mixed quantum-classical molecular dynamics simulations of biomolecular systems concepts, machinery & applications Gerrit Groenhof dept. of biophysical chemistry University of Groningen Nijenborg 4, 9747 AG Groningen The Netherlands biomolecular simulation • biomolecules - proteins, DNA, lipid membranes, … - biochemistry, biology, farmacy, medicine, … • physical composition of biomolecules - molecules are composed of atoms - atoms are composed of electrons and nuclei • laws of physics - interaction - motion • computing properties of biomolecules - static: energies, structures, spectra, … - dynamic: trajectories, … molecular simulation • standard molecular dynamics - forcefield - single overall connectivity: no chemical reactions - single electronic state: no photo-chemical reactions • example - aquaporin-1 mechanism B. de Groot & H. Grubmüller Science 294: 2353-2357 (2001) molecular simulation • QM/MM molecular dynamics - combination of quantum mechanics and forcefield - connectivity varies: chemical reactions - electronic state varies: photo-chemical reactions • examples - Diels-Alder reaction cycloaddition of ethene and butadiene in cyclohexane (not shown) molecular simulation • QM/MM molecular dynamics - combination of quantum mechanics and forcefield - connectivity varies: chemical reactions - electronic state varies: photo-chemical reactions • examples - photo-isomerization QM/MM simulation of Photoactive yellow protein J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 126: 4228-4233 (2004) molecular simulation • concepts & machinery - molecular dynamics (MD) (5m) - molecular mechanics forcefield (MM) (5m) - molecular quantum mechanics (QM) (60m) - mixed quantum/classical mechanics (QM/MM) (30m) - geometry optimization (10m) • applications - Photoactive Yellow Protein - Diels-Alderase enzyme (you!) (45m) (3h) molecular dynamics • nuclei are classical particles - Newton’s equation of motion Fn mn xn RnV x1 , x2 ,, xN - numerically integrate equations of motion 2 1 2 xn t xn t0 xn t0 t t0 2 xn t t0 • potential energy and forces - molecular mechanics V x1 , x2 ,, xN vk x; pk k - quantum mechanics V x1 , x2 ,, xN e Hˆ x1 , x2 ,, xN e molecular dynamics • numerically integrate eoms of atoms Fi 0 Fi t 2 2 t vi v0i t tt2mi 2mit t xii 2t t xxi i0 molecular mechanics forcefield • approximation for energy V V x1 , x2 ,, xN vk x1 ,, xn ; pk k - analytical lower dimensional functions (n << N) bonded interactions vb r 12 kb r r0 2 va θ 12 ka θ θ0 2 vd φ kd 1 cosnφ φ0 - empirical parameters (pk) thermodynamic data & QM calculations molecular mechanics forcefield • approximation for energy V V x1 , x2 ,, xN vk x1 ,, xn ; pk k - analytical lower dimensional functions (n << N) non-bonded interactions vlj rij Cij12 rij12 Cij 6 rij6 vc rij qi q j 4 πε0 rij - empirical parameters (pk) thermodynamic data & QM calculations molecular mechanics forcefield • bonded interactions: bonds , angles & torsions molecular mechanics forcefield • non-bonded interactions: Lennard-Jones & Coulomb molecular mechanics forcefield • popular forcefields - CHARMM, OPLS, GROMOS, AMBER, … • advantages - fast large systems: proteins, DNA, membranes, vesicles • disadvantages - limited validity only valid inside harmonic regime no bond breaking/formation - limited transferrability new molecules need new parametrization fundamental quantum mechanics • subatomic particles Louis de Broglie - wave character Erwin Schrödinger electron diffraction Werner Heisenberg Paul Dirac - energy quantization Max Born • wavefunction Albert Einstein - Schrödinger wave equation i dtd x, t Hˆ x, t time-dependent - Hamilton operator 2 ˆ H 2m d2 dx2 kinetic V x potential many others Hˆ x Ex time-independent molecular quantum mechanics • solving electronic Schrödinger equation - Born-Oppenheimer approximation electronic and