Lecture 2 Synchronization of chaotic oscillators: Focus on laser diodes with timedelayed feedback D. RONTANI* and D. S. CITRIN citrin@gatech.edu School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0250 and Unité Mixte Internationale 2958 Georgia Tech-CNRS Georgia Tech Lorraine Metz Technopôle, 2 rue Marconi 57070 Metz, France *Now at Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina Outline • Review • Chaos in Time-Delay Systems • Introduction to Synchronization • Chaos Synchronization • Optical Chaos Cryptography • Conclusion Visualizing Chaos: Strange Attractors INTRODUCTION TO CHAOS THEORY ▶ Representations of chaotic states ▶ ▶ The evolution of the state variable can be represented as 1D time series Evolution of the state variable can be represented simultaneously in a nD phase space. ▶ When the system is chaotic, the trajectory is called a ‘‘strange attractor ▶ Lorenz Attractor (3D nonlinear system) Lorenz’s Model ▶ ▶ Fractal trajectory confined in phase space with a chaotic attractor Unpredictable time series confined in the phase Digression: Key Ingredients for Chaos INTRODUCTION TO CHAOS THEORY ▶ Ingredients Nonlinearity ▶ Dimension (lower bound) Poincaré-Bendixon ▶ Theorem y y Given a differential equation dx/dt = F(x) in the plane (2D). Assume x(t) is a solution curve which stays in a bounded region. Then either x(t) asymptotically converges to an equilibrium point where F(x) = 0, or it converges to a single periodic cycle. What if the assumptions are not ▶ satisfied? Consider a system time-continuous, x x , and be sure to have the system’s state dimension >2 (or a number of degree of freedom >2) and trajectories are bounded. Adjust the system’s parameters (upcoming slides) and the result follows for large t. ▶ Some words on maps (discrete-time systems) Maps are not subject to the same rules. For instance, a simple scalar nonlinear map can exhibit chaos. S. Strogatz, “Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos with application to physics, biology, chemistry and engineering’’, Perseus Visualizing Chaos: Lyapunov Exponents INTRODUCTION TO CHAOS THEORY ▶ Lyapunov exponent (LE) ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Basic idea: to measure the average rate of divergence for neighboring trajectories on the attractor in phase space. A small sphere centered on the attractor. With time, the sphere becomes an ellipsoid. The principal axes are in the direction of contraction and expansion. Lyapunov exponents (LE): average rate of these contractions/expansions For chaos (SIC), one LE (hyperellipsoid) must be positive. trajectory in phase-space Mathematical formulation See next slide and : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyaponov_expon ent deformation of the ith principal axis S. Strogatz, Nonlinear ‘‘Dynamics and Chaos with application to physics, biology, chemistry and engineering,’’ Perseus Lasers: A Dynamical Point of View APPLICATION TO OPTICAL SYSTEMS ▶ Maxwell-Bloch equations ▶ Coupled nonlinear PDEs for the slowly-varying envelope of the electric field E, the polarization (coherence between upper and lower state) P, and the population difference (inversion) W=Nupper-Nlower between the upper and lower state. Tph = cavity-photon lifetime T1 = upper-state lifetime T2 = dephasing time c = in-vaccuo speed of light = drive frequency k = freespace = transition frequency propagation = propagation constant constant W0= inversion at = dipole moment equilibrium Lasers: A Dynamical Point of View APPLICATION TO OPTICAL SYSTEMS ▶ Lorenz-Haken equations ▶ Simplification of Maxwell-Bloch equations (PDE becomes ODE)-integrate out spatial (z) dependence: with H. Haken, Phys Lett A 53, 77–78 (1975) ▶ Laser equations are identical to those of Lorenz: , , , and Lasers: A Dynamical Point of View