Manipulating Rydberg Atoms with Microwaves P. Pillet H. Maeda D. Norum J. Nunkaew J. Han Why is this interesting? Energy level tuning Population transport Making new states with controllable properties Floquet description applied to two level system AC Stark shifts for resonant energy transfer Population transport by chirped pulses New states in combined dc and microwave fields Floquet eigenstates in a periodically varying field are periodic (2π/ω) . Consider an s and a p state. p Ecosωt p s+1φ ω μ s p-1φ s We add or subtract integral multiples of the frequency ω to construct the Floquet states. All pairs of states are equivalent. s and p Floquet (time average) energies vs ω Energy Ws+ω p Wp s+1φ ω The degeneracy at resonance is removed by the dipole coupling μE, producing an avoided crossing The same levels plotted with a non zero field, creating an avoided crossing Wp Ω Ws+ω ω Exploration of this idea using a second microwave field as a probe. p’ EcosωAt s’ s μE s Excitation and Timing 53p 53s microwaves 50s field ramp laser 480 nm 0 5p 1 2 t (μs) 780 nm 5s 53s/53p 50s Observing the dressed states of Rb in a MOT. 53s 53s 50s 50s-53s transition frequency (MHz) 53p 174788 174784 174780 174776 174772 174768 174764 174760 174756 24896 24900 24904 24908 24912 24916 24920 53s-53p transition frequency (MHz) laser resonance With the dressing field below resonance the 53s state shifts down; With the dressing field above resonance the 53s state shifts up. 53s 53s 50s 50s-53s transition frequency (MHz) 53p 174788 174784 174780 174776 174772 174768 174764 174760 174756 24896 24900 24904 24908 24912 24916 24920 53s-53p transition frequency (MHz) resonance The AC Stark shift has been used by Martin et al to observe otherwise inaccessible Forster energy transfer resonances. Bohloulli-Zanjani et al PRL 2006 43d Forster resonances observed by microwave AC Stark shifts Population transfer using chirped microwave fields Adiabatic Rapid Passage (through a one photon avoided level crossing) p Chirp ω from below to above ω0 to transfer population from s to p. Ecosωt ω0 μ ω s Wp Ω Floquet energies Ws+ω ω ARP condition: dω/dt > Ω2 Ω=μE The Floquet energies are time average energies. Floquet eigenstates are periodic (2π/ω). p s+1φ p ω Ecosωt p-1φ s s (s+1φ) + p W μ aligned opposite E ΩR (s+1φ) – p μ aligned with E E •In both states the dipoles are phase locked to the field! In adiabaic rapid passage the dipole is phaselocked. p Chirp ω from below to above ω0 to transfer population from s to p. Ecosωt ω0 μ ω s μ↓ Wp Ω Floquet energies μ↑ Ws+ω ω ARP condition: dω/dt > Ω2 Ω=μE If we apply a microwave field at the Kepler frequency the dipole moment, and the orbital motion of the electron becomes phase locked to the microwave field. E E Can we speed up or slow the electron’s orbital motion by chirping the microwave frequency ω? Suggested by Kalinski and Eberly Since ω =1/n 3, this amounts to changing n or the binding energy. Moving n=70 atoms to n=80 with a chirped microwave pulse t + + EMW time + + x The orbital frequency decreases, n increases, and the orbit becomes larger and more weakly bound. The electron’s motion remains phase locked. np Li n ~ 70 3s 2p 2s Lasers mw Field ramp Time 19 GHz n=70 n=79 n=70 13 GHz n=79 500 ns long pulse -12 GHz/μs Maeda et al, Science Time resolved field ionization signals field ramp time excite n=70 low mw power high power MW field strength Chirped 19GHz->13GHz, 500 ns p n=71 Ionization field strength n=75, 76, and 77 Floquet levels in no microwave field W75, W76-ω, W77-2ω -575 Energy (GHz) -580 1ω 75 -585 76 2ω -590 -595 19 77 18 17 n (GHz) 16 15 14 Chirping