Nature Physics 09 Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 29 Spin-injection Hall effect: theoretical expectations Local spin-polarization → calculation of AHE signal Weak SO coupling regime → extrinsic skew-scattering term is dominant Lower bound estimate 1) Can we use SO coupling to manipulate spin AND increase spin-coherence? Use the persistent spin-Helix state and control of SO coupling strength • Can we detect the spin in a non-destructive way electrically? Use AHE to measure injected current polarization electrically Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling ✓ ✓ 30 Spin-injection Hall effect device schematics Vd h h h h h h Vs e e VH e e e e 2DHG 2DEG For our 2DEG system: Hence α ≈ -β Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 31 Spin-injection Hall device measurements trans. signal σ - σo σ + σo VL Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 32 Spin-injection Hall device measurements SIHE ↔ Anomalous Hall trans. signal σ - σo σ + σo VL Local Hall voltage changes sign and magnitude along a channel of 6 μm Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 33 Further experimental tests of the observed SIHE (preliminary) T = 250K Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 34 SiHE: new results SiHE (a) x I Vb VH2 VH1 inverse SHE (b) x VH2 VH1 Vb Spin Hall effect transistor: Wunderlich, Irvine, Sinova, Jungwirth, et al, Science 2010 Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 35 SiHE transistor Vb Vg VH I x VH Vg Vb x=1 m Spin Hall effect transitor: Wunderlich, Irvine, Sinova, Jungwirth, et al, Science 2010 + Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 36 SHE transistor AND gate Vg2 [V] +0.1 0 -0.1 0 RH1 [] 12 6 H1 - - RH2 0 [] 3 6 - H2 Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 37 New twists in spintronics: anomalous Hall effect, spin-helix transistors, and topological thermoelectrics I. Introduction: using the dual personality of the electron •Internal coupling of charge and spin: origin and present use •Control of material and transport properties through spin-orbit coupling • Anomalous Hall effect: from the metallic to the insulating regime •Anomalous Hall effect basics, history, progress in the metallic regime •Spin injection Hall effect: a new paradigm in exploiting SO coupling •Spin based FET: old and new paradigm in charge-spin transport •Theory expectations and modeling •Experimental results •Topological thermoelectrics:Thermoelectric figure of merit •Increase of ZT in topological insulators. Conclusion Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 38 Control of materials and transport properties via spin-orbit coupling Nanotransport New magnetic materials GaAs Mn Magnetotransport Effects of spin-orbit coupling in multiband systems Caloritronics Topological thermoelectrics Spintronic Hall effects Topological transport effects Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 39 From AHE to topological insulators to thermoelectrics Topological Insulators: edge (2D) or surface states (3D) survive disorder effects when the bulk gap is produced by spin-orbit coupling Kane, Zhang, Molenkamp, Moore, et al Zhang, Physics 1, 6 (2008) X X QSHE in HgTe Dislocations have 1D channels which also protected Vishwanath et al Nature Physics 09 Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 40 Thermoelectric generator Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 41 Courtesy of Saskia Fischer Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 42 Courtesy of Saskia Fischer Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 43 From AHE to topological insulators to thermoelectrics Seebeck coefficient Best thermoelectrics electrical conductivity electric thermal conductivity phonon thermal conductivity Dislocations have 1D channels which also protected ? Vishwanath et al 09 ? Can we obtain high ZT through the topological protected states; are they related to the high ZT of these materials? Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 44 Possible large ZT through dislocation engineering Bi1−xSbx (0.07 < x < 0.22) where the L’s are the linear Onsager dynamic coefficients Localized bulk states Tretiakov, Abanov, Murakami, Sinova APL 2010 Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 45 Possible large ZT through dislocation engineering Remains very speculative but simple theory gives large ZT for reasonable parameters Tretiakov, Abanov, Murakami, Sinova APL 2010 Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 46 Beyond Bi1−xSbx (0.07 < x < 0.22) So far only one material is believed to have protected 1D states on dislocations: how to further exploit TI properties to increase ZT? Analogy to HolEy Silicon Tang et al Nano Letters 2010 Also phononic nanomesh structures (Yu, Mitrovic, et al Nature Nanotechnology 2010) Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 47 Extending the idea to the entire class of TI insulators •The surface of the holes provide the needed anisotropic transport •Similar theory analysis as in 1D protected states but not as robust •Curvature of the holes can be critical for TI to remain protected (Ostrovsky et al PRL 10, Zhang and Vishwanath PRL 10) R=15 nm d=60 nm Tretiakov, Abanov, Sinova APL 2011 Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 48 Control of materials and transport properties via spin-orbit coupling Nanotransport New magnetic materials GaAs Mn Magnetotransport Caloritronics Effects of spin-orbit coupling in multiband systems Spintronic Hall effects Topological transport effects Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 49 Sinova’s group Xin Liu Texas A&M U. Vivek Amin Texas A&M U. Erin Vehstedt Texas A&M U. H. Gao Texas A&M U. Jacob Gyles Texas A&M U. Jan Jacob U. Hamburg Oleg Tretiakov (main PI Abanov) Texas A&M U. Principal Outside Collaborators Tomas Jungwirth Texas A&M U. Inst. of Phys. ASCR U. of Nottingham Joerg Wunderlich Cambridge-Hitachi Nanoelectronics, spintronics, and materials control by spin-orbit coupling 50