nuclear motion decoupled - electrons move in field of fixed nuclei Hˆ e Ee • electronic hamiltonian ne ne N i i A ne N e2Z I Z J e ZI 2 e 1 1 ˆ H R1 ,, RN 2 me i 4 0riA 2 4 0rij 2 4 0 RAB 2 kinetic 2 elec-nucl 2 i, j elec-elec • forces on classical nuclei FM RM e Hˆ R1 , R2 ,, RN e A, B nucl-nucl molecular quantum mechanics • applications for molecular modeling - electron density (charge distribution) ρ e r e r e* r e r 2 molecular quantum mechanics • applications for molecular modeling - reaction pathways Diels-Alder cyclo-addition mechanism molecular quantum mechanics • Hartree approximation to wavefunction - product of one electron functions 1 r1 2 r2 n rn e r1 , r2 ,, rn - hamiltonian with without electron-electron electron-electron term term ne ne N Hˆ 2me 2 2 i i i kinetic e2Z I 4 0 riI I ne 1 2 e2 4 0 rij i, j elec-nucl elec-elec - mean field approximation electron i in average static field of other electrons ne j e2 rij e 2 ,h , j ,k , r r dr - iterative solution (self consistent field) molecular quantum mechanics • Hartree approximation - illustration of mean-field approach electronic structure of O2; atom conf.: (1s22s22px2)2py12pz1 molecular quantum mechanics • Hartree approximation - illustration of mean-field approach electronic structure of O2; atom conf.: (1s22s22px2)2py12pz1 molecular quantum mechanics • Hartree approximation - illustration of mean-field approach electronic structure of O2; atom conf.: (1s22s22px2)2py12pz1 molecular quantum mechanics • Pauli principle - electrons are fermions (spin ½ particles) - electron wavefunction is anti-symmetric e , ri , rj , e , rj , ri , - no two electrons can occupy same state • Hartree approximation - product of one electron functions: e 12 n - not anti-symmetric: e , ri , rj , e , rj , ri , • Hartree-Fock approximation - anti-symmetric combination of Hartee products molecular quantum mechanics • anti-symmetric sum of Hartree products - e.g. product of two one electron functions Hartree approximation: eH r1 , r2 1 r1 2 r2 Fock (Slater) correction: eF r1 , r2 1 r1 2 r2 1 r2 2 r1 - anti-symmetric eF r2 , r1 eF r1 , r2 1 r2 2 r1 1 r1 2 r2 1 r1 2 r2 1 r2 2 r1 - no effect on wavefunction’s properties energy, density, … molecular quantum mechanics • Hartree-Fock approximation - anti-symm. product of one electron wavefunctions e r 1, r2 ,, rn a r1 b r1 z r1 a r2 b r2 z r2 a rn b rn z rn - Slater determinant e r1, r2 ,, rn a r1 b r2 z rn molecular quantum mechanics • one electron wavefunctions - spatial & spin part i x, y, z, s i x, y, z σ s - Ĥ does not operate on s, only on x,y,z - s(s) is a spinlabel s 12 , 12 s 12 s 12 - spatial part (x,y,z) is a molecular orbital max. two electrons (Pauli principle) i x, y, z, 12 i x, y, z j x, y, z, 12 i x, y, z - Slater determinant with molecular orbitals e r1, r2 ,, rn a r1 a r2 m rn1 m rn molecular quantum mechanics • molecular orbitals - linear combination of atomic orbitals i r c ji ao j r j - e.g. H2 1 r 1 r 2 r ; 2 r 1 r 2 r e r1, r2 1 r1 1 r2 molecular quantum mechanics • atomic orbitals - combination of simple spatial functions Slater-type orbitals: gaussian-type orbitals: r ce r r ce r 2 - mimic atomic s,p,d,… orbitals - basisset: STO-3G, 3-21G, …, 6-31G*, … 1s r d i ,1s 8 3 i 1 3 i ,1s 2 s r d i , 2 s 8 3 i 1 3 i , 2 sp 3 1 3 4 e 1 4 i ,1 s r 2 e i , 2 sp r 2 2 p r d i , 2 p 128 i5, 2 sp 3 xe 3 x i 1 1 4 i , 2 sp r 2 molecular quantum mechanics • restricted Hartree-Fock wavefunction - Slater determinant e r1, r2 ,, rn a r1 a r2 m rn1 m rn - molecular orbitals i r c ji ao j r j - atomic orbitals (basisset) • optimization of MO coefficents cji - variation principle * ˆ e He d E0 - find cji that minimize the energy (just 3 slides) molecular quantum mechanics • Hartree-Fock equations - minimization problem E Hˆ e d 0 * e Hˆ hi 12 4 πe 0rij 2 i M hi 12 ZriAA 2 i