Reclaiming the White Spaces: Spectrum Efficient Coexistence with Primary Users George Nychis†, Ranveer Chandra§, Thomas Moscibroda★, Ivan Tashev§, Peter Steenkiste† †Carnegie Mellon University, §Microsoft Research, ★Microsoft Research Asia 1 What are White Spaces? Wireless Mic TV 0 54-90 170-216 470 MHz 700 -60 ISM (Wi-Fi) 2400 2500 5180 7000 MHz 5300 “White spaces” 9 Orthogonal Channels (150Mbps per chan) } More Potential Applications Proliferation of Wireless & Mobile: dbm Rural wireless broadband ISM Band is Insufficient to Meet City-wide Demand Spectrum mesh -100 Longer Range White Spaces 470 MHz Frequency 700 MHz …….. …….. are Unoccupied TV Channels at least 3 - 4x of Wi-Fi 2 White Space Availability Reclaiming the White Spaces • Spectrum availability is critical to adoption and goals Goal: “[to] make a significant amount of spectrum available for new innovative and services” – FCC 08-260 Rescue WhiteandSpace by products Enabling Mic Coexistence • Spectrum is most critical in populated areas – Measure spectrum availability in top 30 U.S. cities [1] single channel 1 70 CDF Amplitude (dB) Number of Analog TV Broadcasts Decreasing Over Time 60 0.8 50 0.6 40 30 0.4 20 0.2 10 00 0 -3000 53% of cities cannot support single 802.11 2 Reserved Channels channel in the white spaces Considering Active TV Broadcasts 20-200040 -1000 60 80 0100 120 160 1000 140 2000 White Space Availability Frequency (KHz)(MHz) [1] Geo-location database: Losing a Significant Amount of White Space to Mic Rules 180 3000 3 Outline • Background on mic signals • Data transmission impact on mic audio – Critical insight on coexistence • SEISMIC: Spectrum Efficient Interference-Free System for MICs – Regains spectrum with zero audible interference – Evaluation of effectiveness and efficiency 4 Analog Microphone Background • One-way communication: receiver never transmits – Mic always transmitting (even idle) • Signal Components: 70 Mic Receiver Wireless Mic Main Carrier Tone 60 Amplitude (dB) FM Modulated Audio Signal 50 40 30 Squelch Tone Squelch Tone 20 10 0 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Frequency (KHz) Used By Mic Receiver to Detect Low Signal and Mute 5 Outline • Background on mic signals • Data transmission impact on mic audio – Critical insight on coexistence • SEISMIC: Spectrum Efficient Interference-Free System for MICs – Regains spectrum with zero audible interference – Evaluation of effectiveness and efficiency 6 How Do You Coexist to Reclaim Spectrum? 70 Amplitude (dB) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 Frequency (KHz) • First in-depth analysis RF interference on mic audio quality – 3 Dimensions: time, frequency, frequency, and and power power • Study Impact on 6 Mics: – Audio Technica, Sennheiser (3), Shure, and Electro-Voice 7 Experimental Setup PESQ worldwide audio evaluation standard • Compare recording to original • 0 (total disruption) 1 (perfect) 1. PC Output to Speakers Mic 2. MIC Recording to Computer Mic Receiver White Space Device Interference in Frequency • Fix power and duration, vary frequency (25KHz steps) 70 Amplitude (dB) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Sennheiser EW100 0 50 100 150 200 Frequency Suppressed (KHz) 1. Avoid Disruption, Still Use 97% of Channel Frequency Requirement (KHz) Normalize PESQ Score Frequency (KHz) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 ATW BPU E935 EW100 SK2000 UR-2 2. Suppression Req. Varies by Mic 9 Interference in Power • Fix freq. and duration, vary power of WSD (2dB steps) 70 Main Carrier Tone WSNm (dB) Amplitude (dB) 60 50 40 30 Squelch Tone Squelch Tone WSNs (dB) 20 10 0 -60 -40 -20 0 20 Frequency (KHz) 40 60 Despite 25dB of noise! • Record in value of WSN m & WSN s when PESQ=1 “FM receivers exhibit a `capture effect’ which they respond to only the strongest signal•received on a frequency and is No audio disruption when interference reject any weaker signals.” just belowinterfering the squelch tones! (WSNs = 1dB) - FCC (First Order: 04-113) 10 Implications of Interference Study • Coexistence in the same channel is possible! – Great! Just suppress bandwidth required at center frequency Frequency Requirement (KHz) Not that simple… 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 ATW BPU E935 EW100 SK2000 UR-2 11 The Challenge of Suppression 70 Amplitude (dB) 60 50 Stronger WSD 40 30 More Suppression 20 10 `Perfect Suppression’ Actual Suppression 0-200 would haveinsharp edge Leaks Power to the Band -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 Frequency (KHz) 70 Amplitude (dB) 60 Weaker Mic More Suppression 50 40 30 20 10 0 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 Frequency (KHz) 100 150 200 12 Information Needed to Suppress • Two components needed at WSD to suppress properly: 1. WSD Interference Power at the Mic Receiver White Space Device (WSD) Mic Receiver Wireless Mic 2. Mic Signal Power at Mic Receiver 13 Lack of Information at WSD • No feedback on either required components Suppression Needed (KHz) – Without feedback, the system is open-loop – Must suppress “worst-case” to be conservative 6000 Mic at -70dBm Mic at -60dBm Mic at -50dBm 5000 Given the open-loop state of 4000 the system (info available)… 3000 2000 1000 0 -90 … the FCC made the right by -80 decision -70 -60 requiring -50 -40 WSD Interference Power at Mic Receiver (dBm) vacation. Unfortunately, worst-case is vacation! (6MHz) 14 Need