Nanoscale Device Modelling: CMOS and beyond G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa and IU.NET [Italian Universities Nanoelectronics Consortium] Via Caruso 16, I-56122, Pisa, Italy. G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Acknowledgments People that did (are doing) the “real” work A. Campera, P. Coli, G. Curatola, G. Fiori, F. Crupi, G. Mugnaini, A. Nannipieri, F. Nardi, M. Pala, L. Perniola Partners IMEC, LETI, STM, Silvaco (EU FinFlash Project) Univ. Wuerzburg, ETH Zurich, TU Vienna, MPG Stuttgart, NMRC Cork (EU NanoTCAD Project) EU Sinano NoE (43 partners) Next: PullNANO IP IU.NET Italian Universities Nanoelectronics Corsortium Univ. Bologna, Univ. Udine, Univ. Roma (PRIN Programme) Philips Research Leuven, Purdue University, Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Samsung Funding (past and present) European Commission, Italian Ministry of University, Italian National Research Council, Foundation of Pisa Savings Bank, Silvaco International G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa The Problem “Yesterday’s technology modeled tomorrow” (M.E.Law, 2004) TCAD and numerical modeling tools – both for process and device simulation – are accurate, or “predictive”, only for a sufficiently stable and “mature” technology, and after a lengthy calibration procedure. G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Modeling as a Strategic Activity Modeling is a strategic activity because it enables to early evaluation of technology options make choices and cut unpromising initiatives strategically position and focus R&D efforts perform an Modeling supports the definition and the implementation of a R&D strategy G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Present activity in Pisa ITRS Roadmap Issues Quantum ballistic and quasiballistic modeling of nanoscale MOSFETs (2D-3D) Alternative device structures (DG MOSFETs, FINFETs, SNWTs) Tunneling currents through oxides and high-k gate stacks, also in the presence of defects (SILCs, etc.) Atomistic effects in nanoscale MOSFETs Compact modeling of nanoscale MOSFETs G. Iannaccone Emerging Research Devices Nanocrystal and discrete trap flash memories Quantum dots and single electron transistors CNT-FETs Resonant Tunneling Devices Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics Decoherence and dephasing Spin-dependent transport Mesoscopic transport Università di Pisa Present activity in Pisa ITRS Roadmap Issues Quantum ballistic and quasiballistic modeling of nanoscale MOSFETs (2D-3D) Alternative device structures (DG MOSFETs, FINFETs, SNWTs) Tunneling currents through oxides and high-k gate stacks, also in the presence of defects (SILCs, etc.) Atomistic effects in nanoscale MOSFETs Compact modeling of nanoscale MOSFETs G. Iannaccone Emerging Research Devices Nanocrystal and discrete trap flash memories Quantum dots and single electron transistors CNT-FETs Resonant Tunneling Devices Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics Decoherence and dephasing Spin-dependent transport Mesoscopic transport Università di Pisa NanoTCAD3D 3D Non linear Poisson 1D Schrödinger per slice + 2D Schrödinger per section 3D Schrödinger + Ballistic Transport Ballistic Transport DD per each 2D subband DD per each 1D subband The many body Schrödinger equation is solved with DFT-LDA, effective mass approximation The Kohn-Sham equation for electrons is solved for each pair of minima in the conduction band (three times) The Kohn-Sham equation for holes is solved for heavy and light holes G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa NanoTCAD3D 2D 1D 3D y x z Depending on device architecture, multiple regions different types of confinement may be considered: Planar MOSFET: 1D vertical confinement Nanowire: 2D confinement in the transversal cross section Dots: 3D Many body Schrödinger equation solved with DFT-LDA, effective mass approximation G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Quantum ballistic and quasiballistic modeling of nanoscale MOSFETs (3D) Lead: G. Fiori G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Silicon