Lec 26 26/03/2014 Plastic deformation and creep in crystalline materials Chap. 11 Mechanical Properties of Materials Stiffness Resistance to elastic deformation Young’s modulus Strength Resistance to plastic deformation Yield stress Toughness Resistance to fracture Energy to fracture ductility Strain to fracture Ability to deform plastically Uniaxial Tensile Test (Experiment 6) Gauge length specimen Result of a uniaxial tensile test Ultimate tensile strength (Engineering stress) necking UTS Yield strength y STRENGTH Yield point break Area = Toughness STIFFNESS Slope = Young’s modulus (Y) DUCTILITY f (strain to fracture) (engineering strain) If there is a smooth transition from elastic to plastic region (no distinct yield point) then 0.2 % offset proof stress is used During uniaxial tensile test the length of the specimen is continually increasing and the cross-sectional area is decreasing. True stress ≠ Engineering stress (=F/A0) True strain ≠ Engineering strain (=L/L0) True stress P T Ai True incremental strain Ai = instantaneous area Eqn. 11.3 dL d T L L True strain dL L T ln L L0 L0 Eqn. 11.4 T K K Strength coefficient n work hardening exponent n T Eqn. 11.5 What happens during plastic deformation? • Externally, permanent shape change begins at y • Internally, what happens? What happens to crystal structure after plastic deformation? Plastic Deformation ? Some Possible answers Remains the Changes to Becomes random same another or crystal amorphous structure How Do We Decide? X-ray diffraction No change in crystal structure! No change in internal crystal structure but change in external shape!! How does the microstructure of polycrystal changes during plastic deformation? EXPERIMENT 5 Comparison of undeformed Cu and deformed Cu Slip Lines Before Deformation After Deformation Callister Slip lines in the microstructure of plastically deformed Cu Experiment 5 Slip Slip Planes, Slip Directions, Slip Systems Slip Plane: Crystallographic planes Slip Direction: Crystallographic direction Slip System: A combination of a slip plane and a slip direction Lec 27 28/03/2014 Slip Systems in Metallic Crystals Crystal Slip Plane Slip Direction Slip Systems FCC {111} (4 planes) <110> 4x3=12 (3 per plane) BCC {110} (6 planes) <111> 6x2=12 (2 per plane) HCP {001} (1 plane) <100> 3x1=3 (3 per plane) Why slip planes are usually close packed planes? Why slip directions are close-packed directions? Slip Systems in FCC Crystal (111) z y x Tensile vs Shear Stress • Plastic deformation takes place by slip • Slip requires shear stress • Then, how does plastic deformation take place during a tensile test? : Applied tensile stress N: Slip plane normal N D: Slip direction 1 2 D F1: angle between and N F2 =angle between and D Is there any shear stress on the slip plane in the slip direction due to the applied tensile stress? Resolved Shear stress F = F/ A Area=A FD = F cos 2 N 1 2 D As = A cos 1 RSS Area = As FD AS F cos2 A cos1 F cos1 cos2 A F RSS cos1 cos2 F F No resolved shear stress on planes parallel or perpendicular to the stress axis F cos 2 = 0 F cos 1 = 0 Plastic deformation recap No change in crystal structure: slip twinning Slip takes place on slip systems (plane + direction) Slip planes usually close-packed planes Slip directions usually close-packed direction Slip requires shear stress In uniaxial tension there is a shear component of tensile stress on the slip plane in the slip direction: RESOLVED SHEAR STRESS CRITICAL RESOVED SHEAR STRESS RSS RSS cos1 cos2 CRSS N 1 2 D cos1 cos2 y CRSS y cos1 cos2 Lec 28 01.04.2014 CRSS y cos1 cos2 If we change the direction of stress with respect to the slip plane and the slip direction cos 1 cos 2 will change. To maintain the equality which of the following changes takes place? 1. CRSS changes. 