Lecture-4 I Scanning Electron Microscopy • What is SEM & Working principles of SEM • Major components and their functions • Electron beam - specimen interactions • Interaction volume and escape volume • Magnification, resolution, depth of field and • • • • image contrast Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (WDS) Orientation Imaging Microscopy (OIM) X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) II Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFSFpXdAiAM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDzInhT5zzQ at~0.55-1:35 Resolution of Images The resolution is the pixel diameter on specimen surface. The optimum condition for imaging is when the escape volume of the signal concerned equals to the pixel size. Effect of probe size on escape volume of SE e10nm BSE X-ray P=D/Mag = 100um/Mag 1m 5m http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7G3U7rn5uU ~0:30 What is X-ray spectroscopy X-ray Spectroscopy -Chemical Analysis in SEM • X-rays are produced when energetic electrons strike a solid sample • By measuring and analyzing the energy and intensity distribution of the X-ray photons E (eV) = hc/l (nm) h=4.136x10-15 eV sec elemental concentration or composition of the sample can be determined There are two ways to measure the energy distribution of X-rays emitted from sample: • Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) • Wavelength dispersive spectroscopy (WDS) How are X-rays produced? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRBKN4h7u80 ~0:30 http://www.matter.org.uk/tem/electron_atom_interaction/introduction.htm Principles of X-ray Production (20keV) 1. Ionization-excitation L K Create a vacancy in K shell excited state E-E 2. Relaxation-deexicitation E K L e- in L shell jumps in to fill vacancy K Auger Electron Emission radiative X-ray are produced by transitions of electrons between shells of atoms Shells correspond to particular energy level for an atom Transition between shells and energy levels are characteristic of element L nonradiative Process of inner-shell ionization and subsequent deexcitation http://www.matter.org.uk/tem/electron_atom_interaction/x-ray_and_auger.htm Excitation of K, L, M and N shells and Formation of K to M Characteristic X-rays If an incoming electron has sufficient kinetic energy for knocking out an electron of the K shell (the inner-most shell), it may excite the atom to an high-energy state (K state). M K EK>EL>EM EK>EK 4/9/2015 K2 K1 K One of the outer electron falls into the K-shell vacancy, Energy emitting the excess energy as a x-ray photon. Characteristic x-ray energy: Ex-ray=Efinal-Einitial L K excitation K L M N I II III L subshells K state (shell) K K L state L M state L excitation M N state ground state K emission spectrum of copper K I K K K Energy (eV) EDS - Basics E (eV) = hc/l (nm) • In most of the modern EDS Si (Li) detector system, a semiconductor detector is used for measuring the energy of the x-ray photon emitted from the specimen. The XLN2 ray energy is displayed as Be window a histogram of number of photons versus specimen energy. • Liquid nitrogen is for cooling the detector so as Owing to the use of Be window, only to reduce noise caused by elements higher than Be can be detected. thermal excitation. • A window is therefore I required for protecting the detector against condensation when the sample chamber is opened. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gd-mzdIHnOc Kev Applications of EDS: I. Microchemical Analysis BaL1 BaL2 BaL1 CuK YK Characteristic X-ray Spectrum of YBaCuO6.9 Superconductor • As Z increases the Kth shell line energy increases (Y vs Cu). • If K-shell is excited,then all shells are excited (Y, Cu, Ba) but they may not be detected. • Severe spectral overlap may occur for low energy lines. Quantitative Analysis – Thin Samples Cliff-Lorimer Technique Ca Cb = Kab IA IB NiSn alloy Ca and Cb are weight fraction of element a and b IA and IB are the peak intensities Kab is a constant depending on the two elements and the operating conditions, and can be obtained by using a standard sample. Applications of EDS: II. X-ray line scan This powerful 3D EDS solution combines EDS analysis software syncronised to the milling capabilities of a FIB (Focused Ion Beam)-SEM. FIB milling is followed by EDS X-ray map acquisition for each slice http://www.oxford-instruments.com/products/microanalysis/energydispersive-x-ray-systems-eds-edx/eds-for-sem/3d-eds-analysis Applications of EDS: III. X-ray Mapping Carbon Silicon Calcium Overlaying EDS map of a sandstone showing the distribution of carbon, silicon and calcium http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcHSg-uCXOg WDS - Basics Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy E (eV) = hc/l (nm) Bragg’s Law: 2d sin = l • A crystal of fixed d is moved along a circle to vary so that x-ray of different l is recorded. • No window needed, therefore light elements can be detected • Peak very sharp • Very large S/N ratio c.f. EDS. 1 1 ~ l 1 2 ~ l 2 2 I l X-ray is diffracted by LiF crystal and detected by a l