Nanowire Transistors (SNWT) Candidate device structures for MOSFETs with channel length of order 10 nm – Suppressed SCE G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Transport models in the 1D subbands Two models for current 1. Ballistic transport in each subband (including tunneling) 2. Drift-Diffusion transport in each 1D subband (Ei). (note: The mobility model must be improved). J ni qn n1Di n1Di Ei qDn x x The 3D electron density is obtained as : n 3D i n1Di 2 1D subband profiles 4th 3rd 2nd 1st i G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Simulation of SNWT (I) SNWT simulated structures : same transversal cross-section (5x5 nm, 1.5 nm oxide) different channel lengths (L=7,10,15,25 nm) G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Simulation of SNWT (II) Electron Density Isosurface n=1.4x1019cm-3; L=15 nm; Vgs=0.5 V; Vds=0.5V Electrostatic potential in a y-z cross section in the middle of the channel : Vds = 0.5 V ; Vgs = 0.5 V G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Simulation of SNWT (III) S degrades for small L but is still acceptable and almost insensitive to the transport mechanism DIBL is much higher for ballistic than for DD transport. G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Silicon Nanowire Transistors (IV) Source-drain tunneling above threshold gives a contribution only slightly dependent on L , and significant already for L=25 nm. G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa High-k dielectrics Lead: Andrea Campera G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Structures investigated 4 nm 1 nm Poly-Si HfO2 SiO2 bulk EOT a) 1.7 nm Poly-Si 2 nm HfSiON 1 nm SiON bulk Poly-Si 1 nm HfSiON 1 nm SiON bulk b) 1.6 nm c) 1.3 nm Experimental data: I-V, C-V and I(T)-V In all three cases the substrate is p-doped with NA=5∙1017 cm-3 C-V characteristics have been measured for capacitors of area 70 µm x 70 µm J-V curves have been measured for n-MOSFET with W=10 µm and L=1, 5 and 10 µm ( we show results only for L=5 µm) Temperature from 298 to 473 K G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa 1D Poisson-Schrödinger solver Poly depletion and finite density Self-consistent solution of the P-S of states in the bulk equation, taking into account quantum confinement at the emitter, quantum confinement in the poly mass anisotropy in CB, light and heavy holes Extraction of the band profile with the quasi-equilibrium approx., eigenvalues and eigenvectors for electrons and holes J G. Iannaccone 2qkT 4qkT 2 2 mt i mt ml 1 exp EFl Eil kT 1 exp E E kT il Fr 1 exp EFl Eit kT rit T ( Eit ) ln 1 exp E E kT it Fr ril T ( Eil ) ln i Università di Pisa 10 7 10 5 10 3 10 1 90 10 HfSiON (c) HfO2 (a) -1 10 -3 10 -5 HfO2 (a) Experiments Theory -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Capacitance (pF) 2 Current density (A/m ) Results: I-V and C-V a) HfO2 80 with FLP 70 60 50 without FLP 40 30 20 10 0.35 V Experiments Theory 0 -3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Gate Voltage (V) Gate Voltage (V) summary of physical parameters extracted for HfO2 , HfSiON and SiON HfO2 HfSiON SiON Electron affinity 1.575 eV 1.97 eV 1.27 eV Electron eff mass 0.08m0 0.24m0 0.45m0 25 11 5 0.35 V 0.13 V - er FLP G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Experiment: Temperature-dependent I-V HfO2 and HfSiON shows a different temperature dependence -2 10 1 -3 from T = 298 K to T = 448 K 10 10 -4 10 -3 10 from T = 298 K to T = 473 K -5 10 -5 10 HfSiON (b) -2 -6 10 -7 10 HfO2 (a) 2 -1 |J G (A/cm )| 2 |JG (A/cm )| 10 -7 -1 0 1 Gate Voltage (V) 2 10 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 Gate Voltage (V) 1.0 A pure tunneling current can explain only transport in HfSiON but not in HfO2 In HfO2 we can observe a strong temperature dependence G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Temperature-dependent transport model We assume that transport in HfO2 is due to Trap Assisted Tunneling g1= g1c+ g1v g2= g2c+ g2v r1= r1c+ r1v r2= r2c+ r2v gi and ri depend on the properties of traps responsible for transport They depend on the capture cross section, that we