Meeting needs


Engaging with Dementia

Affirming Ministry

Margaret A Goodall. Guildford October 2012

More than body, brain and breath


What are we talking about?

For those over 50….

‘one foot in the grave and the other on a banana skin.’

The big ‘D’

Cancer seen as a kinder disease as it ‘allows the sufferer to retain his mental faculties and with his family up to, or virtually to, the end. His humanness goes with him… but with dementia the spirit and soul has extracted itself possible years earlier.’ (Gidley and Shears ‘Alzheimers’


Alzheimer’s Disease International reported the global cost as £388 billion.

Number of people with dementia set to double by

2030 and treble by 2050.

An estimated 800,00 people with dementia in UK.

This is set to increase to 1 million by 2025

Each person with dementia costs the UK economy

£27,643 per year.


From pleasantly muddled


What feels like chaos

The main types of dementia: of the more than 200 types

Alzheimer’s disease

 Vascular dementia

Dementia with Lewy Bodies

Frontal lobe dementia

Stages along the way

 early stage: loss of short term memory, confusion,

 middle stage: more support needed with daily living

 end stage: increasing physical frailty

So where is the person?

 In a strange land

 Dead or alive?

Social malignancy / social death

So who do we see?

Old culture of care

 People with dementia seen as problems

 Minimal warehousing: people with dementia as objects

 Drugs to control behaviour

New culture of care

 See the person not the problem

 They are people like us

 Their well-being is important

So….. what can we do?

Caring for the Spirit

 We are more than body brain and breath

We can be:

 Religious

 Spiritual

Where do we find our spiritual selves nourished?

Basic human right

‘..not simply what religion we practise; it is what has given meaning in our lives. Our garden, our pets, the familiar ritual of religion. It is important to help us reconnect with what has given us meaning as we journey deeper into the centre of our being, into our spirit.’ (Bryden 2005: 123)

• Recognising the uniqueness of each person

‘I treasure your visit as a ‘now’ experience in which I have connected spirit to spirit, I need you to affirm my identity and walk alongside me. I may not be able to affirm you ... but you have brought connection to me, you have allowed the divine to work through you’. (Bryden 2005: 110)


 Camus says: ‘There is but one serious problem and that is … judging whether life is or is not worth living’

 Humans are meaning-makers

‘A giving to the world, a taking from the world, and making sense of the world’ (Viktor Frankl)

 How do we make meaning?

 ‘Having Alzheimer’s disease made me face ultimate realities, not my bank account. My money, my job, and other parts of my life were trivial issues that restricted my growth, my spiritual growth. Alzheimer’s disease transferred me from what I call the trivial plane to the spiritual or personal plane. I had to face the absolute horror of the ‘A’ word, and I began a dialogue with my existence, a dialogue with my life and my death.’

Snyder, L. (2003). Satisfactions and challenges in spiritual faith and practice for persons with dementia. Dementia, 2 (3), 299-313.

Making meaning

Be in the present moment be open and be with

Learn their dreams seize the day

Build on life history the memory box

 What might you put in your memory box? why is that thing important to you?

 A ‘thing’ is usually important because of the emotional memory contained in it.

Loving kindness in the land of forgetfulness

Why bother?

 Right/left brain? Rationality or Relationality

 It needs to be more than ‘gut feeling’

 Example of Jesus: time for outsiders

 Helps from Christian tradition or theology?

It’s more than words: communicate!

Communication is : the smile on your face

: a friendly approach

: listening thoughtfully

: the warmth in your voice

: a gentle touch

Communication is only 3% the words we use

What can I do?

Give Loving Attention: the magic moments of visits and the feelings remain

Use the senses to access memory and feelings

Enable worship through signs, symbols and rituals

Cues and Clues

Feelings and emotions are not lost.

Tap into memories through feelings using the senses.

People usually have a ‘preferred’ sense

 sight

 sound

 smell

 taste

 touch

Access the Christian Story:

‘Tell me the old old story’

 Tell me simply

 Tell me slowly

 Tell me often

 Tell me always


Isolation : social malignancy

Being together in ‘family’.

A belonging or being at home

Use symbols to cue worship

Familiar hymns and songs

especially those with choruses

Familiar prayers

 What symbols, hymns, familiar readings and prayers do you think might be useful in your situation?

Can good care change who we see?

 ..\..\Videos\RealPlayer Downloads\Gladys

Wilson and Naomi Feil .flv

Things to remember

 Feelings and emotions don’t go

 Visits do matter

 Eye contact is vital

 Beware the assumptions we make

 Avoid sensory overload

Don’ts of Dementia Care

 Don’t argue

 Don’t explain

 Don’t reason

 Don’t give yourself a hard time

Our Christian hope

 ‘Strength for today …

 … and bright hope for tomorrow’

…and yet this I call to mind

 A re-writing of Matthew 25

 Lamentations 3:

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. It is new every morning.

Great is your faithfulness


Caring :

 ‘Caring for someone with dementia’. Jane Brotchie (Age Concern)

 ‘Person to Person’ Tom Kitwood & Kathleen Bredin (Gale


‘And still the music plays’ Graham Stokes (Hawker Publications)

‘Visiting those with Dementia’. MHA

Spiritual care for people with dementia. MHA

‘When someone you love no longer remembers’ Murphey

Autobiography :

 ‘Living in the labyrinth’ Diana Friel McGowin (Mainsnail Press)

 ‘Dancing with dementia’ Christine Bryden (Jessica Kingsley


More resources…

Children’s books :

‘What’s happening to Grandpa?’ Maria Shriver (Little

Brown & Co and Warner Books)

‘Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge’ Mem Fox (Puffin)

‘Memory Bottles’ Beth Shoshan (Little Bee)

Films on general release that relate to dementia :

 The Notebook

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

In Memory of Her


Fifty First Dates


 Methodist Homes

 Christian Council On Ageing (CCOA)