2. y changes Schmid’s Law: CRSS is a material constant. Anisotropy of Yield Stress crss y cos1cos2 Yield stress of a single crystal depends upon the direction of application of load cos 1 cos 2 is called the Schmid factor Active slip system RSS cos1a cos 2a CRSS cos1b cos 2b y CRSS y cos1 cos2 Slip system with highest Schmid factor is the active slip system Magnitude of Critical Resolved Shear Stress Theory (Frenkel 1926) Experiment Potential energy Shear stress CRSS b/2 b d b Critical Resolved Shear Stress Theory Experiment Ratio (GPa) (MPa) Theory/Exp Fe (BCC) 12 15 800 Cu (FCC) 7 0.5 14,000 Zn (HCP) 5 0.3 17,000 ? Solution 1934 E. Orowan Michael Polanyi Geoffrey Ingram Taylor Solution • Not a rigid body slip • Part slip/ part unslipped Slip Not-yet-slipped Boundary between slipped and unslipped parts on the slip plane Dislocation Line (One-Dimensional Defect) Movement of an Edge Dislocation From W.D. Callister Materials Science and Engineering Plastic Deformation Summary • Plastic deformation • Slip slip dislocations • Plastic deformation requires movement of dislocations on the slip plane Recipe for strength? Remove the dislocation Stress, MPa Fig. 11.6 700 50 strain Cu Whiskers tested in tension Lec 29 02.04.2014 crystal structure changes? No Mechanism of deformation slip Nature of stress required for slip Is there shear during tension? Resolved shear stress required for initiating slip Shear stress Resolved shear stress Critical resolved shear stress CRSS is independent of the direction of application of tensile stress Lec 29 02.04.2014 Effect of temperature on dislocation motion Higher temperature makes the dislocation motion easier Yield stress F e W Al2 O3 S i 18-8 ss Eqn. 11.14 Ni 11.15 Fig. 11.8 Cu 11.16 11.17 0 T/Tm 0.7 11.18 Recipe for strength Remove the dislocation: Possible but Impractical Alternative: Make the dislocation motion DIFFICULT Strengthening Mechanisms • Strain hardening • Grain refinement • Solid solution hardening • Precipitation hardening Movement of an Edge Dislocation A unit slip takes place only when the dislocation comes out of the crystal During plastic deformation dislocation density of a crystal should go down Experimental Result Dislocation Density of a crystal actually goes up Well-annealed crystal: 1010 m-2 Lightly cold-worked: 1012 m-2 Heavily cold-worked: 1016 m-2 ? Dislocation Sources F.C. Frank and W.T. Read Symposium on Plastic Deformation of Crystalline Solids Pittsburgh, 1950 P b A b B b Q b http://zig.onera.fr/~douin/index.html b b Fig. 11.9 http://zig.onera.fr/~douin/index.html Problem 11.11 Strain Hardening or Work hardening y y Strain, During plastic deformation dislocation density increases. Dislocations are the cause of weakness of real crystals Thus as a result of plastic deformation the crystal should weaken. However, plastic deformation increases the yield strength of the crystal: strain hardening or work hardening ? Strain Hardening Dislocation against Dislocation A dislocation in the path of other dislocation can act as an obstacle to the motion of the latter Sessile dislocation in an FCC crystal 1 [10 1 ] 2 a2 a2 a2 2 2 2 1 [1 1 0] 2 Energetically favourable reaction 1 [0 1 1] 2 (001) not a favourable slip plane (CRSS is high). 1 [0 1 1] 2 ( 1 11) 1 [1 1 0] 2 Eqn. 11.20 (001) Fig. 11.10 The dislocation immobile or sessile. 1 [10 1 ] 2 [110] (1 1 1) Sessile dislocation a barrier to other dislocations creating a dislocation pile-up Sessile dislocation (barrier) (1 1 1) ( 1 11) Fig. 11.10 Piled up dislocations Lec 30 04.04.2014 Empirical relation for strain hardening or work hardening 0 A Eq. 11.21 Is the shear stress to move a dislocation in a crystal with dislocation density o and A : empirical constants Fig. 11.11 Dislocation Motion Easy Dislocation Motion Plastic Deformation Easy Plastic Deformation Weak Crystal Difficult Difficult Dislocation Motion Plastic Deformation Strong Crystal Grain Boundary Grain 2 Grain1 Grain boundary 2-D Defect: Grain Boundaries Single Crystal No Grain Boundaries Polycrystal Grains of different orientations separated by grain boundaries Discontinuity of a slip plane across a grain boundary Slip plane Dislocation Grain Boundary Grain Boundary Strengthening • Slip plane discontinuity at grain boundary • A dislocation cannot glide across a grain boundary • Higher stresses required for deformation • Finer the grains, greater the strength Coarse Grains Fine Grains Grain Size Strengthening Hall-Petch Relation k y 0 D y: yield strength D: average grain diameter 0, k: constants Some recent developments The hardness of coarse-grained materials is inversely proportional to the square root of the grain size. But as Van Swygenhoven explains in her Perspective, at nanometer scale grain sizes this relation no longer holds. Atomistic simulations are providing key insights into the structural and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline metals, shedding light on the distinct mechanism by which these materials deform. Science 5 April 2002: Vol. 296 no. 