APPLICATION TO OPTICAL SYSTEMS ▶ Arecchi’s classification of lasers 3 Classes (A, B, or C) depending on the values of 3 characteristic times: ▶ Class C Laser (only intrinsically chaotic lasers): Ne-Xe, infrared He-Ne) ▶ ▶ (ruby, Nd, CO2, edge-emitting single- Class A Laser: (visible He-Ne, Ar, Kr, dye lasers, quantum cascade lasers) In Class B and A lasers, the short-timescale quantities can be integrated out, effectively reducing the dimensionality of the system: Class C - 3D Class B - 2D Class A - 1D ▶ ▶ Class B Laser: mode laser diodes) (NH3, Chaos in Semiconductor Lasers APPLICATION TO OPTICAL SYSTEMS ▶ Semiconductor laser diodes: class-B lasers ▶ Adapted From M. Sciamanna Rate equations to describe the laser--polarization (coherence) P has been eliminated ▶ One equation for the field amplitude (E) coupled to one equation for the carrier inversion (N). One equation for the field phase which is independent! with = linewidth enhancement factor (gives coupling between amplitude and phase of E--feature for semiconductor lasers) G = G(N(t)) = gain coefficient roughly proportional to N(t) = carrier recombination rate (other than stimulated emission) = cavity-photon lifetime J = injection current Outline • Review • Chaos in Time-Delay Systems • Introduction to Synchronization • Chaos Synchronization • Optical Chaos Cryptography • Conclusion Chaos in Semiconductor Lasers APPLICATION TO OPTICAL SYSTEMS ▶ How can we add dimensions (degrees of freedom)? Time-delayed feedback The number of dimensions is equal to the number of initial conditions needed to specify the subsequent dynamics t > 0. For an ordinary particle in 3D, the number of dimensions is 6. For a time-delay t system, the subsequent dynamics t > 0 require a knowledge of x(t) and v(t) for –t < t < 0. Infinite number of values infinite dimensional. Chaos in Semiconductor Lasers APPLICATION TO OPTICAL SYSTEMS ▶ Configurations exploiting internal nonlinearities ▶ Optoelectronic feedback S. Tang and J.-M. Liu, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 37, 329336 (2001) ▶ optical feedback (external cavity laser) R. Lang and K. Kobayashi, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 16, 347355 (1980) ▶ Configurations exploiting external nonlinearities ▶ Optoelectronic feedback J.-P. Goedgebuer et al., IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 38, 1178-1183 (2002) ▶ Erbium-doped fiber ring laser (EDFRL) G.D. VanWiggeren and R. Roy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3547-3550 (1998) DEFINITION OF A TIME-DELAY SYSTEM INTRODUCTION ▶ Mathematical definition ▶ ▶ Delay-differential equation (DDE) Delays can be constant, state-dependent, or distributed according to a memory kernel, i.e., is replaced by DEFINITION OF A TIME-DELAY SYSTEM INTRODUCTION ▶ Main properties ▶ Infinite-dimensional dynamical systems: specification of a function over one finite delay interval as the initial condition--different from typical ODEs ▶ Multistability at large delays: different initial conditions leads to different attractors ▶ Finite (fractal) dimension of the strange attractor in chaotic regimes ▶ ▶ Extremely high dimensions In some cases, the dimension is proportional to the time delay J. Foss, A. Longtin, B. Mensour and J. Milton, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 708 (1996) V. Kolmanovskii and A. Myshkis, Mathematics and its applications 85 , (Kluwer Acadernic Publishers Dordrecht, 1992) TYPICAL EXAMPLE OF TIME-DELAY SYSTEMS INTRODUCTION ▶ Mackey-Glass systems (not laser diode) ▶ mathematical definition ▶ describes the production of blood cells M.C. Mackey and L. Glass, Science 197, 287 (1977). TYPICAL EXAMPLE OF TIME-DELAY SYSTEMS INTRODUCTION ▶ Ikeda systems ▶ mathematical definition ▶ describes the behavior of ring lasers K. Ikeda and