The Parastas

Aren’t you worshipping Idols?
Why do they look so Weird?
What good are they?
Where is the Funeral Mass?
It is the Service the Church prescribes as
proper & most appropriate
the best prayer the Church can offer
for the Salvation of the person reposed.
the best spiritual and psychological Comfort &
Consolation the Church can offer
those who mourn.
the best Service for the proclamation of the
Holy Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
the Christ and his power to save
Evangelisation of the congregation!!
The “Reposed”
The Church refers to the person whom we mourn as
meaning “asleep in the Lord –
awaiting Resurrection from the dead”.
The Bible says: all who have been baptized into Christ
i.e.: those who have committed their whole their lives
to the Lord
are not “dead”
but have only “Fallen Asleep” in the Lord,
to be “awakened” (i.e. Resurrected) by Him on the
Last Day.
The Parastas
The word = a Wake (night vigil service)
Not so any more
Though for Funerals (cf. Christ’s during Great Week)
There remains the tradition of doing a proper Vigil with the Body
reading the Psalms throughout the night
Reading the Gospels (if a Priest)
An abbreviation of the Funeral Service:
“The Order of Burial”
The Funeral Service is opined by Theologians as probably a Sacrament
Thought undefined as such as yet
Served during 6 x during the Great Fast & Paschal Season
Due to the Themes of Death and Resurrection
Not only the Christ’s
But of course OURS, who have been baptised into His Death/Res.
Saint John Chrysostom beautifully observes:
“The Jews of the Old Testament wept for Jacob and for Moses for 40 days
The Parastas: Structure 1
Psalm 90
– God’s Protection & Salvation
Great Litany for the Reposed
The Reposed has place their hope in God
Psalm 118 in three Stations
– Concludes with the Evlogitaria
Adapted for the Memorial
The Parastas: Structure 2
Irmologion Topar
– Give Rest with the Saints to your
– Establish them in your Courts
– Disregard their Transgressions
Voluntary & Involuntary
With knowledge & in ignorance
– O Philanthropos
The Parastas: Structure 2
Psalm 50: penitential psalm
Canon of Teofan
– Irmos (opening hymn)
– 4 tropars
– Katavasia (closing hymn)
Hymn to the Theotokos
The Panakhyda
Psalm 119
• the verbal icon of the righteous man
who has total trust in God and total
devotion and love for his Divine Law
• —the verbal icon of Jesus Christ —
• is chanted over the Reposed,
• with its praises and supplications for life
in God.
• It is this same psalm which is chanted
over the tomb of Christ on Great Friday.
Psalm 119
My soul cleaves to the dust, give me life according to
Thy word. (119:25)
Turn my eyes from looking at vanities; and give me
life in Thy ways. (119:37)
Behold, I long for Thy precepts; in Thy righteousness
give me life. (119:40)
Thy testimonies are righteousness forever; give me
understanding that I may live. (119:144)
Plead my cause, and redeem me; give me life
according to Thy promise. (119:154)
Voices 1
Byzantine Funerals & Memorials fly in the face of N.
American culture
Celebrations (not mourning)
Celebration of Life (not mourning the dead)
Byzantine Memorials seem shockingly Morbid and Harsh
Popular culture is pagan
Cannot deal with death
Therefore its popular mythology is one of denial
So much so, there is some pretense there is no funeral
(cover the dirt, not lower the coffin, etc.)
Voices 2
Byzantine Memorials help not just the Reposed but also the
By Psychologically & Spiritually
Helping them to actually Mourn
All Fears & Emotions are expressed
All Voices are heard:
Mourners & Bereaved: grief, loss, and sorrow
The Reposed: fears, dread, existential angst, prayers for Salvation
All prayers and hopes are expressed
& God’s Response to our darknesses and hopes are Proclaimed
In His mercy, love, and promise of Resurrection into the Kingdom
Thus we are consoled
Aren’t you worshipping Idols?
Why do they look so Weird?
What good are they?
Aren’t you worshipping Idols?
Why do they look so Weird?
What good are they?
Vichnaya Pamyat
“Grant them Memory Eternal”,
not praying that we don’t forget the deceased or that they
be remembered infinitely
It is from Eternity that God’s remembrance of the departed keeps
them existent and in peaceful repose in “paradise” in Hades
--until the Resurrection
2: Bishop Hlib of London explains:
the prayer originates in Christ's Crucifixion.
The Good Thief prayed to Jesus:
"Lord, Remember me in Your Kingdom."
The Christ responded:
"Today you shall be with me in Paradise!"
This prayer asks Christ to “remember” our Reposed from
God's Eternity (i.e. to resurrect them into God’s eternal
If the Messiah "Remembers" us at death, we “shall be with
Christ in Paradise”.
The Gospels in Colour
Healing the Soul