Collaborators within DK-Planck community Andrei Doroshkevich (TAC,ASC FIRAN) Per Rex H..U Norgaard Christensen (NBI) Igor D. Novikov ( NBI) -Nielsen, DSRC Oleg V. Verhodanov (TAC,SAO RAN) Pavel D. Naselsky ( NBI) Lung-Yih Chiang (NBI) Why the issue of Non-Gaussianity is important for Non-Gaussianity of the development CMB sky of cosmology ? P.Naselsky NBI, the PLANCK scientist “BIG BANG” Ω≈1 n≈0.97 Non-linear development Gaussianity!! ²/2σ²)dδ of the quantum P(δ)dδ~exp(-δ fluctuation Non-Gaussianity!! Transition from primordial (Gaussian) fluctuations to non-linear structures (galaxies , clusters and LSS ) change statistical properties of the adiabatic perturbations. Picture of the Quantum fluctuations from Inflation in radio waves Definition of the power spectra ΔT(θ,φ) | a m | e xp(i m )Ym(θ, φ) 0 m C ( m , bar , , n,......) Gaussian or non-Gaussian 1 2 | a ( , , , n ,......) | m m bar 2 1 m C / C 1 / f ( 1 / 2 ) Gaussian only ! Cosmology before WMAP The temperature anisotropy and temperature polarization cross power spectrum Precision cosmology !!! BOOMERANG, MAXIMA-1,CBI,ARCHEOPS,VSA,DASI, WMAP +……. SN1a, 2dF,He, D BIMA +……. SN1a, 2dF,He,D… CMB Ωbh2 =0.02 ! WHY Cosmology of NOT FOR the XX century US ? Cosmology of the XXI century Important question is WHY? Dark matter density Dark energy density ≈1/3 1/π ? (D=3)/(D=10) ? Topology ? What about Baryonic matter density Dark matter density Extra dimensions ? ? Baryosynthesis? Dark energy Development of Cosmology and High energy physics } Dark matter Φ(x, t)=Ψ(x, t)* exp [iΛ(x, t)] Baryonic matter S.Bonometto et al,2004,2005 Non linear theory of dark energy-dark matter coupling •Link between adiabatic and isocurvature perturbations •Weak Non-Gaussianity of the CMB Reionization of the cosmic plasma by the first quasars, galaxies, and stars Reionization 300 Mpc 3Mpc WMAP PLANCK, 2007 Two news from the WMAP data analysis 1.The CMB signal is Gaussian ! Komatsu et al, 2003 (WMAP team ) 2. The CMB signal is non- Gaussian WMAP map: Gaussian by WMAP science team with 95% CL |f |<100 f f ** , Non-Gaussianity is not a dog!” Ya.B.Zel’dovich f*ΔΦΔΦ The definition of Gaussianity ( T < T ) P( T)dT N e xp[ ]dT 2 2 2 am | am | exp(im) Methods of detection of Non-Gaussianity in the WMAP sky Image domain 1.Peak statistics 2. Minkowski functionals Multipoles domain 1.Phases analysis (trigonometric moments of phases, phase cross-correlations, Pearson’s random walk statistic, 3. Wavelets 4.Curvature distribution 2.Minkowski vectors 5.Non-uniformity of the power spectra distribution over patches of the sky 3. Cooper's statistic for phases 6.Skiwness and kurtosis 7. Bispectrum ……………. WMAP signal is Non-Gaussian FOREGROUNS + instrumental noise+ systematic effects CMB maps derived from the WMAP data NOT FOR ILC INVESTIGAl<100 TION OF THE CMB !!!?? ErFM l<512 FCM l<512 WFM l<512 Image analysis for non-Gaussianity test Pixel by pixel Foregrounds ? FCM-ErFCM ILC-WFM ILC-ErFCM V band l=400 WMAP KP masks Asymmetry of the CMB power *South-north asymmetry of the COBE and the WMAP signals. NEP SEP Global anisotropy of the Universe. NEP SEP WHY ? Non-CMB tools FCM WFCM Q-W V-W FCM-WFCM MV NON-CMB L<512 L<100 L<30 Alignment of the low multipoles Schwarz et al,2004 Gaussian Random Fields Strict definition of Gaussianity: am | am | exp(ilm ) [am ] im[am ] They possess Fourier modes whose real and imaginary parts are independently distributed and both Gaussian, Weak definition of Gaussianity : random phase hypothesis the Fourier phases are uniformly random between 0 and 2p (by Central Limit Theorem) Planck satellite |dk| exp(ik) transformed Planck FT-1[ |dk|exp(ik)] Max Planck |dk| exp(ik) Planck satellite and transformed Planck have the same power spectrum (same |dk| ), they have different “faces” due to different phases: It is phase k that keep Max’s face, not amplitude |dk| !! Asymmetry of the WMAP phases S i( l ) tan { } C s( l ) 1 S i( l ) C s( l ) 1 si n ( lm l ,m ) m 1 1 cos( m 1 lm l ,m ) Foreground-cleaned map Foreground-cleaned map ℓ m Asymmetry of the WMAP phases ILC TOH WTOH L-1,L+1 correlation through m- direction M-1,M correlation through - L direction NO Evidence of Primordial Magnetic Field ! Naselsky, Verkhodanov, Novikov,Olesen,Chiang,ApJ,2004 Non-Gaussianity of the WMAP. WHY ? NON-GAUSSIANITY Primordial (Inflation ?) Foregrounds + systematic f f ** NEW PHYSICS S= G + NG Summary 2003-2005 1.Residues of the foregrounds separation Chiang ,Naselsky, Verkhodanov and Way,ApJ.Lett2003; Naselsky , Doroshkevich and Verkhodanov,ApJ.Lett,2003; Naselsky , Doroshkevich and Verkhodanov,MNRAS,2004; Park, MNRAS,2004; Eriksen, D.Novikov, Lille,Gorski, ApJ,2004 ; Naselsky, Verkhodanov, Novikov,Olesen,Chiang,ApJ,2004,… 2. Systematic effects Hansen, Vittorio,ApJ.Lett.2004 (+) Vielva et al,MNRAS, 2004 (-) 3. Primordial Bershadskii, Skrinevasan, Phys.Lett.,2003;2004 (magnetic field) Vielva et al,MNRAS, 2004 Hansen, Bandy, Gorski,MNRAS,2004 Wandelt ,ApJ.Lett,2004 Non-Gaussianity is not a dog!” Ya.B.Zel’dovich Sorry!