Discernment Process for Rectors/Vicars Following Guidelines in Calling Clergy by the Rev. Canon Elizabeth Geitz Diocese of New Jersey (adapted from the Diocese of Alabama) Jeremiah 29:11 “For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” DISCERNMENT IN THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Open Position (END) Self-Study & (BEGIN) Discernment Com. Named Narrative Parish Profile BISHOP Call Extended and DEPLOYMENT OFFICER and CONSULTANT Computer Profile CDO Computer Names Gathered Vestry Votes Disc. Comm. Recommends Summary of Vestry Actions •Issues call to Interim Rector/Vicar •Sets Discernment Process Budget •Enters into covenant with Transition Consultant •Approves membership of Self-Study & Discernment Committee(s) with People of Prayer •Approves Compensation Package •Approves Parish Profile • Acts on recommendation of Discernment Committee and votes to Call after interviewing the candidate(s). Ten Critical Steps STEP ONE The process begins with the announcement of resignation or retirement. Be sure to celebrate the ministry just completed! STEP TWO Vestry meets with Bishop & Deployment Officer to review Interim policies and Discernment Process. Secure the services of an Interim Priest. Covenant with Transition Consultant – Fee $1600 + Expenses . Ten Critical Steps STEP THREE Vestry appoints People of Prayer to Self-Study Committee and Discernment Committees. Discerning Your Gifts Retreat for SSC, DC, and Vestry with Transition Consultant. STEP FOUR Self-study Committee writes a Parish Profile (CD and brochure!) and CDO Parish Search Request Form Parish Profile Mission statement and goals Description of programs and organizations Hopes and dreams of members Qualities sought in new priest Financial summary History of Congregation Information about your community and the Diocese of New Jersey BE HONEST! How do we develop a Parish Profile? Gather Data and information – Parish Survey – Written or computer – Focus Groups – Community Resources – Information from your diocese Interpret & Compile Data Create 2 profiles –Narrative: CD, website, brochure, or booklet –Computer profile Obtain vestry and bishop approval Computer Profile/Parish Search Request Form Initiates a national or regional search for a new rector/vicar through the CDO office in New York City. Defines compensation level as well as ministry priorities. Defines parish goals for the next few years. Ten Critical Steps STEP FIVE Receive names of potential candidates Initial Discernment Names of Potential Candidates NEED FOR CONFIDENTIALITY Process is not confidential. Names are! Candidates Names Sources: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Regional Transition Ministry Conference CDO Computer Search Online search by candidates on CDO website and Transition Ministry Newsletter Members of your Parish Your Bishop Other clergy of our diocese Self-submissions by Candidates Anti-Racism Training Discernment Committee 2. Vestry 1. Ten Critical Steps STEP SIX Initial discernment by the Discernment Committee following guidelines in the book, Calling Clergy DISCERNMENT Initial mailing to all candidates Copy of Parish Profiles Narrative (CD, Website, Brochure or Booklet) CDO Computer Profile Invitation to consider position Request for resume & references 2-3 Questions Request for a timely response Receive responses Review questions & resumes Contact references (after checking with candidate) Notify those who are not discerned as a fit for your parish Ten Critical Steps STEP SEVEN Final discernment as list is reduced to 4 to 6 candidates. STEP EIGHT Further discernment to reduce list to 1-3 finalists to be presented to the vestry. Tools Conduct phone interviews Check references Review sermon tapes Visit candidates Welcome candidates to your parish Oxford Document Checks Sexual misconduct Criminal history Credit history Motor vehicle records Cost paid by parish Visit to the Parish Informal social gathering with Vestry & Discernment Committee Formal interview with Discernment Committee Tour of parish facilities Tour of community and real estate possibilities Meeting with our bishop Ten Critical Steps STEP NINE Mutual discernment between candidate(s) and vestry; vestry vote. Call Discernment Committee recommends name(s) Vestry votes (Majority required; consensus desired) Bishop Councell contacted for consent Vestry extends call Letter of Agreement signed Ten Critical Steps STEP TEN Candidate Accepts the call. Alleluia!!!! Startup of a New Pastorate Moving Arrangements Setting agreed upon date for arrival Family inclusion in the parish and the community Celebration of New Ministry Participation in Fresh Start program Mutual Ministry Review after about 9 months A word about FRESH START was established by the Episcopal Church. FRESH START is offered to all clergy in transition (new clergy to the diocese, newly ordained and clergy of the diocese beginning a new ministry) FRESH START is a two year program for the purpose of strengthening relationships through prayer, open conversation and critical reflection. A Prayer for the Calling Process “Almighty God, giver of every good gift, look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a rector for parish, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” (Book of Common Prayer, page 818) Note: All images from Google images