have assumed to be “Arrhenius like” 0 exp E kBT The TAT current reads J TAT G. Iannaccone g1r2 g 2 r1 q g1 g 2 r1 r2 Università di Pisa Energy position of traps Traps in hafnium oxide from abinitio calculations From simulations we observe that traps must be within the energy range 1÷2 eV below the HfO2 conduction band in order to allow us to reproduce the shape of J-V characteristics Gavartin, Shluger, Foster, Bersuker Jour. Appl. Phys 2005 We consider that relevant traps are located 1.6 eV below the hafnium oxide CB G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Simulations of I(V) with varying T From ETRAP=1.6 eV we can extract Г from the slope of the J-V @ 475 K and σ(475) from the amplitude of the same J-V At T=475 K TAT is the entire current density We assume that σ has an Arrhenius temperature dependence and that Г is constant: 0 exp E kBT Then we can extract σ as a function of temperature 1.2x10 -6 1.0x10 -6 8.0x10 -7 6.0x10 -7 4.0x10 -7 2.0x10 -7 measured @ 475 K 10 =0.1 eV =0.01 eV 2 1 sigma (m J) 2 Current density (A/m ) 0.1 =0.084 eV =0.05 eV =0.001 eV 0.01 1E-3 infexp(-E/kT) inf= 0.555 E=0.542 eV simulated Arrhenius fit 0.0 1E-4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Gate Voltage (V) G. Iannaccone 0.9 1.0 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 Temperature (K) Università di Pisa Main results HfSiON 10 10 10 10 10 theory experiments 2 1 (A/m ) 10 6 0 -1 -2 T from 300 to 475 K -3 0.4 0.6 0.8 Gate Voltage (V) 5 10 HfSiON c) 4 10 1.0 Current Density 2 Current Density (A/m ) HfO2 3 10 Experiments @ 400 K 2 10 Experiments @ 300 K Theory (pure tunneling) 1 10 0 10 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Gate Voltage (V) Transport in HfSiON can be described by pure tunneling processes Transport in HfO2 can be described by temperature dependent TAT Arrhenius like capture cross section Traps involved in transport processes are 1.6 eV below the hafnium oxide CB (this traps states have been recently found by ab-initio calculations, Gavartin et al. Jour. Appl. Phys 2005) G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Decoherence and dephasing Lead: Marco Pala* M. Pala, G. Iannaccone, PRB vol. 69, 235304 (2004) M. Pala, G. Iannaccone, PRL vol. 93, 256803 (2004) * now with IMEP-CNRS, Grenoble G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Transport in mesoscopic structures Landauer-Büttiker theory of transport Eigenvalues of the tt† matrix as enables us to compute conductance and shot noise Transmission and reflection matrices can be obtained computing the scattering matrix (S-matrix) of the system The domain is subdivided in several tiny slices in the propagation direction The S-matrix of the system is obtained by combining the Smatrices of all adjacent slices G. Iannaccone G 2e 2 h T n n S 2ehV Tn (1 Tn ) 3 n bL aL r s a b R R t t ' aL r ' bR Università di Pisa Monte Carlo approach (M. Pala, G. Iannaccone, PRB 2004) Random fluctuation of the phase of all modes The propagation in each slice is described by a diagonal term in the transmission matrix We modify the transmission matrix by adding a random phase to each diagonal term The random phase has a Gaussian distribution with zero average and variance inversely proportional to the dephasing lenght Each S-matrix is a particular occurrence and the average transport properties are obtained by averaging over a sufficient number of runs G. Iannaccone t j nm e iknj x j R nm x j / l 2 j Università di Pisa Aharonov-Bohm rings Simulation recover experimental results due to the suppression of quantum coherence Non integer conductance steps are recovered Corrections are of the order of G0 B=0 Tesla Experiments by A.H.Hansen et al., PRB 2004 G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Magnetoconductance Experiment (Hansen et al., PRB 2004) G. Iannaccone Theory (Pala et al., 2004) Università di Pisa Density of states Computation of the partial density of states ( x, y, E) | ( x, y, E) |2 Application: Aharonov-Bohm oscillations of a ring [M.G. Pala and G. Iannaccone, PRB 69, 235304 (2004)] The wave-like behavior of the propagating mode is