proportional counter, and then amplified, processed. X-ray intensity is displayed as a function of l. ~3:35 EDS vs WDS WDS EDS Spectra Acceptance one element per run entire spectrum in one shot Collection time tens of min mins Resolution ~a few eV ~130eV Probe size ~200nm ~5nm Max. Count rate ~50000 cps <2000 cps Detection limits 100ppm Accuracy ~4-5wt% Spectral artifacts rare 1000ppm ~4-5wt% peak overlap absorption etc. cps - count/second on an X-ray line EDS vs WDS EDS FWHM=135-eV WDS FWHM=a few-eV Wavelength (nm) Superposed EDS and WDS spectra from BaTiO3. The EDS spectrum shows the strongly overlapped Ba L-Ti K and Ba L1-Ti K peaks. The WDS peaks are clearly resolved. Orientation Imaging Microscopy (OIM) OIM is based on electron backscatter diffraction Electron backscatter diffraction Phosphor patterns (EBSP) are obtained in screen SEM by focusing e beam on a crystalline sample. Diffraction pattern is imaged on a phosphor screen and captured using a CCD camera. e70o specimen OIM is based on an automatic indexing of EBSP and provides a complete description of the crystallographic orientations in polycrystalline materials. Effects of the crystal orientations on materials properties. EBSP http://www.stanford.edu/group/snl/SEM/OIMIntro.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSbyPYmBrUk at~1:40-5:08 Information provided by EBSP The bands in the pattern are referred to as Kikuchi bands are directly related to the crystal lattice structure in sampled region. As such, analyzing the pattern and bands provide key information about the crystal structure for measured phase: and the can the •The symmetry of the crystal lattice is reflected in the pattern. •The width and intensity of the bands are directly related to the spacing of the atoms in the crystal planes. •The angles between the bands are directly related to the angles between planes in the crystal lattice. Fast and Accurate Indexing of Any Crystal System Cubic Tetragonal Hexagonal Triclinic Monoclinic Orthorhombic Trigonal Applications of OIM •Orientation/misorientation Physical properties are often orientation dependent Young’s modulus, permeability, hardness, plasticity, etc. Fatigue mechanism, creep in superalloys, integrity of single crystals, in-service reliability of microelectronic, corrosion, cracking, fracture, segregation and precipitation, twinning and recrystallization, etc. •Phase identification-coupled with chemical analysis Distinguish between phases having similar chemistries Distinguish between body-centered cubic and face centered cubic form, etc. •Strain Strain in superalloys and aluminum alloys Assessment of implantation damage in Si from Ge ions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSbyPYmBrUk at~6:58-9:18 OIM-Grain Boundary Maps Grain Boundary Map Orientation Map A Grain boundary Map can be generated by comparing the orientation between each pair of neighboring points in an OIM scan. A line is drawn separating a pair of points if the difference in orientation between the points exceeds a given tolerance angle. An Orientation Map is generated by shading each point in the OIM scan according to some parameter reflecting the orientation at each point. Both of these maps are shown overlaid on the digital micrograph from the SEM. OIM-Semiconductors Effect of microtexture on Mean Time to Failure (MTF) of interconnect lines and thin films for semiconductor applications. Good film Bad film SEM Specimen Preparation • Remove all water, solvents, or other materials that could vaporize while in the vacuum. • Flat surface is required for BSE and OIM • Firmly mount all the samples. • Non-metallic samples, such as building materials, insulating ceramics, should be coated with a thin conductive layer to eliminate image artifacts which arise from excess surface charge. Metallic and conducting samples can be placed directly into the SEM. Line by line charging http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaaVaILUObg at~2:33-3:00 Coating Techniques Sputter coater is used to coat insulating samples Au and Al – good for SE yield AuPd alloy – good for high resolution C – used if X-ray microanalysis is required Coating should have low granularity in order not to mask the underlying structure (<20nm thick). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlVCJG3bEwo X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) XRF is the emission of characteristic "secondary" (or fluorescent) X-rays from a material that has been excited by bombarding with high-energy X-rays. The phenomenon is widely used for elemental analysis and chemical analysis, particularly in the investigation of metals, ceramics and building materials, and for research in geochemistry, forensic science and archaeology. Main use Samples Range of elements Accuracy Detection limits Depth sampled Instrument cost Identification of elements; determination of composition and thickness (for thin film samples) Solids, powders and liquids; 5.0cm in diameter All but low-Z elements: H, He, and Li 1% composition, 3% thickness 0.1% in concentration Normally in the 10nm range, but can be a few nm in the Total-reflection XRF $400K-$2.4M http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-ray_fluorescence http://www.amptek.com/pdf/xrf.pdf X-ray Microfluorescence (XRMF) - Basics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-unHRyx0gOE at~2:20-3:06 XRMF Spectrometer-Eagle II 1. 