Seashore Rigs Security

FourTroop is managed by former members of the Israeli Special Forces (Israel's top elite
units) and the Israeli Security Agency (ISA).
The management team shares global experience in managing varied security and
defense projects for governments, militaries, police units, security teams, the corporate
sector and the private sector.
The company advisory board consists of former high-ranking officials from the
prestigious Israeli military and security bodies. These officials led our country in some
of its most complex missions within the last four decades. They have personally
commanded thousands of soldiers and security personnel and their experience is
considered world renowned.
FourTroop offers complete security and defense solutions that include: professional
consulting services, training and management services, advanced technological
solutions and elite manpower services.
FourTroop ‘s professionals maintain the highest codes of conduct while providing
professional services to our clients around the world.
FourTroop is listed as an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) contractor for security services.
1. IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) Contractor for special maritime activity
2. Providing armed maritime security services in the Gulf of Aden (GoA) and Indian
Ocean for governmental bodies
3. Providing consulting services and risk assessment to offshore facilities in Latin
4. Establishment and instruction of Special Forces units in Africa and India
5. Providing consulting and training to SWAT units
6. Providing consulting and training to Riot Control units
7. Establishment of intelligence units worldwide (Africa, Latin America and Asia)
8. Providing protection services to global executives and high net worth individuals
9. Providing security services and risk assessment for one of the largest private yachts
in the world
10.Providing risk assessment services and project management to sensitive facilities in
Israel and abroad
11.Providing delegation security services in 15 countries for national sport teams
12.Providing security training to command and control (C&C) officers for international
13.Providing security agents to Israel's national shipping company
Throughout the world there are rigs for exploration, drilling and production of oil and
gas located at sea. Sometimes these rigs are located in territorial waters and sometimes
beyond, sitting in Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) of various countries with distances up
to 200 nautical miles from the shore.
In most cases, countries award exploration franchises to private and/or governmental
companies that fund the exploration and later the production of the natural resource,
wherever it is found. The drilling rigs located at sea are usually classified as strategically
vital for the various countries.
In light of the large number of various threats (which will be detailed below), many
countries, together with private companies, invest large amounts of money to defend
these off shore facilities and secure their continuous operation.
There is an intimate interface between defending the installations in whose area the
drilling rigs are located and the companies operating them. In addition, it is important
to define and understand the shared responsibility between the private companies and
the countries in defending the assets against various threats.
The threats against drilling and production rigs are many and various, and a pinpoint
analysis is needed for every specific threat in order to understand exactly what the
threat is and what its causes are. The distance of the drilling rigs from the shore
necessitates an independent defense on the one hand and cooperation with the navy
and/or coast guard on the other.
When we attempt to defend an essential installation, we have to perform an analysis of
the relevant marine theater, to learn and to analyze who and what are the adversaries,
what are their various available modes of operation, to investigate the various
defensive capabilities and to tailor the appropriate defense to the identified threat,
according to the relevant theater and location.
Threats can generally be classified into 2
Threats from hostile actors
(hostile terrorists)
Threats from criminal actors
(Pirates, criminals, etc.)
The separation between the criminal and
consideration for the entity leading and
participating in the defense (for example
army or police forces from the relevant
country vis-à-vis the company operating
and defending the facility). However, the
required defense does not differ,
specifically the allocation of authority and
the force of the required response.
The threats on the installations are varied and include, but are not limited to the
Harming and damaging the asset:
Attack from sea by a small and fast vessel (shooting on the installation or
the people on it)
Attack by missiles (air to sea, shore to sea, sea to sea)
Merchant ship colliding with the rig
Underwater attack by divers and mining the rig columns
Attack by an aircraft
Takeover of the asset:
Harming people operating the installation
Abducting people
Damaging property (stealing or causing damage)
Stealing most or part of the assets being stored or produced on the rig
The Defense Concept of the Off Shore Facilities
The defense concept is based on the working interface between the perimeter defense
provided by the country in whose area the assets are located, and the responsibility for
the direct defense of the asset by the entity operating it. To clarify this point, the
concept can be compared to a strategic facility located on the shore whose defense is
based on a general defense provided by the country and is secured and guarded by a
security company acting on behalf of the of the company who operates it; under the
professional guidance of the relevant regulator. The separation of responsibility can be
defined in the following manner:
The professional guidance and the regulator = the country to whom the
facility is its asset.