destroyed when a strong decoherence is present G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Influence on shot noise (M. Pala et al. PRL 2004) Aharonov Bohm ring First order cumulant of the current proportional to conductance Second order cumulant of the current = Fano factor (prop to noise) G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Perspectives of Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors Lead: G. Fiori Collaboration with Purdue University, G. Fiori et al., IEDM 2005 – to be published on IEEETED, new results at ESSDERC 2006 G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Self-consistent 3D Poisson/NEGF solver The 3D Poisson equation reads n() in the nanotube by means of NEGF while p(f), ND+(f), NA-(f) e n(f) are computed semiclassically elsewhere. Transport is ballistic. In particular, the Schrödinger equation has been solved using a tight-binding hamiltonian with an atomistic (pz-orbital) real space basis Discretization : box-integration. Newton-Raphson method with predictor corrector scheme. G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Non-Equilibrium Green’s Function The Green’s Function can be expressed as A point charge approximation is assumed, i.e. all the free charge around each carbon atoms is condensed in the elementary cell including the atom. Current is computed through the Landauer’s formula G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Short Channel Effect in CNT-FETs (I) Considered CNT-FET (11,0) zig-zag nanotube doping molar fraction f = 10-3. gatelength 15 nm SiO2 as gate dielectric. single, double and triple gate layout. By defining different geometries, we can study how short channel effects can be controlled through different device architectures. G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Short Channel Effect in CNT-FETs (II) Quasi-ideal S are obtained for the double gate structure, also for thick oxide thickness. Good S and DIBL for the single gate device are obtained for tox=2nm. As expected, triple gate layout show better S and DIBL G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Ion per unit width Ion is one order of magnitude higher than that typically obtained in silicon warning: ballistic transport and very dense CNTs considered G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa High frequency perspectives Optimistic estimate (zero stray capacitances) Perspective for THz applications High frequency behaviour is only limited by stray gate capacitance G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Transconductance G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Ioff per unit width the Ion/Ioff requirement is met for a tube density smaller than 0.1 G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Effects of bound states in HOMO (I) For large drain-to-source voltages, electrons in bound states in the channel can tunnel to states in the drain, leaving holes in the channel. Such effect lowers the barrier seen by propagating electrons in the channel. Efs Efd holes electrons LDOS for Vgs=0, Vds=0.6 V G. Iannaccone Charge density computed for Vgs=0 and Vds=0.6 V Università di Pisa Effects of bound states in HOMO (II) As the drain-to-source voltage is increased, holes are accumulated in the channel and the gate loses control of the potential over the channel, with a degradation of the current in the off-state. Transfer characteristic for a double gate (14,0) nanotube, with L=10 nm and tox=2 nm G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Work in Progress G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa in Progress: Mobility in Si Nanowires Phonon scattering (acousting and optical) Surface Roughness and Cross Section Fluctuations Impurity Scattering 5 nm G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Partially ballistic transport Boltzmann Transport Equation solved in each 2D subband Direct solution (no Montecarlo) Ballistic peak S D t10 ps G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Partially ballistic transport Boltzmann Transport Equation solved in each 2D subband Direct solution (no Montecarlo) Ballistic