
PSI-2 - the pilot experiment of the JULE-PSI project

Arkadi Kreter on behalf of FZJ PWI team

Institute for Energy and Climate Research - Plasma Physics, Forschungszentrum Jülich,

Association EURATOM-FZJ, Trilateral Euregio Cluster, Germany

2 nd International Workshop on Plasma Material Interaction Facilities for Fusion Research (PMIF)

Jülich, Germany, 19 September 2011

JULE-PSI: Jülich Linear Experiment for

PSI studies in a Hot Cell

Based on PSI-2 / PISCES type device

Installation in a Hot Cell for handling of

radioactive and toxic materials

Plasma source

PMI studies with

• Neutron irradiated materials

• All wall materials incl. Beryllium

• Low quantities of Tritium

Schematic view

Target chamber Surface analysis Linear manipulator

Talk by B. Unterberg

PSI-2 is the pilot experiment of the JULE-PSI project

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PSI-1/2: 17 years of operation in Berlin

Formerly operated by IPP-Garching at Humboldt Univ., Berlin

PSI-1 was first operated in 1992

Upgrade to PSI-2 in 1998: extended target chamber with 2 additional coils

Transfer to FZJ in October 2009

PSI-2 installation in Berlin

Arkadi Kreter

1 m

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PSI-2: new life in Jülich

 Transferred from Berlin to Jülich in October 2009

 First plasma in Jülich in January 2011

Idea: Existing PSI-2 as the pilot experiment of the JULE-PSI project, outside of hot cell

Name: PSI2 (Jülich)


 Gain experience operating linear plasma device

 Test of components for JULE-PSI

• Prototype of target station

Plasma source optimization

• Diagnostics

• Other peripheral components

 Contribute to current PMI research topics

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Current installation of PSI-2

Current status corresponds to the installation in Berlin before transport

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First plasma of PSI2 in Jülich

Text from IEK-4 news web site of 7/Jan/2011

First plasma in PSI2 Jülich

Today, Friday 7th of January 2011, 6.30 pm, the very first Argon discharge has been produced in the PSI-

2 Jülich device. This achievement constitutes a major milestone for our PSI programme on linear devices, which aims at the investigation of PSI processes with neutron activated fusion materials with the linear plasma device JULE-PSI in the Hot Material Laboratory

(HML) of FZJ. PSI2 Jülich will serve as a pilot experiment for this development and supplement our portfolio of facilities for the joint TEC programme on plasma-surface interactions.

Many thanks to the whole PSI-2 team, in particular to our colleagues from Berlin, Werner

Bohmeyer and Achim Mans.

Arkadi Kreter

Since August 2011 routine operation in deuterium

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Typical plasma parameters in PSI-2

n e

[m -3 ]

< 10 19

For deuterium plasma

Te [eV] Flux [m -2 s -1 ]

< 20 < 10 23

E i


10 – 300 (bias)

Example of Ar plasma profile at target position

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PSI-2: plasma generator with cylindrical cathode

• Arc discharge up to 1000 A and 150 V

• Typical regime of operation:

• Heating up and cooling down ~60 min

Steady-state plasma of several hours per day

Change of discharge parameters (incl. working gas) on one day possible

• Exchange of the cathode every 12 – 18 months

• Advantages:

Larger emitter area

 more efficient plasma production

Less prone to break due to thermal stresses

• Observation through the aperture

• Drawback (decisive):

Hollow plasma profile

Cylindrical cathode w/o heat shield

Cylindrical cathode assembly

Arkadi Kreter “PSI-2 - the pilot experiment of the JULE-PSI project" PMIF, Jülich, 19 Sep 2011 8

PSI-2: new disc-shaped cathode

• Originally designed by H. Greuner

• Partially constructed and tested in Berlin, but never in plasma operation

• Currently: optimization of design and testing

• Installation on PSI-2 is planned for Dec. 2011

Heater of disc-shaped cathode Disc-shaped cathode assembly

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Plasma source options for JULE-PSI

Options to optimize arc source performance / reliability are analysed in collaboration with the Budker Institute

 talk by A. Ivanov (for V. Davydenko)

Alternatively, helicon-type plasma source is considered, also in collaboration with the Budker Institute

• Synergy from the helicon source development at ORNL?