2. 3. X-ray irradiates specimen Specimen emits characteristic X-rays or XRF Detector measures position and intensity of XRF peaks http://www.edax-marcomportal.com/largedownload/orbismodel/index.html XRMF Analysis - line scan A fast, convenient way to examine sample chemistry and heterogeneity along a line of analysis points. Ideal for studying diffusion profiles or layered materials. Line scan done on a printed circuit board Elemental Mapping Qualitative Quantitative Spatial distribution Cu map Pb map Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) • • • • • • • What is SPM? Working principles of SPM Basic components and their functions Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) Atomic force microscopy (AFM) Advanced SPM techniques Examples of SPM images FESEM: “Seeing” materials at the nanoscale SPM: “feeling” materials at the nanoscale http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiFgwB_BADE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOmxg4u9efs A journey to the nanoworld Advanced SPM Lecture http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zW4x0grQT2U Rohrer History of STM Binning Invented at IBM by Gerd Binning and Heinrich Rohrer Nobel Prize in 1986 STM 2nm STM of silicon-Si(111) 7x7reconstruction http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y18WGOWmLuQ&feature=related http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scanning_probe_microscope Typical STM and AFM Modules Dimension 3100 AFM The world's best selling SPM T: 4K – 300K UHV <5x10-11mbar Low temperature STM atomic resolution at 5K The world's first truly flexible SPM, providing a single system that could meet all of the the needs of most scientists and engineers at an affordable price. Cost: $500K(ambient) to $1.6M (ultrahigh vacuum) Basic Principles of SPM (STM & AFM) SPM relies on a very sharp probe positioned within a few nanometers above the surface of interest. When the probe translates laterally (scanning) relative to the sample, any change in the height of the surface causes the detected probe signal to change. A 3-D map of surface height is carried out with a probe scanning over the surface while monitoring some interaction between the probe and the surface. Probe signals that have been used to sense surfaces include electron tunneling current (STM), interatomic forces (van der Waals force, AFM), magnetic force (MFM), capacitive coupling (SCM), electrostatic force (EFM), and thermal coupling (SThM), etc. The probe signals depend so strongly on the probe-sample interaction that changes in substrate height of ~0.1Å can be detected with a sub-nm lateral resolution. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha53tFTsmW8 at~0:30 How Does SPM Work? The SPM creates images with the sense of touch instead of light or electrons. Imagine drawing a picture of a computer keyboard without using your eyes. You could drag your fingertip over the surface to "feel" what the keyboard looks like. Instead of a fingertip, the SPM has a very tiny sensor called a probe. The SPM can magnify an object up to 10,000,000 times. In the laboratory under ideal conditions, the SPM can be used to look at individual atoms. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZb8C0f7Kdg http://www.doitpoms.ac.uk/tlplib/afm/intro.php Piezoelectric Scanner Piezoelectric Scanner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha53tFTsmW8 Basic SPM Components •Scanning System: Scanner - the heart of the microscope. It may scan the sample or the probe. A piezoelectric tube scanner can provide sub-Å motion increments. •Probe (tip): Very sharp tips are secured on the end of cantilevers which have a wide range of properties designed for a variety of scanning probe technologies. There are also many types of tips with varying shapes for probing different morphologies and scales of surface features and materials (conducting, magnetized, very hard, etc.). •Probe Motion Sensor: Senses the spacing between the probe and the sample and provides a correction signal to the piezoelectric scanner to keep the spacing constant. The common design for this function is called beam deflection system as shown at right figure. http://www.doitpoms.ac.uk/tlplib/afm/cantilever.php http://www.doitpoms.ac.uk/tlplib/afm/feedback_circuit.php Actuators - Piezoelectric Scanner in Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) STM uses a piezoelectric scanner to scan an electrical probe over a surface to be imaged to detect a weak electric current flowing between the tip and the surface. A piezoelectric tube scanner can provide sub-Å motion increments Piezoelectric scanner (PZT) to ~0.:55 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIszD5CneQQ&feature=related Piezoelectric materials convert mechanical