5565 pp. 66-67 POLYCRYSTALLINE MATERIALS Grain Boundaries and Dislocations Solid Solutions • Mixture of two or more metals • Solute atoms: a zero dimensional defect or a point defect • Two types: – 1. Interstitial solid solution – 2. Substitutional solid solution Interstitial Solid Solution Perfect Crystal Distortion caused by a large interstitial atom Substitutional Solid Solution Small solute atom Large solute atom Solute atom: a zero-dimensional point defect Solid Solution Strengthening Solute atoms Strong crystal Strains in the surrounding crystal Obstacle to dislocation motion Alloys stronger than pure metals 200 Sn (1.51) Be (1.12) Matrix = Cu (r = 1.28 Å) 150 (Values in parenthesis are atomic radius values in Å) 100 Zn (1.31) 50 0 40 20 10 30 Solute Concentration (Atom %) → Figure: Anandh Subramaniam Fig 11.13 Airbus A380 to be launched on October 2007 A shop inside Airbus A380 Alfred Wilm’s Laboratory 1906-1909 Steels harden by quenching Why not harden Al alloys also by quenching? Wilm’s Plan for hardening Al4%Cu alloy T 550ºC Hold Check hardness One of the greatest technological achievements of 20th century Sorry! No increase in hardness. time Eureka ! Hardness has Increased !! Hardness increases as a function of time: AGE HARDENING Property = f (microstructure) Wilm checked the microstructure of his age-hardened alloys. Result: NO CHANGE in the microstructure !! Lec 31 Creep 09/04/2014 Lec 32 11/01.2014 Peak hardness Hardness As- quenched hardness time Hardness initially increases: age hardening Attains a peak value Decreases subsequently: Overaging Tsolvus : solid solution of Cu in FCC Al + : intermetallic compound CuAl2 4 supersaturated saturated FCC FCC Tetragonal 4 wt%Cu 0.5 wt%Cu 54 wt%Cu + Precipitation of in Stable Tsolvus TTT diagram of precipitation of in unstable + Asquench ed Aging A fine distribution of precipitates in matrix causes hardening Completion of precipitation corresponds to peak hardness As quenched Aged Peak aged -grains -grains + Dense distribution of fine overaged Driving force for coarsening / interfacial energy Sparse distribution of coarse hardness Aging temperature 100ºC 20ºC 180ºC Fig. 9.15 Aging time 0.1 1 10 100 (days) Peak hardness is less at higher aging temperature Peak hardness is obtained in shorter time at higher aging temperature Stable T U Tsolvus unstable + 180 ºC Asquenched 100 ºC Aging I 100ºC hardness 180ºC 1 20ºC Hardness increases as as a function of time hardness As-quenched hardness time No change in microstructure - Wilm! Numerous fine precipitates form with time Not visible in optical micrograph X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Guinier-Preston Zones, 1938 “It seems justifiable at the moment to conclude that the process of age hardening in this alloys is associated with the segregation of copper atoms on the (100) planes of the crystal as suggested by C.H. Desch in The Chemistry of Solids, 1934” Preston, 1938, “The Diffraction of X-rays by Age-Hardening Aluminium Copper Alloys Precipitation Hardening Precipitates are obstacles to the motion of dislocation Solute atoms Pebbles Precipitates boulders Cake with nuts Age-hardening = Precipitation hardening Dislocation-precipitate interaction Dislocation can 1. Either cut through the precipitate particles (small precipitate) 2. Or they can bypass the precipitates Precipitate cutting before after Fig 11.14 a, c Dislocation bypassing the precipitate b L Fig. 11.14 b and d Movement of onedimensional defects called dislocations causes plastic deformation Obstacles to the movement of dislocations cause strengthening Strengthening Mechanisms Name Obstacle Type Solid solution hardening Solute atoms (0-D) Strain hardening Dislocations (1-D) Grain refinement Grain boundaries (2-D) Precipitation hardening Precipitates (3-D) : How do glaciers move? 102 http://rmkilc.wordpress.com/ 2. Electric Bulb “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration” -T.A. Edison Q2: How do bulbs fuse? 105 Rolls-Royce Plc Q3: What does the Rolls-Royce plc make? 106 107 Q: What is common to all the three? Ans: CREEP 1. Glaciers move due to creep of snow. 2. Bulbs fuse due to creep of W filament. 3. Life of jet engine depends of creep of the turbine blades. 