K. Matsumoto, Physica D 29, 223 (1987 TYPICAL EXAMPLE OF TIME-DELAY SYSTEMS INTRODUCTION ▶ Lang-Kobayashi systems ▶ ▶ mathematical definition G is proportional to N describes the behavior of laser diodes with external cavity R. Lang and K. Kobayashi, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 16, 347 LASER DIODES WITH TIME-DELAY SYSTEMS EXAMPLES WAVELENGTH CHAOS GENERATOR COMMUNICATION WITH TIME-DELAYED OPTOELECTRONIC SYSTEMS ▶ Theory and experimental setup LD: DBR laser diode DL: Delay line RF: RF low-pass filter PD: Photodiode OI: Optical isolator BP: Birefringent Courtesy of University of Franche Compté, FEMTO plate PC: Polarization controller J.-P. Goedgebuer, L. Larger, H. Porte, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 2249 (19 ▶ Mathematical model ▶ Scalar delay differential equation (x represents wavelength): ▶ Principle System with wavelength modulation of DBR laser diode. Nonlinearity due to birefringent crystal in external loop. 1/T ~ cutoff of low-pass filter. INTENSITY CHAOS GENERATOR COMMUNICATION WITH TIME-DELAYED OPTOELECTRONIC SYSTEMS ▶ Theory and experimental setup LD: CW laser diode DL: Optical delay line RF: RF band-pass filter PD: Photodiode MZ1: Mach- coupler OC: Optical Zehnder RF: RF band-pass interferometer filter Courtesy of University of Franche Compté, FEMTO ▶ Mathematical model ▶ J.-P. Goedgebuer, P. Levy, L. Larger, C. Chang, W.T. Rhodes, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 38, 1178 (2002) Delay integro-differential equation: ▶ Principle MZ in feedback loop chaotically modulates intensity of a CW laser diode. Nonlinearity due to the MZ--it is external to the laser. 1/T ~ upper cutoff of pass band. PHASE CHAOS GENERATOR (PCG) COMMUNICATION WITH TIME-DELAYED OPTOELECTRONIC SYSTEMS ▶ Theoretical setup LD: CW laser diode DL: Optical delay line RF: RF band-pass filter PD: Photodiode PC: Polorarization PM: Phase controller VA: Variable modulator attenuator R. Lavrov, M. Peil, M. Jacquot, L. Larger, V. Udaltsov, and J. Dudley, Phys. Rev. E 80, 026207 (2009) ▶ Mathematical model ▶ Delay integro-differential equation: ▶ Principle PM in feedback loop chaotically modulates phase of CW laser diode. Nonlinearity due to interferometer. Again, nonlinearity external to laser. EXTERNAL-CAVITY LASER DIODES COMMUNICATION WITH TIME-DELAYED OPTOELECTRONIC SYSTEMS ▶ Theory and experimental setup EEL LD: Edge emitting laser diode Mf : Mirror VAm: Variable attenuator CS : Current source Courtesy of UMI 2958 Georgia Tech - CNRS ▶ Mathematical model ▶ Vectorial DDE: ▶ Two time scales: relaxation oscillation period Three operational parameters: pumping current and external-cavity roundtrip time . ▶ and time delay , feedback strength Outline • Review • Chaos in Time-Delay Systems • Introduction to Synchronization • Chaos Synchronization • Optical Chaos Cryptography • Conclusion A BRIEF HISTORY OF SYNCHRONIZATION INTRODUCTION TO SYNCHRONIZATION C. Huygens reported the first observation of 1665 synchronization (mutual synchronization) of two pendulum clocks. He wrote on the ‘‘sympathy of two clocks.’’ Importance of weak coupling. Lord Rayleigh on identical pipes to sound at unison and the 1870 effect of quenching (oscillation damping in interacting systems). 