to electrical energy (and vice versa). PZT - Pb(ZrTi)O3 3 Direct D = d 1 2 Converse S = dE D-Charge density or dielectric displacement (C/m2), -stress (N/m2), S-strain, E-electric field and d-piezoelectric constant (C/N or m/V) D3(P3)=d333 S3=d33E3 http://www.doitpoms.ac.uk/tlplib/piezoelectrics/polarisation.php http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xuw9frP1GNo&feature=related Electrode Piezoelectric Material, such as Pb(ZrTi)O3 or PZT A piezoelectric tube scanner can provide sub-Å motion increments How does a piezoelectric scanner work? http://www.chembio.uoguelph.ca/educmat/chm729/STMpage/stmtutor.htm Scanning Tunneling Microscope(STM) It=Ve-Cd tip V vacuum d~10Å 90%It STM uses a sharpened, conducting tip with a bias voltage applied between the tip and the sample. When the tip is brought within about 10Å of the sample, electrons from the sample begin to "tunnel" through the 10Å gap into the tip or vice versa, depending upon the sign of the bias voltage. sample It varies with tip-to-sample spacing and is also a function of local electronic structure or surface state. It is the signal used to create a STM image. For tunneling to take place, both the sample and the tip must be conductors or semiconductors. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y18WGOWmLuQ&feature=related Two Scanning Modes in STM Imaging of surface topology can be done in one of two ways: Scan direction Tunneling current is monitored as the tip is scanned parallel to the surface. There is a periodic variation in the separation distance between the tip and surface atoms. A plot of the tunneling current v's It It tip position shows a periodic variation which matches that of the surface structure-a direct "image" constant height mode of the surface. Scan direction Tunneling current is maintained constant as the tip is scanned across the surface. This is achieved by adjusting the tip's height above the surface so that It It the tunneling current does not vary with the lateral tip position. The image is then formed by plotting the tip height v's the constant current mode lateral tip position. http://www.doitpoms.ac.uk/tlplib/afm/feedback_circuit.php http://www.doitpoms.ac.uk/tlplib/afm/tip_surface_interaction.php Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) AFM senses interatomic forces that occur between a probe tip and a sample. Photo diode detector Probe tip Modules Piezoelectric sample scanner a laser beam bounces off the back of the cantilever onto a photodiode. As the cantilever scans over a sample it bends and the position of the laser beam on the detector shifts. The cantilever deflection is regarded as the vertical force signal between the tip and the sample surface. The local height of the sample is measured by recording the vertical motion of the tip Optical lever detection of cantilever deflection while keeping the 3-D topographical maps of the surface are then cantilever deflection at constant. constructed by plotting the local sample height versus horizontal probe tip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha53tFTsmW8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veTskO7EWM8&feature=related Silicon Nitride-Contact Mode AFM Probe Substrate Tip Cantilever Probes Spring constants (N/m) cantilever The properties and dimensions of the cantilever play an important role in determining the sensitivity and resolution of the AFM. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veTskO7EWM8&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyS15QZyfkI&feature=relmfu Contact Non-contact Contact, Non-Contact and TappingMode AFM Contact a Non-contact b Tapping c Measure topography by a.Sliding the probe tip across surface b.Sensing Van der Waals attractive forces between surface and probe tip held above surface c.Tapping the surface with an oscillating probe tip Contact mode imaging is heavily influenced by frictional and adhesive forces which can damage samples and distort image data. Non-contact imaging generally provides low resolution and can also be hampered by the contaminant layer which can interfere with oscillation. TappingMode imaging eliminates frictional forces by intermittently contacting the surface and oscillating with sufficient amplitude to prevent the tip from being trapped by adhesive meniscus forces from the contaminant layer. The graphs under the images represent likely image data resulting from the three techniques. http://www.doitpoms.ac.uk/tlplib/afm/modes_operation.php LiftMode AFM 2nd pass 1st pass Magnetic or electric Field source Lift height Topographic image Non-contact Force image LiftMode is a two-pass technique for measurement of magnetic and electric forces above sample surfaces. On the first pass over each scan, the sample's surface topography is measured and recorded. On the second pass, the tip is lifted a user-selected distance above the recorded surface topography and the force measurement is made. Topographic structure (a) and Magnetic force image (b) of a compact disk a b Topographic structure results from surface preparation and exhibits striations from a polishing process (imaged using Tapping Mode) and magnetic force image (LiftMode and lift height 35nm) shows small magnetic domains that are unrelated to surface topography. Image Insulating Surfaces at High Resolution in Fluid - AFM 18nm 1 Fluid cell for an AFM which allows imaging in an enclosed, liquid environment. 