Single-shot characterization of sub-15fs pulses with 50dB dynamic range A. Moulet1 , S.Grabielle1, N.Forget1, C.Cornaggia2, O.Gobert2 and T.Oksenhendler1 1FASTLITE, Centre scientifique d’Orsay Bât.503, Orsay, France CEA Saclay, Saclay, France 2DSM/IRAMIS/SPAM/ATTO, Self-Referenced Spectral Interferometry SRSI is a recently demonstrated self-referenced pulse measurement technique with unique properties: • single-shot (spectrum and phase are measured) • achromatic (third order, degenerate NL effect) • collinear (no beam splitting, totally collinear) • compact footprint (A5) • accurate: no calibration step, analytical 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen “Self-referenced spectral interferometry”, T.Oksenhendler et al., APB 99, p1-6 (2010), Time-dependent intensity dynamic range of ~50dB Measurement of coherent contrast Spectral interferometry I(t) Two delayed pulses: Pulse 1 Pulse 2 t I(w) Spectral interference pattern: 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen w Spectral interferometry DC term AC term Quadratic equation ~ ~ if w E1 w E2 w 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen Both pulses are completely characterized if one spectral phase is known. A reference pulse is needed, with: - flat phase - broader spectrum Creation of a reference pulse ? Spectral domain Time domain before XPW f(w) I(w) I(t) w Spectral domain After XPW f(w) I(w) w t Modulated spectrum XPW Spectral phase Broader spectrum Flatter phase 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen I(t) XPW can be used as reference pulse Input pulse XPW active media XPW pulse t SRSI experimental setup Replica generation XPW filtering Main pulse extinction Spectrometer Polarizer Birefringent plate BaF2,1mm Reference (XPW) pulse Polarizer Input pulse replica “Self-referenced spectral interferometry”, T.Oksenhendler et al., APB 99, p1-6 (2010), Polarizer Iris Iris Focusing mirror Calcite plate Polarizer Spectrometer Focusing mirror 260mm 110mm 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen XPW crystal Experimental results CEA laser and hollow core fiber: 810nm, 160nm, 10J, 1kHz 10 0.8 0.6 F.T-1 0.4 0.2 0 300 350 400 Temporal Intensity (u.a.) SRSI Spectrum (u.a) 1 450 10 10 10 10 0 -1 -2 -3 -1500 Frequency (THz) 1 0.6 0 0.4 -1 0.2 -2 400 420 Frequency (THz) Input spectral amplitude and phase reconstruction -3 Spectral intensity (u.a) 0.8 380 0 500 1000 1500 Input spectrum XPW spectrum 2 360 -500 1 Spectral phase (rad) 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen Spectral intensity (u.a) 3 340 -1000 AC Time (fs) 1 0 DC -4 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 300 350 400 Frequency (THz) 450 Consistency check with the XPW spectrum enlargement and cleaning Experimental results: cross-check with SPIDER Feedback Amplified Ti:Sa laser Hollow-core fiber (Ar, 2 bar) Dazzler SRSI SPIDER -210fs2 were added by Dazzler to compensate for the dispersion of the optics of the SRSI device 3 0.8 1.0 0.9 2 1 0.6 0 0.4 -1 0.2 -2 Temporal Intensity (u.a.) SRSI Phase SPIDER Phase Spectral phase (rad) 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen Spectral intensity (u.a) 1 0.8 SRSI SPIDER ≈12 fs 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 340 360 380 400 Frequency (THz) 420 -3 0.0 -50 -25 0 Time (fs) 25 50 Dynamic range – spectral domain Spectral range of validity of the measurement (~200nm) 10 XPW 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen Normalized spectral intensity 0 Input -10 -20 -30 Dynamic range of spectrometer Dynamic range of the measurement -40 ~25dB >50dB -50 -60 -70 -80 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 Frequency (THz) Spectral amplitude ( intensity) is measured on a broader spectral support than that of the pulse’s. Dynamic range – time domain Another day, another pulse duration… Pulse duration FWHM = 14.5fs FTL FWHM = 14.6fs 0 Measured I(t) FWHM=14.51fs FWHM=14.59fs 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen Normalized time intensity -10 -20 FTL I(t) -30 -40 -50 -60 -400 -200 0 Time (fs) Artifacts ? 