Perimeter defense for the asset as part of defending national interests at
sea = the country to whom the facility is its asset.
Defense of the specific asset and its immediate vicinity = off shore facility
The company operating the facility and who is responsible for its defense will base the
defense concept on the perimeter defense strategy provided by the country.
Furthermore, the facility defense will incorporate and operate an inner perimeter
defense under the professional guidance generally provided by the national navy
and/or coast guard. In addition, the detection means utilized by the off-shore facility for
its defense are part of the general detection means of the country and assist in building
the complete Marine Awareness. In other words, the working interface has two tracks
and is based on ongoing cooperation among the various entities.
The defense concept of a vital installation is based on three circles (in addition to
the interface vis-à-vis the defense cover provided by the country):
The circle of detection and identification (Monitoring Zone) – green circle.
The circle of warning and send away (Warning Zone( – orange circle.
The stop circle (Exclusion Zone) – red circle.
The circles concept defines ranges and limits of approach to the off shore facility as a
function of the relevant threats derived from the defense capabilities installed on the
asset. Defense capabilities enable the operators to track approaching targets
potentially endangering the life of the people or the safety of the facility and designate
them as a threat, to warn and stop it first with non-lethal means and as a last recourse
with weapons.
In order to determine the defense concept, the country in whose area the strategic
facility is located has to determine specific procedures and to publicize the procedures
in a clear and open manner to every person (publications distributed to seamen in an
orderly manner like "notes to mariners"). These procedures must define the defense
concept, clarify what limitations exist when approaching the asset and what the
dangers are of such approach.
Implementation of the defense concept and the procedures for the asset and its vicinity
will be determined in accordance with the limitations distributed in the open
publications in order to avoid, as much as possible, any misunderstandings and misuse
of various means.
Managing the complete Marine Awareness (picture), under the specific responsibility of
the asset’s defenders, will be executed from the command and control (C&C) room
located on the rig. Within the C&C room, all detection, identification and
communication means needed for command and control of the movement of targets in
the proximity of the rig will be centralized.
The means necessary for detection and identification of marine targets and threats
are based mostly existing civilian products including:
The basis for building the marine defense is a command and control
system that merges the picture of the targets collected by all the sensors
into a clear and unified maritime picture. In addition to the command and
control system, an appropriate and customized communication system is
Radar for maritime target detection – civilian radar enabling detection and
tracking of marine targets ranging in size from a small fishing boat and
An Automatic Identification System (AIS) for identification of marine
vessels and maritime safety.
Underwater sonar system for the detection of divers – based on existing
civilian systems, used for seaports and rig detection.
Electro Optical Device (EOD) with detection, identification and tracking
capabilities ranging in size from small fishing boats and above. It can also
detect swimmers at various ranges – there are many systems for civilian
and military applications.
A lighting array along with night and day cameras (CCTV) for detection and
tracking of routine operations onboard the rig and against intruders in
emergency situations.
The means required for creating an effective warning and send away zone (in addition
to the means detailed in the previous circle):
"No–kill" means; non-lethal weapons – there are many systems in this area
for civilian uses, whose purpose is to force anyone approaching a strategic
facility stop and turn away. There are many available means such as: Long
Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) which is an announcement / warning
acoustic system, water spraying system, lighting and glare systems, tear
gas (various types), etc.
A small and fast manned or unmanned boat, enabling approach to a
vessel/swimmer/diver who breaks the approach limitations of the asset
and to warn the intruder from further approach. The boat will be located
on the rig as a first priority means and will be lowered from the rig in order
to stop the specific object.
The stop circle is the last in the chain of defense of the asset and its function is to stop
the intruders at any cost.
It is imperative for every participant dealing with intruders and preventing damage to
the asset or the authorized personnel, to completely understand the regulations and
procedures. Force is only to be used in the case there is an immediate and real threat to
the security of the protected rig and its personnel. This subject will receive special
attention when teaching and learning the procedures, drills and various trainings.