Arkadi Kreter “PSI-2 - the pilot experiment of the JULE-PSI project" PMIF, Jülich, 19 Sep 2011 10

Target manipulators

• First stage: side-fed manipulator from Berlin

• Currently being refurbished and adapted for our purposes

• To be installed in Oct 2011

• Second stage: new target station

PSI-2 current installation

Layout of sample holder in plasma

Side-fed manipulator support structure

Arkadi Kreter “PSI-2 - the pilot experiment of the JULE-PSI project" PMIF, Jülich, 19 Sep 2011 11

Target station

Plasma source Typical target position

Exchange and

Analysis chamber

Target manipulator

• Serves as prototype of JULE-PSI target station

 talk by B. Unterberg

• Currently being manufactured

• Installation by the end of 2011

Arkadi Kreter “PSI-2 - the pilot experiment of the JULE-PSI project" PMIF, Jülich, 19 Sep 2011 12

Diagnostics on PSI-2

PSI-2 serves as test-bed for diagnostic development for JULE-PSI

Focus on reliability and easy maintenance

Plasma diagnostics (characterization of background plasma)

• Optical spectroscopy

• Langmuir probe

Thomson scattering being considered as substitute of Langmuir probe

In-situ PMI diagnostics

• Optical spectroscopy

IR thermography

Quartz microbalance (QMB)

In-vacuo sample analysis

Target station: linear manipulator and surface analysis station with

• Laser-aided analysis methods (LID, LIBS)

 talk by B. Unterberg

• Glow discharge spectroscopy

 talk by C. Klepper

Arkadi Kreter “PSI-2 - the pilot experiment of the JULE-PSI project" PMIF, Jülich, 19 Sep 2011 13


Spectrometer systems available: i) Direct imaging spectrometer at the target

Spectrometer Acton 0.75m (SP2750 UV-VIS-NIR) with detector 2D EMCCD Andor NEWTON DU971 1600 x 400 ii) Fibre-coupled spectrometer in Littrow arrangement (10 nm coverage @ R=20000)

Spectrometer 0.75 m Echelle optimised for VIS with detector 2D EMCCD Andor IXON DU888 EC 1024 x 1024 iii) Fibre-coupled spectrometer in Littrow arrangement (2 nm coverage @ R=100000)

Spectrometer 1.25 m Echelle optimised for VIS with detector 2D EMCCD Andor IXON DU888 EC 1024 x 1024 iv) 2 sets of 4 channel compact spectrometers (300-858 nm @ R= 7500)

Avantes set (JET KT1-type with 1800 l/mm and 10

 m slit):

Ch.1 300-455 nm, ch.2 450-577 nm, ch.3 575-681 nm, ch.4 658-858 nm v) Overview compact spectrometer

Avantes 300 -1100 nm with 300 l/mm and 10

 m slit vi) Spectrelle and deep UV compact spectrometer to be shared with TEXTOR

Arkadi Kreter “PSI-2 - the pilot experiment of the JULE-PSI project" PMIF, Jülich, 19 Sep 2011 14

Ex-situ surface analysis available in FZJ

High-precision balance (0.1

 g)

Weight loss measurements

• Thermal desorption spectrometry (TDS)

Retention with temperature resolution


Morphology / Elemental composition

• Ion beam analyses: NRA, RBS,..

Absolute amounts of surface materials, limited depth resolution

Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)

Depth distribution of elements

• X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometry (XPS)

Chemical composition and state (e.g. carbidization)

Arkadi Kreter “PSI-2 - the pilot experiment of the JULE-PSI project" PMIF, Jülich, 19 Sep 2011 15

Physics programme on PSI-2

Recombining deuterium plasma

• Plasma characterization

• Hydrogen and impurity spectroscopy

Fuel retention in tungsten and graphite under the influence of impurities

• Erosion of tungsten and tungsten spectroscopy

• Simulation of transient heat loads by laser

(collaboration with Budker Institute)

Talks by A. Burdakov and A. Shoshin

• EUROFER as first wall material

Neutralizer plate

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PSI-2 to serve as pilot experiment for JULE-PSI

 Transferred from Berlin to Jülich and successfully taken into operation

New components (cathode, target station, laser, diagnostics) purchased and partially delivered and commissioned

Physics programme started with plasma characterization and spectroscopic studies

PMI programme to start from October 2011

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