ピクセル検出器: 測定器開発室KEKDTPの取り組み Junji Haba KEK Detector Technology Project 放射線の精密測定 Precision is necessary for 崩壊点測定 運動量の測定 原子核乾板が現在でも最も 高精細な検出器である。 1968: Georges Charpak revolutionizes detection In the 1960s, detection in particle physics mainly involved examining millions of photographs from bubble chambers or spark chambers. This was slow, labour intensive and not suitable for studies into rare phenomena. However, the revolution in transistor amplifiers was to trigger new ideas. While a camera can detect a spark, a detector wire connected to an amplifier can detect a much smaller effect. In 1968, Georges Charpak developed the 'multiwire proportional chamber', a gas-filled box with a large number of parallel detector wires, each connected to individual amplifiers. Linked to a computer, it could achieve a counting rate a thousand times better than existing detectors. The invention revolutionized particle detection, which passed from the manual to the electronic era. 29-Sept. 2010 (CERN archive) Passed away (Age 86) ご冥福をお祈りいたします。 リアルタイムで処理したい 高輝度(Bファクトリー、J-Parc, LHC・・)での検 出器 大強度の素粒子が通過(高占有率occupancy) Higher rate, high occupancy 1次元の検出器は容易に飽和 2次元へ chamber Wireless MPGD Silicon strip pixel To distribute hits in 2D elements Wire ALICE TPC Web page X Wireless chambers, MPGD MPGD MWPC 3.106 Hz mm-2 F. Sauli TIPP09 2次元化の波はシリコン検出器に も Strip Pixel 50mm Photo from Stapnes, Nature 448 2次元の代償:莫大な処理チャン ネル ALICE ATLAS CMS LHCB # channels 9.8M 80M 66M # modules 240 1788 1440 # channels 2.6M 3.2M 9.3M 86k # modules 1698 4088 15148 43 Pixel Strips Impact parameter resolution (崩壊点測定精度) Alice Belle ILD ATLAS LHC detectors は素晴らしいで も・・・ A重すぎる bit heavy!?!? What’s wrong ? 検出器が厚すぎる(重すぎる) 信号処理 エレキ 金属バンプ Typical LHC hybrid pixel detector The thinner, the more beautiful ! Monolithic detectors (LSIとして一体化できない か) Sensors and readout chip fabricated on single wafer MAPS, DEPFET, SOI… No bumps, high pixel density, thinnest electronics MAPS : Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors CMOS pixel in digital camera DEPFET:DEPleted FET 新技術の登場 SOI (Silicon On Insulator) technology 50-400 nm circuit 20-200 nm Topcircuit Si (SOI Layer) BOX(埋込み酸化膜) mm Physical Support 通常の半導体ウエハー (Bulk Wafer) SOI Wafer SOI Pixel検出器 Proposed by SOIPIX group 2005 (leader 新井康夫(KEK) • 高抵抗率Si基板と低抵抗率Si基板を絶縁層を介して張合わせ。 • 高抵抗率部にp-n junctionを生成し、センサーとする。 • 絶縁層(BOX: Buried Oxide)に穴を開けセンサーと回路を接続。 • 余分な物質が少なく、多重散乱 をおさえられる。 Monolithic Radiation Sensor として理想的な構造 • 電極容量が小さく、少ない電荷 で大きなS/Nが得られる。 • 複雑な信号処理回路を各ピクセ ルに持たせられる。 • 高レート、高速読み出しが可能。 • 機械的接合がなく、高分解能化、 低価格化が望める。 • 産業界の標準プロセスを基本に 開発。 13 13 Comparison of Pixel Performance Position Resolution Energy Resolution Charged Particle Tracking Efficiency X-ray Detection Efficiency Production Cost Hybrid Pixel SOI Pixel MAPS DEPFET △ ◎ ○ ○ (limited by bump size) (small pixel size) ○ ○ △ ◎ (small depletion vol.) (low noise) ◎ △ ◎ △ (large material budget) (very thin detector) (large material budget) ◎ ○ X (Hi-Z material bonding) X (small depletion vol.) ○ (high cost for bump bonding) In-Pixel Signal Processing ◎ Readout Speed ○ ○ ◎ ◎ ○ (standard CMOS process) (special lab. process) ○ X (no internal logic) ◎ △ △ (slow thermal drift) Radiation Tolerance ○ Power Consumption ○ ○ ○ ◎ ○ (small parasitic capacitance) Operation temperature ○ ◎ (4K ~ 600k) ○ △ (need high voltage peripheral IC) ○ ○ 高性能X線検出器として 高精度 Direct Detection Indirect Detection シンチレータ + 光検出器 (高感度だが位置・エネルギー 分解能に難) 高機能 On-Chip Logic No On-Chip Logic X線用CCD... (読出し速度に制限) 小型、安価 Monolithic 高感度 SOI CMOS SOI Pixel ! Hybrid Medipix, Pilatus ... (Mechanical Bondingで性能 に制限) Bulk CMOS CMOS APS... (空乏層が薄く、感度が悪い) 15 Metal contact & p+ implant 18 1st Al Handle Wafer Copyright 2007 Oki Electric Industry Co.,Ltd SOI Pixelを実用化 する上での課題 センサーと回路が非常に近い Front Gate と Back Gate が結合する。 Back Gate Effect C g_ a ote x id e V V TH _ fr ont G _ ba C BOX 19 19 対策 : Buried p-Well (BPW) (a) PSUB Implantation Buried Oxide (BOX) (b) BPW Implantation SOI Si Pixel p+(PSUB) • Cut Top Si and BOX • High Dose Peripheral p(BPW) • Keep Top Si not affected • Low Dose • Suppress the back gate effect. • Shrink pixel size without loosing sensitive area. • Increase break down voltage with low dose region. • Less electric field in the BOX which may improve radiation hardness. 20 Ids-Vgs Measurement without/with BPW w/o BPW with BPW=0V NMOS back channel open shift Back gate effect is suppressed by the BPW. 21 Radiation Tolerance and BPW (cont.) By adding the BPW layer, Electric field in the BOX is reduced and possibility of charge recombination will increase. X-ray Irradiation 22 22 FZ-SOI Wafer Depletion FZ法 (誘導加熱により シリコンを溶融し 単結晶化する) CZ法 (石英ルツボからの 引き上げ。ルツボから の酸素混入あり) コバレントマテリアル株式会社Webより画像を引用 http://www.covalent.co.jp/jpn/products/wafer/crystal.html Full Depleted @22V 23 b. Wafer Thinning :TAIKO process Back side process still can be done after thinning. 24 Thinned to 110 um and diced I-V Characteristic Before & After Thinning No difference seen after thinning 25 Infrared Laser (1064 nm) Response of Thinned Chip Full Depleted around 100V 26 Integration Type Pixel (INTPIX4) Largest Chip so far. 15 mm 10 mm 17x17 mm, 512x832 (~430k)pixels、13 Analog Out、CDS circuit in each pixel. 27 Counting Type Pixel (CNTPIX5) 9bit x 8 Time Resolved Imaging Energy selection and Counting in each pixel 5 x15.4 mm2 72 x 272 pixels 64um x 64 um pixel 28 もっと高機能をもっと微細なピクセ ルに 2D LSI だけでは、ムーアの法則は向こう10年間で破綻する 微細技術の物理的限界 開発コストの巨大化 さらなる高機能追求 LSIチップの“3次元化” 3D (Vertical Intgrattion) technology driven by industry HEP community has organized to explore •3DIC collaboration by Fermilab • SOI collaboration by KEK • EU funded AIDA project Close communication VIPS Facilitation Group ASET •Bridge among the collaborations, The 1st workshop, VIPS2010 held in Pavia. •Interface with industry •Provide an inventory of various processes with their requirements •Get support from Labs and communities. 網膜と3D LSI 光信号の(化学的)増幅 水平の連絡 3D LSIとTSV 2010秋物理学会 小柳教授(東北大) Vertical (3D) Integration T-micro + OKI Semi + KEK/LBNL T-Micro(ZyCube)社 のm-bump bonding (~5 um pitch) 技術を用い、さらに 高集積化へ. 34 T-Micro m-bumps fabrication 最小ピッチ5um Copyright 2009 OKI semiconductor Co. Ltd. 35 高輝度加速器では2D検出器が必須 微細化、高機能化、低物質化 Monolithic Pixel sensor with SOI technology さらなる高機能をめざして Wire chamber MPGD Silicon strip Silicon Pixel センサー構造の3D化 多くの参入を期待。 Vertical Integration 38 Other SOI Pixels Fermilab - MAMBO Riken - MVIA LBNL-AChip Kyoto Univ. - XRPIX 39