peak S D t1 ps G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Partially ballistic transport Boltzmann Transport Equation solved in each 2D subband Direct solution (no Montecarlo) Ballistic peak S D t0.1 ps G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Partially ballistic transport Boltzmann Transport Equation solved in each 2D subband Direct solution (no Montecarlo) S D t0.01 ps G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Personal Conclusion Critical objectives of nanoscale device modeling: Provide useful insights of device behavior, helping us to understand what are the relevant physical aspects for the issues at hand what are the main trends what we should focus on and what we should stop. Such mission does not requires huge do-it-all tools, but simulation tools with different degrees of sophistication, tailored to the particular problem at hand. G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Modeling of ballistic and quasi-ballistic MOSFETs Lead: G. Curatola* In collaboration with Philips Research Leuven, G. Curatola et al. IEEE-TED vol. 52, p. 1851-1858, 2005 * now with Philips Research Leuven G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Typical aspects of the nanoscale Carrier distribution in the phase space HD 2nd order DD momentum 1st order momentum Complete Thermalization (equilib.) SCALING DOWN Technology Generation Time Plus: Fully ballistic transport z y Poly x S L Strong confinement in the 2DEG Strong confinement in the Poly ! metal D STI G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Drift-Diffusion per subband Poisson Eq. + Schrödinger Eq. + Continuity Eq. Continuity eq. is solved within each subband obtained after the solution of the 1D Schrödinger equation. Fermi-Dirac statistics is required. Full self-consistent approach Approximation: Semi-empirical local mobility model is used. The mobility in each subband is weighted with the corresponding eigenfunction. Modified diffusion coefficient to include Fermi-Dirac statistics. G. Iannaccone EFS EFD Leff 0 x i ( x) ( x, y )i ( x)dx * i ( y ) Dni μni i ( x)i ( x)dx * ni ni EF Università di Pisa Bulk nMOSFETs: Inverse Modelling Data (PLI1043 process) from Philips Research Leuven: Doping profile obtained with TSUPREM4 Oxide thickness Tox=1.5nm C-V and I-V characteristics Set of devices with different gate length! Several Unknowns: Gate length (dispersion with respect to nominal value) Channel doping Polysilicon Doping LDD, HDD, pocket implant doping G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Inverse Modelling 5 -3 4 18 ND=1.2 x 10 cm 0.012 0.010 0.008 0.006 3 2 1 0.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 x [nm] VGS [V] Leff=26nm 1E20 -3 Doping [cm ] 2 0.014 2 -3 20 13 Dose=6.7*10 atoms/cm Boron profile [x 10 cm ] 0.016 Capacitance [F/m ] Long device C-V and I-V experimental characteristics are used. Accumulation and lowinversion C-V and I-V used to extract the doping profile in the well. Donor concentration in the poly extracted from the strong-inversion C-V curve. Short device Fitting with C-V & I-V characterization. The doping of pockets, HDDs and LDDs has been fitted with a Gaussian function Experiment NANOTCAD2D degenerate doping level 1E19 1E18 -50 G. Iannaccone -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 y [nm] 20 30 40 50 Università di Pisa PLI1043 Process (T10-T07-T05-T04) 1000 100 Experiment NANOTCAD2D 1 100 Current [A/m] Current [A/m] 10 LG=880 nm (T10) 0.1 0.01 1E-3 10 1 0.1 0.01 Experiment NANOTCAD2D 1E-3 1E-4 1E-4 1E-5 LG=64 nm (T05) 1E-5 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1E-6 -0.2 1.0 0.0 0.2 VGS [V] 0.8 1.0 1000 Experiment NANOTCAD2D 100 100 10 LG=200 nm (T07) Current [A/m] Current [A/m] 0.6 VGS [V] 1000 10 0.4 1 0.1 0.01 1E-3 0.2 0.4 0.6 VGS [V] G. Iannaccone 0.1 0.01 1E-3 LG=40nm (T04) 1E-4 Experiment NANOTCAD2D 1E-5 1E-4 0.0 1 0.8 1.0 1E-6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 VGS [V] Università di Pisa 64nm nMOSFET (50 nm Leff) 1000 Extracted effective channel lenght: Leff=50nm Capability to reproduce experimental results both in sub-threshold