The means necessary for the stop circle (in addition to the means detailed in the
previous circles):
Above-water and underwater perimeter defense – a marine fence
anchored around the asset preventing the approach of marine vessels or
divers to the rig. There are fences of various configurations enabling
varying levels of defense (up to complete stoppage of a fast marine vessel
attempting to break in).
A manned / unmanned marine vessel – In addition to the capabilities
defined in the section dealing with warning and send away, a light weapon
firing capability from a marine vessel, standing up and seating, with or
without a tripod when the vessel is in slow motion or standing with
reasonable shaking of the vessel; by the operators of the vessel or
alternatively controlled firing from the remote control command post.
A remote control or manually operated weapon located on the rig – firing
means mounted on tripods on the rig of up to 30 millimeter caliber
remotely controlled by connection to electro optic device or manually
Prevention means for boarding of unauthorized persons – folding
ascension ladders, fences, etc.
Stopping of production operations in emergencies – Stopping the
production of the rig by one button in emergencies and turning off of all
lighting aboard the rig.
A 'last line' defense force located on board the rig capable by using light
weapons to repel any takeover attempts on the installation. The force is
comprised of trained operatives capable of fighting in a complex built
installation. The force is equipped in addition to light weapons, with
personal night vision devices.
An array of gates and fences on-board the rig including gates, retractable
ladders and fences preventing unwanted motion / invasion on board the
1. Threat, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (TVRA) and
Master Security Plan (MSP)
2. Turn-key security solutions
3. Training of local security forces who will be able to
work as an autonomous body
4. Red-Teaming services (penetration tests)
The TVRA is the first step that should be conducted. It can be performed by our experts
as a stand-alone service or as part of our full security services.
The purpose of conducting the TVRA is to identify the threats and vulnerabilities related
to the oil rig. Risks determined by these threats and vulnerabilities will be analyzed, and
countermeasures will be proposed. These findings and recommendations will be
integrated into a general security approach. A detailed Master Security Plan (MSP) will
be developed based on these findings.
To develop a Master Security Plan (MSP), the first step is to conduct an assessment of
the risks, threats, and vulnerabilities which the rig and security personnel are likely to
face, in order to have a complete understanding of the existing security situation. From
this evaluation, the security approach, plan, and design are developed and then
implemented and operated.
FourTroop's Threat, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment takes into consideration the
following main criteria:
The current threats of terrorism and the likelihood of such activities in the
vicinity of the rig.
The current crime level, as well as other security threats common to the
Existing conditions, such as maritime applications and equipment, staff,
command and control center, arms, etc.
The competence of the security team, the current command and control
facilities and personnel state of mind.
The existing technologies in use by the security team and their
effectiveness in helping counter the threats as analyzed in the TVRA.
The assessment will be conducted by FourTroop experts over the period of a few days
on the rig itself. Following the assessment, our experts will prepare a full Master
Security Plan which will include the following:
Recommendations with regards to security personnel (amount, training
Protocols and procedures that are necessary to be written and
implemented (routine, alert and emergency)
Technological means, arms and equipment that will assure the most
efficient security for the rig
Implementation plan that includes times for execution, recommended
vendors and estimated costs
FourTroop can provide full security services on an on-going annual basis, using Israeli
security agents. These agents are well trained and already have the know-how of
protecting oil rigs.
Our Human Resources
FourTroop special security operatives are Navy SEAL (“Shayetet 13”) veterans with years
of experience in maritime operations and maritime security. All of FourTroop´s
employees are IDF Anti-Terror Course graduates, with specific expertise in CounterMaritime Terror warfare, which includes maritime fighting tactics and unique maritime
and land weaponry.
Along with our employee’s elite maritime training, FourTroop maintains an ongoing
operational capability that is considered one of the best in the world.
Additionally, FourTroop’s Special Forces combat medics and paramedics are highly
experienced in advanced para-medical treatment, including vast experience in Tactical
Combat Casualty Care (TCCC).
FourTroop personnel also consist of other Commando units who support this array and
tactics: “Sayeret Matkal” and “Shaldag” (parallel units to American “Delta Force” and
British “SAS” respectively).
Our security personnel, together with our advanced equipment and protocols, are a
decisive answer to any threat posed by maritime terrorism or other criminal activity,
and a source of credible knowledge and expertise in the field of oil rig warfare tactics.
