Time-Frequency Analysis and Wavelet Transform Oral Presentation Advisor: 丁建均 and All Class Members Student: 李境嚴 ID: D00945001 What’s Today? XIII. Applications of Time–Frequency Analysis (1) Finding Instantaneous Frequency (11) Acoustics (12) Biomedical Engineering (2) Signal Decomposition (3) Filter Design (4) Sampling Theory (5) Modulation and Multiplexing (13) Spread Spectrum Analysis (14) System Modeling (15) Image Processing (6) Electromagnetic Wave Propagation (7) Optics (8) Radar System Analysis (9) Random Process Analysis (16) Economic Data Analysis (17) Signal Representation (18) Data Compression (19) Seismology (10) Music Signal Analysis (20) Geology Wavelet Transform Laws Texture Kernel (Windows) 3 What’s Today? Study of Classification of Lung Tumor Based on CT/PET Images Technique of studying image ( gray level) Training skill of machine learning Why Image Processing? Gray level studying DSP, Kernel( window) Resolution of image 4000*3000, 1024*768, 640*480, 320*240 How about in Biomedical Image? Why Image Processing? The Biomedical Image Today CT: 512*512 PET: 128*128 Why Image Processing? Brain v.s. Lung Tumors Outline Introduction and Back ground Technique Experiments Discussion and Conclusion Introduction Introduction and Back ground Technique Experiments Discussion and Conclusion Introduction Lung Tumor High Death Ratio Nerve-less Introduction Image Load Preprocessing CoRegistration Registration Down / Up sampling ; Wavelet Transform Classification Feature Feature Extraction Extraction Wavelet ; Laws Texture ; Other Methods ROI Introduction--Wavelet Transform Wavelet Transform: J. J. Ding, 09月15日上課資料 , P 43 Introduction--Wavelet Transform Ivan W. Selesnick, Wavelet Transforms, 2007 Introduction--Wavelet Transform Introduction y (2 n 1) c ( n ) d ( n ) Ivan W. Selesnick, Wavelet Transforms, 2007 y (2 n ) c ( n ) d ( n ) Introduction--Wavelet Transform Ivan W. Selesnick, Wavelet Transforms, 2007 Ivan W. Selesnick, Wavelet Transforms, 2007 Introduction--Wavelet Transform Introduction--Wavelet Transform Wavelet Transform: Improvement??? Haar !! Introduction--Wavelet Transform Haar Transform: Introduction--Wavelet Transform Wavelet Transform Haar Transform Introduction--Wavelet Transform Wavelet Transform: J. J. Ding, 09月15日上課資料 , P 46 Introduction--Wavelet Transform Introduction—Laws Texture Laws features The texture energy measures developed by Kenneth Ivan Laws at the University of Southern California have been used for many diverse applications. These measures are computed by first applying small convolution kernels to a digital image, and then performing a nonlinear windowing operation. http://www.ccs3.lanl.gov/~kelly/ZTRANSITION/notebook/laws.shtml Introduction—Laws Texture Laws features 3 element kernel 5 element kernel High order kernel M.T. Suzuki, Y. Yaginuma, H. Kodama, A Texture Energy Measurement Technique for 3D Volumetric Data, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems http://www.ccs3.lanl.gov/~kelly/ZTRANSITION/notebook/laws.shtml Introduction—Laws Texture Laws features 3 element kernel Level: [1 2 1]; Edge: [-1 0 1]; Spot: [-1 2 -1]; M.T. Suzuki, Y. Yaginuma, H. Kodama, A Texture Energy Measurement Technique for 3D Volumetric Data, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems http://www.ccs3.lanl.gov/~kelly/ZTRANSITION/notebook/laws.shtml Introduction—Laws Texture Laws features Introduction—Laws Texture Laws features 5 element kernel L5 = [1, 4, 6, 4, 1]; E5 = [−1,−2, 0, 2, 1]; S5 = [−1, 0, 2, 0,−1]; R5 = [1,−4, 6,−4, 1]; W5 = [−1, 2, 0,−2, 1]; % ripple % wave M.T. Suzuki, Y. Yaginuma, H. Kodama, A Texture Energy Measurement Technique for 3D Volumetric Data, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems http://www.ccs3.lanl.gov/~kelly/ZTRANSITION/notebook/laws.shtml Introduction—Laws Texture Laws features Introduction—Laws Texture Laws features Image processing --- 2D case L5L5 E5L5 S5L5 R5L5 W5L5 L5E5 E5E5 S5E5 R5E5 W5E5 L5S5 E5S5 S5S5 R5S5 W5S5 L5R5 L5W5 E5R5 E5W5 S5R5 S5W5 R5R5 R5W5 W5R5 W5W5 M.T. Suzuki, Y. Yaginuma, H. Kodama, A Texture Energy Measurement Technique for 3D Volumetric Data, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems http://www.ccs3.lanl.gov/~kelly/ZTRANSITION/notebook/laws.shtml Introduction—Laws Texture Laws features Introduction—Laws Texture L5L5 S5S5 W5W5 E5E5 R5R5 Introduction-- Background CT - computed tomography PET - Positron emission tomography Introduction-- Background CT - Computed Tomography Digital geometry processing is used to generate a three-dimensional image of the inside of an object from a large series of two-dimensional X-ray images taken around a single axis of rotation . http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=zh-TW&langpair=en|zhTW&u=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-ray_computed_tomography Introduction-- Background PET - Positron Emission Tomography A nuclear medicine imaging technique that produces a three-dimensional image or picture of functional processes in the body. The system detects pairs of gamma rays emitted indirectly by a positron-emitting radionuclide (tracer), which is introduced