Plasma Physics program

Presented by
Steven J. Gitomer
Program Director for Plasma Physics
Physics Division, Mathematics & Physical
Sciences Directorate
National Science Foundation, MPS-PHY
Arlington VA USA
NSF/DOE Partnership in Basic Plasma Science &
Engineering (solicitation NSF 13-596)
NSF Career Awards
in existence since 1997, under interagency MOU
combined funding level $2.1 M FY13 (new starts)
NSF ( 7 programs), DOE BPS, & AFOSR
12% of submissions funded
5 yr grants, 8 awarded since 2005, young faculty
Conference/Workshop grants
Other opportunities @ NSF
e.g. Accelerator Science, MRI, PIF, CDS&E, PFC, EPSCoR,
 [see NSF web site for more info …]
HED/LPI … 18
Low Temperature
… 21 projects
Turbulence, etc. …
20 projects
Reconnection …
13 projects
TOTAL … 72
Low Temp
Thru end of FY13
Funding areas … continuing grants, new starts,
& conferences/workshops
New starts
MRI – Major Research Infrastructure
Accelerator Science (NSF – PD 13-7243) - NEW
PIF – Physics at the Information Frontier
CDS&E – Computational & Data-Enabled Science & Engineering
PFC – Physics Frontier Centers
EPSCoR – Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive
GOALI – Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry
CAREER – young faculty, 5 year grants
PIRE – Partnerships for International Research and Education
INSPIRE / CREATIV – Integrated NSF Support Promoting
Interdisciplinary Research & Education / Creative Research
Awards for Transformative Interdisciplinary Ventures
SAVI – Science Across Virtual Institutes
see NSF web site for more info –
MRI – Major Research Infrastructure
NSF 1337831 - MRI Consortium: Development of A Large Plasma Device for
Studies of Magnetic Reconnection and Related Phenomena (PI: Hantao Ji,
Princeton University)
 NSF 1229408 - MRI: Acquisition of Computer Cluster for Heliophysics, Plasma,
and Turbulence Modeling (PI: Joachim Raeder, University of New Hampshire)
 NSF 1126067 - MRI: Development of a Magnetized Dusty Plasma Device (PI:
Edward Thomas, Auburn University)
 NSF 1040108 - MRI: Acquisition of an Imaging Spectrograph for High
Resolution Spectroscopic Analysis of Discharge Plasmas (PI: Kevin Martus,
William Patterson University)
PIF – Physics at the Information Frontier
PFC – Physics Frontier Centers
NSF 1104683 - Multi-Physics Modeling of Intense, Short-Pulse Laser-Plasma
Interactions (PI: Bradley Shadwick, University Nebraska)
NSF 0753461 - Center for Magnetic Self Organization in Laboratory &
Astrophysical Plasmas (PI: Ellen Zweibel, University of Wisconsin)
GOALI – Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry
NSF 1102244 - GOALI: Advancing the underlying science of in-line RF
metrology and pulsed RF power delivery in plasma enhanced manufacturing
systems (PI: Steven Shannon, North Carolina State University)
CAREER – young faculty, 5 year grants
NSF 1254273 - CAREER: Low Temperature Microplasmas For Thermal Energy
Conversion, Education, and Outreach (PI: David Go, University of Notre Dame)
 NSF 1057175 - CAREER: Micro- and Nano- Scale Plasma Discharges in High
Density Fluids (PI: David Staack, Texas A&M University)
 NSF 1054164 - CAREER: Bright femtosecond x- and gamma-ray pulse
production using ultra-intense lasers (PI: Alec Thomas, University of Michigan)
 NSF 0953595 - CAREER: Investigation of the thermal and transport properties of
a dusty plasma (PI: Jeremiah Williams, Wittenberg University)
NSF 1344303 - INSPIRE Track 1: Concept Development for Active
Magnetospheric, Radiation Belt, and Ionospheric Experiments using In-situ
Relativistic Electron Beam Injection (PI: Ennio Sanchez, SRI International)
 NSF 1246929 - Statistical State Dynamics of Turbulent Systems (PI: Brian Farrell,
Harvard Univerrsity)
SAVI – Science Across Virtual Institutes
NSF 1144374 - SAVI: A Max-Planck/Princeton Research Center for Plasma
Physics (PI: James Stone, Princeton University)
Basic Plasma Science Facility at UCLA was renewed
thru 2016 … shared funding between DOE Office of
Science & several NSF divisions
NSF – PHY 1036140 – Walter Gekelman, PI
Experiments on Ionization Injection of Electrons into a Plasma Wakefield
Accelerator at FACET
Figure 1: A spectrometer image of two screens at the image plane of the
magnetic spectrometer. The left frame shows the energy loss of the 20.35 GeV
drive beam while the right frame shows both the unaffected beam charge at
the initial beam energy and the accelerated beamlet at around 24 GeV. This
beamlet has an energy spread of about 1% and contains about 30 pC of
charge. The acceleration occurred in just 30 cm.
NSF – PHY 0936266 -- PI Chan Joshi; this work … University of California Los Angeles,
CA, USA, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, CA, USA, University of Oslo, Norway, Max
Planck Institute for Physics, Munich, Germany
Optical nonlinearity in Ar and N2 near the ionization
threshold … measured with 10 fs time resolution and
micron space resolution … impacts for example
propagation of intense laser pulses in gases
NSF – PHY 0904302 -- PI Howard Milchberg; this
work … University of Maryland, College Park MD
Collaborative Research:
Experimental and Theoretical
Study of the Plasma Physics of
Antihydrogen Generation and
NSF – PHY – 1202519 – Joel Fajans,
Jonathan Wurtele, University of
California - Berkeley
The times and vertical (y) annihilation locations (green dots) of computer simulated
antihydrogen atoms in the ALPHA trap under the assumption that gravity for
antimatter is 100 times stronger than for normal matter. As can be seen by the solid
black line, the average position of the annihilations tends towards the bottom of the
trap, especially at late times. The experimental data (red circles) shows no such
trend. From Description and first application of a new technique to measure the
gravitational mass of antihydrogen, Nature Comm., 4 1785, 2013
Two-particle distribution and correlation
function for a 1D dusty plasma experiment
In this project, we devised an experiment that allows us to
measure the quantities in the Liouville equation, for the first
time. We did this by reducing the physical system so that it
had only two particles, which were harmonically confined to
move along one axis, and we used particles large enough
to determine their positions and velocities by video imaging.
This physical system is called a dusty plasma. From the
measured velocities of the particles, we determined the
two-particle distribution function f2. We also calculated the
more common one-particle distribution function f1 for each
particle, allowing us to calculate the correlation function g2
= f2 – f1 f1. Unexpectedly, we found that g2 is dominated
by coherent modes. Previously g2 was known only in
theory for collisional processes, where it was always
assumed to be dominated by randomness.
NSF – PHY – 1162645 – John Goree, PI – this work was published in PRL with
co-authors Amit K. Mukhopadhyay and J. Goree– University of Iowa