Our Team Leaders
Each security team, assembled according to specific security requirements, has a Team
Leader, who served as an Officer in the Navy SEALs.
These officers have commanded fighters in their units of origin in many operational
settings and have acquired hands-on experience in commanding under pressure and in
hostile environments.
In the event of any emergency, the FourTroop team, under the command of the team
leader, will resolve any complex situation that arises, in a decisive and appropriate
The Organic Team
We in FourTroop address oil rig security missions as an operational activity. The onboard security team, under the command of the team leader, will act as an organic
team, address any threat and will provide the most suitable answer to any assault,
whether it occurs within the outer or inner perimeters of the oil rig. The team is
committed to work in close cooperation and under the guidance of the oil rig manager.
Technological Means & Equipment
FourTroop is highly connected with elite technology manufacturers within the
international maritime security field. FourTroop will implement the most advanced and
innovative equipment in the security sphere for our clients. Defensive and offensive
technologies are both used within the boundaries of existing regulations found in
international maritime protocols.
The combination of the appropriate technology and the high professionalism of the
FourTroop security personnel will provide optimal defensive solutions to the rig.
Some of technological means and equipment FourTroop can offer:
Command and control center
AIS system
Sonar System
CCTV (day & night)
Communication means
Access control
Boats (Manned and un-manned)
Underwater perimeter protection
Diving equipment
Advanced arms (light and heavy/ lethal and un-lethal)
Long range thermal vision devices
Equipment for security personnel
Medical equipment and evacuation platform
FourTroop can provide full training services or to establish security teams that will be
able to work independently. Such training apparatus includes: selection of appropriate
personnel, reaching operational activity and preserving ability with on-going programs.
FourTroop provides the following training programs:
Counter Terrorism / Piracy / Crime
Shooting tactics (with various weapons)
Protection tactics
Krav Maga (hand to hand combat)
The use of non-lethal weapons
Basic Diving skills
Underwater warfare
Underwater sweep
Handling of suspicious objects
Boat Handling
Securing the facility while using boats
Handling fast boats
Shooting from boats
Tactical Medicine
Combat medicine
Providing critical care to employees
Evacuation techniques
Sniping / Sharpshooting
The use of accurate weapons
Team Shooting
Shooting dynamic objects
Commanding Drills
Self confidence drills
Practical simulation drills
Practicing procedures
Command & Control Operators
Operating a control center
Analyzing visual images
Radio communication and creating of common language for inner and
outer security forces
About Our Instructors
FourTroop instructors for maritime applications are Navy SEAL instructors who share
vast knowledge within the above mentioned fields. They are up-to-date with latest
doctrines and procedures and maintain operational ability. They provide the trainees
with personal instruction while employing the highest standards.
Security Management
With the completion of the training and the establishment of a homogenous security
team, FourTroop will provide security officers which will lead the teams.
Our security officers are will prepare the teams to act effectively and decisively in
routine and emergency situations by drilling facility procedures and simulating realistic
The FourTroop Red-Teaming methodology is a continuous and systematic process of
identifying, assessing, and controlling threats and associated security risks related to
activities. The base methodology is broad, and is individually tailored to each rig's
The "Inside-out/Outside-in" concept enables FourTroop to view the security installation
from within—the facility’s perspective—and, even more importantly, from the
attacker’s outside viewpoint. The FourTroop Red-Teaming method conducts
sophisticated penetration tests using the internal and external knowledge, a keen
understanding of the perpetrators modus operandi, as well as experience being the
attacker. Together, these methodologies enable FourTroop to develop an optimal
solution against real, relevant security threats and risks.
The findings of the penetration tests will be presented to the client and will consist of
the following:
The systematic identification of new, specific and generic threats and the
risk assessment of those threats
The systematic identification of security loopholes and bottlenecks as well
as countermeasures
The report will include the needed adaptation for the security policy
(countermeasures) which ensures that measures are effective, efficient
and in proportion to the risk.
With years of experience in the Special Operations Forces (SOF) environment, our
penetration test team composed of former Navy SEAL operatives & Israeli Security
Agency (ISA) officers, will offer a decisive answer to potential threats posed by
criminals, pirates or terrorists.