INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET PROTOCOL(IP) For more notes and topics visit: INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET PROTOCOL(IP) •T H E N E T W O R K P R O T O C O L I N T H E I N T E R N E T •I P A D D R E S S NETWORK ID + HOST ID •T R A N S M I T D A T A G R A M ' S F R O M O N E H O S T T O ANOTHER. IF NECESSARY, VIA INTERMEDIATE ROUTERS •U N R E L I A B L E P A C K E T D E L I V E R Y OSI 7-Layer Model Open Systems Interconnection model developed by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in 1984 provides an abstract model of networking divides the tasks involved in moving information between networked computers into 7 task groups each task group is assigned a layer Each layer is reasonably selfcontained, so can be implemented independently changes/updates to a layer need not effect other layers Protocol Layers Application layer describes how applications will communicate e.g., HTTP, FTP, Telnet, SMTP Presentation layer describes the form of data being transferred & ensures that it will be readable by receiver e.g., floating point formats, data compression, encryption Session layer describes the organization of large data sequences & manages communication session e.g., coordinates requests/responses (“traffic flow”) Transport layer describes the quality and nature of data delivery e.g., how retransmissions are used to ensure delivery Protocol layer (cont…) Network layer describes how a series of exchanges over various data links can deliver data across a network e.g., addressing and routing Data Link layer describes the logical organization of data bits transmitted on a particular medium e.g., frame sequencing, error notification Physical layer describes the physical & electrical properties of the communications media e.g., voltage levels, data rates, max distances Data encapsulation and transmission M message segment Ht M datagram Hn Ht M frame Hl Hn Ht M Hn Hl Hn Ht Ht Ht M M M M applicatio n transport network link physical destination applicatio n transport network link physical link physical Hn Ht Hl Hn Ht M M network link physical switch Hn Ht M router TCP/IP The Internet Protocol (IP) is the transmission mechanism used by the TCP/IP protocols at the network layer. IP must be paired with a reliable protocol such as TCP. TCP/IP OSI Model TCP/IP Hierarchy 7th Application Layer 6th Presentation Layer Application Layer 5th Session Layer 4th Transport Layer Transport Layer 3rd Network Layer Network Layer 2nd Link Layer Link Layer 1st Physical Layer Protocols Internet Protocol Datagram • The Internet Protocol divides information into packets for delivery. • Internet Protocol adds packet routing info (20 bytes). IP datagram A datagram is a variable-length packet consisting of two parts: header and data. The header is 20 to 60 bytes in length and contains information essential to routing and delivery. 4 = IP-in-IP encapsulation 17 = UDP 6 = TCP 2 = IGMP 1 = ICMP IP Moving a Datagram from Source to Destination IP Fragmentation IP router splits the datagram into several datagram Fragments are reassembled at receiver o o o Fragmentation can be done at the sender or at intermediate routers The same datagram can be fragmented several times. Reassembly of original datagram is only done at destination hosts !! What’s involved in Fragmentation? The following fields in the IP header are involved: version header length DS Identification time-to-live (TTL) Fragment offset Total length total length (in bytes) ECN 0 protocol DM F F Fragment offset header checksum Offset of the payload of the current fragment in the original datagram Total length of the current fragment What’s involved in Fragmentation? A datagram with size 2400 bytes must be fragmented according to an MTU limit of 1000 bytes The limit on the maximum IP datagram size, imposed by the data link protocol is called maximum transmission unit (MTU) IP addresses IP addresses are numerical labels assigned to computers in a network, used for identification and addressing (passing information) IP addresses (under IP version 4) are 32 bits long 10010011 10000110 00000010 00010100 ↓ written as a dotted sequence IP address (cont…) divided into 5 classes class A: start with 0, then 7-bit code 224 = 16,777,216 hosts in subnetwork class B: start with 10, then 14-bit code 216 = 65,536 hosts in subnetwork class C: start with 110, then 21-bit code 28 = 256 hosts in subnetwork class D: start with 1110 used for multicasting class E: start with 11110 reserved for future use IP Service IP provide provides an unreliable connectionless best effort service (also called: “datagram service”). Unreliable: IP does not make an attempt to recover lost packets Connectionless: Each packet (“datagram”) is handled independently. IP is not aware that packets between hosts may be sent in a logical sequence Best effort: IP does not make guarantees on the service (no throughput guarantee, no delay guarantee,…) Consequences: • Higher layer protocols have to deal with losses or with packets • Packets may be delivered out-of-sequence duplicate IP Service (cont…) IP supports the following services: one-to-one one-to-all one-to-several (unicast) (broadcast) (multicast) unicast broadcast multicast •IP multicast also supports a many-to-many service. •IP multicast requires support of other protocols (IGMP, multicast routing) Domain Name System • rarely do applications deal directly with IP addresses a hierarchical system of domain names can be used instead top level domains: edu, com, gov, org, net, … commonly: e.g., hostname.subdomain.domain (possibly many subdomains) • domain names serve as “listings” in a “phone book” for the internet, i.e. when you enter a domain name in a web browser, a “look up” is done to find the corresponding IP address • domain names also simplify things in that if the physical network changes (e.g. IP addresses are modified), the domain names can remain the same while the “phone book” entries are updated with the new IP address Domain Name Servers (cont.) • a domain name server (DNS) is a machine that keeps a table of names and corresponding IP addresses (i.e. this performs the “look up” to match domain names to their corresponding IP address) • there are 13 root servers in the world while there are only 13 root servers, there are multiple physical servers (that mirror them) that operate in different geographic locations to provide reliable service in case of hardware failures • when an application specifies a host name, • • • • go to local domain name server and try lookup in its stored cache if not stored there, then local DNS requests address from a root server root server determines appropriate name server & forwards request Routing Protocols • routers (or gateways) are special purpose machines on the Internet that determine the path for packets from source to destination when a router receives a packet, inspects the destination address looks up that address in a routing table based on the contents of the table, forwards the packet to another router (or to its final destination if possible) Routing Protocol(cont….) • Routing Information Protocol (RIP) • Open Shortest Path First Protocol (OSPF) • describes how routers exchange routing table information uses hop-count as the metric of a path's cost more robust, scalable protocol than RIP doesn't exchange entire tables, only updates changed links Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) adjunct to IP, notifies sender (or other router) of abnormal events e.g., unreachable host, net congestion HTTP • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems generic, stateless, object-oriented can be used for many tasks, such as name servers & distributed object management systems underlying language of the Web Cont.… • HTTP/1.0 allows only connectionless message passing • each request/response requires a new connection to download a page with images requires multiple connections can overload the server, require lots of overhead HTTP/1.1 provides persistent connection by default once client & server connect, remains open until told to close it (or timeout) reduces number of connections, saves overhead client can send multiple requests without waiting for responses e.g., can request all images in a page at once