1945 - E.V. Appleton and B. van der Pol on the synchronization of triode generators using weak synchronization signals A. Pikovsky et al., ‘‘Synchronization an universal concept in nonlinear sciences,’’ Cambridge University Press (2 SYNCHRONIZATION EXPERIMENT @ HOME INTRODUCTION TO SYNCHRONIZATION Finally add two metronomes and set them with approximately identical frequencies and with different initial conditions Put a rule or thin plate of wood on the top Use two empty beer cans (empty works better and is more fun) DEFINITIONS OF SYNCHRONIZATION INTRODUCTION TO SYNCHRONIZATION ▶ Fundamental understanding and key concepts ▶ Synchronization comes from the greek words syn (with) and chronos (time): occuring at the same time ▶ Synchronization refers to an adjustment of rhythms of oscillators due to weak interactions Oscillator (self-sustained): active system with internal source of ▶ energy. Mathematically described by an autonomous system (ODE, map). ▶ Rhythms: frequency or period of oscillations ▶ Coupling: interaction or transmission of information between system: unidirectional (forcing) or bidirectional (mutual interaction). One oscillator single Two oscillators interaction spring solid bar Coupling has to be weak in MECHANISMS OF SYNCHRONIZATION INTRODUCTION TO SYNCHRONIZATION ▶ Synchronization of periodic oscillators by external forcing ▶ ▶ When forced, the oscillator’s internal frequency is shifted. Existence of a frequency-locking region that becomes larger as coupling is increased. Arnold Tongue frequency locking region ▶ The explanation of such behavior originates in the phase dynamics of the driven oscillator (beyond the scope of this introduction) ▶ Synchronization of mutually coupled periodic oscillators 1 ▶ ▶ 2 Each oscillator tries to drive the frequency of the other. 1 2 The two oscillator end up oscillating at an identical frequency but different 1 2 from their natural ones. (CoupledOscillator 1 Oscillator 2 mode theory)et al., ‘‘Synchronization an universal concept in nonlinear sciences’’, Cambridge University Press (2 A. Pikovsky SYNCHRONIZATION IN NATURE INTRODUCTION TO SYNCHRONIZATION ▶ Example: (Phase) Synchronization of fireflies TYPES OF SYNCHRONIZATION INTRODUCTION TO SYNCHRONIZATION ▶ Complete synchronization (CS) ▶ ▶ Previous example: phase synchronization (amplitude unaffected) Existence of a type of synchronization for both amplitude and phase, and more generally for all state variables xi of a dynamical system. ▶ Complete Synchronization (CS) then asymptotically K1 and K2, the mathematical descriptions of coupling 1/2 and 2/1 ▶ Generalized synchronization (GS) ▶ ▶ Existence of functional relationship between state variables of systems 1 and 2 depending on the smoothness of we distinguish ▶ weak or strong GS. Lag synchronization ▶ Synchronization of two systems at different times TYPES OF SYNCHRONIZATION INTRODUCTION TO SYNCHRONIZATION The foregoing ideas are well known for periodic oscillators. What about chaotic oscillators? Outline • Review • Chaos in Time-Delay Systems • Introduction to Synchronization • Chaos Synchronization • Optical Chaos Cryptography • Conclusion SYNCHRONIZATION OF CHAOS INTRODUCTION TO SYNCHRONIZATION ▶ Complete synchronization (CS) of chaotic systems ▶ Involving two identical chaotic oscillators (physical twins) ▶ Long thought it was not possible that chaotic systems could synchronize because of SIC Pecora and Carroll, proved that it was possible under particular coupling conditions using Lorenz-like systems. They proved it theoretically, numerically, and experimentally. ▶ L.M. Pecora and T. Carroll., Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 821-824 (1990) emitter/master L.M. Pecora and T. Carroll., Phys. Rev. A, 44, 2374-2383 (1991) L.M. Pecora and T. Carroll., IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. 