ω from 17 to 14 GHz transfers population from n = 75 to n =77 by two one photon resonances. Chirping from 14 to 17GHz does it by a two photon resonance Oreg, Hioe, and Eberly; Noordam et al, Bergmann 13 N=68 to 84 levels no microwave field -575 Energy (GHz) -580 75 -585 76 -590 -595 19 77 18 17 16 Microwave frequency (GHz) 15 14 13 With a 0.1V/cm microwave field the single photon avoided crossings overlap and become a smooth curve. A 0.1V/cm 10 B 5 73 74 Energy (GHz) 0 -5 76 75 75 76 74 73 77 -10 -15 19 72 78 71 79 80 18 81 17 69 16 ν (GHz) 15 Chirping the frequency from 19 to 13 GHz moves population from n = 71(A) to n=82 (B). 70 14 13 Population transfer from n=72 to 82 by chirping the frequency from 18 to 12 GHz The Floquet energies suggest a different approach. Maeda et al. 0 V/cm 4 V/cm Starting in n=72 at 13 GHz and Chirping to 19 GHz leads to n=82 Only a chirp of 600 MHz is required. finish start N=72 to n=82 0 V/cm 2 V/cm 3 V/cm Energy transfer from dressed states in combined static and microwave fields Pillet et al For simplicity we consider one of the energy transfer resonances. In the treatment of resonant collisions we introduced the direct product states ss and pp’ ss 1s 2 s pp ' 1 p 2 p ' 1 p ' 2 p / 2 At R=∞ the levels cross at the resonance field E0. At finite R there is an avoided crossing due to the dipole-dipole coupling mm¢ Vss , pp ' @ 3 R The energy transfer cross section is given by Wpp’ W Wss E s µ Vss, pp ' Adding a microwave field Emwcosωt to the static field Es modulates the energy of the pp’ state Wpp’ W Energy modulation of the pp’ state Wss E Es Field modulation Just as modulating the frequency of laser beam breaks it into a carrier and sidebands, the addition of the microwave field does the same to the pp’ state. The pp’ wavefunction without microwaves y pp¢(r, t ) = y pp¢(r )e- iWEst becomes y pp¢(r , t ) = y pp¢(r )e - iWEs t ×å ækEMW ÷ ö - imwt ç Jm ç e ÷ çè w ÷ ø The original pp’ state has been replaced by a carrier and sideband states The sidebands have appreciable amplitude for m £ kEmw In terms of the energy level picture Microwave field Wpp’ Wpp’ W Wss W E Each of the pp’ sideband states crosses the ss state, and has an avoided crossing at finite R. Wss E The dipole dipole coupling between the mth sideband state and the ss state is kE Vss , ppm Vss , pp J m MW Wpp’ W Wss E Since the cross section is proportional to the avoided crossing (at any R), the cross section for the m photon assisted collision Is given by ækEMW ÷ ö ç sm = s0 Jç ÷ ÷ çè w ø At finite R there are avoided crossings where σ is the cross section in the absence of a microwave field. Plot of the expected cross sections for 0, 1, 2, 3 photon resonances Resonant Dipole-dipole Collisions of two Na atoms t Populate 17s in an atomic beam Collisions (fast atoms hit slow ones) Field ramp to ionize 17p Sweep field over many laser shots There should be sets of four transitions, corresponding to the emission of 0, 1, 2, and 3 microwave photons 18s+18s→18p+17p collisions in the presence of a 15.4 GHz microwave field. 0 V/cm 13.5 V/cm 50 V/cm 105 V/cm 165 V/cm 0 photons ○ 2 photons ▲ 1 photon ● 3 photons ■ Adding the microwave field creates new states, the sideband states. The strength of the dipole-dipole interaction can be tuned at will. The strength of the coupling between the ss state and the mth sideband state is kE Vss , ppm Vss , pp J m MW Microwaves make it possible to make and manipulate Rydberg states. The frequency characteristics of microwave sources are MUCH better than those of lasers. Due to the large, ~n2, dipole matrix elements very low powers are required.