Smart Economy, Governance, Education

Smart[er] Economy | Governance | Education
Case Studies
[Indicators of Smart Economy]
Innovative spirit
Economic image &
Flexibility of labor market
International embeddedness
Ability to transform
[1] Smart Creative
Almere, Amsterdam
Cisco + IBM + Liander
By strategically encouraging creative industry in the city, Amsterdam gained great regional economy growth.
[2] Smart Shopping
Tesco Homeplus + Google
Smart Shopping Business Model
Shoppers add items to their online cart by taking pictures of the corresponding QR code.
Smart Shopping App
Apps lets you scan barcodes to get prices of products.
[3] Mapping Real Estate Price
Trulia PriceRedux
Mapping the Average Time,
Amount and Likelihood US
Houses Drop in Price
If you are in the market of
buying a house in the US, Trulia
PriceRedux can shows several
very valuable data attributes you
typically like to know during the
buying process, but are typically
well hidden or kept secret by
real estate agents.
The map basically reveals the
average number of days a typical
listing is on the market before
sellers make the first price
reduction, the average
percentage of the original price
lowered during this first price
reduction, and to top it off, the
likelihood sellers will make a
second price reduction.
[4] Tax-Free Retail Analysis Tool
Amsterdam Airport collects a huge
amount of data of the usage of the
airport, from flights, to parking, to
baggage handling, and more. One of
these data sets is about tax-free sales.
The airport wanted to have a tool for
visual analysis of tax-free sales data
where they were able to see the data
on a map of the airport.
The data set contained information of
the gates that were used by people
who had purchased items tax-free. This
additional data allowed for the
creation of a network between gates
and shops based on sales data.
[Indicators of Smart Governance]
Participation in decision-making
Public and social services
Transparent governance
Political strategies & Perspectives
[5] e-Government
Case of Spain
Pilot project during the referendum on the European Union Constitution 2005
In the course of this pilot project, roughly two million citizens had the chance to cast their vote within a separate internet election
prior to a actual referendum.
A PIN-based system and smartcards were used for the voter identification.
In spring of 2008, the Spanish Ministry of Internal Affairs developed a new e-voting platform by the name of P.I.V.E.
• eGovernment Solution integrates the areas of
Accounting, Tax management, Archiving, Records,
Citizen Database Management, and integrates these
aspects with the administration corporative portal,
including formalities, negotiations and content and
services oriented toward citizens and businesses.
E-Service developments
New companies can be registered online.
Electronic identification
The Spanish Certification Authority CERES was
created allow Spanish citizens to manage their
communication with public institutions
electronically through an online identification.
[6] Close Votes
Jan-Willem Tulp
Close vote
Reveals the similarities of voting
patterns between different cities in The
Based on the results of the recent
national elections, the size of each city
bubble can be configured to
correspond to its population size or
voting similarity, while its location on
the map can be determined by either
its geographical location or by relative
distance in terms of similarity.
[7] Mapping American
US Census Bureau
Mapping to represent racial groups, income, and education level.
Browse local data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, based on sample from 2005 to 2009. Because
these figures are based on samples, they are subject to a margin of error, particularly in places with a low population, and
are best regarded as estimates.
[Indicators of Smart Education]
Access to new data and information
New tools to analysis
Working simultaneously to innovate
Participate to contribute acknowledge
[8] ennCloud Learning
ennCloud is a comprehensive platformCloud Computing "end to end”.
The Platform "ennCloud Learning” has been
developed to meet the need for online
education, taking advantage of cloud
computing capabilities in providing universal
access to this content.
The huge strength of the cloud is content
online and opened resources, a lot of which
are free. The cloud also allows students to
interact and collaborate with an everexpanding circle of their peers, regardless of
geographical location.
[9] GitHub Social Coding
GitHub Inc.
GitHub was the most popular open source code repository site. It offers both paid plans for private
repositories, and free accounts for open source projects. The site provides social networking functionality such
as feeds, followers and the network graph to display how developers work on their versions of a repository.
GitHub Social Coding
GitHub provide web-based classes to help people learn GitHub and be more productive. In the class, student and trainer can
collaborate to code in this teaching platform. There are also office hours to sign up; video, presentations and resources to
share in the platform. Also, people can upload their video to teach and share solutions in this platform.
[10] DuoLingo: Learning
Language for free
Learn a language and simultaneously translate the Web
Duolingo isn't so much a business to teach languages, it's a
service to offer translations. The goal for Duolingo is to get
100 million people to translate the web into every major
language for free. By crowd-sourcing translations they can
translate text for a fraction of the traditional cost, while
offering better quality than machine translation can do.