ij A1 - HF equation for single moleclar orbital (meanfield) h 2 J K i s ( r1 ) s s r1 1 i i - nonlinear set of equations coulomb operator J i s (r1 ) i* r2 4 πe r i r2 s (r1 ) 2 0 12 K i s (r1 ) r2 * i e2 4 π 0 r12 s r2 i (r1 ) - total electronic energy E 2 s 2 J is K is s i ,s exchange operator (1/3) molecular quantum mechanics • Roothaan-Hall equations - HF equation for molecular orbitals f1 h1 2 J u r1 K u r1 f1 a (r1 ) a a r1 u - expressed in atomic orbitals f1 c ja j (r1 ) a c ja j (r1 ) j j - multiply by atomic orbital i* and integrate c ja j * i (r1 ) f1 j (r1 )dr1 a c ja i* (r1 ) j (r1 )dr1 j Fij i* (r1 ) f1 j (r1 )dr1 Sij i* (r1 ) j (r1 )dr1 - matrix equation Fc Scε - solution ({cja} and {a}) if F aS 0 (2/3) molecular quantum mechanics • self consistent field procedure - iterate until energy no longer changes (converged) e.g. Gaussian SCF output: Closed shell SCF: Cycle 1 Pass 1 IDiag E= -2929.02815281902 1: Cycle 2 Pass 1 IDiag 1: E= -2929.07991917607 Delta-E= -0.051766357053 Rises=F Damp=T Cycle 3 Pass 1 IDiag 1: E= -2929.13887276782 Delta-E= -0.058953591741 Rises=F Damp=F ...skipping... Cycle 12 Pass 1 IDiag 1: E= -2929.14125348456 Delta-E= -0.000000000195 Rises=F Damp=F Cycle 13 Pass 1 IDiag 1: E= -2929.14125348457 Delta-E= -0.000000000008 Rises=F Damp=F Cycle 14 Pass 1 IDiag 1: E= -2929.14125348456 Delta-E= 0.000000000012 Rises=F Damp=F SCF Done: E(RHF) = -2929.14125348 Convg = 0.9587D-08 S**2 = 0.0000 A.U. after 14 cycles -V/T = 1.9993 (3/3) molecular quantum mechanics • Hartree-Fock based methods - Hartree Fock wavefunction as starting point no electron correlation - MCSCF (CI, CASSCF) - perturbation theory (MP2, MP4, CASPT2) - high demand on computational resources small to medium-size molecules in gas phase • alternative methods - semi-empirical methods - density functional theory methods molecular quantum mechanics • limitations of HF wavefunction - no electron correlation dynamic: electronic motion is correlated static: electrons avoid each other • improving HF wavefunction - multi-configuration self-consistent field (mcscf) e C0 a r1 a r2 m rn 1 m rn C1 a r1 a r2 m rn 1 m1 rn C2 a r1 a r2 m rn 1 m 2 rn e C0 HF Ci i i 1 single, double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, … excitations resolves (part of) static correlation molecular quantum mechanics • multi-configuration self-consisitent field e C0 HF Ci i i 1 - size of sum molecular quantum mechanics • limitations of HF wavefunction - no electron correlation dynamic: electronic motion is correlated static: electrons avoid each other • improving HF wavefunction - perturbation theory Hˆ Hˆ 0 Hˆ pert HF 1pert 2pert Hˆ 0 f i hi viHF 1pert ai iHF 2pert bi iHF i i Hˆ pert rij1 viHF i j i i i - Møller-Plesset (MP): MP2, MP4, CASPT2, … molecular quantum mechanics • semi-empirical methods - Roothaan-Hall equations Fc Scε Fij i* (r1 ) f1 j (r1 )dr1 Sij i* (r1 ) j (r1 )dr1 f1 h1 2 J u r1 K u r1 u - zero differential overlap Sij ij - empirical parameters in Fij fitted to thermochemical data CNDO, INDO, NDDO, MINDO, MNDO, AM1, PM3 molecular quantum mechanics • density functional theory - Hohenberg-Kohn Theorem (1964) electron density defines all ground-state properties - Kohn-Sham equation (1965) E e r Ekin e r Eelel e r Exc e r Vnucl r e r dr - Kohn-Sham orbitals n e r i r i 1 2 i r c ji ao j r j - exchange-correlation functional Exc[e(r)] - find cji that minimize the energy functional E[e(r)] - self-consistent Roothaan-Hall equations molecular quantum mechanics • summary - solving electronic Schrödinger equation Hˆ e Ee - computational techniques Hartree-Fock and beyond (RHF, UHF, CASSCF, MP2,…) semi-empirical methods (INDO, AM1, PM3, …) density functional theory (Becke, BP87, B3LYP, …) - forces on nuclei FN RN e Hˆ e - more accurate than any forcefield bond breaking/formation excited