Topic 11 Operational and Tactical Command and Control Systems Enabling Objectives 11.1 DISCUSS the Global Command and Control System-Maritime (GCCS-M) and its role in Navy C2.. 11.2 DISCUSS differences between GCCS-M 3.X and 4.X architectures. 11.3 DEFINE Common Operational Picture topologies, nodes, and Strike Group architectures. 11.4 DISCUSS use of Theater Battle Management Core System (TBMCS). 11.5 DISCUSS relevance of Automatic Identification System (AIS) and its associated data flow. 11.6 EXPLAIN the differences in capabilities of Link 4A, Link 11, and Link 16. C4I Systems NECC TWS TDS Tying it All Together: The COP The central situational awareness display, spawning detailed target cueing for targeting applications and improving SA among warfighters Link 11/16 C4I SYSTEMS Common Operational Picture CJTF GCC ACC MCC COP Common Operational Picture • COP - Joint Forces – Min. of approx. 64kbps – Binary format-TCP/IP (CST) – Unlimited shared track capability (track block = time stamp) – Distributed management • BGDBM - Navy only – 2400 bps – OS-OTG format – NECC, TCP/IP (NETPREC) – Limited to 999 shared tracks (track block = 70017999) – Dictated Management CENTCOM Participant Participant CJTF Participant CT ACC GCC MCC Participant Participant Participant COP NODES TOP COP PARENT CHILD CHILD PARENT CHILD CENTCOM Notional BG Architecture CJTF ACC GCC MCC CSTMdxNET COP CV FOTC/UID NETPREC BGDBM CG DD DDG PT PT PT CENTCOM Notional BG Architecture CJTF ACC GCC MCC CSTMdxNET COP CV CSTMdxNET FOTC/UID NETPREC BGDBM CG DD PT PT DDG PT CG COP SYNC TOOLS (CST) Comms COP Sync Tools COP Sync Tools Node List Preconfigure Topology Objects DB Sync Time Sync Owntrack Update Interval Link Assoc Downsample The pop-up menu TAKE OWNERSHIP DISTRIBUTE VIA CST TRACK HEADER CST DATA TRANSFER TRACKS PRIORITY TRACK DATA (TBM) OVERLAYS STORED MAPS STORED PLOT CONTROLS PIM TRACKS AIR TASKING ORDERS (ATOs) AIR CONTROL ORDERS (ACOs) CST Track Management Capabilities ADD TRACKS DELETE TRACKS MERGE TRACKS ASSOCIATE / DISASSOCIATE EDIT / UPDATE TRACKS NAVY COP – CST ISSUES BANDWIDTH REQUIREMENT COMPUTER HARDWARE INTENSIVE LIMITED TRAINING & DOCTRINAL GUIDANCE CPU Global Command & Control System – Maritime (GCCS-M) GCCS-M is a single, integrated, scalable Command, Control, Communication, Computer, and Intelligence (C4I) system that receives, displays, correlates, fuses and maintains geo-locational track information on friendly, hostile, and neutral land, sea and air forces and integrates it with available intelligence and environmental information. GCCS-M provides Tactical Decision Aids that exploit that information. GCCS-M System Interfaces EW Links ADSI/C2P MTC Intel MIDB Cryptologic GALE-Lite CUB RM SLQ-32 Future Navigation NAVSSI SOA NECC CANES Early Adopter TTWCS Weapons System ADOCS EPL Imagery ATWCS IPL JIVE JSIPS-N PTW+ UAV GCCS-M TCS-UAV Aircraft MEDAL P-3 NJI Mission Planning PFPS JMPS SQQ-89 JTT C4ITTS Targeting Simulation GCSS GCCS TBMCS 2 C TRMS WEBSKED NFCS Aegis Combat System METOC Weather GCCS-M Communications Network Communications (i.e. TCP/IP) • CSTTCP (4X) / CSTMDXNET (3X) • NETWORK (4X) / NETPREC (3X) Serial Communications • Navy EHF Comms Controller • TRE-TABULAR / TRE-TAB HIGH • Link Feeds (PLT, ACDS) • NAVSSI • HIT Broadcast GCCS-M 4.X Comms/ADNS Comms/ADNS Typical 4.x Force Level Architecture GENSER EXCHANGE 2K (2) OTCIXS TADIXS A TRE/CTT/JTT OTCIXS TTY TADIXS A TTY HIT/BOSN Flt Bcst 1 & 2 Remote Link 11 TRE 2 File/DMDS TES-N RTC AD NAVMACS/ SMS LAN MUX Comms1 Webserver NAVSSI TBMCS Remote KSQ-1 Link 11/PLT Terminal Control GENSYNC to SCI OWNSHIP NAV Sanitized Tracks/RM ACDS Block 1 Color Deskjet GENSER LAN (ISNS) B/W Laser Comms2 Intel GBS CDL-N Imagery Imagery PC Scanner(1) PC W/S Dual Eye PC w/s Comms/ADNS Comms/ADNS Typical 4.x Force Level Architecture SCI GENSER LAN MUX in OL-530 Sanitized tracks Radiant Mercury EXCHANGE 2K DMDS AD Comms1 SCI Common 1 Comms2 (SCI Apps) SCI Common 2 TACINTEL A LAN MUX TACINTEL B NAVMACS/SMS GENSYNC TES-N RTC SCI LAN SCI ADNS Sigs1, Sigs2 Intel B/W Laser PC W/S (8-10) Color Deskjet 3.X GENSER Application Servers UCP & TDBM Servers 1& 2 IES JMHS 4 ITS 12 14 GENSER LAN 19 24 SIPRNET JMS ISDS UCP: TDBM: IES: JMHS: ITS: ISDS: JMS: Universal Communications Processor Track Data Base Management Imagery Exploitation Services Joint Message Handling Services Imagery Transformation Services Intelligence Support Data Services Joint METOC Services 3. X SCI Application Servers Radiant Mercury Sanitization UCP & TDBM Servers UCP & TDBM Servers GENSYNCH 1& 2 1& 2 ISDS JWICS IES JMHS JMHS 4 19 ITS 12 14 14 GENSER LAN SCI LAN ITS Server 19 24 SIPRNET 12 METOC Analysis 18 ISDS UCP: TDBM: IES: JMHS: ITS: ISDS: JMS: Universal Communications Processor Track Data Base Management Imagery Exploitation Services Joint Message Handling Services Imagery Transformation Services Intelligence Support Data Services Joint METOC Services Operational C2 Fleet Gouge • • • - GCCS-M Fleet Liaison Homepage on SIPRnet GCCS-M Force Advisory Messages (FAMs) Training Courses GCCS-M Help Desk - Comm: 1-(800) 838-1818 - DSN: 588-5665 TWS Communications MDU Delivery RNI (SIPRNET) MDU Email NECC Missile in Flight TSN STU/STE EHF Point-to-Point BGIXS Track Data CSTMDXNET MDXNET TWS TBMCS • Theater Battle Management Core System: - Provides automated command, control, and intelligence system used for planning and executing the air portion of joint operations – Air Planning: Targeting, Airspace, Scheduling • Produces the Air Tasking Order and Air Coordination Order (ATO/ACO) • Monitor/Manage Air Operations What is AIS? • AIS is a shipboard broadcast transponder system operating in the Very High Frequency (VHF) maritime band that is capable of sending and receiving ship information, including Navigation (Position, Course, Speed …), Identification (Name, Call Sign, Length, Beam …), and Cargo (Draft, Type, Destination …). Portable AIS Equipment What are AIS’s Benefits? • Benefits to Navy: – Safety at Sea / Navigation. – Situational Awareness / Common Operational Picture. – Support to Multi-INT Fusion and intelligence gathering (e.g., Open-Source). USS Port Royal Value of AIS At Sea / Ashore / in the Air Without AIS 170800z Jan 60 contacts 20 min to 72 hours time late With AIS 171600z Jan 1083 contacts 