and in stronginversion conditions. Current [A/m] 100 Experiment DD per subband 10 1 0.1 0.01 1E-3 1E-4 600 Current [A/m] 500 Experiment DD per subband 1E-5 1E-6 -0.4 VDS = 0.05,0.55,1.05 V -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 VGS [V] 400 300 200 100 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 VGS [V] G. Iannaccone 0.8 1.0 Behavior in strong inversion requires that extension resistances are included in the simulation Note: Electrostatics is more important than the mobility model !! Università di Pisa 40nm nMOSFET (25 nm Leff) 1000 100 Current [A/m] Extracted effective channel lenght: Leff=25nm Capability of reproducing experimental results in the sub50nm regime. Comparison with DESSIS-Synopsys. Simulation time comparable. 10 1 0.1 0.01 1E-3 1E-4 Experiment DD per subband 1E-5 1E-6 -0.6 -0.3 0.6 0.9 1000 Experiment DD per subband 600 400 200 0 -0.2 VDS= 0.05, 0.55, 1.05 V 600 400 200 0.0 0.2 0.4 VGS [V] G. Iannaccone Experiment NANOTCAD2D DESSIS 800 VDS = 0.05, 0.55, 1.05 V Current [A/m] Current [A/m] 0.3 VGS [V] 1000 800 0.0 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 VGS [V] Università di Pisa Ballistic Efficiency veff 7.22 106 cm / s vball 1.35 107 cm / s The ballistic efficiency is about 50% The 25nm bulk-Si MOSFET roughly operate at 50% of its ballistic limit. G. Iannaccone 1600 Experiment Ballistic + RSD=110 ohm-um 1400 1200 Current [A/m] In the ballistic device a series (extension and overlap) resistance RDS = 110 W m has been considered Extracted velocity: 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 VGS [V] Università di Pisa Nanocrystal and discrete-trap Flash memories Lead: G. Fiori G. Fiori et al., APL, vol. 86, 113502 (2005) In collaboration with LETI, IMEC, STM (now in the FinFlash project) G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Nanocrystal memories on SOI wires M. Saitoh, E. Nagata, and T. Hiramoto, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 82, No. 11, 2003 Such behavior has been related to the presence of percolating paths in the channel G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Device fabrication Realized by G. Molas, B. De Salvo, CEA-LETI 8” SOI wafers DUV E-beam DUV Si BOX A’ B’ B A Control gate Control gate Control oxide n+ Si-film BOX A-A’ G. Iannaccone n+ Device Cross-Section Control oxide Si-film BOX B-B’ Università di Pisa Experimental results (LETI) The effect is also observed in the strong inversion regime, when percolating paths cannot possibly be present. G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Actual and simulated geometry Poly gate S S W D D 50nm G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Discrete charge distribution in the dot layer (I) z We have then considered a discrete distribution of fixed charge in the dot layer. dot layer y x gate W n+ Average dot density is 5x1011 cm-2. L SiO2 Electron density isosurface n=1018 cm-3 computed for VGS=1.6 V G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Discrete charge distribution in the dot layer (II) Threshold voltage shift over a sample of twelve devices with the same nominal dot density, but with a different discrete distribution of charged dot strong inversion G. Iannaccone sub-threshold Università di Pisa Stored charge local tunnel current density (I) Since dots are charged by direct tunneling current, we have assumed the fixed charge density proportional to the direct tunneling current. Electron density isosurface n=7.5x1023m-3 computed for VGS=-0.4 V, in case of charged and discharged dots. G. Iannaccone discharged dots charged dots Università di Pisa Stored charge local tunnel current density (II) The assumption that the stored charged is proportional to the local current density, allows us to reproduce the experiments behavior G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa “Rounded” structure (2D) This effect is also present also if the structure does not have sharp edges. Consider the minimum curvature structure Above threshold Sub-threshold G. Fiori et al., APL, vol. 86, 113502 (2005) G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Effect