108 Creep Creep is time dependent plastic deformation at constant load or stress Difference between normal plastic deformation and creep ? It is a “high temperature” deformation T 0.4 Tm Tm is the m.p. in K. CREEP Fig. 11.15 Creep Mechanisms of crystalline materials Cross-slip Dislocation climb Creep Vacancy diffusion Grain boundary sliding Cross-slip In the low temperature of creep → screw dislocations can cross-slip (by thermal activation) and can give rise to plastic strain [as f(t)] Slip plane 1 b 1 2 3 Dislocation climb Edge dislocations piled up against an obstacle can climb to another slip plane and cause plastic deformation [as f(t), in response to stress] Rate controlling step is the diffusion of vacancies Nabarro-Herring creep → high T → lattice diffusion Diffusional creep Coble creep → low T → Due to GB diffusion In response to the applied stress vacancies preferentially move from surfaces/interfaces (GB) of specimen transverse to the stress axis to surfaces/interfaces parallel to the stress axis→ causing elongation This process like dislocation creep is controlled by the diffusion of vacancies → but diffusional does not require dislocations to operate Flow of vacancies Grain boundary sliding At low temperatures the grain boundaries are ‘stronger’ than the crystal interior and impede the motion of dislocations Being a higher energy region, the grain boundaries melt before the crystal interior Above the equicohesive temperature grain boundaries are weaker than grain and slide past one another to cause plastic deformation Single crystal turbine blade Pigtail: a helical channel which gradually eliminates most columnar grains Starter: initiates columnar grains as in Directional Solidification (DS) Single crystal blade: best creep resistance 117 Coarser grains -> Less grain boundaries -> Better for creep application Single Crystal -> No grain boundaries -> Best for creep application Nanocrystalline materials -> not good for creep applications! 118 Improvements due to blade manufacturing technique: Show turbine blades 119 Improvements due to engineering design: Blade cooling Engineering Materials 1: Ashby and Jones 120 Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) NiCrAlY or NiCoCrAlY Ceramic top coat: Yittria stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) 1. Low thermal conductivity www.matsceng.ohio-state.edu 2. High thermal expansion 3. High M.P Reduction in surface temp 100-300 oC Operating temp > M.P. (~1300 oC) 121 Creep Resistant Materials Higher operating temperatures gives better efficiency for a heat engine High melting point → E.g. Ceramics Dispersion hardening → ThO2 dispersed Ni (~0.9 Tm) Creep resistance Solid solution strengthening Single crystal / aligned (oriented) grains Cost, fabrication ease, density etc. are other factors which determine the final choice of a material Commonly used materials → Fe, Ni, Co base alloys Precipitation hardening (instead of dispersion hardening) is not a good method as particles coarsen (smaller particles dissolve and larger particles grow interparticle separation ↑) Ni-base superalloys have Ni3(Ti,Al) precipitates which form a low energy interface with the matrix low driving force for coarsening Cold work cannot be used for increasing creep resistance as recrystallization can occur which will produced strain free crystals Fine grain size is not desirable for creep resistance → grain boundary sliding can cause creep elongation / cavitation ► Single crystals (single crystal Ti turbine blades in gas turbine engine have been used) ► Aligned / oriented polycrystals No Dislocations Ultra Strong Crystals Whiskers Composite Materials Various Crystal Defects Substitutional solute Stacking fault G-P zone Dislocations Interstitial solute Vacancy (Diffusion) Grain Boundary Moral of the Story Strength depends upon defects Microstructure • Structural features observed under a microscope – Phases and their distribution – Grains and grain boundaries – Twin boundaries – Stacking faults – Dislocations Hierarchy of Structures nuclear structure Physics and chemistry atomic structure 1A0 crystal structure 1nm Metallurgy and Materials Science Engineering: Civil, Mechanical, etc. microstructure 1m macrostructure 1mm engineering structure 1m Real Moral of the Story Properties depend upon microstructure Structure Sensitive vs Structure Insensitive Properties For true understanding comprehension of detail is imperative. Since such detail is well nigh infinite our knowledge is always superficial and imperfect. Duc Franccois de la Rochefoucald (1613-1680)