1-5 minutes time late 27 AIS CONOPS Overview GENSER UNCLAS Sub Rhib Merchant Aircraft IBS-N Ship Coalition Unclassifie d Subscriber Service Shore Site AIS Server RADIANT MERCURY High Assurance Guard Unclas Server GCCS-M 3.x GCCS-M 4.x Non-organic ONI CTP feeding Global COP (MDA) Notional Architecture within CONOPS (Jan 06) Tactical Data Links (TDL) • Data Link Terminals - Information Distribution System - JOINT TACTICAL or MULTI-FUNCTIONAL (JTIDS or MIDS) - Data Terminal Set - AN/USQ-125 or Common Shipboard Data Terminal Set (CSDTS) - “MODEM” • Message Processing and Distribution Systems - Command and Control Processor (C2P) - Common Data Link Management System (CDLMS) • Common Shipboard Data Terminal Set (CSDTS) Multi-TADIL Architecture •EHF/MDR •Intra•and Inter-zone •SG #2 • SG #1 •Link-22 •Link 16 A •NATO •Ship •AF/Army •JTIDS •S-TADIL J •Link-22 •Link-11 •Link 16 •JREAP •multicast ( •) •JREAP •unicast ( •) •Link 16 D •Link 16 B •Link-22 •NATO •Ship •Command •Center •SG #3 •Link-11 •Data •Forwarder •SG #4 •UHF •S-TADIL J •Link 16 C Link 11 Data Updates • In Link 11 a Net Control Station (NCS) polls each Participating Unit (PU) for data. More PUs increase the Net Cycle Time interval between updates. PU 7 PU 6 PU 2 NCS Poll PU 1 PU 5 PU 4 PU 3 PU 5 Broadcast Link 16 Data Updates • Link 16 permits JTIDS Units (JUs) to update more frequently using: - Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) a technique that allocates reporting time slots flexibly according to anticipated use, and - Sub-dividing JUs into Stacked Nets on different frequency hopping patterns, represented by rings below JU 10 JU 9 JU 2 JU 8 JU 6 JU 7 JU 3 JU 1 JU 4 JU 5 32 Link Resilience • If the Link 11 NCS is disabled or destroyed, time and data are lost while identifying a new NCS, establishing a time reference, and restarting the Roll Call. • Link 16 has no NCS. It does require a Network Time Reference (NTR) which devolves to the unit with the highest Time Quality (7 - 10) or GPS time if the network is designed to accept GPS. ? ? Original NTR ? NCS ? ? ? New NTR; CG with Time Quality of 14 Monthly Inport TADIL Exercise (MITE) • MITE provides basic training of Link 11/16/4A proficiency with Multi TADIL inport and/or underway link exercises. • Upon completion of this event, units take credit for the following exercises: – CCC-42-SF - LINK-11 OPERATIONS – CCC-43-SF - LINK-16 OPERATIONS – CCC-44-SF - MULTI-LINK OPERATIONS – CCC-45-SF - SATELLITE LINK 11 OPS Maximize participation in MITEs – CCC-46-SF - SATELLITE LINK 16 OPS • POC: Afloat Training Group Pacific (ATGPAC), (619)556-5658 Afloat Training Group Atlantic (ATGL), (757)445-0962 X 270 Testing Services Navy Center for Tactical Systems Interoperability (NCTSI) - provides testing services that uniquely analyze a unit’s data link readiness. - Snapshot - Quicklook - TADIL Operational Verification Longlook (TOV L/L) - POC: NCTSI Detachment One San Diego (619) 553-0264 NCTSI Detachment Two Norfolk (757) 444-5509 Deploying Group System InteroperabilityTesting (DGSIT) - provides subject matter experts, while underway, to evaluate and train strike groups Questions??