states, transitions between electronic states molecular quantum mechanics • high demand on computational recources small to medium sized gas-phase systems mixed quantum/classical methods • reaction in condensed phase - reactions in solution - enzymatic conversions • subdivision of the total system - reactive center (QM) - environment (MM) • QM/MM hybrid model - compromise between speed and accuracy - realistic chemistry in realistic system QM/MM hybrid model • QM subsystem embedded in MM system A. Warshel & M. Levitt. J. Mol. Biol. 103: 227-249 (1976) QM/MM hybrid model • application for molecular modeling - catalytic Diels-Alderase antibody J. Xu et al. Science 286: 2345-2348 (1999) (experimental) http://md.chem.rug.nl/~groenhof/EMBO2004/html/tutorial.html QM/MM hybrid model • interactions in QM subsystem - QM hamiltonian • interactions in the MM subsystem - forcefield • interactions between QM and MM subsystems - QM/MM interface - forcefield bonded and dispersion interactions - QM hamiltonian electrostatic interactions QM/MM hybrid model • QM/MM bonded interactions bonds , angles & torsions QM/MM hybrid model • QM/MM dispersion interactions Lennard-Jones QM/MM hybrid model • QM/MM boundary link atom, frozen orbital QM/MM hybrid model • QM/MM electrostatic interactions ne N MM N QM N MM e Qj e 2 Z I QJ QM / MM QM ˆ ˆ point charges: H electronic H elec 4 0riJ 4 0 RIJ i J 2 I J QM/MM hybrid model • Roothaan-Hall equations - HF equation for molecular orbitals f1 a (r1 ) a a r1 f1 h1 2 J u r1 K u r1 u - QM subsystem in cloud of pointcharges M N MM A1 K 1 hi 12 i2 ZriAA QriKK - polarization of QM subsystem • forcefield terms - QM/MM (bonds, angles, torsions & LJ) - MM QM/MM hybrid model QM/MM hybrid model • electrostatic QM/MM interaction - QM subsystem in cloud of pointcharges ne N MM QM / MM QM Hˆ electronic Hˆ elec i core e 2Q j 4 0 riJ J elec-MMatom N QM N MM I e 2 Z I QJ 4 0 RIJ J nucl-MMatom - polarization of QM subsystem • problems & inconsistencies - no polarization of MM subsystem implicitly incorporated in LJ and atomic charges - pointcharges of MM atoms forcefield dependent alternative QM/MM interface • ONIOM F. Maseras & K. Morokuma, J. Comp. Chem. 16, 1170 (1995) • two layer ONIOM energy EQM/MM E high QM E low total E low QM alternative QM/MM interface • multilayer ONIOM QM/QM/.../…/MM geometry optimization • potential energy surface V x1 , x2 ,, xN F x1 , x2 ,, xN V x1 , x2 ,, xN • energy & forces - MM (forcefield) - QM (HF, DFT, …) - QM/MM -… geometry optimization • stationary points V x1 , x2 ,, xN 0 • minima on PES - reactants - products • saddle-points - transition states • reaction mechanism k exp VTST k bT reactants → products geometry optimization • stationary points V x1 , x2 ,, xN 0 • Hess matrix (Hessian) - matrix of second derivatives H ij 2V xi x j xi x1 , y1 , z1 , x2, y2 , z2 ,, xN , y N , z N • minima on potential energy surface - Hessian has only positive eigenvalues • saddle-points on potential energy surface - Hessian has one negative eigenvalue geometry optimization • locating minima - general procedure follow the gradient downhill • locating saddle points - optimization with constraints one eigenvalue of Hessian is negative - good guess TS geometry (intuition & experience) - linear transit reaction coordinate interpolation between reactant and product geometries - always check the eigenvalues of Hessian!! geometry optimization • linear transit calculation - reaction coordinate (experience & intuition) e.g. Diels-Alder cycloaddition - constrain/restrain reaction coordinate - minimize/sample all other degrees of freedom vreact or even Greact (potential of mean force) geometry optimization • linear transit calculation - result for the Diels-Alder cycloaddition end of part I QM/MM concepts & machinery coming up part II QM/MM applications