2 Image of two GroES (protein) molecules positioned side-by-side in fluid, demonstrating 1nm lateral resolution and 0.1nm vertical resolution. Entire molecule measures 84Å across and a distinct 45Å “crown” structure protrudes 8Å above remaining GroES surface. Advanced SPM Techniques • Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM) measures frictional forces between the probe tip and the sample surface • Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) measures magnetic gradient and distribution above the sample surface; best performed using LiftMode to track topography • Electric Force Microscopy (EFM) measures electric field gradient and distribution above the sample surface; best performed using LiftMode to track topography • Scanning Thermal Microscopy (SThM) measures temperature distribution on the sample surface http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSvm1KaEd6k&feature=related Advanced SPM Techniques • Scanning Capacitance Microscopy (SCM) measures carrier (dopant) concentration profiles on semiconductor surfaces • Nanoindenting/Scratching measures mechanical properties of thin films and uses indentation to investigate hardness, and scratch or wear testing to investigate film adhesion and durability • Phase Imaging measures variations in surface properties (stiffness, adhesion, etc.) as the phase lag of the cantilever oscillation relative to the piezo drive and provides nanometer-scale information about surface structure often not revealed by other SPM techniques • Lithography Use of probe tip to write patterns Applications of SPM To resolve a wide range of surface properties on the nanometer scale including: Topography, mechanical, magnetic, electric, thermal, and etc. e.g., Nano lithography, inspecting defects of semiconductors, measuring physical and chemical properties of surface, DNA imaging, etc. Advantages: Superior resolution and versatility of scanning probes Limitations: Long imaging times due to slow scanning speed The maximum imaging area is limited (<mm2) Examples of AFM Images 3-D Al2O3 10m 80nm tall elevated features in a Si/Si3N4 substrate 4m Grain growth studies Lateral force map of a patterned, monolayer, organic film deposited on a gold substrate. The strong contrast comes from the different frictional characteristics of the two materials. 30 µm scan. Electric Force Microscopy (EFM) Mode : Ferroelectric Domains on BaTiO3 Surface - + - Ferroelectric domain 1 m Piezoresponse force microscopy of ferroelectric domains on BaTiO3 surface. 5µm Scan courtesy of S. Kalinin, T. Alvarez, D. Bonnell, Department of Material Science Engineering, University of Pennsylvania. Nanoindentation metal-foil diamond tip 200nm Indentation depths are deeper for the softer thin film (right). Using a diamond tip to indent a surface and immediately image the indentation. Using indentation cantilevers, it is possible to indent various samples with the same force in order to compare hardness properties. Indentations on two different diamond-like carbon films using three different forces (23, 34, and 45N) with four incidents made at each force to compare difference in hardness. IC Failure Analysis and Defect Inspection with Scanning Thermal Microscopy a b a. Top-view image of surface topography of a failing IC where emission microscope detected two current leakage points but did not give the exact location of failure. The image shows no topographical features which suggest a problem. b. Scanning thermal microscopy (SThM) temperature distribution map of the same area showing a hot area on the surface above what was found to be a gate oxide short. Nanolithography STM - Seeing Atoms STM image showing single-atom defect in iodine adsorbate lattice on platinum. 2.5nm scan Iron on copper (111) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcqvJI8J6Lc&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUq2bQkL1zo Factors Influencing the Resolution of SPM • • • • Broadening Aspect ratio Compression Interaction forces Tip broadening arises when the radius of curvature of the tip is comparable with, or greater than, the size of the feature trying to be imaged. Tip The aspect ratio (or cone angle) of a particular tip is crucial when imaging steep sloped features. http://www.doitpoms.ac.uk/tlplib/afm/tip_related.php Image Surface AFM Images Acquired with Two Different Tips a b Contact AFM images of the same area of a (001) oriented TiO2 thin film, acquired with a pyramidal Si3N4 tip (a) and a conical, etched Si tip (b). Both images are on the same scale and in the same surface orientation. Clearly, the surface morphology appears different in each image and is convoluted with the tip shape. Do review problems for SEM and SPM Next Lecture X-ray Diffractiona b