of a Finite Curvature at the edge 10 6 10 5 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 curvature radius=10 nm curvature radius=5 nm 2 Current Density (A/m ) SONOS FinFET structure with round fin edges. Simulation with Silvaco ATLAS + Post processing with in-house tools Curvature radius of 5 nm and 10 nm. local tunnel current density along the Si/SiO2 interface 0 63 nm 63 nm 10 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Curvilinear Coordinate (nm) 20 nm G. Iannaccone 20 nm Current is injected mainly at the edges Università di Pisa Experimental CV-Curves From long devices: extraction of doping profile in the well. Quantum confinement must be considered both in the polysilicon layer and in the channel. Si 23 1.4 1.6 -3 Region1: Schrödinger SiO2 Electron Density [x 10 m ] Poly Region2: Schrödinger + Ballistic Model Potential at the poly/SiO2 interface is increased due to quantum effects Negative shift of the threshold voltage G. Iannaccone Potential [V] Schrödinger + Drift-Diffusion 1.2 1.0 0.8 Poly Quantum No Poly Quantum -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 x [nm] 0 2 4 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x [nm] Università di Pisa Series Resistance Quantum Box Co/Ti Rdeep Rext Rov Contact resistance and deep HDD resistance are not included in the simulation. Overlap and extension resistances considered adjusting the lateral dimension on the quantum region where continuity eq. is solved. G. Iannaccone 200 Current [A/m] Rcsd Rcsd= contact resistance Rdeep= HDD resistance Rdeep= extension resistance Rov= overlap resistance 150 Experiment W=10nm W=40nm W=50nm W=180nm 100 LG=40nm (T04) 50 0 0.00 0.25 0.50 VGS [V] 0.75 1.00 Università di Pisa NanoTCAD2D 2D Poisson + 1D Schrödinger + i) Ballistic Model (BM) ii) Drift-diffusion per subband (DDS) + i) ii) 1D Schrödinger iii) Quantum Bohm Potential (QBP) 2D Schrödinger The Schrödinger equation must be solved twice for each slice: kz For the 2 minima along the vertical (kx) direction 2 1 ~ x , y EC li Eli y li li 2 x ml x k Tm nli B 2 t li 2 ~ Eli EF ln 1 exp k BT ky kx For the other 4 minima kz 2 1 ~ x , y E E ti C ti ti y ti 2 x mt x k T ml mt nti B ti 2 G. Iannaccone 2 ~ Eti EF ln 1 exp k BT ky kx Università di Pisa Uniform stored charge in the dot layer The average dot density is 5x1011cm-2. As a first attempt, we have modelled the dot layer as a uniform fixed charge layer Different behavior from experiments z y dot layer x gate L W n+ SiO2 G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Direct Tunneling Current The direct tunnel current is a ( E,electric b ) function of Jthe field (E) and of the barrier heigth (Φb) The current density is larger in correspondence of the corner of the structure. n 2nli 4nti i G. Iannaccone i Università di Pisa Transfer characteristics from 3D simulation Effect of the stored charge on Vth shift -4 100 10 Fresh Cell 19 -3 =3x10 cm 20 -3 =10 cm -5 80 Current (A) Current (A) 10 -6 10 -7 10 63 nm -8 10 -9 60 40 20 20 nm 10 Curvature radius 5nm Vth shift of about 0.5 V and dependent on -10 10 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Gate Voltage (V) 0 1 2 3 4 Assumption of locally stored charge proportional to the local Injected tunnel current Gate Voltage (V) The transfer characteristics are not simply shifted G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa Electron concentration at the Si-SiO2 interface 22 10 20 10 18 10 16 10 14 -3 10 Electron Concentration (cm ) -3 Electron Concentration(cm ) Programmed cell r=5 nm 63 nm 10 12 10 10 Vg=1.0 V Vg=2.0 V Vg=3.0 V Vg=4.0 V 0 10 20 20 nm 30 40 50 60 Curvilinear Coordinate (nm) 70 22 10 20 10 18 10 16 10 14 10 12 10 10 10 8 10 6 10 4 10 2 10 0 10 -2 10 -4 10 -6 10 Vg=1.0 V Fresh Cell 19 -3 =3x10 cm 20 -3 =10 cm 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Curvilinear Coordinate (nm) The stored charge inhibits channel formation ONLY at the edges The programmed device behaves as the parallel of a low Vth fresh device (channel at the flat fin surface) and a very high Vth device (channel at the fin edges). G. Iannaccone Università di Pisa