a Closed-Loop to Avoid Vacation Feedback SEISMIC Analysis Measurement Mic Receiver White Space Device) Mic Adaptation 15 Outline • Background on mic signals • Data transmission impact on mic audio – Critical insight on coexistence • SEISMIC: Spectrum Efficient Interference-Free System for MICs – Regains spectrum with zero audible interference – Evaluation of effectiveness and efficiency 16 SEISMIC System Overview • Implements closed-loop design to avoid vacation: – Measurement: MicProtector measures key components at receiver – Feedback: “Strobe” signal to notify WSD of impending disruption – Analysis / Adaptation: SEISMIC protocol to adapt frequency Feedback MicProtector White Space Device Mic Receiver Mic 17 Measurement: MicProtector • Key measurement needed: squelch & interference power – Squelch Measurement: estimated in the mic’s band – Interference Measurement: estimated in control bands Power in Mic Band Shifts Control Band Amplitude Control Band Interference Level 25KHz Frequency 25KHz 18 Feedback: Strobes • MicProtector needs to convey information to WSD • Strobe is similar to Morse-codes and on/off-keying (OOK) – Allows us to convey necessary information without complex protocol (e.g., 802.11) • Strobe signals convey: Amplitude – (1) impending disruption, (2) required bandwidth, (3) center frequency Frequency 19 Adaptation / Analysis: SEISMIC Protocol • WSD: sends probe packets with increasing power (exploit capture) • MicProtector: notifies of impending disruption, using strobes Control Band Amplitude Control Band Protection Threshold Interference Level 25KHz Frequency 25KHz 20 Adaptation: SEISMIC Protocol • WSD: sends probe packets with increasing power (exploit capture) • MicProtector: notifies of impending disruption, using strobes Suppressed Frequency (KHz) Strobe 250 250 250 200 150 100 100 Increase in Power Probe Convergence To Coexistence MicProtector Strobes the WSD for interference near threshold 50 WSD MicProt. Pkts: Time 21 Summary of SEISMIC Design • MicProtector components: – detection of impending audio disruptions – feedback using strobes to WSD enables closed-loop – Note: can be built directly in to future receivers • WSD and MicProtector engage in SEISMIC protocol – converge to optimal suppression around mic • Formalization shows correctness with multiple WSD – WSDs will converge and never interfere, in paper SEISMIC 22 Outline • Background on mic signals • Data transmission impact on mic audio – Critical insight on coexistence • SEISMIC: Spectrum Efficient Interference-Free System for MICs – Regains spectrum with zero audible interference – Evaluation of effectiveness and efficiency 23 Evaluating SEISMIC • Full MicProtector and SEISMIC WSD prototypes – custom USRP2 builds with UHF front ends • Evaluation on several coexistence points: – Effectiveness: ability to avoid audio disruption – Efficiency: ability to enable high spectrum re-use • Single microphone scenario • Many microphone scenario 24 Effectiveness of SEISMIC’s Coexistence • Challenge: Low-power & mobile microphone Squelch Tone Power (dBm) – SEISMIC WSD must never interfere despite mic signal fluctuations -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 20 25 30 Time (seconds) WSD Spectrum (KHz) 6000 5000 WSD continually Mobility creates 4000 and quickly 3000 quick fluctuations 2000 adapts to avoid audio disruption! 10000 0 5 10 15 Time (s) WSD vacates channel when mic power is low to be safe 25 Efficiency of SEISMIC’s Coexistence • Evaluate efficiency under two mobile mic scenarios 1. Airtime With Spectrum > X 2. 1.MicFar mic (low/moderate signal) (high Mic Signal (dBm) .. close WSD Signal (dBm) Distance (ft) WSDWSD Distance (ft)interference) 2. Far Mod. mic (moderate signal) .. nearby WSD interference (50-70) Close(moderate (5) Low (-95-75) High (-50-30) Moderate (10-30) Moderate (-65) Moderate (15) Moderate (-70) Common scenario: 95% of time >5.7MHz 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Challenging scenario: 70% of time >5.2MHz Far Mic / High Interference Moderate Mic / Moderate Interference 0.2 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 WSD Spectrum (KHz) 5000 6000 26 SEISMIC Efficiency with Many Mics • Obtain real mic freq placement from coordinators – Model components: 1) Mic signals, 2) WSDs & interference – Given components, how much spectrum does WSD X have? Event Mics 2008 NBA All-Star-Game 191 2010 BCS Championship 108 2010 WPC Conference 77 SEISMIC-enabled Mic System SEISMIC-enabled WSD • Mic signals generated using mobile mic measurements • Adaptrum WSD freq suppression w/ leakage used for WSDs 27 SEISMIC Spectrum Efficiency • On average, SEISMIC-enabled WSDs: Spectrum Availability (MHz) – SEISMIC has 22x, 3.6x, and 1.6x availability compared to channel vacation – SEISMIC near perfect suppression, suppresses only when necessary (closed-loop) 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 Channel Vacation Average SEISMIC Client ‘Perfect Suppression’ of Mic Operational Bands NBA BCS WPC – With 150MHz: can support 7 150Mbps channels! (2.5x 2.4GHz, with 4x range) 28 Summary • Spectrum availability is critical to white spaces • Coexistence possible between WSD and mics – Closed-loop solution required to avoid vacation • SEISMIC enables disruption-free coexistence – Up to 95% of the spectrum can be regained • Demoed to FCC chairman, mic manufacturers, mic coordinators, audio community 29