38, 453-456 (1991) receiver/slave SYNCHRONIZATION OF CHAOS in LASERS INTRODUCTION TO SYNCHRONIZATION ▶ Observations in a gas laser ▶ Observations in a semiconductor laser OPEN-LOOP CONFIGURATION SYNCHRONIZATION OF EXTERNAL CAVITY SEMICONDUCTOR LASERS ▶ Open-loop configuration for unidirectional synchronization Master Slave ▶ Model EEL LD: Edge emitting laser diode Mf : Mirror VAm: Variable attenuator CS : Current source OI : Optical Isolator delayed feedback delayed injected field ▶ Index m and s for master and slave and with CLOSED-LOOP CONFIGURATION SYNCHRONIZATION OF EXTERNAL CAVITY SEMICONDUCTOR LASERS ▶ Closed-loop configuration for unidirectional synchronization Master Slave EEL LD: Edge emitting laser diode Mf : Mirror VA : Variable attenuator CS : Current source OI : Optical Isolator ▶ Model master delayed feedback slave delayed feedback ▶ Index m and s for master and slave and with delayed injected field Outline • Review • Chaos in Time-Delay Systems • Introduction to Synchronization • Chaos Synchronization • Optical Chaos Cryptography • Conclusion PHYSICAL LAYER SECURITY & CHAOS OPTICAL CHAOS CRYPTOGRAPHY ▶ Layer structure of a communication network (optical) Alice Bob Application Application Transport Transport Network Network Data Link Eve ▶ ▶ Data Link (eavesdropper) ▶ Physical Physical Different method to secure each high layer of the protocol Recent interest in additional security at the physical layer: chaos cryptography or QKD Special interest in optoelectronic devices because of their large bandwidth and speed ▶ Generic principles of optical chaos cryptography ▶ Alice Bob Physical Physical ▶ Alice injects her message in the dynamics of a chaotic laser. Bob has an identical laser that synchronizes chaotically with Alice’s laser. Using “substraction,” he recovers Alice’s message. ENCRYPTION & DECRYPTION OPTICAL CHAOS CRYPTOGRAPHY ▶ Chaos masking (CMa) ▶ ▶ Encryption: the message is added at the output of the chaotic system. Decryption: the message is an additional pertubation. The receiver will detect it through a loss of synchronization ▶ CMa encryption/decryption using lasers original message encrypted message decrypted message After A. Sanches-Dıaz, C.R. Mirasso, P. Colet, P. Garćıa-Fernandez, IEEE J Quantum Electron. 35, 292–296 (19 ENCRYPTION & DECRYPTION OPTICAL CHAOS CRYPTOGRAPHY ▶ Chaos Shift Keying (CSK) ▶ Encryption: The message m controls a switch. Depending on the bit (”0” or ”1”), Each emitter feed alternately the communication channel. ▶ Decryption: performed by monitoring synchronization errors: eE1/R1 = 0 (eE2/R2 = 0) which corresponds to m = 0 (m = 1). ▶ CSK encryption/decryption using lasers ▶ Original square message and error of synchronization at the output of one of the receiver eE1/R1. V. Annovazzi-Lodi, S. Donati, A. Scire, IEEE J Quantum Electron. 33,1449–1454 (1997) ENCRYPTION & DECRYPTION OPTICAL CHAOS CRYPTOGRAPHY ▶ Chaos Modulation (CMo) ▶ ▶ Encryption: Similar to the CMa technique except that the message m also participates in the system dynamics. Decryption: Similar to the CMa technique, except that the message m does not disturb the synchronization. ▶ CMo encryption/decryption using lasers encrypted message receiver’ output decrypted message original message ▶ Encoding ▶ at 2.5 Gb/s Decryption with an additional lowpass filtering effect After J.-M. Liu, H.F. Chen, S. Tang, IEEE Trans Circuits Syst I 48, REAL FIELD EXPERIMENT OPTICAL CHAOS CRYPTOGRAPHY ▶ Recently tested on real fiber-optic network in Athens (2005) ▶ Actual Gb/s encryption/decryption using a chaos masking (CMa) A. Argyris et al., Nature 438, 343-346, (2005) Conclusion ▶ On synchronization ▶ ▶ Synchronization is a universal concept in nonlinear sciences. It describes the behavior of oscillators interacting with each other. Synchronization was known for a long time for periodic oscillators, but was demonstrate in chaotic systems only recently. ▶ Optical chaos-based physical-layer security ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Chaos is used to encrypt the data--chaos synchronization to decrypt it. Different methods exist to mix the message: CMa, CSK or CMo are the most popular. Optical systems are used because of their large bandwidth and speed. Real-field experiments proved potential for practical optical telecommunication.