into the body on a biologically active molecule. Three-dimensional images of tracer concentration within the body are then constructed by computer analysis. In modern scanners, three dimensional imaging is often accomplished with the aid of a CT X-ray scan performed on the patient during the same session, in the same machine. If the biologically active molecule chosen for PET is FDG, an analogue of glucose, the concentrations of tracer imaged then give tissue metabolic activity, in terms of regional glucose uptake. Although use of this tracer results in the most common type of PET scan, other tracer molecules are used in PET to image the tissue concentration of many other types of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positron_Emission_Tomography Introduction-- Background PET - Positron emission tomography FDG ( Fludeoxyglucose) : 氟代脱氧葡萄糖 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positron_Emission_Tomography Background CT V.S. PET Technique Introduction and Back ground Technique Experiments Discussion and Conclusion Technique Feature Extracting – 1 (on CT) Down sampling (for co-registry) Overlap CT/PET( Down/Up Sampling) Feature Extracting – 2 (on PET) Machine Learning Background CT V.S. PET Technique – Feature Extracting – 1 (on CT) Feature Extracting – 1 (on CT) Volume Rectangular Fit Histogram features Laws features Wavelet : : : Technique – Feature Extracting – 1 (Wavelet) 2D Case Energy 1 MxN Entropy 1 MxN M N 2 I (i, j ) i 1 j 1 M N i 1 j 1 2 I (i , j ) norm 2 2 log( I (i , j ) norm 2 ) Technique – Feature Extracting – 1 (Wavelet) 3D Case Energy 1 MxNxL Entropy 1 MxNxL M N L i 1 M j 1 k 1 N L ( i 1 2 I (i, j , k ) j 1 k 1 2 I (i , j , k ) norm 2 2 ) log( I (i , j , k ) norm 2 ) Technique – Feature Extracting – 1 (Laws Texture) 2D Case Energy 1 MxN M N i 1 j 1 2 I (i, j ) Technique – Feature Extracting – 1 (Laws Texture) 3D Case Energy 1 MxN M N i 1 j 1 2 I (i, j ) Technique – Down sampling (for co-registry) Down sampling (for co-registry) Raw Image Low Pass (Average) High Pass 1 (X direction) High Pass 2 (Y direction) High Pass 3 (Corner) Technique – Down sampling (for co-registry) Down sampling (for co-registry) Raw Image Low Pass (Average) High Pass 1 (X direction) High Pass 2 (Y direction) Down-samples Image High Pass 3 (Corner) Technique – Feature Extracting – 2 (on PET) Feature Extracting – 2 (on PET) SUV Leveled SUV Largest Region’s SUV Other probability features Technique – Feature Extracting – 2 (on PET) Feature Extracting – 2 (on PET) PAWITRA MASA-AH, SOMPHOB SOONGSATHITANON, A novel Standardized Uptake Value (SUV) calculation of PET DICOM files using MATLAB, NEW ASPECTS OF APPLIED INFORMATICS, BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATIONS Technique – Feature Extracting – 2 (on PET) Feature Extracting – 2 (on PET) Tumor Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Sub SUV Sub SUV Sub SUV Sub SUV Sub SUV Feature Feature Feature Feature Feature Technique – Machine Learning Machine Learning Logistic Neural Network SVM (Support Vector Machine) J48 Experiments Introduction Background Technique Experiments Discussion and Conclusion Experiments Sorry, they are now in America Discussion and Conclusion Introduction Background Technique Experiments Discussion and Conclusion Discussion and Conclusion Discussion: Relation between Image Processing, DSP, and TWD Kernel of Image Processing Development of Each kernel Discussion and Conclusion Relation between Image Processing, DSP, and TWD TWD: Analyzing signal with mathematically way, either enhancement of complexity of equation and reducing the amount of computation. DSP: Dealing the signal with discrete time work. DIP: Take advantage of these two to give us more probabilities on studying images. Discussion and Conclusion Kernel of Image Processing Similar to the window function on short time signal analysis Either Gaussian filter (low pass filtering, averaging) and edge detection (high pass filtering) are applied to turn into features Discussion and Conclusion Development of Each kernel Low pass filter High pass filter Discussion and Conclusion Development of Each kernel Low pass filter Down sample ( average) [1 1] Laws texture (level) [1 2 1], [1 4 6 4 1] Gaussian blur (normal distribution) [1 8 12 16 12 8 1] Discussion and Conclusion Development of Each kernel High pass filter Down sample ( change) [1 -1] Laws texture (edge, ripple) [-1 -2 0 2 1], [1,−4, 6,−4, 1] Gaussian Laplace Filter Subtract by two Gaussian filter with same mean, different STD. Discussion and Conclusion Development of Each kernel High pass filter Down sample ( change) [1 -1] Laws texture (edge, ripple) [-1 -2 0 2 1], [1,−4, 6,−4, 1] Gaussian Laplace Filter Subtract by two Gaussian filter with same mean, different STD. Discussion and Conclusion Development of Each kernel High pass filter Discussion and Conclusion Development of Each kernel High pass filter Discussion and Conclusion Conclusion: Image processing is right an example which implement DSP and TWD. Texture Feature give doctors more clues for diagnosing More kinds of kernel provide more feature for machine learning.