200 400 Dynamic range – time domain For a measurement limited by shot-noise, the expected time dynamic range is: =52dB Number of illuminated pixels (~512) 0 Measured I(t) FWHM=14.51fs 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen Normalized time intensity Effect of residual spectral phase FWHM=14.59fs -10 -20 SNR of the CCD detector (~25dB) FTL I(t) -30 -40 Expected dynamic range -50 -60 -400 -200 0 Time (fs) 200 400 Dynamic range – time domain To check the validity of the phase measurement and assess the dynamic time range: compensation of residual phase oscillations with the pulse shaper: Before feedback After feedback Expected dynamic range 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen t=14.6fs t=14.6fs s=34.6fs s=19.3fs sFTL=18.6fs Conclusions and prospects Sub-15fs pulses were characterized by SRSI and results were cross-checked with SPIDER measurements Assessed time dynamic range over ±400fs: 50dB Std. dev. is more relevant than FWHM pulse duration for fine compression: high order phase really matters 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen Using spectrometers with cooled multiline CCD detectors, single-shot characterization with dynamic ranges as large as 85 dB on a picosecond scales could be reached. Our new product 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen Thank you for you attention Taking residual XPW phase into account: iterative algorithm Spectrum Interferogram Phase difference Spectral phase approximation + Spectral complex amplitude FT First approximation: 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen XPW phase Hope: Time complex amplitude Spectrum discrepancy 3 SRSI Phase SPIDER Phase 0.8 2 1 0.6 0 0.4 -1 0.2 -2 340 360 380 400 420 -3 1.0 Frequency (THz) 3.0 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen Spectral Amplitude (a.u.) 0.9 2.0 0.8 0.7 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.0 0.4 -1.0 0.3 0.2 -2.0 0.1 0.0 -3.0 335 345 355 365 375 385 395 405 415 425 Frequency (THz) Spectral Phase (rad) 0 Spectral phase (rad) Spectral intensity (u.a) 1 Fourier Transform treatment - 1 I(t) I(w) F.T-1 w I(w) j(w) -t I(t) t 0 +t Numerical filter, centering 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen F.T w C.Froehly, A.Lacourt, J.C.Vienot: J. Opt. (Paris) 4, 183 (1973) 0 +t t L.Lepetit, G.Chériaux, M.Joffre: J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 12, 2467 (1995) Fourier Transform treatment - 2 I(t) I(w) F.T-1 w -t I(t) I(w) t 0 +t Numerical filter 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen F.T w C.Froehly, A.Lacourt, J.C.Vienot: J. Opt. (Paris) 4, 183 (1973) 0 t L.Lepetit, G.Chériaux, M.Joffre: J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 12, 2467 (1995) Limitations ? Spectrometer bandwidth • Bandwidth: • Time range: (spectral resolution) Dispersion of crystals ~160nm FWHM Resolution of the spectrometer Birefringent delay ~±400fs FWHM • Pulse complexity: 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen • Dynamic range: Spectral broadening is required Extinction ratio of polarizers Dynamic of the spectrometer SRSI properties • achromatic: the XPW effect is automatically phase-matched (collinear and degenerated 3nd order NL effect) • single beam: no beam splitting, totally collinear • single shot: spectrum and phase are measured for the same interferogram • accurate: analytical, no calibration/integration step • but… requires XPW broadening required 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen Retrieval error with a gaussian pulse (FWHM = 20 nm) <10% Error (%) Large chirps must be removed before measurement Experimental results with a Ti:S amplified laser 800nm, 40nm, 2mJ, 100Hz F.T-1 Numerical filter, centering, FT 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen Spectrum reconstruction accuracy 2010 ICUILConference, Watkins Glen Measured spectrum (dashed red) and reconstructed spectrum with SRSI calculation (blue)